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21st Edition



Air Traffic Management, “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy, Brașov, Romania

Abstract: The aim of this project is to show the basics of directed energy, their potential in future
warfare and why it’s time to focus more on this technology. When we are saying directed energy, the most
common device would be the laser, but there are many more and some of those have amazing features. If
we are to take a closer look at directed energy, we also have to talk about the electromagnetic spectrum
which nowadays it is a critical enabler for modern militaries. If at first the electromagnetic spectrum was a
source of battlefield advantage, now in today’s era those that exploit the electromagnetic spectrum better
will win the war. All in all, the capabilities of directed energy technology can easily surpass every weapon
system as it is in a continuous evolution. We should consider it in the future, as it may win the next war.

Keywords: technology, warfare, electromagnetic spectrum, laser


The military doctrine is defining directed big in the future, we would need at least 10
energy as a term that is covering technologies more years to fund them at a big level.
that generates focused electromagnetic energy, Scientists describe the directed energy
atomic energy or subatomic particles. A phenomenon as throwing electro-optical
directed energy weapon is a system using physics, which means the propagation and
directed energy purposely as a means to interaction of light with various materials.
incapacitate damage, disable or destroy enemy Also electromagnetism has played a
equipment, facilities or personnel. Therefore continuously increasing role in the
directed-energy warfare is a military action development of directed energy systems.
involving the use of directed energy devices, Today the most developed directed-energy
weapons or countermeasures to incapacitate, system is the high-energy laser, which we will
cause direct damage to or to destroy the discuss later in this paper. Another concept that
adversary equipment, facilities, personnel in has evolved lately are the radio-frequency
order to exploit, reduce or to prevent hostile devices or radio-frequency weapons, which is
use of the electromagnetic spectrum through the high-power microwave which can destroy
damage, destruction and disruption. Also these or degrade electronic systems. However due to
systems have friendly actions to protect the the lack of precision of the high power
facilities and the personnel. Nowadays this microwave, people lost their interest in their
technology is becoming more prolific and development and focused their attention on the
stronger, it is also becoming a subset of the high energy laser. The devices discussed
electronic warfare mission area. Ultimately for earlier generate electromagnetic waves that
directed energy systems to become something

can be precisely aimed at targets. All such

waves travel in a straight line.




To understand the directed energy the radiation. For example radio waves have
fundamentals, we need to understand what the photons with low energy, microwave photons
electromagnetic spectrum is. More exactly the have a little more energy than radio waves,
electromagnetic spectrum is the environment infrared photons have still more than the two
where electronic warfare takes place, therefore before and then we have the visible light. The
the electromagnetic spectrum is an visible light is the only fragment of the
environment where also directed energy is electromagnetic spectrum which we can see it
produced and used for different purposes, like with our eyes. After the visible light we have
military applications or even medical research. ultraviolet, X-rays and the most energetic of
The electromagnetic spectrum is the all, gamma rays. High-energy laser often
range of all types of electromagnetic radiation. operate in the portion of the electromagnetic
Electromagnetic radiation which can be spectrum, more exactly within the visible light
expressed in terms of energy, wavelength or or infrared portion of the spectrum, while high-
frequency, can be described as terms of a power microwaves within the microwave
stream of particles, called photons, each portion of the spectrum. (FIG .1.)
travelling in a wavelike pattern at the speed of Thought history, visible light or the light
light. Each photon contains a certain amount that we people can see it was the only known
of energy. Radiation is sorted and classified by element of electromagnetic spectrum.
the amount of energy found in the photons of

So far we know that a directed energy weapon is when we are using a non-nuclear
is a device that concentrates highly focused electromagnetic pulse weapon and the final
energy for example laser, microwaves and method is occurring when a geomagnetic storm
particle beams at a respective target with the affects the Earth. These pulses can be high-
purpose of destroying the target or damaging frequency, similar to a flash of lighting or a
it. We also know that a device that uses spark of static electricity, or low-frequency
directed energy radiates an immense amount of similar to an aurora-induced phenomenon. An
power. So what if we could encapsulate an electromagnetic pulse can spike in less than a
immense amount of electromagnetic energy nanosecond or can continue longer than 24
and release it over a location, what could we hours, depending on its source. The
achieve by doing this. Well the answer is consequences of an electromagnetic pulse use
simple, we would achieve an electromagnetic can range from permanent physical damage to
pulse, which is a burst of electromagnetic temporary system disruptions and can result in
radiation. Today we can achieve the so called fires, electric shocks to people and equipment
electromagnetic pulse effect in 3 ways, one is and critical service outrages
via detonation of a nuclear device , the second


Therefore the effect of a detonation is massive. the electromagnetic pulse wherever you want,
Right now scientists are trying to create a with an infinite source of energy. So it would
directed-energy weapon, which can generate a become a weapon of mass destruction.
continuous pulse. It is system that can direct (FIG.2.)


Lasers are the most known type of directed- light by gravitational fields exists, but their
energy weapon and also it is the most significance is almost null, in warfare the
operationally deployed in the last two energy beams are essentially immune to
centuries. There are some characteristics that gravity because they have no mass. The lack of
make it so convenient. For example the most mass frees them from aerodynamic constraints
obvious point is that the beam generated by a which means, the enemy cannot determine the
laser reaches target at the speed of light and ballistic trajectory of our shot because
that is about 300,000 kilometers per second. theoretically it doesn’t exist. So they can’t
Because every form of electromagnetic energy predict where the next shot will be.
travels at this speed, a laser beam can cover Another aspect that I will cover is that lasers
great distances almost instantaneously. So the are extremely precise, the main beam of an
tracking and intercepting a target is greatly Airborne Laser is approximately 1.5 meters
simplified and the target’s capacity to evade wide and yet it can hit targets that are 500
harm is much reduced. kilometers distant with pinpoint accuracy.
The next principle of directed energy is With enough tracking and data about the
that this technology and the beams that they current target, by employing directed-energy
generate are not affected by gravity or attack systems we can select the specific part
atmospheric drag. Although the bending of of a fast-moving target that we wish to strike.


There are different methods by which a high- sensors for tracking intended targets and
energy laser can be accomplished, but the characterizing the space between the laser and
generic components of a laser system are the targets. And last but not least there has to
always the same. There must be a power be the beam control components for shaping
source with adequate fuel; there must be a the beam and directing it so it traverses the
chamber in which coherent light is generated. space with maximum efficiency.
Up next there must be optical mechanisms for
forming and focusing a beam, there must be


The term “microwave” technically applies to generate such amount of energy has potential
the highest frequency radio waves, therefore to do great damage to the military senor and
those operating in the gigahertz range. communication networks of an adversary, not
However it has become commonplace to refer to mention the civilian infrastructure. The
to all directed energy weapons operating at advantage of this device is even at low power,
radio frequencies as high power microwaves, a microwave weapon could be used to disable
which is not true. This tendency exists to all the avionics of aircraft in flight, which is how
devices operating at infrared for example to be much directed energy has evolved in the last
called lasers, which again is false. two decades. It can even heat the skin
Unfortunately such looseness can foster the molecules of enemy personnel, a painful effect
misconceptions about the properties of a high however because the energy threshold at which
power microwave. In the second part of this radio waves begin to disrupt digital systems is
paper we have explained the effects of an at far lower levels than which the radiation
electromagnetic pulse; people tend to believe would be perceptible to humans. So because of
that hardening techniques developed to cope this drawback, most applications involve
with the electromagnetic pulse generated by a discriminate attacks against electronics rather
nuclear blast or by another device can shield than attacking the personnel.
electronic systems from microwave bursts. The difference can be seen only if we can
Facts state that a nuclear blast operates at the understand these devices, in the popular
low end of the radio-frequency spectrum, more mindset, lasers are flashes of light which
exactly in the megahertz range, while proceed in a straight line toward targets which
microwaves operate at the high end or the are destroyed by holes drilled in them. So if a
gigahertz range of the spectrum. Therefore laser beam can be the equivalent of a bullet
defensive techniques that cope well with the shot from a rifle, then the microwave is more
megahertz frequency threats will be useless like a shot from a shotgun. Through this
against a microwave attack. divergence, the energy spreads with distance,
High power microwaves can cause three and the effective range is less. The unusual
levels of destructive effect in electronics, paths which a beam may take in the
temporary upset, permanent upset or burnout. atmosphere, together with the limitations
Temporary upset is an effect similar to imposed by breakdown suggest that
interference caused by jamming equipment. microwaves are unsuited for precision
Permanent upset occurs when magnetic destruction of threatening targets like lasers.
memories or processor logic is erased and the Rather they are more likely to be fired at an
burnout is physical damage to components array of targets, and the target will receive a
resulting from power overloads and from this sufficient dose of energy to exploit the internal
results heat. The level of effect against a given vulnerabilities. By understanding how the
target will depend on the amount of energy directed energy works with this system and it’s
irradiated and the characteristics of mechanism, we can understand how we can
transmission like, frequency, pulse duration damage the adversary.
and so on. Obviously any weapon that can


We have just seen a fragment of what this long ranges and speed-of-light engagement is
technology is truly capable of speed, precision really impressive. In fact targets that are
and mobility are all to a greater extent. These moving past the sound barrier could be shot
inherent characteristics of directed-energy have down instantly as they become fragile against a
made them desirable in both civil and military pinpoint accurate device, that is tracking and
environments. Directed energy hold forth the taking the shot without hesitation.
potential not of just instantly killing a target, As technology advances every day, it
but also imposing variable effects through the would not be a surprise for us to see sooner or
management of the amount of energy later , plasma rifle, light saber and other
employed against a specific area or target. The science-fiction like technologies from movies
impact of this technology might be more than or books. Not today, but maybe in 20 years
just a force multiplier, it may be critical to regular bullets will not exist anymore and
military operations in an environment where directed-energy will take over and totally
the use of explosive could lead to self- change the way we see warfare today.
destruction, collateral damages or accidents.
Nowadays directed-energy can have a
unique role, the combination of rapid reaction,


1. Jason D. Ellis (April, 2015). Directed-Energy Weapons: Promise and Prospects,

City: Washington
2. Lexington Group, Directed-Energy Weapons: Technologies, Applications and Implications,
City: Arlington
3. Phillip E. Nielsen (July, 2012). Effects of Directed Energy Weapons

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