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Calculation of pile capacity:

Tentative length = 22m

Pile diameter = 50cm

Frictional component

1) 2m – 9.50m Medium dense fine sand

ϕ value - 300

Qu = 1×1.5×10-3×750/2×tan300 ×π×50×750

= 38240kg

2) 9.50m – 15.00m Sandy Silty Clay

C value assumed = 0.30

Qu = 0.3×0.3×π×50×550

= 7775.442kg

Total = 46015.44kg

Factor of safety = 2.5

Net value =18406kg

≈ 18t
15m -20m Weathered rock

20m-22m Hard rock

Bearing value from hard rock = π/4×502×28.5 = 55.959t


Net bearing capacity =28.5 kg/m2

Total =73.959t, say 70t

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