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Written by Kennedy Posey

1.Background and Needs

Drinking has been a major issue within the ABC Land. The 17,544,500 acres and with the
population of 356,890 people. This area has many issues that need to be fixed, but the major
issue would have to be alcohol abuse. Through the years alcohol has became a huge
dependence on. It was stated that 23,000 individuals were reported as problem drinkers,
basically saying that one out of four adults are drinkers. As you can see in the graph below.

% Current Users in ABC Land

ABC Land Total Male Female Souce

1969 (ages 18+) 30.0 52.0 13.0 Levy and Kunitz, 1974

1984 (ages 16+) 52.0 64.0 40.0 May and Smith, 1988

In the graph you can see that 1969 to 1984 there was an increase of 22% of the total population
of ABC Land. And if you look closely you can see that the age went from 18+ to 16+. As you can
see, you can tell that alcohol has made an influence to the younger generation. And there are
ways we can help the younger and older generation, which is to help the older generation, so
they can be the remodel they can be.

I believe that putting a rehabilitation within ABC Land, which would be called Arrowhead
Center. Arrowhead Center will create a dramatic change with the statistics of alcohol abuse.
When you look within the area of ABC Land there are no rehabilitation access for them. If
someone does want to turn their life around then they must drive miles and miles to have the
opportunity they need. Some families don’t have the finances to send their loved ones to the
nearest rehabilitation centers. With the access of these facilities, then I am sure that the rate of
alcohol abuse will decline, because when it’s closer to home, individuals will have the
opportunity to have the home feeling of just being a few miles away from their home. When
you also add a rehabilitation center to ABC Land, it could give jobs to those who have
background knowledge of how alcohol has affected the community and also have cultural
understanding of the people. Having the cultural knowledge and understanding will help
workers connect with their patients and gives the patients the idea that they are important,
that their life and future are important. It’s very important that these people know that they
are not alone and that they will have help on every step of the way.

This program will have different ways to fix this solution. There will be different types of
programs within the facility. Examples about the programs within the facility are giving people
resources such as counseling and group meetings that have individuals who are all going
through the same hardships and who can relate to one another, another example is giving
temporarily living. Which would give a few days for individuals to be monitored and to see if
they would like to go further with the program. Lastly, there would be a program for those who
are searching to have a long term sobriety and a better life. How long these programs last, will
be up to the individual themselves. If they think they are ready to do it on their own they are
freely able to leave. This monitoring will also keep track of the statistic rates of how many
people are looking for help within the nearby communities that connect within ABC Land. As
well as keeping track on how well or long each individual will keep sober after the program.
The program will give opportunities to both male and females. The layout of the facility will
contain rooms that are dorm style with a bathroom that will connect two different rooms with
bunk beds. Each room will have 4 people in each room. The facility will also have a cafeteria and
recreational areas. Such as a pool, game room, and basketball court. As well if there are visitors
they may stay in the visitor area that is assigned.

There will be rules like:

1. Curfew is 10:30 pm M-F. 11:00 pm Sat-Sun.
2. No Alcohol on the premises
3. There will be alcohol testing to see if anyone is violating the rules.
4. No fighting
5. Visitors must stay only in the visitor area.
Goals and Objectives

These goals for Arrowhead Center is very important to us. As we see with individuals from
other areas who do have rehabilitation center are proven to be successful. How we can do this
is first by getting the help we need to create this facility. By first working with the tribal
government to see if they are willing to put alcoholism as a priority for ABC Land. To build the
facility we would at least need to raise $250,000 and more after that. The $250,000 is just the
starting point for the facility. It’s just to establish that the facility is a for sure thing and that
there is no backing out. Other ways to get funds in community awareness. By informing the
community then they will be able to donate in any way they can, as they know that this will
help a lot of people and that it will change many lives for individuals and their families. This is a
goal that we can reach if we realize that this is an important issue that needs to be closely
looked at. It shouldn’t have to take this long to realize that this is a very important matter and
this should have been taken care of a long time ago. Well, it’s better to be late than never.

To address these needs, the overall goals of Arrowhead Center

1. Provide help and spiritual needs to patients who are seeking a better future and a better
2. Bring immediate physical, emotional, and psychological comfort to patients.
3. Offer the opportunity for thousands of individuals. Saying no to anyone who needs help.
Always making sure that they are welcomed.

To fulfill these goals, we will achieve the following objectives in 2020:

1. Raise $250,000 in foundation grants and $1,575,000 in in-kind items needed to

complete the construction of Arrowhead Center.
2. Recruit and train at least 250 volunteers and/ workers to help monitor and help these
individuals for a long but fulfilling journey.
3. Reach out to tribal officials to emphasize the issue of alcohol abuse and inform the
people about donating to the rehabilitation center to help their people because their
own family members may be the ones in need.
4. Even after the program, we will keep an eye on individuals and see if the program was
successful in their life.
5. Create a chart of the successful and not successful rates to see if the program should
keep running in the later future.
6. Motivate the community of how important it is to stay sober and to have a clean and
safe environment.
7. There will also be classes on the premises that will give individuals the opportunity to
learn new things. Like cooking, and etc., so they can pick up a hobby that will allow them
to use in their future for hobbies or anything else.

Methods that could be used for this program are first, providing counseling. Counseling will
help those who just need someone to talk to about their day to day issue with alcohol. This will
give individuals trust with communicating when they need help.

Group meetings are also a great way to have everyone connect with one another. Having
people talk about their problems, there are others who can relate to how alcohol has took
advantage of their life and damaged not only their health, but maybe with relationships they
had with family and friends.

Secondly, there is the Detoxification part of the program. Which is where people will be
monitored closely to those who are looking to get help for a short period. To see if they are
willing to go farther with their journey.

The Secondary Care is like the Detoxification, but it is for the long term of changing. This part of
the program is where individuals already knowing what they want, and that’s to change. This is
the 1-5 month program. This will help individuals in the long run. There will classes on what it
will be like after sobering up and as well as be able to live a normal life with many activities for
them to enjoy as if they were living on their own and away.

Lastly there is a part of the program that allows individuals to stay at their own home and meet
up to the expectations of being sober on their own. This program lets them live freely, but they
must meet requirements to stay with the program. Such as make their appointments and
testing of alcohol. They will also be monitored to see if they are trying to build their life. Like
working and doing chores at home. Making sure they stay on the right grid.

The conclusion of this is to make sure that people in ABC Land has the resources and
opportunities for their people. That they are able to walk down the street and get the help and
need they deserve. It’s not about the money, it’s about helping the people and the community.
The community has issues with alcoholism, and when you fix the problem then, you won’t be
seeing drunk people on the side of the road either freezing or sweating because of the weather.
You won’t be seeing people staggering on the side of the road and the area would be clean of
beer cans or bottles.

Not only does this program benefit for those who need help, but it helps those looking for jobs.
Like those who are willing to stay on the reservation to help their people. To be the role models
for the younger generations to take the step into educating themselves and go above and
beyond for their community. So, they don’t end up like many of those who are walking around
town with alcohol ruining their lives.

Alcohol will always be an issue. It’s up to the person on whether or not they want to make that
change for the better.
Stories and examples of those who dealt with alcoholism and how it has affected their lives

Jean G

I gave up hope of ever becoming sober. I decided to drink myself to death. It didn't work. After
destroying my kids' lives and losing our home, car and my job, I became temporarily sober for
periods of 6 months or so—never lasting more than a year on the wagon.

Judy L

I was blessed with Alateen fellowship at a recent Al-Anon area conference. They have
encouraged me to act on my concerns for my children's future by hugging them, loving them,
and sharing recovery with them today.

Tall Paul

What I have come to believe is that it doesn't matter how old you are, how much you drank or
used, the color of your skin, what you believe or don't believe, you can practice these principles
for life.


If you read this and you think you have a problem, chances are you do. Please do not let your
fear and your denial get in the way of your recovery. I did not live to live life without drugs. I
lived so that I could help others like myself.


Believe me, I tried to blame everyone and everything I knew for my drinking; the death of my
child, the ex-husbands, etc. Everyone was responsible for my drinking except me.

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