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Ora de dirigentie

D-gray Man

Capitolul I
Allen Walker is a very kind and generous person. He is nice, caring, and well-mannered, always
polite. He is quite close to his friends, namely Lenalee Lee and Lavi. Always thinking of the lives of
others before himself, he often puts himself in harm's way for other people's sakes. After his family
had abandoned him because of his strange left arm, he lived at a circus where he peformed odd jobs
for money. Because of his experience with Mana as well as being cursed from turning Mana into an
Akuma, Allen considers Akuma to be extremely important to him. He wishes to soothe the suffering
of the Akuma's human soul by freeing it with his Innocence. He always remembers his promise to
Mana, to always continue to walk, to move forward.

Allen is seen as a true gentleman throughout his ventures, but he hides the most strife and anger seen
through any of the characters in the series. When observing Allen's ventures, he has caused the death
and prolonged passing of his adoptive father, Mana Walker, has lost his master, with whom he
shared a deep relationship with, was abandoned at birth due to his deformed left arm, and has failed
to protect the various characters in the series that he has formed deep bonds with, such as Tapp,
whom he felt responsible for his death at the hands of the Level Four Akuma attack. Allen has lost
those he has truly formed deep bonds with, has pushed himself into an emotional corner with self-
blame, and feels like an outcast from the very humans he protects. Even with all of these negative
situations constantly being pushed into his face, he continues to use the Innocence that has so
drastically ruined his life to protect the worlds from the Noah and the Akuma.

Allen was abandoned by his biological parents because of the supposed "deformity" of his left arm
(which was later revealed to be caused by his Innocence). He was eventually found and adopted by a
traveling performer named Mana Walker on Christmas Day. Some time later Mana died, and Allen,
tormented with grief and manipulated by the Millennium Earl, turned Mana into an Akuma, hoping
that his beloved surrogate father would be fully resurrected. But the Mana Akuma cursed Allen and
sliced through his left eye, leaving the "Pentacle" -- the mark of the Akuma -- which scars the left
side of his face. This enabled his left eye to see the souls trapped within the Akuma from then on. It
was at this same moment that Allen's left arm first invoked as an Anti-Akuma weapon, which
instinctively destroyed the Mana Akuma. During the course of this traumatic event, Allen's hair
turned from brown into a stark white.

Allen eventually meets Cross Marian, a General of the Black Order, who explained to Allen the
ways of the Akuma and the trapped souls within them: once a soul is brought back inside an Akuma,
they are trapped forever; the only way to save one is to exorcise them from their Akuma vessel.
Allen subsequently became Cross' disciple and spent the next three years with him before being sent
to the Black Order to become an official Exorcist. During this time, Allen was tormented by his
master's constant irresponsible behavior and forced into various odd jobs to pay off the debts that
General Cross accumulated.

Capitolul II
This, coupled with Cross' womanizing ways and harsh treatment towards Allen, led to Walker
fearing more than respecting his master whom he never speaks fondly of. In fact, when Jasdevi
claims that Cross is like a demon, Allen denies this and instead insists that Cross is a real demon. In
addition, when Jasdevi reveal that the debts Cross left them total about 2 million yen, Allen grows
demon horns, laughs at them, and calls their debts small change in comparison to his own, leaving
Lavi to wonder just how much money Allen's been made to pay.

In addition to being physically fit and skilled at combat (as evident by his ability to fight and dodge
Fou without the use of his Innocence), Allen has a few odd talents and skills. Because of the many
debts Allen was forced into paying by Cross, he learned to play cards and gamble at a very young
age, though in the anime his initial purpose was to practice his paralyzed and deformed left hand. He
also learned how to cheat and win through deception and doesn't hesitate to use these tactics
whenever necessary. In fact, he is quite proud of his talents. This is a stark contrast to his polite and
courteous nature and often surprises his friends, who wouldn't expect such a dark side to Allen, and
has caused them to wonder just what Cross has done to him. Walker also possesses circus abilities
such as juggling and acrobatics, which he learned from traveling with Mana who was himself a
circus clown by trade. Inspector Levrier and Cross have both referred to a "player" (as in one who
plays a musical instrument), and Cross has hinted that there may be more than one.

Allen first appears in London and as soon as he arrives, a cat eats Timcampy. Chasing it, he arrives
at a "haunted" church and saves a police woman, named Moa from an Akuma. He is soon suspected
for her partner's death. However, as the investigation continued, Allen discovered that Moa's
brother-in-law was the Akuma. After a brief fight, Allen kills the Akuma and leaves to the Exorcist

When Allen arrived at the order, the Gatekeeper mistook him for an Akuma because of the Pentacle
mark on his eye and Kanda is dispatched to kill him. This miscommunication is straightened out
after his letter of recommendation from General Cross was finally found on Komui Lee's cluttered
desk. Upon his arrival, he met with Hevlaska and was predicted to be the "Destroyer of Time". The
meaning of this is never really explained, but Bookman theorizes that "time" referred specifically to
the "millennium" or even more specifically, the Millennium Earl. In essence, it is believed that this
prophecy means Allen will be the one to someday destroy the Millennium Earl.

Lenalee Lee takes this opportunity to show Allen around as Allen meets many of the Order's
members. He quickly became friends with the chef, Jerry, due to his huge appetite, and the Finders,
because he stood up for them against Kanda.

Ghost of Martel arc Edit

Komui gives Allen his first assignment: find an Innocence in the town of Martel. He is partnered
with Kanda and a Finder named Toma. As they arrive, they find the Finders stationed there have
been killed by three Akuma. Allen and Kanda quickly dispatch two of them; however, the last one
evolves into a Level 2 Akuma. Allen gets beat up by the Akuma's ability to copy anything. The
Akuma soon throws him into a building which knocks him out.

Later, Allen arrives just in time to stop Kanda from killing Toma. Later, he escapes with the others
and finds the Ghost of Martel, initially thought to be an old man by the name of Guzol, with Lala
(actually the Ghost). As he hears her plea to stay alive long enough to be with her dying friend
Guzol, Allen agrees to wait for her friend to die before taking her heart. Kanda disagrees with such a
"foolish" act. It is eventually revealed that Lala is a doll with an Innocence inside her that allows her
to be "alive". As the Level 2 Akuma arrives, it takes Lala's Innocence heart and Guzol is gravely
wounded. Allen becomes so enraged that he activates his Anti-Akuma arm into its evolved form,
which becomes a cannon. With Kanda's help, the two kill the Level 2 Akuma. Allen then returns the
heart to Lala and allows her to fulfill her promise to her friend before he dies. With this, Allen is
allowed to take the Innocence back to HQ.

As Allen and Toma head back to HQ, Allen runs into the son of one of the Order scientists, John,
who wants to kill Akuma. Allen and Toma try desperately to convince John to stop hunting Akuma
to no avail. Allen then tries to get John's father Jake Russell to convince him, but he found that Jake
was more interested in work than his family. Allen then gets a bad feeling and he goes back to John
just as Lenalee is about to throw a Welcome Party for Allen. Allen finds that the Earl had turned
John's friend Leo into an Akuma and as the two exchange ideals, the Earl remembers Allen was
someone he had made an Akuma for as he summons several Akuma to take him out.

Not to be outdone, Allen and Lenalee attack the Earl and the several Akuma he summoned in a huge
battle. Allen defeats them all but the Earl escapes and curses how he didn't kill Allen when he was
younger. Afterwards, he goes back to HQ and gets attacked by Komui's newest robot, only to in the
end be saved by Lenalee. Later, Lenalee takes Allen to his Welcome Party.

Rewinding Town arc Edit

Allen and Lenalee are dispatched to a town in Germany that has been stuck on "October 28" for
thirty days. Allen manages to save Miranda Lotto from an Akuma and soon the three meet three
more Level 2 Akuma who leave under mysterious orders. Soon, Allen and Lenalee figure out that
Miranda's clock holds an Innocence and that Miranda is the clock's accommodator.

Allen getting beaten by Road.

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After they've tried to help Miranda, Road Kamelot captures them and explains to Allen about the
The Noah Family and their connection to the Millennium Earl. His injuries are temporarily healed by
Miranda, who activates her Innocence. Allen and Lenalee then work together to defeat Road and her
Akuma, but Road forces an Akuma to self-destruct, causing the trapped soul to be destroyed.
Horrified, Allen tries to save the soul by killing the Akuma before it detonates but Lenalee stopped
him from the possible death, forcing Allen to witness the soul's destruction. Enraged, he shouts as he
asks why she stopped him, which leads her to slap him and exclaim that she is his friend so she
couldn't watch him die. Road gets bored and is about to leave when Allen tries to kill her in angry
anguish. In the end, he cannot do it. Allen and Lenalee then convince a distraught Miranda to stop
her activation and let them regain their wounds.

While healing, Allen meets Lavi and the two become fast friends as he learns from Lavi how to live
as an Exorcist without his pentacle, and is also reminded of the significance of the Exorcist's coat as
once told to him by his master.
The Vampire from the Old Castle arc Edit

Allen joins Lenalee, Lavi, and Bookman to find General Cross, much to his dismay. Allen was soon
separated from the group as he publicly apologized to Lenalee about the exploding Akuma incident.
Villagers, believing him to be a priest, kidnapped him to help them with a "vampire" problem. Lavi
soon appeared with the others and went to help him as Lenalee warned Allen not to get bit by the
vampire. He becomes shocked as he finds the vampire Baron Arystar Krory III. As Allen gets bit by
him, Lavi keeps a stake and some garlic with him while chanting that Lenalee will never speak to
him again.

Krory biting Allen.

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As they enter the castle and run into Krory's man-
eating flowers, Lavi spots Eliade and he instantly
becomes smitten with her. Allen stopped him from
trying to become her "lover" and the two fought
Krory again. Before the fight however, Allen and
Lavi discovered Krory has been killing Akuma
instead of people. Allen battled Eliade as Lavi tried
to convince Krory to join their side. As he fought
her, Allen was knocked out and as he was about to
be killed, Allen's pentacle evolved and saved him.
Allen then figured out that Eliade was an Akuma.
Krory was uninterested in joining them and after
seeing Allen try to hurt Eliade, he threw both him
and Lavi into the man-eating flowers. Realizing they
only eat people with negative attitudes from Lavi,
Allen helped proclaim feelings of love to the
flowers like him so they could escape.

Allen's left eye came back

Added by DSM144
Finally freed, Allen converted Krory to the Black Order so he could have friends. He watched
alongside Lavi as Krory burned down his castle to find a new life with his first friends. Sometime
after traveling with them, Allen learns about Lenalee's recurring nightmare about the end of the
world and him. After hearing this, Allen comforted her and promised to protect her and that he
wouldn't die. On the train, Allen found that Krory lost everything he had in a poker game (he didn't
know how to play) so Allen played to retrieve Krory's stuff. Allen, of course, cheated in poker as he
explained that Cross taught him how to which makes Lavi and Krory worry about what Cross had
done to him.

Edo arc Edit

As his team moved to China to locate Cross, Allen learns from Cross's recent lover, Anita that he
went to Japan. Allen and his team with Anita and the supporters of Black Order abroad Anita's ship
to Japan. Allen soon discovered a huge wave of Akuma coming towards them and as he fought them
both he and Lenalee discovered the Akuma's target wasn't them. They find that the Akuma are
hunting Suman Dark, who has turned into a Fallen One, for his Innocence.

Tyki "killing" Allen

Added by Mpc797
After hearing about Fallen Ones from Lenalee, Allen promised her that he would save Suman. As
they tried to contact him, to no avail, Allen ended up getting absorbed into him as he saved a little
girl. Inside Suman, his memories going into Allen's head and realized that Suman betrayed the Black
Order to see his family. Desperately, Allen tried to reason with Suman as he traveled to a village in
hopes of destroying it. Allen activated his Innocence to its maximum, his left arm stopped activating
and broke, causing him to have intense pain. After saving Suman and his Innocence, Allen found
outSuman's body is alive but his mind is dead. Allen became devastated as Tyki Mikk destroys
Suman body with his "Tease"s. After explaining his abilities to Allen, Tyki destroyed Allen's
Innocence to see if it was the heart. Seeing that he supposedly didn't, Tyki had Tease eaten a piece of
Allen's heart, making a hole and apparently killed him. However, before "dying", Allen had
Timcampy take Suman's Innocence to Lenalee.

Allen prepared to fight Thread

Added by DSM144
Surprisingly, Allen survived Tyki's attack because his Parasite Innocence's particles formed the
hole in his heart and closed the wound. His Innocence wasn't destroyed but reduced into particles.
Allen began training with the Black Order's Asian branch to restore his Innocence. During training,
Allen found out that Bak is a stalker for Lenalee as he has numerous pictures of her.

Crown Clown activated for the first time

Added by DSM144
Allen and Fou began to engage in real battle training. Allen unable to reactivate his
Innocence,became frustrated and try harder as he desperately wants to return to his friends. Fou
disguises herself as Lou Fa and talks with Allen, reminding him that he fights not for the sake of
fighting, but for something precious to him. As he trains, a Level 3 Akuma attacks the Asian branch
and as Fou was about to be killed by it, Allen revived his Innocence as "Crown Clown". With it, he
defeated the Akuma and learned of the battle in Edo.

Allen then uses the Noah's Ark to reach Edo in time to save Lenalee from the Earl. With his new
Anti-Akuma weapon, Allen easily defeats most of the Akuma. However, Kanda thought he was
Tyki(who Kanda is fighting with) and tried to attack him.

Noah's Ark arc Edit

As Allen caught up with the others, Lenalee and his emotional reunion is disrupted as Lero teleports
Lenalee away. Allen, Lavi, Krory, Chaoji, and Kanda, are teleport together with her into the Noah's
Ark. While searching inside, Tyki appears and gives him a key to Road's dimensional doors so he
can escape the collapsing Ark. When his team used the key to open a door, Allen ran into Skin
Boric. Kanda forced Allen to lead the others ahead.
The next door was opened. Allen found Jasdevi, in their split form. Allen, Lavi and Krory fight
violently against Jasdevi but The Twins reveal that they were forced to pay a bill that Cross left for
them that was worth 2 million yen. Allen decides to berate the twins as they want him to pay the bill
by claiming that was nothing compared to what he has paid in the name of Cross before.

Feeling angry, the twins steal the key and force Allen's team to search for it amongst illusional keys.
Allen gives Lavi time to find the key as he and Krory fight off Jasdevi. Allen becomes angry as
Jasdevi attacks Lenalee and Chaoji so with Krory's Noah sensing abilities, they were able to stop the
twins until Lavi found the key. With this, the twins merge into a single body, after being called kids.
And Krory forces Allen to lead the others out of the Ark.

As Allen helps Lenalee up the stairs, suffering from Lavi's jokes, Allen reassures everyone will be
fine. With this, Allen's team runs into Road and Tyki at the top of the tower and a fight later ensues
between Allen and Tyki.

Allen and Tyki's battle reaches a point where Allen

is able to hit the critical point(exceed 100%) of
synchronizing with his Innocence resulting in
Crowned Clown- Sword of Exorcism, which makes
him capable of becoming a General. Allen
unsheathes his new Sword of Exorcism and with it,
he is able to exorcise the Noah from Tyki.

Allen playing the piano

Added by DSM144
With this, Road uses Lavi to attack Allen but Lavi is
able to overcome Road and as they defeat her and
she escapes, Allen tries to save Lero and Tyki.
However, after Allen's failed attempt of exorcise
the Noah inside him, Tyki is fully awaken as a
Noah, turns into a demonic knight and easily beats
both Allen and Lavi until General Cross arrives to
rescue/ridicule them.
Cross orders Allen to control the Ark, and sends him and Timcampy into the secret room of The
14th Noah, where Allen faces a dark apparition in the mirror who calls Timcampy "My Timcampy.
Timcampy projected a mysterious set of music scores, Allen begins to play on the white piano, at the
same time thinking of his wish(give back friends), controlling and restoring the Ark. With the Ark,
they take the Akuma Egg to the Black Order Headquarter.

Headquarters Invasion Arc Edit

Allen and Bookman arrived in Lab 5 to fight the

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As a result of Allen having the powers of the Musician in order to control the Ark, he is able to save
his friends. Controlling the Ark, thus stopping the download of Akuma's egg, so it does not function
which causes a large amount of damage to the Earl's plans. Later, Allen ponders on how the symbols
he and Mana created years ago were the song to move the Ark. Allen tried to confront his master
about it, but he never gets a chance to. After Allen and his friend's return to headquarters, he is put
under suspicion by Malcolm C. Levrier, who wants to put Allen on trial for treason. In order to
ensure Allen's loyalties, Levrier has his subordinate, Howard Link to put Allen under 24-hour
supervision. This causes many members of the Order to suspect Allen while close friends, including
Komui, Lenalee, Lavi, Bak, Reever, and Johnny, believe that Allen wouldn't betray them.

The Noah, Lulu Bell brought her army of Akuma and Skulls to attack the Headquarters' Lab 5,
where the Akuma "Egg" is being studied. The army injures the entire science department and
intending to turn the smart ones into Skulls. Allen and Bookman arrive through the Ark, struggle
with the endless army of Level 3 Akuma. Lulubell has already secured the Akuma "Egg" and opened
a gate to the Millennium Earl. Allen was knocked out and kidnapped but was rescued by the
Generals, taking back the Egg. The Egg was destroyed when Lulu Bell attempted to take back the
Egg again. The victory is short lived as a Level 4 Akuma appears and easily pummels Allen and
destroys part of HQ to the point where it drilled straight to the mantle of the earth itself. When Allen
saw the Level 4's soul he started to vomit and stated it was too grotesque to look at. Lenalee with her
new form of Dark Boots together with Allen overpowered the Akuma. Eventually, the generals
joined in and pour their full power in their attacks, and defeated the Level 4.
Allen in his new uniform
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Allen recently received word that he is to become the 14th Noah after receiving the memories of the
Noah from the original 14th who was the brother of his adoptive father, Mana Walker. This also
came with the grim news that he would someday lose his very soul for the 14th to be reborn in his
body and that he was doomed to kill the "ningen" or "human(s)" he loved when that happened. Allen
is probably very worried, but he has recovered a cheerful front and is trying to keep his mind on his
duties. He later appears at the Black Order headquarters in North America preparing to battle the
Earl and prevent him from killing the personnel.

Third Exorcist Arc Edit

He is sent on a mission now with Kanda and Marie to investigate a strange rash of thefts
investigation has lead his team to a boy named Timothy whose Innocence can allow him to control
other people's bodies. He is engaged in battle with a second Level 4 Akuma and three other Akuma
who are attempting to take the boy.

In chapter 182, the fight with the Level 4 was still

ongoing, but it was going for the better. As Kanda
managed to injure the Level 4, Allen lost his

Allen's Noah Aura

Added by DemonKing-Grim
sword, when the Akuma grabbed it and threw it
away. After running from the attacks, he managed
to use his powers to call Crown Clown back to him,
making it fly straight through the Akuma and
through himself, pinning them to the wall. As the
Akuma comments on him skewering himself and
Allen explains the effect of the Sword of
Exorcism, he is suddenly racked with pain, as the
Sword seems to be affecting himself as well. As
the Akuma prepares to fire on him, the 14th Noah
inside him surfaces. He touches the Akuma's cheek,
causing it to stop, saying only "Good Morning". As
the Level 4 is about to answer to Allen as Noah, it
is skewered by Kanda before the Level 4 could
pronounce "noa..". Allen, who seemed under the
14th's control, looks at Kanda with a hostile
expression. Kanda then provokes Allen by calling
him "Idiot Bean Sprout". Allen's conscious
immediately surfaces and the two slice the Level 4
to pieces.
Allen after waking from his dream
Added by Nyagi
Upon his return to Headquarters, Allen has a dream in which he is impaled on the Sword of
Exorcism and a voice is telling him he is not without sin and that it is he who is in need of salvation.
Mana appears in the dream and invites Allen to come with him - though he never calls Allen by
name. He uses another name that Allen can't quite make out, symbolized by ***, three unknown
characters. Allen asks Mana to call him by his name and then wakes up. His hair turns wavy and
bares a hostile expression. This startles Lenalee, who has fallen asleep on the bed next to that of
Allen's. Allen seemed not himself -highly likely he was under the 14th control- until Lenalee calls
his name. Before the two could start a conversation though, they are interrupted by Link who has
been unable to perform his duties because of Lenalee's "immodest state". Allen tries to lock him out
for a moment, while Lenalee asks him whether or not he is feeling alright. Link threatens to tell
Komui that Allen is alone in a sealed room with Lenalee. Allen immediately relents and opens the
door. Later, Lenalee is shown thinking that Allen looked like a different person when he woke up.

Allen arrives to save his camarades and attacks

Tyki and the Earl
Added by Lambohg
In Jordan, Allen and a few Third Exorcists began fighting an army of Akuma. There, Allen sees
what happens to Akuma souls when Third Exorcists absorb them, and his eye bleeds from it. After
that, Tyki appears with some other Noah and began to attack, while taking shelter in a cave, Allen
learns the fate of any Third Exorcist but Tyki reappears to battle them.

Allen manages to defeat all the Akuma and

disappears and reappears to where the Noahs are
keeping the Order hostage. Allen comes from an
ark gate beneath a black coffin ready to attack the
Noahs but the Earl is waiting for him. As they
meet, Allen and Tyki both manage to land on the
Earl without seeing him. The Earl grabs Allen and
tells him that he'll never go back to the Order, as
he'll be leaving it by choice soon. As the Earl
questions how he called him by saying "Good
Morning" the Level 4 Akuma in the Timothy arc,
Allen denies trying to contact the Earl. The 14th,
however, appears, and makes a death threat, saying
that he'll take over the Earl's place. During this,
Allen goes through great pain, as if he were about
to transform into the Noah.

The 14th took over Allen's body

Added by Lambohg
After managing to recover, Allen informs the Noah, the Earl, and the 14th, he is Allen the Exorcist
and nothing will change that. Wisely then hints at Alma's existence to Allen, and after Alma is
brought out, he draws Allen and Road into Kanda's memories. He sees the younger Alma, who says
"Raise your hand if you understand me." and does so, only to be stomped across. He realizes that
Alma doesn't appear to notice him, and sees a hand rising from a circle of water. That hand then
turns out to belong to a naked boy that gets pulled out by Alma. As he's finally pulled out Allen
realizes that the child is Kanda.
Allen watching Kanda and Alma's memories with
Added by Lambohg

After that Allen watches Kanda's memories as he was involved in the "Second Exorcist Project". The
Second Exorcists seem to be killed exorcists whose brains were transferred to artificial bodies. The
scientists tried to transfer Innocence to those artificial bodies. Allen witnesses those painful
memories and is almost consumed by Kanda's emotions, until Road explains to him that he's seeing
Kanda's memories. In those memories Allen learns about the relationship of Alma and Kanda who
were both part of the painful experiments and cruel researches of the Asian Branch and always
fighting (and after that always regenerating and healing their wounds due to their modified bodies).
Allen also witnesses Alma as he was eavesdropping on the scientists who intended to kill Kanda,
because he seemed to have dreams of his real memories as an exorcist, and then tried to save his
only friend and almost got killed by the CROW in the process. In the end Kanda thinks Alma is dead
and survived himself.

After watching Kanda strike Alma down and having endured Kanda's memories long enough, Allen
blows his top and punches Kanda in the forehead with his Crown Clown for allowing Wisely to "spy
on his memories" for so long and forgetting his quick temper. Road notes that it's cruel of Allen to
strike someone in the head with Innocence but he's also too late. Johnny and Bak begin to call to
Allen telling him to stop Alma Karma before he wakes up and turns into an Akuma. Allen stares
shocked at the demonic cocoon containing Alma but before he can react, the Earl tells Alma to "kill
them" and Alma's awakening causes a huge explosion that blows up the entire North American

Allen survives, noticing Kanda is confronting Alma, but is shocked that Tokusa used his seals to
protect him from most of the blast, despite his injuries. Allen begins to feel guilty that he couldn't
save anyone at the time, a thought to which Tokusa knees him on the head, saying that being an
Exorcist does not mean he can save everyone. Allen is then relieved that everyone is probably safe
when Johnny contacts him. As Alma begins to turn into an Akuma, Allen witnesses Tokusa
mutating. Allen attempts to help Tokusa, but is blown away into a wall. Then Allen's Crown Clown
activates by itself and forces Allen to use Edge End on Tokusa. Allen begs for the Innocence stop
threatening to kill himself with it if the Innocence didn't obey him, but Tokusa approaches Allen.
Allen then watches Kanda fight Alma, and asks why Kanda is fighting so seriously to use Four
Illusion Style. Tokusa then sneaks up behind him and attacks him, while claiming that he is not an
enemy of Exorcists to stop himself, but is struggling. Then the Millennium Earl requests Allen to
come along with the Noah Family as the Fourteenth if he wants the Earl to "put an end to this little

Allen watches as Tokusa and Alma terrorize all of his comrades present. He tries to call to Tokusa,
who no longer recognizes him as he's consumed by Alma's hatred. Tokusa then proceeds to break his
leg. He's saved by Bak using "Sealed God" and Fou also comes to his aid, sealing him in a bubble
with her. When she sees him looking conflicted, she asks him is he really thinking about taking the
Earl's offer. He replies he understands Alma's hate from the memories shown to him by Wisely but
doesn't see a way to save him. They're then attacked by Tyki who injures Fo. He then extends his
hand to Allen, telling him not to irritate the Earl any further. Fo yells at Allen for being a fool trying
to save everyone, telling him it's not that easy and he can't go deciding on his own.
Allen stabbed by Kanda
Added by Lambohg
Tyki casually blasts her but Allen saves her with his Sword of Exorcism, asking whether she thinks
he can save him. He begins to fight Tyki but Fo tells him she'll take care of Tyki. Allen goes off to
deal with Alma but his leg hinders him so Professor Zhu heals him with his magical golem "Atuda"
using his own life force. Allen then stops Kanda from attacking Alma with his "Fifth Illusion."[2]

Allen blocks Alma from Kanda's "Fifth Illusion" attack telling Alma to get back more. Later Allen
starts mocking Kanda because of his appearance, more later asking Kanda why he stabbed Alma.
Kanda then uses "Fifth Illusion Ripping Flash Claw" on Allen and Alma, it is later said that his hair
has turned light purple, the cause is because he sublimated his soul to much to the "Fifth Illusions
Form". From Kanda using "Fifth Illusion Ripping Flash Claw" it is shown that it is affecting Allen
badly. Later on Allen and Alma are still fighting while Fo and Tiki also are, Alma is later shown
attacking Kanda with a strong attack but Allen blocks the attack with his Innocence, telling Alma
"You should have seen, just like the Noah showed me... The reason why Kanda chose to live nine
years ago.. You still won't forgive him?!" Alma is shown holding Allen up by his tail, Alma also
starts crying saying "As long as Yuu's still alive, i.."

It is shown that the Akuma regenerating ability have reached there limited, Allen is holding Alma
from falling but when Kanda attacks Allen moves Alma out of the way not giving Alma to Kanda
who wants to kill him. Kanda is latter telling Allen that its his fault Alma is a akuma, also telling him
"The one who destroyed this branch and made the Third Exorcists into monsters is all your fault, the
fault of the man who belongs to the order even though hes a Noah!" Allen's Innocence activates then
he attacks Kanda, screaming Kanda's name. While Kanda screams "Its all your fault, you fucking
Noah!" They continue fighting till Alma shoots light at Allen hurting him in his shoulder, crying
while doing it.
Allen changing into The 14th
Added by Lambohg
But Allen still attacks Kanda asking Kanda "You think Destroying Alma is going to end
everything!" But it is shown that Kanda stabs Allen right in his stomach with his Innocence, the Earl
is shown being happy when this happens and Kanda finally regains himself. Allen asked Kanda
"Look carefully at Alma's face. Why is he making that kind of face?" The area around where Kanda
stabbed him starts to change into the color of a Noah's skin, eventually spreading throughout his
whole body. Allen then pushes away from Kanda and falls to the ground showing that his whole
body looks like a Noah's, Kanda calls him Bean Sprout as he falls down. Reever from the Black
order then says "His body looks like a Noah's..."

After Kanda wounded Allen with his Innocence, The 14th started to awaken. Inside Allen's mind he
is chained to a structure and confronted with the 14th. The 14th says that the Earl is going mad and
that the Earl and Allen are both puppets. Allen mistakes the 14th for Tyki and then the 14th corrects
him and introuduces himself as Neah. After Timcampy destroyed the barrier an image of Mana
appeared which stopped the take over. Allen's left eye activated and then he saw a woman's soul in
Alma Karma's body. Angered by this, Alma's hatred reawakens and once more attempts to kill
Kanda by activating his self-destruct. The detonation blows Allen back and creates a crater. Kanda is
seen on the brink of death and crumbling to pieces.

Allen arrives back at Kanda's body just as Alma's body begins regenerating. Alma begins to crawl as
he searches for Kanda's body, saying that he "wants to be by his side." Allen picks up Alma's body
in an attempt to bring him to rest beside Kanda. As Allen is carrying him, the dark-matter once more
takes over Alma's body in an attempt to consume Alma's soul. Kanda tells Allen to send both he and
Alma to "the place where we had our first mission together" (Ghost of Mater Arc). Allen agrees and
sends them both through an Ark Gate. Allen then declares to the rest of the people witnessing the
event that he cannot allow the Noah nor the Church to get in his way any longer.

Meanwhile, the Third Exorcists are still whirling

out of the control, and the Exorcists are forced to
battle and kill them. Allen attempts to suppress
Tokusa without killing him. As the Order members
verbally apprehend Allen for letting Kanda and Alma
escape, Allen refutes that they could save the
Third Exorcists, and questions if the Order truly
intends to destory the Third Exorcist Project. The
Earl states that the Third Exorcsis

Added by Shat4000
ts that are still rampaging show the long grudge
Alma had for the Organization. Leverrier then
barks an order to go find Alma and destroy his
body to stop the the rampage, but Allen persists,
prompting Leverrier to declare that Allen is no
longer an Exorcist.
Allen continues his attempt to persuade Tokusa, telling him that he isn't Alma, and that only Alma's
cells are causing him to rampage. Because it is Tokusa's body, he should be able to control. But
Tokusa asks Allen why he bothers to even save him if Allen should just kill him. Allen then asks
back why the Third Exorcists are giving up so easily, and coaxes Tokusa into surpressing Alma's
rage. However, Link arrives, and restrains Allen, ordering him to deactivate his Innocence.

(Chapter 201 begins here)

Innocence Edit
Cross Edit

Allen's Anti-Akuma weapon, initially lacking an official designation but referred to as Cross (十字
架(クロス), Kurosu), is a rare, parasite-type Innocence that shares a symbiotic relationship with
Allen's body. It appears as a cross-shaped shard embedded in the back of his left hand, which causes
his entire left arm to appear red, scaly, and deformed. As a parasite-type, it is capable of both
invoking and acting of its own accord, such as when it destroyed Mana's Akuma or regenerated the
portion of Allen's heart that was hollowed out by Tyki Mikk's Tease. The name is sometimes
incorrectly translated as Cross of God (十字架, Jūjika), a more literal translation of the kanji used.

Allen's "Cross α" invoked.

Added by BiffdaBearKiller
Cross α (alpha): The first and most basic form of Allen's Innocence augments his left arm into a
monstrous adamantine claw with a supernatural glow at Allen's scapula-joint. At this phase, his
Innocence is capable of manipulating its size and shape even to extreme ends, such as when it grew
enough to grab the entire body of the mountain-sized fallen one, Suman Dark.

• Cross Grave (十字架ノ墓(クロス・グレイヴ),

Kurosu Gureibu): At the first level of
invocation, the Innocence's power can be
channeled into one powerful stream, capable of
crucifying and destroying multiple Level 1
Akuma simultaneously.

Cross β activated
Added by BiffdaBearKiller
Cross β (beta): The next evolution of his Innocence occurred during Allen's investigation of "The
Ghost of Mater". This evolution takes a more offensive approach, in the form of a massive arm-
cannon. This form is capable of ranged and melee combat; a contrast to the defensive nature of his
Innocence's first form.
• Cross Paling (十字架ノ杭(クロス・バリング),
Kurosu Baringu): At its second phase of
invocation, Allen's Innocence is capable of
firing volleys of rod-shaped energy palings;
these laser stakes are made of hard-light
Innocence energy, which enables them to picket
the ground and fence in the adversary, or to
pile upon them; Allen may also stand atop of the
palings. This ability is occasionally mistranslated
as "Cross Beam".

• Cross Spear (十字架ノ槍(クロス・スピアー),

Kurosu Supiā): Also in its second phase of
invocation, Allen is capable of focusing the
barrel of his Innocence-cannon to generate a
spear-like energy paling, which can then be used
like a sword.
Crowned Clown Edit

Allen Walker's Crown Clown invoked

Added by Mpc797
Allen's synchronization ratio reached a maximum of
83% before having his Innocence destroyed by
Tyki. Yet unknown to Allen, the Innocence lingered
around as a hazy fog of particles; at the time, a
direct reflection of his shattered state of mind. It
wasn't until he came to an epiphany that he was
able to seize control of his Anti-Akuma weapon
once again and achieving his Innocence's true, fully-
invoked form. When not activated, his arm is black
and meets with his shoulder in a spiraling pattern
that ends with tattoo-like emblem. Following this,
the Order gave it the official designation of
Crowned Clown (神ノ道化(クラウン・クラウン),
Kuraun Kuraun), due to its jester-like appearance
when invoked. The kanji used in the name literally
translates to God's Clown (神ノ道化, Kami no
When invoked, Crowned Clown acts as a body-armored Innocence, forming a white-hooded cowl
and sleeve of Innocence energy which covers his shoulders and right arm, while his left arm and
hand become slender and black, clad in armor and razor sharp claws. A masquerade-style mask is
always affixed to the cowl, which takes on various configurations and appearances. This
transformation also changes Allen's usual hairstyle from flat to a spiky rear. As before, his Innocence
possesses a certain degree of sentience, but as Crowned Crown is able to manipulate Allen's entire
body like a marionette when incapacitated, or simply assisting in evasive tactics.

• Cross Grave (十字架ノ墓(クロス・グレイヴ),

Kurosu Gureibu): Much more powerful than its
previous incarnation, Allen can crucify targets
simply by etching a cross upon them with his
left hand, effectively annihilating even Level 3
Akuma with a single talon. It can now also be
used defensively, generating a shield by drawing
a cross on the air.

• Clown Belt (道化ノ帯(クラウン・ベルト),

Kuraun Beruto): The cape of Allen's cowl is
released as a webbing of Innocence-energy that
can be used to grasp objects, immobilize
opponents, or form hardened spikes to impale
enemies. It can also be released from the
sleeve and glove on Allen's right arm. The
ribbons of energy were once used by Crown
Clown itself to wrap around Allen's limbs and
control him like a puppet when Allen was too
injured to move by himself. The kanji used
literally translates to "Belt of Clowning".

• Crown Edge (爪ノ王輪(クラウン・エッジ),

Kuraun Ejji): A projectile attack which
unleashes a barrage of crown-shaped rings from
the clawed fingers on Allen's left hand. The
kanji used in the name of this attack literally
translates to "Claw of King-Ring/Circle/Hoop
(probably an attempt at Crown)" (爪ノ王輪,
Tsume no Ōwa)

• Edge End (破滅ノ爪(エッジ・エンド), Ejji

Endo): A swipe of raw destructive power dealt
with Allen's fully-invoked claw. The kanji used
in the name of this attack literally translates to
"Destruction Claw" (破滅ノ爪, Hametsu no
Sword of Exorcism Edit

Allen drawing the sword of exorcism for the first

Added by BiffdaBearKiller
The Sword of Exorcism (a.k.a Sword of Salvation) (退魔の剣, Taima no Ken):When Allen's
synchronization ratio exceeds 100%, he is able to transmute his entire left arm into an exquisite
broadsword with a large cross emblazoned on the face of the blade. In doing so, his left shoulder is
capped with a cross-shaped emblem, and his cowl usually forms a cloak to cover the missing arm.
Once invoked, the blade can exorcise evil from any vessel it strikes without any harm coming to the
vessel itself if Allen chooses. If used against Level 1 to Level 3 Akuma, it vanquishes them in the
same effect as the Cross Grave attack, leaving a residual glowing cross crest in the wake of the
defeated Akuma. However, in the case of a Level 4 Akuma the sword carries a diminished effect.
Allen is shown with the ability to telepathically recall the Sword to himself, should it be separated
from his body.

• Death Ball (いちた たま, Sendo no Mari) When

using the Sword of Exorcism, Allen can create
an explosion which he names Death Ball.

• Energy Arc When using the Sword of

Exorcism, Allen can release an arc of energy at
his target.

The Cursed Pentacle Eye Edit

In addition to his Innocence, the reverse pentacle that scars his left eye curses Allen with the power
to see the souls trapped inside Akuma. He received it after Mana died. The Earl appeared to Allen,
offering to revive Mana for him. When Mana came back as an Akuma, he was angry at Allen and
scratched him on the left eye, after which Allen's Innocence activated and exorcised Mana. Allen
refers to his eye as "Mana" when it heals, evolves and a spirit is seen entering his eye. He comments,
saying that it's "just like an Akuma" in the way that it evolves. The Earl has noticed Allen's eye and
has made changes to stop the eye's power.

First level cursed eye

Added by Mpc797
Cursed Eye: The first incarnation of the curse is a
black and red ringed eye which is automatically
activated whenever Allen is near Akuma. It allows
him the power to see the souls trapped inside
Akuma. When Allen witnessed the self-destruction
(under Road's orders) of the Level 2 Akuma and the
disintegration of the soul powering it, his cursed
eye bled in pain.

Second level cursed eye

Added by BiffdaBearKiller
Evolved Cursed Eye: During the vampire incident
involving the Eliade-Akuma and Arystar Krory,
Allen's curse had grown stronger, resulting in his
eye undergoing some dramatic changes. Resembling
a sort of cogwheel monocle, this new cursed eye
enables Allen to pinpoint an Akuma's position even
when they are not visible to the naked eye,
regardless of obstacles, from a distance of up to
300 meters away. But the most astounding change
is that others close to Allen are able to see the lost
souls trapped within Akuma as well. After
witnessing Allen's 'world of black and white', Lavi
comments that the way Allen sees the world 'is like
hell on earth'. However, the cursed eye appears to
lust for the destruction of Akuma, often causing
pain to Allen in the middle of the night by self-
activating, as though "it is a sin to be sleeping
instead of destroying Akuma". The eye also seems
to activate itself even when no Akuma are nearby
as long as dark matter is being used, such as when
Allen is caught in the Noah Tyki Mikk's vacuum.
The Musician Edit

The Musician and Allen meet inside his mind.

Added by Nick D Wolfwood
It is revealed that Allen is the host chosen for the 14th Noah's revival, and was implanted with his
memories at some point in his childhood while living with Mana, the 14th's older brother. The
memories of the 14th Noah are said to gradually eat away at him until, eventually, nothing will
remain of Allen's personality and he will be reborn as the 14th Noah. As a direct result, he has begun
to see the shadowy silhouette of the 14th looming over his own reflection. Included among these
memories is the power of the Musician, which allowed Allen to enter the 14th Noah's room and
assume control of the Ark by playing the white piano within. In doing so, he halted the download of
the Akuma egg plant, reconstructed the destroyed Ark and returned those who had previously been
lost in its collapse, ultimately claiming it to be used as a tool for the Black Order. This power also
lets any wish he wants to be granted, explaining how Kanda, Krory, Lavi and Chaoji come back
from a lost dimension--despite Cross saying they were dead.

Cross states that the 14th chose Allen as he was running away with Mana and did not want to let this
chance slip by. He also states that he knew both the 14th and Mana, and that the 14th told Cross to
take care of Mana and if he died, the 14th would one day return to him (Mana). Another thing he
states is that, Mana sort of lost it after the 14th died, leaving Allen to believe he may have not loved
him at all - but simply the memories of his brother. Cross also told Allen he would have to kill
someone he loved when he became the 14th. Cross ends his meeting with Allen by telling him to
listen to the 14th and that there is "another side to this war".

Despite the prediction of his fate, Allen has vows to keep fighting no matter what, that he will not
simply give in to the 14th's personality. The Order allows him to continue his duties under scrutiny,
but puts restrictions on his Musician abilities. In addition, he is closely shadowed by Howard Link of
the Order's special operations unit, CROW who is investigating and reporting his every move.

However, in later chapters Earl reveals that Allen isn't the player or the host of the memories that the
14th left behind, but he is the 14th himself. It is revealed after 14th connected to Earl during Allen's
fight with the Level 4 Akuma during the Timothy Arc. It hasn't been revealed how the 14th is Allen,
since it was disrupted by 14th reappearing and declaring that he will kill the Earl and take his title.

Trivia Edit

Allen is technically capable of becoming a general due to hitting critical synchronization with
his Innocence.[3]

It is known that Allen can get lost very easily as seen when he was in Mateel. Some people also
constantly remind him to not get lost.

In the oneshot Zone it is shown that the beta for Allen was originally a female Akuma turned
by Cross by being fused with an Anti-Akuma weapon.

In the D.Gray-Man Popularity polls Allen placed 1st in the initial poll and 2nd in the next poll
losing out to Yu Kanda, and then placing first again in the next.

Allen's favorite food is Mitarashi Dango and his hobbies are Making Money and Eating.

According to Hoshino, Allen is ambidextrous.

During the Komurin Vitamn D crisis Allen's hair grows out due to a hair growth potion. During
this time he wears his hair in a pony tail and closely resembles Robin from Zone.

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