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CLASS: Bs Avm 1-A

SUBMITTED TO: Maam Ayesha Kinz-ul-Emaan

SUBMITTED BY: Hassaan Zafar, Adeel Maqsood, Suleiman Asif, Ahmed Mehmood,
Mohsin Ali

Dated: 11TH December, 2019

“Enjoy the journey by Ayush Mehra”
Ayush Mehra’s speech is a fine speech in which he tells about the rejections faced by him
throughout his life when he was on the roads to find success. He's a strong believer of the fact
that hard work and perseverance yields the best and the most powerful fruits. He was very
confident while delivering his speech and there was no hesitation in his body language.

In his speech, he said that he never wanted to be an actor because according to him these all
dramas and emotional acting are just for girls and men are for sports. But then there were
events which changed his life and he entered the showbiz industry through dancing. Then he
joined special classes to pursue his career in dancing. He acted as background dancer but
never acquires that position which a hero possessed so he changed his mind and took a
decision to achieve that position through determination and hard work. He quitted dancing for
acting. Now from here all the motivational aspects of his life started when he went to give his
first audition for play. As he didn’t know anyone in the film industry hence he had to give his
best shot and there was no room for mistakes. He was very much excited before the audition
and was expecting a good result. But contrary to his expectations when he gave his first
audition without any experience he was rejected and insulted.

At this point his life became miserable. His mother boosted his confidence by saying that
don’t act and just give auditions. She meant to say that try again and again until you don’t
feel ashamed of rejection. After several attempts and rejections his hard work paid off and
finally was offered a role in an advertisement. He tried to convince the audience that there is
a lot of hard work put in when you see someone successful and an important factor in
succeeding is the failures that you encounter and then learn from them. After being rejected
so many times he became desensitized towards rejections. Main idea of his speech was that
you should not be disheartened by failures instead should believe that there are many other
opportunities that await you. You just have to stay focused towards achieving your goal. He
got job as an assistant director. There he got experience which would not have been possible
if he has worked as an actor. By stating his own example, Mehra reiterated that one can
achieve everything when he puts right amount of time, effort and pain for his goal with the
right intention. There should not be shortcuts but a planned roadmap towards achieving your
goal. If you stress out it will only affect you so just enjoy and work hard.

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