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3 Data Analysis and Diagnosis in Community Nursing Care

Analysis of community nursing data is an important part of
community nursing care. The purpose of community data analysis is to
identify and classify community data based on data sources. Data collected
in the community nursing assessment can be obtained by interviews,
questionnaires, observations, and examinations (IPPKI, n.d.). From these
data, data analysis is then carried out with several stages consisting of
categorization, summary, comparison, and conclusions.
Categorization is the first stage in data analysis. Data can be
categorized in various ways. In communities, categorization of assessment
data may include (1) demographic characteristics (family composition, age,
sex, ethnicity, and racial group), (2) geographical characteristics
(boundaries, number and size of family heads, public spaces, and roads), (3)
socio-economic characteristics (occupation and type of work, level of
education, and patterns of home ownership), (4) sources and health services
(hospitals, health centers, clinics, mental health centers, etc.).
After categorizing the data, the next stage is a summary which aims
to summarize the data in each category. Summary statements are presented
in the form of measurements such as quantities, charts and graphs (IPPKI,
n.d.). Another stage is comparison. Comparisons in data analysis aim to
identify gaps, discrepancies, discrepancies, and lack/loss of data.
Comparative data is needed to determine the existing patterns and trends, if
the data is felt to be incorrect then it needs to be re-validated with the
original data (IPPKI, n.d.). The final stage is conclusions. After
categorizing, summarizing, and comparing, the final stage makes logical
conclusions. Logical conclusions must be formulated from existing data to
lead to the diagnosis of community nursing.
The end result of data analysis is the diagnosis of community
nursing. Community nursing diagnosis is done by identifying the problem,
etiology, signs of community nursing diagnosis. Then, the community
nursing diagnosis formulation was carried out with the correct formulation.

IPPKI. Panduan asuhan kperawatan: individu, keluarga, kelompo, dan komunitas

dengan modifikasi NANDA, INCP, NOC, dan NIC di Puskesmas dan

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