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Neuroplasticity: An Appreciation From Synapse to System

Bernadette T. Gillick, PhD, MS, PT, Lance Zirpel, PhD
ABSTRACT. Gillick BT, Zirpel L. Neuroplasticity: an coined “synapses.”1-3 In 1949, a Canadian psychologist, Don-
appreciation from synapse to system. Arch Phys Med Re- ald Hebb, postulated that if the activity between the presynaptic
habil 2012;93:1846-55. terminal of one neuron and the postsynaptic terminal of another
was coordinated, their connection strengthens. Hebb’s postu-
Objective: To integrate our functional knowledge in neurore- late states that neurons that fire together, wire together.4 The
habilitation with a greater understanding of commonly held relation is one of synaptic strength, efficiency, and improved
theories and current research in neuroplasticity. functional performance in the location of the brain in which
Design: Literature review. such change is induced by the concomitant activity.
Setting: Not applicable.
Participants: Animal and human research. BACKGROUND PHYSIOLOGY
Interventions: Interventions specific to application in hu-
mans: constraint-induced movement therapy, transcranial mag- Neurotransmitters
netic stimulation, and transcranial direct current stimulation.
Main Outcome Measures: Cortical excitability, blood oxygen
Two major brain neurotransmitters are glutamate and ␥-ami-
level– dependent signal, and functional outcomes. nobutyric acid (GABA).5 Glutamate is excitatory with specific
Results: There is increasing evidence elucidating the cellular
receptors dictating the effect on the postsynaptic neuron. Glu-
and molecular mechanisms of plasticity of the nervous system tamate can produce excitatory (depolarizing) responses (excit-
including growth, modification, degradation, and even death of atory postsynaptic potentials [EPSPs]) in the postsynaptic neu-
neurons. Some of these mechanisms directly correlate with ther- ron. These responses can change the concentration of key
apy-induced behavioral changes, and all provide an understanding messenger ions, such as calcium (Ca2⫹), and hence influence
of the response of the nervous system to altered inputs. The virtually every aspect of cell function, including gene transcrip-
understanding of neural correlates of behavior can then form the tion and survival.
foundation for more productive, comprehensive interventions. GABA serves as the brain’s major inhibitory neurotransmit-
Conclusions: The focus of recent research surrounds transla-
ter, producing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs)
tional projects aimed at enhancing clinical outcomes. Knowl- through specific receptors on postsynaptic neurons. The action
edge of mechanisms underlying this adaptability is the foun- of GABA on the postsynaptic receptors can cause ions, such as
dation for our treatments, diagnoses, and prognoses. The chloride (Cl⫺), to flow across the postsynaptic membrane,
increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying neu- producing a hyperpolarization of the cell. Therefore, the cell
roplasticity can guide, direct, and focus the practice of current membrane potential moves away from the threshold cell mem-
and future therapies to greater efficacy and better functional brane potential that would initiate an action potential, thus
outcomes in clinical rehabilitation. “inhibiting” the postsynaptic cell. EPSPs increase and IPSPs
Key Words: Gamma-aminobutyric acid; Magnetic reso- decrease the probability of an action potential’s occurring in
nance imaging; Motor cortex; N-methylaspartate; Receptors, the postsynaptic neuron.
glutamate; Rehabilitation; Transcranial magnetic stimulation;
Transcription, genetic.
© 2012 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation List of Abbreviations
AMPA ␣-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole

A T THE TURN OF THE 20th century, a Spanish histolo-

gist, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, expanded our understanding
of the central nervous system. His work revealed (1) the
brain-derived neurotrophic factor
calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase
constraint-induced movement therapy
existence of an axonal growth cone and dendritic spines; and CREB cyclic adenosine monophosphate response
(2) that neurons are each distinctly separate, communicating element-binding protein
via what Charles Sherrington, a British physiologist, earlier EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
GABA ␥-aminobutyric acid
HABIT hand-arm intensive bimanual therapy
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Program in Physical IHI interhemispheric inhibition
Therapy, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN (Gillick); and IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential
the Graduate Nurse Anesthesia Program, Schools of Graduate and Professional
LTD long-term depression
Programs, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (Zirpel).
Supported in part by a Promotion of Doctoral Studies II Scholarship from the LTP long-term potentiation
Foundation for Physical Therapy. MEP motor-evoked potential
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research NGF nerve growth factor
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organi-
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate
zation with which the authors are associated.
Reprint requests to Bernadette T. Gillick, PhD, MS, PT, 420 Delaware St SE-MMC PMF pulsed magnetic field
388, Minneapolis, MN 55455, e-mail: rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
In-press corrected proof published online on Jun 26, 2012, at tDCS transcranial direct current stimulation
0003-9993/12/9310-00093$36.00/0 TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


A human subjects study by Butefisch et al6 used drugs that mation of new proteins, changes in the connectivity between
modify receptor function typically involved in neuroplasticity. neurons, and ultimately, synaptic plasticity.11 Protein synthesis
The action at a specific receptor can be either enhanced or is a key contributor to regeneration of cellular structures. As an
thwarted by pharmacologic intervention. Lorazepam enhances important feature of neuroplasticity, the dendritic spines of
the function of GABA receptors. Such enhancement of GABA- neurons, where most glutamatergic synapses are located, may
mediated inhibition blocks increases in synaptic strength and increase in number, length, and size, creating an environment
the potential for plasticity through increased neuronal activity. for improved synaptic communication and activation of the
In contrast, dextromethorphan blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate neuron. New dendritic spines reveal new synapses, with in-
(NMDA) receptors, a specific subtype of glutamate receptor. creased ability to encode new information.12
NMDA receptors contribute to an increase in synaptic strength Plasticity does not always result in synthesis of new proteins.
by affecting ion flow and further receptor construction and
In contrast to our discussion of LTP, it has been found that if
function in a cell.6 Performance in a thumb movement task was
analyzed through responses to transcranial magnetic stimula- a neuron receives low-frequency stimulation, a low-amplitude
tion (TMS) and resultant motor-evoked potentials (MEPs). By increase in calcium causes activation of phosphatases that
administering lorazepam (enhancing inhibition) and dextro- affect the activity of various proteins and enzymes by removing
methorphan (blocking excitation), the induction of neuroplastic the modulatory phosphate group previously attached by kinases
change, as well as the resulting improvement in the motor task (fig 1C). These effects cause a cascade of events that can
performance, was thwarted, thus highlighting the critical role culminate with internalization (removal from the membrane) of
of these neurotransmitters and their receptors in the adaptabil- AMPA receptors that can actually decrease, or cause long-term
ity—plasticity— of the human brain. Therefore, by manipulat- depression of, synaptic strength.13 Depression is the opposite
ing the cell pharmacologically, the mechanisms underlying effect of potentiation in that a test stimulus given after the
plasticity can be revealed. low-frequency stimulation is smaller in amplitude than the
same stimulus given before the low-frequency pulse. This
Receptors and Ions process of LTD therefore contributes to a reduction in the
Central nervous system long-term potentiation (LTP) and efficacy of synaptic transmission (notably different than the
long-term depression (LTD) are terms used to describe modi- inhibition described for GABA).
fications of synaptic efficacy. In the early 1970s, researchers The receptors, ions, and influences they produce create the
performed electrophysiologic studies of the rodent hippocam- basis for long-term changes in neuronal communication. LTP
pus, a brain region implicated in learning and memory.7 Spe- and LTD reveal modifications to synaptic efficacy manifested
cific frequencies of stimulation of the axons in 1 area of the by changes in functional protein expression. The transcription
hippocampus, the CA3 pyramidal neurons, resulted in a of glutamate receptor genes, as evidenced by the appearance
long-lasting increase in EPSP amplitude in postsynaptic
of AMPA receptors in LTP, may also be involved.14 In a
neurons located in the CA1 hippocampal area. With high-
frequency stimulation, there was a long-lasting change in the study by Shi et al,14 high-frequency stimulation of cultured
postsynaptic neuronal response to a subsequent stimulus hippocampal neurons resulted in an increase of AMPA
identical to a stimulus applied before the high-frequency receptors in dendritic spines, suggesting contribution to
stimuli. How do such changes occur? Two types of gluta- “activity-dependent plasticity.”
mate receptors, ␣-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole
propionate (AMPA) and NMDA, underlie the mechanism. Magnetic Influence on Cell Development
In figure 1A, the postsynaptic AMPA receptor binds gluta- Investigation of the application of magnetic force influenc-
mate released from the presynaptic neuron after the arrival of ing the brain and neuronal process regeneration has also been
an action potential in the synaptic terminal. Influx of sodium performed using in vitro cell cultures.15-18 Kim et al18 were
ions (Na⫹) resulting in depolarization of the postsynaptic cell able, using nerve growth factor (NGF), to stimulate the growth
occurs. AMPA receptor action does not depend on the state of
of neurites, which are projections from developing cell bodies
depolarization of the postsynaptic cell. The NMDA receptor
has a magnesium ion (Mg2⫹) blocking the receptor channel, that become axons or dendrites. Under constant magnetic force,
but when the postsynaptic cell is depolarized, the Mg2⫹ is the neurites were influenced in direction of growth, although no
expelled, allowing influx of Ca2⫹ on concomitant glutamate differences were found compared with controls in the quantity
binding. Calcium has important second messenger capabilities of neurofilament (an indicator of process growth) or changes in
and is highly regulated in the extracellular and intracellular synaptic formation.
fluids.8 Macias et al15 found that pulsed magnetic stimulation influ-
Simultaneous activation of NMDA receptors and postsynap- enced and directed axonal growth. Cultured mammalian cells
tic cell depolarization (mediated in the hippocampus by gluta- displayed increased neurite growth in the presence of both
mate activation of AMPA receptors) leads to an enhanced NGF and a pulsed magnetic field (PMF). The use of NGF alone
response to a subsequent stimulus.9 enhanced neurite growth, yet PMF created “polarized” out-
Ca2⫹ influx can activate protein kinases— enzymes that fa- growth, suggesting influence of directionality. PMF also influ-
cilitate a modulatory addition of a phosphate group to certain enced neurite outgrowth length.
proteins (fig 1B). Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK) In vitro neurons have also been stimulated using magnetic
can modulate numerous activities of the neuron that ultimately fields.17 With the use of rat hippocampal cells, it was found that
lead to the transcription, translation, and insertion of new AMPA cells that were excitable had a threshold of action potential
receptors. Thus, the new AMPA receptors can increase synap- firing at least 2 times lower than control neurons. Although one
tic strength after increased activity.10 Considered a long-term must use caution directly correlating culture environments with
mechanism, cyclic adenosine monophosphate response ele- studies of the functioning human brain, information regarding
ment-binding protein (CREB) is a transcription factor activated potential growth vehicles, influence of direction, and numbers
by Ca2⫹-dependent enzymes, including a particular isoform of of potential cells that can be stimulated allow us further insight
CaMK. Activated CREB mediates gene transcription, the for- into the plastic capabilities of the nervous system.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012




Glutamatergic Synapse



AMPA Receptor NMDA Receptor


Na+ Mg 2+
Depolarization + Glutamate

Na Intracellular Depolarization Ca 2+ Entry

High Frequency Activity Low Frequency Activity
Postsynaptic Membrane Postsynaptic Membrane
Ca 2+ Mg 2+
Ca 2+ Mg 2+
Glu Glu

Activation [ ] Activation
[ ]
Synthesis and of Kinases
Internalization of Phosphatases
insertion of new
AMPA Receptors of AMPA Receptors


Additional AMPA Receptors increase Fewer AMPA Receptors decrease

synaptic strength and responsiveness synaptic strength and responsiveness to
to glutamate glutamate

Fig 1. Mechanisms of synaptic change between 2 neurons. Abbreviations: Ca2ⴙ, calcium ion; Glu, glutamate; Mg2ⴙ, magnesium ion; Naⴙ,
sodium ion.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


ASSESSMENT OF NEUROPLASTICITY synchronous firing and an increased representational area in the

Techniques derived from bench science influence rehabili- cortex. This study demonstrates the potential for change in the
tation and are the basis for current translational clinical science mature brain during the acquisition of a novel task.
in neuroplasticity. We are cautioned, however, to recognize In a similar study31 focusing on the somatosensory cortex,
changes in brain representation of the hand were explored
that neural plasticity is defined by the observation of change in
using a grid of electrodes. In this study, adult monkeys re-
neuronal structure or function, not the observation of change in
sponded to a stimulus over the course of 4 to 6 weeks by
behavior. We can extrapolate from animal studies and apply
pressing a bar that crossed digits 2 through 4. In this manner,
similar principles to the sensory and motor cortex of humans,
the digits were not acting independently but as a whole. In
and begin to sort out the underpinnings related to neuroplas-
untrained monkeys, each digit had its own representation. In
ticity resulting in improved function in rehabilitation.19
trained monkeys, cortical mapping revealed multidigit recep-
tive fields that may have unmasked a function not previously
Neuronal Electrical Activity used. Through the ability of science to measure in vivo re-
Extracellular recording measures the electrical activity of the sponse to stimulation, the revised cortical maps after alteration
neurons using a nearby microelectrode. Single-unit extracellu- in activity allow exploration of that change.
lar recording and intracellular microelectrodes allow for the
monitoring and measuring of the electrical activity of a single Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
neuron. A neuron’s receptive field, or the region defined by the
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a nonin-
electrical response to a stimulus, allows exploration of both the
vasive method of measuring the brain’s blood oxygen level–
sensory and motor systems.20
dependent response to changes in cortical activity and oxygen
A series of works by and about Hubel and Wiesel21-27
demand.32 Hemodynamic changes in fMRI responses have
opened the topic of neuroplasticity and continues to influence
shown simultaneous intracortical recordings of neural signals
research. Using single-cell recordings from cat visual cortex,
representing intracortical processing of a region.33,34 Most typ-
these scientists explored the environmental influence on visual-
ically, a subject performs a cognitive, sensory, or motor task
response properties of the central nervous system. This work
while in the scanner, and the fMRI images are collected and
addressed at-birth capabilities of the visual system and central
compared, giving an indication of changes in neuronal activity.
visual components to adapt to changes in the activity impinging
fMRI can be used to examine brain activity concurrent with
on them—the plasticity of the visual system. Monocular visual
changes in behavioral activity. In a study involving a form of
deprivation, achieved by suturing the eyelid closed, was per-
behavioral intervention, constraint-induced movement therapy
formed in young kittens just before the normal period of eye
(CIMT), and a 2-week home-based therapy program in people
opening. The sutured eye was opened at 3 months of age, and
with stroke, Johansen-Berg et al35 found that improvements in
the retinal axons and target thalamic nucleus, the lateral genic-
hand function correlated significantly with increases in fMRI
ulate nucleus, were analyzed using single-neuron or single-cell
activity in the premotor cortex and somatosensory cortex con-
recordings. The lateral geniculate nucleus neurons had some
tralateral to the affected hand. A pediatric study by Sutcliffe et
similar characteristics to those of adult cats without a period of
al36 found clinical improvements in scores on the Pediatric
visual deprivation (normal controls). However, when corre-
Motor Activity Log as well as evidence of cortical reorgani-
sponding thalamic layers of the visually deprived kittens were
zation by fMRI and magnetoencephalography.37 Resting state
analyzed, few single-cell responses could be evoked. Histolog-
fMRI allows analysis of the brain and connectivity between
ically, distinct cell shrinkage from that particular visual layer
neural networks at a state of relative rest. Synchronized
was observed. By studying adult cats that had experienced
changes in the blood oxygen level– dependent signal are as-
monocular deprivation during this same period as kittens, input
sumed to be an indication of the functional connectivity be-
to the visual cortex was found to come primarily from the eye
tween brain areas, and distortion of the cortical interhemi-
that remained open.28 However, if adult cats had been monoc-
spheric function of the brain can therefore be identified.38
ularly deprived only during their adult life, the input to the
visual cortex was not altered, showing normal binocular re-
sponses. This critical period, when the visual cortex required Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
afferent visual input to develop normal connection patterns, In 1985, Barker et al39,40 discovered a noninvasive, painless
proved crucial for normal visual function of those cortical technique of using a changing magnetic field to induce small
neurons. These studies demonstrated robust developing brain intracranial electrical current in the membrane of the neural
plasticity with persistent effects into adulthood, yet the same tissue of the brain. TMS began as a test for excitability of the
adult brain plasticity was not evident. brain. The brain’s ability to respond to TMS through the
Studies in adult primates have shown evidence for plasticity. corticospinal tract can be measured using MEPs with surface
With the use of intracortical microstimulation in the motor electromyogram electrodes positioned over specific target mus-
cortex, maps of the distal forelimb representation from the cles (fig 2). The amplitude of the response and the threshold
primary motor area in brains of adult squirrel monkeys were that is required to elicit that response can be assessed for
obtained before and after task-specific training of a forelimb change.
motor task.29,30 As the task became more specific to finger TMS has now been used experimentally in exploring neu-
extension and flexion, so did the mapped cortical representa- roplasticity through brain reorganization after performance of
tion. Accordingly, the relative mapped area representing not specific tasks or after injury or insult.41,42 A study by Wheaton
the fingers but the wrist decreased. After an increasingly et al43 investigated the effects of treadmill walking on the
smaller food-pellet removal task, wherein the digital use was quadriceps and corticospinal activation in adults with hemipa-
manipulated and isolated, the area of digital representation resis resulting from stroke by using TMS. The quadriceps
increased. After training on a specific forelimb supination/ muscle of the paretic limb revealed decreased MEP amplitudes
pronation task, the area in the cortex representing the forearm and increased thresholds at baseline. The treadmill-trained pa-
expanded. This strengthened neuronal cell assembly could pro- tients showed increases in paretic-side MEP amplitudes. TMS
vide a stronger drive to the neighboring neurons and result in was therefore used as a testing mechanism to explore the

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


Fig 2. TMS. (A) Individual receiving TMS testing. (B) Motor-evoked response as indicated by electromyogram.

integrity of the central motor pathways. A study by Eyre et al44 assessment scores. This study suggests that perhaps not only
investigated development of the corticospinal tract in both training the affected extremity leads to improvement, but in-
normal and neurologically impaired subjects. Healthy subjects corporating the unaffected upper extremity adds to recovery of
showed larger-amplitude contralateral MEPs than ipsilateral
MEPs. This allowed exploration of central changes or plasticity
that occurs during typical development. In subjects with uni-
lateral lesions, the presence of an initial MEP was subsequently
lost in 50% of the children studied, and thresholds were sig-
nificantly greater than those in control subjects. TMS allows a
manner of investigating this change and contributing to our
understanding of the brain’s ability to reorganize.

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy

Within the last 2 decades, hemiparesis has been treated using
CIMT with an emphasis on training of the affected limb cou-
pled with constraint of the unaffected limb (fig 3).45 In a
multicenter adult clinical trial, Wolf et al46 reported significant
gains from CIMT. Liepert et al47 documented therapy-associ-
ated changes of motor cortex excitability primarily in the
ipsilesional hemisphere of adult stroke patients. More recently,
a systematic review48 of 13 randomized clinical trials with 278
total patients summarizes the study authors’ findings in support
of CIMT as contributing to improved function of the paretic
upper extremity. Recent pediatric CIMT intervention has also
shown improved functional outcomes.49
Optimal CIMT dosaging has yet to be defined. A random-
ized multisite clinical trial50 explored outcomes in 18 children
with hemiparesis, aged 3 to 6 years, by varying the duration of
the treatment. All children received 21 days of CIMT yet were
randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: 3 or 6 total hours of CIMT
per day. Although all improved, no significant differences in
upper extremity function were found between the 2 groups.
Another form of upper extremity intervention called “hand-arm
intensive bimanual therapy” (HABIT), adopts the comparative
practice rigor of CIMT in bimanual training tasks, without
constraint. Comparing CIMT and HABIT, Gordon et al51
found similar improvement in children with hemiparesis in Fig 3. Child in CIMT. Note active use of the child’s right, affected
each group. However, the HABIT group revealed greater im- upper extremity while the left, unaffected upper extremity is con-
provement using the Goal Attainment Scale and caregiver strained by the cast.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


function. Furthermore, improvements in gross motor function tive, projections are “competitively displacing” surviving pro-
and gait have been seen after CIMT.52,53 jections from the contralateral, infarcted cortex.44
Given the imbalance of IHI in both adult64 and pediatric65
Repetitive TMS hemiplegia with abnormally inhibited motor cortex in the ip-
TMS used repeatedly in succession is called repetitive TMS silesional hemisphere and abnormally disinhibited motor cor-
(rTMS). rTMS can be either excitatory or inhibitory, depending tex in the contralesional hemisphere, different parameters of
on the parameters of the stimulation. High-frequency rTMS, rTMS can be applied to influence the imbalance. High-fre-
defined as a stimulation rate ⬎1Hz, produces an excitatory quency excitatory rTMS could be applied to the suppressed
after-effect. Conversely, low-frequency rTMS, defined as a ipsilesional hemisphere. Alternatively, low-frequency inhibi-
stimulation rate ⬍1Hz, can create a transient period of depres- tory rTMS could be applied to the contralesional hemisphere.
sion of cortical activity.54 The advantages of the use of 1 The effectiveness of low-frequency rTMS to the contralesional
frequency rate may be beneficial to the lesioned hemisphere or hemisphere has been studied in adult hemiplegia and shows
to the nonlesioned hemisphere, depending on the interplay effectiveness in promoting motor recovery coupled with brain
between the 2 hemispheres. reorganization.66,67
As a component of reorganization, a brain lesion may
disrupt the crossed corticospinal tract from the lesioned Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
cortical hemisphere to the contralateral, affected hand. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is another
Therefore, the contralesional, ipsilateral hemisphere then type of noninvasive brain stimulation used as a neuromodula-
contributes to movement in a manner it might not have tory intervention. tDCS has shown beneficial behavioral ef-
previously or typically44,55,56 (fig 4). This type of reorgani- fects68 and is more cost-effective and portable than rTMS.
zation may contribute to improvements in function of the limb tDCS acts by changing the spontaneous neuronal firing rate,
yet may also mask the potential capabilities of the ipsilesional and therefore resting membrane threshold, influencing polar-
hemisphere. In a study by Kuhnke et al,56 TMS was used to test ization.69 One use of tDCS involves downregulating or inhib-
corticospinal tract reorganization in congenital hemiparesis. iting the excitability of the motor cortex in the contralesional
TMS allowed exploration of the ipsilesional or contralesional hemisphere and the influence it has on the ipsilesional hemi-
hemispheric contributions to movement through assessment of sphere, in an effort to upregulate excitability or disinhibit the
the presence (or absence) of an MEP through primary motor ipsilesional hemisphere. As is currently revealed using tDCS in
cortex stimulation. The patients with hemiparesis involved in adults with stroke, applying cathodal tDCS to the contra-
the study then were classified as either ipsilaterally reorganized lesional hemisphere can provide this inhibitory component,
or preserved crossed-corticospinal tracts. Subjects participated leading to improved motor function.70
in a CIMT, and although significant improvements in motor
function were observed in patients with both types of organi- Antidepressants and Stimulants
zation, the patients with more predominant ipsilateral, contra-
lesional projections through the use of TMS testing also Antidepressants and stimulants are frequently used in neu-
showed a reduction in the performance speed of the test task rorehabilitation. The pharmacologic effects of these medica-
(eg, more efficient digital activation). tions on neuroplasticity should be considered. For example,
Interhemispheric inhibition (IHI) is the typical inhibitory review articles have shown that antidepressants have been
interaction between the motor cortices of the right and left found to promote neurogenesis, increase motor recovery of
hemispheres that occurs concomitant with corticospinal activa- function, and increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic
tion, allowing isolated movement. For example, as a person factor (BDNF).71 BDNF is a protein secreted in the body that
activates the left motor cortex to move the right hand through acts to preserve nerve function and support nerve growth. The
corticospinal pathways, interhemispheric pathways traversing effectiveness of stimulants such as dexamphetamine in con-
the corpus callosum are also activated and exert an inhibitory junction with physical therapy revealed significant improve-
effect on motor neurons in the right hemisphere (left hand).57 ments in function after stroke in adults.72 Selective serotonin
Heinen et al58,59 supported the presence of IHI in the age range reuptake inhibitors have also been shown to significantly in-
of 10 to 15 years in typically developing children, yet found fluence motor function after stroke, perhaps through potentia-
that it was not yet present in healthy preschool children with a tion of synaptic signaling and/or anatomic changes in neuronal
mean age of 4.6 years. In a study60 of healthy children aged 8 connectivity.73 Linking these pharmacologic agents experi-
to 16 years, a significant decline in motor threshold and an mentally with improvements in neurorecovery shows the po-
increase in intracortical or interhemispheric inhibition were tential for neuroplastic change induced by pharmacologic ma-
seen with increasing age. nipulation of neural activity and connectivity.
The brain shows a remarkable ability to reorganize, espe-
cially after a neural insult or interruption resulting from a IMPLICATIONS
reduction in GABA inhibition processes.61 Widespread inhib- LTP is induced through the use of high-frequency stimula-
itory decreases in motor, sensory, and visual cortices have been tion and results in long-lasting increases in EPSP amplitude.
found in rat studies.61,62 Unfortunately, some reorganization Low-frequency stimulation produces LTD with the concomi-
can be maladaptive and leave additional loss of function be- tant decrease in excitability. Translating this knowledge, the
yond that caused directly by stroke or neurologic insult.63 In use of high-frequency or fast-pulse rTMS creates a state of
hemiplegia,64,65 motor neurons in the ipsilesional (stroke) increased excitability in the brain that parallels high-frequency
hemisphere that have survived the stroke can undergo a loss of stimulus induction of LTP on the cellular level, whereas low-
excitability because of exaggerated IHI imposed on them from frequency or low-pulse rTMS acts in an inhibitory manner,
neurons in the contralesional (nonstroke) hemisphere66 (fig 5). paralleling the low-frequency stimulus parameters that induce
One explanation suggests an overuse of the nonparetic hand as LTD. This example of the application of a technique applied on
a compensatory reaction for the paretic hand.39 Another inter- a cellular level in vitro and now applied on a systems level in
pretation suggests that instead of assuming that such increased humans exemplifies incorporation of translational neuroscience
activation in the ipsilateral corticospinal projections is repara- and neuroplasticity.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


Fig 4. Conceptual representation of MEPs and corticospinal tract integrity in 2 subjects. (A) Subject with porencephalic cyst. With the use
of TMS, no noted contralateral resting or active hand MEP was elicited in the ipsilesional hemisphere. MEP was elicited bilaterally by
contralesional hemisphere. Contralateral control to both upper extremities is represented by nonlesioned hemisphere (red line). (B) Subject
with birth-related middle cerebral artery ischemic infarct. Contralateral hand resting MEP was elicited in each hemisphere. Intact crossed
corticospinal tract integrity is represented by yellow and red lines, respectively.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 93, October 2012


Fig 5. Exaggerated IHI and intervention. (A) Conventional transverse depiction of normal brain with right hemisphere on left. Right and left
primary motor areas (M1) are in gray. Arrows reflect balanced IHI. (B) Infarct (white square) in right M1 surrounded by peri-infarct zone (red
border), which is dysfunctional but can become functional if disinhibited. Compensatory behaviors with the nonparetic (right) hand directed
by contralesional (left) M1 result in overactivity of a portion of left M1 (dark gray circle), which increases the IHI from the left to the right (thick
arrow) and decreases excitability in some surviving neurons of ipsilesional (right) M1 (whitish gray ⴝ diaschisis). (C) Intervention includes
rTMS (energy bolt) to left M1 to disrupt excitability there combined with forced use of paretic hand and nonuse of nonparetic hand. (D)
Idealized outcome of disinhibited right M1 and associated rebalancing of IHI allowing function to return to peri-infarct zone (white square)
and adjacent gray matter but not to infarct itself.

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