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There are advancing colors or warm

across from side to side is a horizontal

c o l o r s t h a t ma k e a n o b j e c t appe a r
line. It cuts height and adds width.
Contrasting colors in two-piece outfits larger. The retreating colors make a
create horizontal lines and minimize person appear smaller and far away.
height. The longer the unbroken area The advancing colors are reds, yellows,
from the hem to the figure, the taller and oranges. The retreating ones are
you look. An example of this is found blues, greens, and violets.
in the empire style or a bolero-style As to shades of a color, examples
jacket. The tunic style or a waist length of shades of red are brick red, fire red,
jacket shortens a person much more. and rose red. Clarity refers to the clear-
ness or purity of a color.
COLOR: THE LINK IN THE TOTAL What makes color effective? Simply
LOOK the way it looks on you, against your
skin, your hair, your eyes — in short
The first principle in decorating yourself
your overall coloring.
is understanding not only what colors
are right for you, but which shades and
clarities of those colors you should wear. YOUR COLOR SPECTRUM
Some attributes of colors are light- The primary colors are red, blue, and
ness, brightness, shades, and clarity. yellow. Secondary and tertiary colors
Light colors transmit more light. Bright- are combinations of these. Red and blue
ness is that attribute by which an area is make v i o l e t ; r e d and yellow, make I
judged to emit more or less light. Bright- orange; and blue and yellow make
ness varies from invisible to dazzling. green. (see color wheel).




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