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HRM Assignment 3: Designing a Training Module

With today’s changes in the landscape of businesses learning about how to win investor
support has become critical. The skill of pitching to the investor within limited time is
essential in today’s business scenario. This module aims at imparting those critical skills to
the prospective entrepreneur or individual who wants to become good at selling his or her

Training Module Outline:

The course combines theory, exercises, roleplay and one-on-one coaching. A roleplay runs
throughout the course, incorporating Q&A and chemistry sessions, pitch presentation
creation and preparation, culminating the pitch itself. Performances are filmed and trainees
coached to deliver persuasive presentations. The course content can be adapted to support
internal processes and typical pitch scenarios.
Course modules can also be customised to meet the specific needs of your team, for example
you might want to focus more on influencing techniques, or more on elevator pitching.

Learning Outcomes:
 The fundamentals of the pitch process
 Pitch psychology and team theory
 Why it’s critical to consider client personality types and how to use them
 How to gain the advantage right from the start
 How to get the most out of Chemistry meetings and Q&As
 How to create persuasive pitch content
 The most effective questions to ask
 What clients look for
 The common mistakes that will lose you the pitch
 Pitch presentation delivery tips and tricks

1. Theory
2. Exercises
3. Roleplay
4. One-on-one coaching.

Evaluation criteria:
Assessment Tool Percentage
Individual Pitching exercises 40%
Written Test 10%
Peer evaluation 20%
Final Project 30%

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