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General Instructions

 all font in black need not to be changed, just copy them as

 all font or line in red must be change to what is required of
your group
 all font in blue are the instructions to guide you in completing
the report
 follow the font size and style, just edit around the red lines
and text then convert the color in black afterwards
 delete the blue text after you are done with the report
 the paper is in A4
 the border lines are already included so no need to worry
 when you write your names arrange them in alphabetical
order starting with your surnames
 attach the scoring rubric in a separate page
 Do not print this page
Holy Angel University
Angeles City, Pampanga


[Group Name]

Group Members

[Member 1]

[Member 1]

[Member 1]

[Member 1]

[Member 1]

[Date Performed]

[Date Submitted]
[Describe the activity in 200-300 words]

The activity is quite enjoying because even though it is just a basic

walking, we learned that we can estimate distance without using any
instruments. However this is only an estimate so the actual measurement is still
unknown but based on what we have learned, we have different pace
factor or what we called walking distance. To get it more accurately we are
task to walk in a 50 meter to calculate our pace factor and get its mean, we
are also required to analyze our data using a table and check its accuracy in
the another table in which we are the ones to set the distance. I also learned
that there are two basic difference of a laid off and measure. When you say
laid off you are given a distance at a certain point and you are required to
determine the other point and when you say measure you are given the two
points of places and you are required to measure the distance. I appreciate
this kind of activity more rather than imagining it in a problem solving
activities. The combination of time in the FUNSURV AND FUNSURV LAB is plenty
enough to analyze and also to experience what we are studying.

[Indicate the instruments and describe how they are used. If an instrument
was not used, write "not used"]

[Instrument 1] - [Brief description with 2 sentences at most]

[Instrument 2] - [Brief description with 2 sentences at most]

[Instrument 3] - [Brief description with 2 sentences at most]

[Instrument 4] - [If the instrument is not used, write "not used"]

[Introductory paragraph in 100 words]


The following procedures are:

[List of procedures in order]

1. [Procedure 1]
2. [Procedure 2]
3. [Procedure 3]
4. [Procedure 4]
5. [Procedure 5]
6. [Procedure n]


[Indicate the procedure and insert the documented procedure and insert a
picture that describes the procedure]

1. [Procedure 1]
[Documentation of procedure 1]
2. [Procedure 2]
[Documentation of procedure 2]
3. [Procedure 3]
[Documentation of procedure 3]

Importance of Activity

[Write why the activity is needed to be performed in relation to civil

engineering in 100-200 word]


[What were the things you came to realize or noticed while performing the
activity in 100-200 words]


[After finishing the activity, what were you able to conclude in 100-200 words]
[Show typewritten computations, if any]

Graphs/Diagram/Plot [if required]

[If the instruction specifically said to show the graphs/daigram/plot, put it here]

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