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Assessment Rubric for Statistics Mini Project

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Unsatisfactory

Understanding of the Demonstrate excellent Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate limited Fail to demonstrate
research elements (10%) – understanding of considerate understanding of understanding of understanding of
problem statement, research elements understanding of research elements research elements research elements
methodology, analysis, research elements
results, discussion and
defendable conclusion 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Knowledge and Shows excellent ability Shows considerable Shows some ability Shows limited ability to Shows unsatisfactory
understanding of statistical to perform statistical ability to perform to perform statistical perform statistical ability to perform
analysis (15%) – calculations statistical calculations calculations calculations statistical calculations
assumptions, at least one
(1) descriptive statistics,
two (2) inferential statistics 15-13 12-10 9-7 6-40 3-0
Communications skills (10%) Report organization is Report organization Report organization Report organization Report organization
– clear structure clear, creative and shows considerable shows some clarity, shows limited clarity, shows little clarity,
precisely focused clarity, creativity and creativity and focus creativity and focus creativity and focus
10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Peer assessment (5%) Significant Considerate Average Average participation Fail to participate and
participation and participation and participation and and contribution to the contribute to the team
contribution to the contribution to the contribution to the team
team team team

Demonstrate excellent Demonstrate Demonstrate some Demonstrate limited Demonstrate poor

leadership considerate leadership leadership leadership leadership
5 4 3 2 1-0

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