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Introduction Letter

There many specifics habits of mind that are important, but I find that some are used

more often than others. For me there are a few that I needed to focus on and incorporate into my

writing more. Persisting, managing impulsivity, thinking interdependently, and gathering data

through all the senses are habits that I feel are most important in writing, and something that I

wanted to build on as the semester goes on. I have set many goals throughout my life whether

that be for sports, writing, or whatever I am trying to do. The goals I want to set for myself in

this class are simple. I want to build on the skills I have learned in the past to increase my ability

to write a complete story. Overcome habits and fears that limit me as a writer. There are certain

assignments such as the memoir, profile, and reflection of memoir and profile that these habits

will be in use. There will be long papers, and papers that need little things. These were and still

are important throughout my writing career and without these I would have never been able to

further my writing as much as I did.

Persisting is defined as sticking to what needs to be done, and being able to remain

focused. Throughout my writing career I found myself not being able to stay focused on what I

was writing and wanting to do something else. While this doesn’t seem like such a huge deal, but

this will pile up on you throughout the semester. During these assignments such as the Memoir,

and the profile it will feel like you are typing for days, but just remember to power through the

struggle and it will pay off in the endgame. I set a goal for myself that I must get everything that

needs to be done on my paper twenty-four hours in advance of when it is due. While this goal

didn’t seem like much. It actually helped a lot, and helped me prioritize my time allowing myself

to focus on what I had in this class, and others. While persisting is something that everyone

needs to learn, managing impulsivity is something that is very important.

Managing impulsivity is more or less remaining calm when under pressure. This is going

for mostly everything. But in writing it is more important. If you become stressed when trying to

write, it hurts your writing in more ways than one. Whether it be from not getting your work

done, or writing about the wrong thing and not understanding what needs to be done. Setting a

goal for myself in this was making sure I planned out what needed to be done first and what

could be finished after. Prioritizing work from most important to not as important helped me in

many ways not just in this class. When doing your work these will help, but when you want to

gather information what your writing, whether it is from a website, in real life, or a video you

must be able to gather data using all of your senses.

Gathering data with all sense is important. It allows you to not just focus on what

someone is seeing, but rather the thing they are looking, how it sounds, what is feels like, what

does it smell like. Being able understand what you are looking at, and using your other senses to

organize what information you are gathering. This skill took a while to understand and even

longer to put into effect on what I am trying to look at. With this idea, the reflection and self-

evaluation will show you how you write and how your writing comes across to a reader. You

must be able to gather information about your writing and be able to give self-criticism on your

memoir. This habit will allow to reflect on your writing and many ways than just reading what

you wrote. A goal a set for myself at the beginning of the semester was being able to gather the

info about what I am looking at, while I am trying to use my other senses to gather more tedious

information about what the object, place, person, or thing I am looking at.

Goals are very important to ones growth in writing. My goals helped me throughout the

semester because whenever I am make a goal I want to keep it, and conquer it. Building on skills

that I have learned in the past. This will cause to become a better writer and create and finalize
assignments better. Overcoming fears in writing I feel is the biggest one. Fears cause to me to

shut down and not do the assignment or create a writers block so I it makes it harder to write.

Setting these goals for the semester I feel will boost my writing ability and myself ability


Persisting, managing impulsivity, thinking interdependently, and gathering data are

important tools that will make you a better writer throughout this semester. If you set certain

goals like I did you will do great not just in this class, but all of your classes. Things will get

rough through the semester but just remember these tools, and you will become a great writer

and succeed in this class throughout your time in this class.

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