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I have built many things that I am really proud of!

One of my DIY-project was

making of a football goal of actual size by the use of pipes. I, at first, measured the
size of a goal’s poles and crossbar, then for some support for the goal to stand still
for hours and resists really fast shots, I planned to join a set of properly arranged
pipes behind the goal to give it strength. Wider the pipes, the more resistive they
are, was the only science I had to use there! This goal helped me improved in
football for the next 7–8 months until it was stolen by the garbage collector due
to my own carelessness.
Second of my creation was a carrier. One day my father asked me to move around
80 bricks in the backyard as he was building a chicken coop. 11-years-old me
could only afford to carry 2–3 bricks at a time so to speed the things up I came up
with an idea to build a carrier that would reduce my effort. With the help of many
layers of cardboard and one of thick plastic as well as a strong rope, I succeeded
to build a carrier. If I would drag it with rope it would take so much time and
power too. So I planned to attach tyres to it. I took two small but wide pipes,
attached it at the bottom of the carrier with the help of a super glue, took two
long and thin trunks of wood and attached four tyres of my old small broken toy
car and asked my dad to wait for an hour. After one hour my carrier was ready
and now it could carry about 6–8 bricks at one time and my work was finished
within 12 shifts. This carrier would require least force if held from the top of the
rope because it was farthest from the pivot. This carrier proved to be a useful
thing in moving heavy stuff around the house.
Last of my making, that I was proud of, was a locker to keep my money safe. It
probably didn’t helped me in any big way but at least I was happy to do
something new. It was made out of cardboard and outside was a lock wheel
which was attached to an ice-cream stick from inside through a rotating nut. I
would just write numbers on the wheel from 0–50 as to make sure that at what
point it opens. Although this invention didn’t help me but became popular
amongst my friends.
There are many projects that we did at school and they impressed most of our
teachers. I took two syringes, filled one with water and joined them both through
a small and very thin pipe. Now if I would press one syringe, the other end would
release and vice versa. This project demonstrated hydrostatic pressure. Having
interest in architecture, I, along with my friend, constructed a skyscraper using ice
cream sticks of more than 1 foot. My principle loved it!
When it comes to my hobby, I love to create small DIY projects at home. For a
birthday party in our family, I make my own party poppers. When my friends
come home, I make my own ball shooter, Ninja star or anything that would
entertain my friends.
For even more fun, I make Catapults, Crossbows, small decoration pieces e.g. a
small Masjid, a fox out of a bottle and cardboard and so many more. I show my
talent on small scale wherever and whenever I get a chance and when I will go for
some big projects I surely will succeed! [INSHALLAH]

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