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DIETETIC MANAGEMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS: A more controversial, as results vary6-9.

Variations arose from

TRIAL OF LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIET IN TYPE 2 DIABETIC multiple factors; genetics and non-genetics.
RATS As an Outbred population, homogenization of human
Herry Herman1, 2, Endri Septiadi3, Dinar Mutiara3, Maria Theresia1, Shellita
melanie Astuti setiawan1,4, Regina Chintya Fani1, Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati5
trial subjects’ genetic background, for the study of
pathogenesis and intervention of type II DM, proved hard to do
and full of limitations. Rats as an inbred population, is in unison
Magister Program in Basic Medical Science
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine
in their genetics background, that transplantation among
Universitas Padjadjaran individuals was readily tolerated without any rejection. Non-
genetics factors too, are troublesome to control in human trial
Department of Medical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal
Achmad Yani
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pasundan subjects, among them are the non-genetic predisposition,
Division of Nutrition, Department of Basic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine nutritional state prior and during the development of diabetes,
Universitas Padjadjaran
duration of diabetes, and history of intervention1, 10, 11. Hence,
rat offer an attractive alternative as trial subjects.
In Human, multiple mechanisms have been
associated with the advent of DM11-18, attributing the
ABSTRACT contribution of specific mechanism toward DM pathogenesis is
A conventional dietetic Management of type 2 always plagued with clause. In mice, a single mechanism may
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is prescribed by the Indonesian be used on all trial subjects, and any ensuing differences may
endocrine association (Perkeni) as the consensus for non- be singled out to the intervention used to generate the
pharmacological management of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in differences.
Indonesia. This diet comprises of 40-65% calorie contribution Both the uniform genetic background and the ability
from carbohydrate. In this study we seek to determine in rat to use one common inducing mechanism, offer an ideal
model of type II diabetes mellitus, if an alternative lower combination for the study of DM.
carbohydrate diet, where the contribution of calorie from Type II DM is characterize by insulin resistance,
carbohydrate is below 25%, may result in a better control of where increased level of blood insulin is needed to maintain an
fasting blood sugar level, insulin level, and weight gain acceptable, yet elevated, blood glucose level. Multiple
Following positive induction of type II DM utilizing a mechanisms exist those were associated with the advent of
combination of high fat diet and streptozotocin, but prior to type II Diabetes, not a single one deemed unique to type II
dietetic intervention, fasting blood glucose level and body DM1, 10-13, 16-18. One of the mechanism available to mimic the
weight were uniformly increased among test rats. Insulin level increased level of insulin and blood glucose in rat and mice,
is uniformly increased too, confirming the induction of type II was the streptozotocin induction of DM19, where both type I and
DM. Succeeding the dietetic intervention, to compare the effect type II DM may ensues, depending on the adjunct method used
of conventional diet, low carbohydrate diet, and control lab in combination. The making of type II DM requires the salvage
chow diet, significant differences were found in the variances of of beta islets by high fat diet with streptozotocin induction19, 20,
body weight (p<0.01), fasting blood glucose level (p <0.01) and otherwise type I DM shall ensue. Streptozotocin is a well know
blood insulin level (p <0.05). Post Hoc Duncan analysis with t- antibiotics toxic to glut2 utilizing organs, including pancreas,
test, identified significant differences in body weight (p<0.01), and used for the control of metastatic beta islet carcinoma 19.
fasting blood glucose level (p<0.01) and blood insulin level Limitation of blood volume in mice limits the number
(p<0.01) only between low carbohydrate diet group with the of diagnostic test that may be investigate, experimentation in
other two groups. rats offer ample blood samples for multiple assays, and also
We concluded that low carbohydrate dietetic longer life span. We established a protocol to induced type II
intervention in our T2DM rat model is sufficient for the control of DM in rats, with the used of customized high fat diet, and
fasting blood glucose level, body weight gain, and blood insulin streptozotocin induction. Rats with consistent elevation of blood
level. glucose level above 140 mg/dl upon 3 separate tests, were
classify as t2DM, and used in the experiments1, 19-22.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus type II, dietetic control of The consensus of the Indonesian endocrine
Diabetes, type II diabetic rat model association on the dietetic management of type II DM was a
diet comprising of 40-65% calorie originating from
INTRODUCTION carbohydrate, less than 30 % from fat, and 10-20% from
protein (Soelistijo et al. 2015). A low carbohydrate diet is a diet
Different from type I Diabetes, Type II diabetes is
with less than 25% calorie contribution from carbohydrate7, 23,
amenable to non-insulin managements. This includes diet and 24. We reason that with low carbohydrate content, the resulting
exercise; that were able to reverse impaired glucose tolerance1-
5. The use of diet and exercise in established type II DM is blood glucose will also be low, hence requires less insulin to
maintain normal blood glucose level2, 25. To test this idea, we
compare the result of 8-weeks dietetic intervention in t2DM significance of statistics p-value between groups were added to
rats, between low carbohydrate diet, conventional diet (ala clarify differences.
Perkeni), and a control regular lab chow diet.
Fasting Blood Glucose Level
Induction of type II Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model
30 male26 wistar rat with average age of 11 weeks
(70-90 days) with average body weight of 197 gr (150-300 gr)
and fasting blood glucose level of 97.5 gr/dl (70-110 gr/dl) were
given 1 month high fat diet (53% fat, 25% Carbohydrate, 22%
protein) followed by a single dose intra peritoneal injection of
40 mg/kg body weight Streptozotocin (MP-Bio, USA) according
to Reed et al19, 21, 22 Rat with fasting blood Glucose more than
140 gr/DL upon 3 separate times of measurements is taken as
t2DM1, 19-22.
Figure 1. Fasting Blood Glucose Level in pre intervention
Diet Intervention and post intervention Diabetic Rat groups as compared to
pre-induction Non Diabetic group
Two types of diet were prepared for the experiments;
ns: non significant **: p<0.01 convention: Conventional Diet
a Conventional Diet, which was composed of 42%
Group, Low Carb : Low Carbohydrate Diet Group
carbohydrate, and 16% fat, in accordance to Perkeni
consensus, and a Low Carbohydrate diet, which is composed After streptozotocin induction of type II diabetes
of 60% fat and 24% carbohydrate. Dry analysis of the diet used mellitus fasting blood glucose level were uniformly increased
were conducted to validate the composition of carbohydrate, fat among all test rats. From average of 97.55 mg/dL in the pre-
and protein. induction state to 310-335 mg/DL post induction. The increase
of fasting blood glucose level and the increase insulin level
Duration of Intervention (see below), is consistent with type II DM instead of type I DM
Intervention were conducted for 8 weeks, each where insulin level is low.
animal was maintained in its own cage, and were given 40 gr of Following 8 weeks of nutritional intervention,
food pellet daily, the remains of food were collected and significant differences between groups in fasting blood glucose
replace with new pellet daily. No significant variation of level was identified by analysis of variance (p anova <0.01).
remaining food observed. Further analysis wit Post hoc Duncan t-test identified a
significant difference only between low carbohydrate diet group
Blood withdrawal and blood examination with the other two groups (p<0.01), meanwhile conventional
Blood was withdrawn with capillary method from the diet group and lab chow diet, did not differ.
tail of the rat. Validation of the induction of diabetes was by Table 1. Pre and Post Intervention Fasting Blood
fasting blood glucose level, upon 3 separate times exam Glucose level variance analysis by One- way Anova
utilizing glucometer from easytouch®. Blood insulin level was
measured with ELISA kit (Bioassay Technology, Shanghai,
China). Single calibrated scale was used to measure body
Ethical Clearance
Ethical clearance was obtained from the Internal
Review Board of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran.
Table 2. Post Hoc Duncan t-test Analysis between
post intervention groups
Statistical Analysis
Analysis tool pack for Microsoft office 2013 ANOVA
test were used to analyzed variance differences among the 3
groups; low carbohydrate diet, convention diet and control lab
chow diet, , and. Significant anova analysis, were continued
with, post hoc Duncan t-test among groups, assuming equal or Our hypothesis that the low carbohydrate content in
unequal variance based on inter-group anova statistics. Means the low carbohydrate diet associate with lower level of fasting
were represented as histogram with 1 standard errors, blood glucose, seemed justified.
Of note here, the mean fasting blood sugar level of
125.5 mg/dL in the low carbohydrate group, was 50% or more
than that of the pre intervention level of 310.50 mg/dL. Upon
comparison with the fasting blood glucose level in the pre
induction state in non-diabetic mice (average 97.55 mg/dL), the
level in post intervention low carbohydrate group, though, was T2DM Rats treated with Low Carb Diet has
still statistically higher (p<0.01), the level was lower than 140 significantly lower body weight compared to Rats from the
mg/dL threshold we used to classify as diabetic in the first conventional diet group (p<0.01), and importantly, reverses the
place. gain of weight following T2DM induction (p>0.05). On the other
We share the same reduction in blood glucose level, hand, Post nutritional intervention mean body weight of Rats
seen by Part et al in rats27, and Yancy et. al in human28 upon belonging to the conventional diets group, did not differ from
ketogenic/low carbohydrate intervention. that of the control group (p>0.05).
Dietary composition of conventional diet, consensus We share the same reduction in body weight as seen
of Perkeni, was inadequate in lowering fasting blood glucose in rat by Park et. al.27 , or in mice by Srivastava et. al.29 , or in
level in T2DM rat model. It seems the carbohydrate content is human by Yancy et. al.28 . With low Carbohydrate content,
still too high for desirable fasting blood glucose level control. and high fat content, metabolism is switch to utilizing ketone
bodies as source of energy. One of this ketone bodies, the beta
Body Weight hydroxybutirate was a known appetite suppressor. We also
proposed the reduction in reassembly of triglycerides due to
low production of glycerol from low glucose level30. Circulating
free fatty acid, will not be deposited to fat tissue, and remain in
circulation as ready to use fuel. Srivastava et. al.29 proposed a
stimulation of sympathetic nerve activity resulting in further
lipolysis by the increase of c-amp byproduct during ketogenic
or low carbohydrate diet. Further, C-amp rise increases AMP
kinase activity, which suppressed the activity of lypogenic gene
SREBP131 .
Figure 2. Average Body Weight in pre intervention and Blood Insulin Level
post intervention Diabetic Rat groups as compared to pre-
induction Non Diabetic group.
ns: non significant **: p<0.01 convention: Conventional Diet
Group, Low Carb : Low Carbohydrate Diet Group
With the induction of type 2 diabetes, body weight
increased uniformly in all test rats, from average of 196.65 gr.
to 286-299 gr, without significant variance differences among
assigned group (p=0.82). Following 8 weeks of diet
intervention, a significant variance difference of body weight
was identified (p anova <0.01). Post-hoc Duncan t-test analysis
between group, only identify significant differences, between Figure 3. Blood insulin level in pre intervention and post
the low carbohydrate diet group with the control (p<0.01) and intervention Diabetic Rat groups.
with the conventional diet group (p<0.01). ns: non significant **: p<0.01 convention: Conventional Diet
Group, Low Carb : Low Carbohydrate Diet Group
Table 3. Pre and Post Intervention Body Weight Before nutritional intervention, the induction of
variance analysis by One- way Anova diabetes, resulted in blood insulin level of 3.66 to 3.9 mCU/mL
that did not vary between group (p=0.97). Following 8 weeks of
dietary intervention, significant variance difference was
identified (p anova <0.05). Post hoc Duncan t-test analysis
identified means differences only between the low
carbohydrate diet with the control group (p<0.05) with the
conventional diet (p<0.05)
Table 4. Post Hoc Duncan t-test Analysis between Table 5. Pre and Post Intervention Blood Insulin
post intervention groups level variance analysis by One- way Anova
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