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Rubillos, Axl Rose Project Management

BA601 March 20, 2022


Read the items carefully. Provide a short answer to the following items.

1. In your own words, briefly define the following, and describe how these trends change
technology project management.


Globalization is how the countries and goods are interconnected. Globalization is the easy
movement of people and businesses between countries. It's mostly an economic term, the
connectivity of markets, commerce, and investment with few restrictions to hinder the flow of
goods and services across countries. As ideas and traditions are exchanged and absorbed, there
is also a cultural aspect. Globalization is like encouraging everyone in different nations to
cooperate with each other like never before. Globalization change technology project
management. With a large expansion in the number of organizations and their memberships
worldwide, the globalization of the project management profession has been remarkable in
recent years, with the resulting positive impact on the world's economies, industries, and


Outsourcing is the process of including a third party to execute services or generate

commodities that would otherwise be conducted in-house by the company's own employees.
Outsourcing is an expense strategy used by businesses to reduce costs. Outsourcing is a
contract in which one company contracts another firm to help a planned or ongoing task and it
may involve the movement of workers and assets from one organization to another. By
outsourcing them, you can pay a project manager a set fee to execute the project while keeping
your current employees free to work on internal projects. You can end up hiring a true talent if
you outsource the project management of a project.

Agile project management is a method to software development that ensures that input is
rapidly acted on and that changes are made in a timely manner at each stage of a cycle. This
enables project teams to use agile project management approaches to complete tasks fast and
effectively while staying within a project's schedule and budget. Agile procedures take
advantage of change to help customers gain a competitive advantage. Deliver projects on a
regular basis, ranging from a few weeks to a few months, with a preference for the shorter
timeframe. Members of the coordinating team must collaborate on a daily basis throughout the
project, and projects should be built around committed individuals.

2. Research the trend of using virtual teams. Review the information on team role theory

Working in virtual teams has both practical and intangible benefits, according to experts at the
Workplace Institute. Benefits include less workplace stress, greater work-life balance and saved
time for travel, they say. They also benefit from improved home and family organization as well
as increased productivity. Individuals and teams can communicate and collaborate more
effectively with the language provided by Belbin Team Role reports. Belbin Team Role is a
useful tool for individuals, teams, and organizations to collaborate more successfully in order to
achieve business goals.

I've been assigned as a leader in a group activity at school. Throughout that time, I've picked up
a few things that I'd like to convey as a leader in this particular school. When I was in charge
there, I realized that everyone on the team was glad to have me as a leader. My position was
clear to me, which made my work easier because it was based on trust and collaboration. In
addition, I discovered that I was capable of properly carrying out my duties. I felt good because
I knew I was appreciated by others, and it made me pleased to know other they believed in me.
Serving as a school leader was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that enhanced my profile and
personality in various ways. Everyone was happy with my leadership which makes me feel
Virtual teams are still made up of individuals who share many of the same traits and dynamics
as traditional teams. Knowledge and awareness of the key principles are required for efficient
virtual team management. Transactive memory systems and preparation activities are
necessary for new team configurations to be effective. Not only does the medium hinder the
team's ability to coordinate information in virtual teams, but it also takes a long time to figure
out how to finish the tasks. Furthermore, because virtual team meetings take place over the
internet, members are physically separated from one another and so require longer to
coordinate than face-to-face team meetings.

3. Explain the four frames of organizations. How can they help project managers
understand the organizational context for their projects?


The structural frame focuses on the organization's layout. Goals, structure, technology,
responsibilities, and relationships are all part of this. The structural frame is concerned with the
organization's structure as portrayed in organizational charts. This framework assists project
managers in determining the structure and to whom issues should be addressed.


The human resource frame is centered on people's needs. Human resource leaders appreciate
people's thoughts and connections and believe that the organization must address basic human
needs by assistance and development. This framework seeks to strike a balance between the
organization's and employees' needs. This should assist project management in determining
available resources and the level of stress a project will put on people.


The Political Frame represents an organization that competes for limited resources and time
inside its group. It is made up of a wide group of people who have a variety of competing
opinions, interests, and perspectives on the group and its current state. The political frame is
concerned with the organizational and personal politics of the project's various participants.
Understanding this framing provides insight into how to navigate a political and power battles
within an organization.


People's desires for a sense of purpose and meaning in their work are addressed by the
Symbolic Frame. It focuses on motivating people by emphasizing the significance and
uniqueness of the organization's direction. It entails establishing a vision statement and
rewarding outstanding achievement with company celebrations. This framework assists project
managers in comprehending various viewpoints and being sensitive to other cultures, including
organizational and social cultures.

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