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Elliot Carter

Tell me Where is Fancy Bred

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco:

Vogelweide (ein Lieder-Cyklus) op. 186 for Baritone and Guitar.

"Arise" from Shakespeare Songs, Book VI, no. 2, Op. 24/5 (1965), arranged for voice and guitar

"Seals of Love" from Shakespeare Songs, Second Series, Book I, No. 2, Op. 24/6 (1965), arranged
for voice and guitar

La Ermita di San Simon, Op. 75/2 (1934), arranged for voice and guitar (1962)

Romances Viejos, II series, No. 2", Op. 75/3 (1935), arranged for voice and guitar (1962)

The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra (1055-1135): a cycle of songs for voice and guitar, Op. 207 (1966)

Ballata dall'Esilio. Text by Guido Cavalcanti (1300) (1956) for voice and guitar

Joaquín Rodrigo:

Coplas del Pastor Enamorado (1935)

Tres Canciones Espanolas (1951)

Tres Villancicos (1952)

Romance de Durante (1955)

Folías Canarias (1958)

Aranjuez, ma pensée (1988)

Anonymous In Love (W. Walton)

Songs From The Chinese (B. Britten),

Songs For Achilles (Michael Tripett)

Six Folksongs Arrangements (B. Britten)

Four French Folksongs (Matyas Seiber)

Três Trovas (Marlos Nobre

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