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Pre-Service Teacher Goal Setting Plan


Name Michael Leapley

Date 11/12/2019

The pre-service teacher is completing this goal setting task based upon the Nebraska Clinical Practice Evaluation
(NCPE) Rubric (used as an evaluation tool during student teaching). Question: What are your areas of strengths
and what are your areas of growth?

1. Identify 2 Standards from the Rubric that you would like to use as goals while you are in this course. [1
choice of Standard must be Standard 2,3, 9, or 10 since these are the key assessment Standards of focus
for this course. The 2nd choice of Standard is up to you.]
2. Complete the worksheet in order to keep yourself on track.
3. Keep clear records of information related to your goal setting plan so that you can document accordingly.

Goal with NCPE Standard Steps to Attain Goal Resources and Activities Evidence to Support the
Cited to Support the Goal Goal Attainment

Goal 1: Standard 9— Goal 1: I will: Goal 1: Goal 1:

Accept critiques and  Accept critiques  Constructive  I received
input regarding from my feedback list constructive
performance cooperating that Mr. feedback from
I want to request teacher with an Schoettlin wrote Mr. Schoettlin
constructive feedback open mind  Discussion with on the lessons
from my cooperating  Seek out articles Mr. Schoettlin that I taught
teacher, reflect on it, and on tips for  Advice from Mr.  I successfully
create goals that I can strengthening Schoettlin on taught a lesson
implement to be a better my weaknesses how to time a with time
teacher.  Record the input lesson amounts for the
from my  Instructional intro, lecture,
cooperating Pacing: How Do activity, and
Goal 2: Standard 7— teacher Your Lessons closing
Plan for instruction  Write down Flow by Rebecca  I was aware of
I want to teach lessons goals related to Alber (Article on the clock and
that are linked to learning lesson pacing so Edutopia) moved on as
objectives, performance I can improve in needed, or
tasks, and assessments. I practice Goal 2: stayed on a topic
will help my students  Plan out my  Example of when time was
succeed in the classroom lesson with goal cooperating available
by providing various ways times for each teacher  I planned for and
for students to part so I can  Texts and notes taught 60
demonstrate their teach within a from Methods in minutes worth
knowledge and keeping specified time Secondary of content
backwards design in Religion successfully
mind.  Curriculum
Goal 2: designed by Mr. Goal 2:
 Communicate Schoettlin  I taught a lesson
with Mr.  Planning a lesson as an overview
Schoettlin about within the scope of Judaism that
how my lessons and sequence of fit within the
relate to the rest the class scope and
of the unit  Communicate sequence of the
 Familiarize with Mr. class. It achieved
myself with the Schoettlin over the goals and
class’s learning the phone and objectives that
objectives by email to prep were laid out for
 Clarify points before I teach me.
and objectives of the lesson  Within my
the lesson  Mr. Schoettlin’s lesson, students
before I present materials that I were able to
in class used to teach participate
 Make it a goal to  Ideas for active individually and
have the learning- Jigsaw, in groups—with
students Think-Pair-Share, written work
engaged in projects, etc… and with verbal
active learning  Students Think discussion
 Make it a goal to Lectures Are  For a lesson on
assess students Best, But “gods” in our
through a variety Research culture, students
of means Suggests They’re were arranged in
(formally and Wrong by Youki groups. They
informally) Terada (Article then
on Edutopia) brainstormed
and recorded
their thoughts in
small group
discussion. I was
able to walk
around and
assess and assist
as needed.
Finally, they
shared their
ideas with the
rest of the class
in large group
discussion, and
they turned in
worksheets. This
allowed the
students a
variety of
avenues to
participate and
their knowledge.

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