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Name: Maria Gamez

Service-Learning- Post Reflection

My service-learning experience was amazing, but to be completely transparent… I

believe that I did not take advantage of the opportunities that were presented to me. The first day

of my service learning, my mentor had asked me what I wanted to do. Not entirely sure of my

purpose there, I had told her that I think that I was there to observe, or maybe grade some papers.

I think from this day on my purpose was tainted. I asked some of my classmates for their

experiences in their service learning, they had told me that they were reading and teaching.

Making me feel like I was doing it all wrong. I didn’t want to compare myself, I overall was

having a good time in my designated classroom. I liked interacting with the children, they were

interesting. I also liked grading papers, and seeing how they problem solved. I just wish my

service would have been put to use during my time.

The teacher has a class currency. I know a lot of teachers uses this method. But

something unique that I had noticed that she does is that when a child interrupts or is

disrespectful to one of their classmates they have to pay them. The kids are rewarded if they sat

quietly. Or helping around the classroom. Also if they show what the school calls “character.”

The money can also be taken away at any moment. If a child doesn’t have anything they start to

owe. I plan to use classroom currency. It’s a good way to encourage good behavior, but I also

think they will learn something about economics. A strategy used by my mentor is the use of

multiple intelligences incorporated into her lesson plans. During social studies, they sang a song

about Arizona, to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”. The kids knew the tune, so it was easy for

them to follow, and they were excited. I also would see the use of bodily movement. With the
lesson of bones, and the kids copied the position of other animal’s bones. I also plan to use this

method, in order to make sure that all kids feel like they’re learning in their way.

The first question asked what were the fears I had regarding service learning. I answered

that I was mostly scared, overwhelmed and nervous. And yes, I remember that feeling of the

unknown. Even emailing the teacher gave my high anxiety. Getting there, I realized that the

school was huge, and the kids were just roaming around. The front office staff were very

friendly, easing me a bit. I met my mentor, she had warned me that her group this year were a

little ruly, but not to be nervous. When the children meet me, they just stared. I felt

uncomfortable, I didn’t know these kids. Being there the first day I was sent outside with two

boys, in their own island. Talking to theses boys I just realized they were the sweetest things.

They just wanted to talk, and I had to constantly remind them we were reading. After that I was

very excited, because they were opening themselves to me. After this interaction I was no longer

scared and I was looking forward to other experiences. The kids started to acknowledge me, and

asked me questions.

One of the things I had noted that I wanted to learn was the way teachers interact with

each other. One thing my mentor let me know is that most teachers, especially the older teachers

don’t like sharing their materials or lessons. Which completely shattered my perception of

teachers. She explained to my that she was lucky that she was able to team up with her neighbor

teacher, and that she actually wanted to do teamwork. I thought this insight was very interesting,

and I hope that if I need help a coworker is willing to help me out.

Everyday was not the same, and I want to see different scenarios in a day. One of them

was a student acting out, because she had lost her jacket. She started to cry and whine. The

teacher had to resolve this, because she was making a scene. The teacher tried to handle this

situation calmed as possible. She tried to tell her she could look for it after, but this didn’t settle

well with the student as she started to roll on the floor. The teacher then had one of the students

go look for it at the lost and found bin. Where they retrieved it. And the student finally calmed

down. There were other scenarios, and the teacher always took out the students and had them

understand what they were doing was not correct. They then come up with a plan of action so it

wouldn’t occur again.

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