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Diego Larios

Minor Project #2: Responding to Social Media Comments and Complaints

English 205 Workplace Writing

Situation #1: Facebook response to Justa Chikin

For this situation, we should apologize for the product’s failure, then offer to work with the

customer to find a solution to the problem.


“Hello Justa, we heard about your problem through the grapevine, and we would like to sincerely

apologize for the inconvenience our product’s failure has given you. If you would like, we would

be happy to try to resolve any issue you may have over DMs.”

Situation #2: Instagram response to drweelsatesu

For this situation, it should similar to the first situation, where we offer an apology to the

customer. However, since this person is asking for a replacement, we should give him a link to

our customer service page.

“Hey, we’re sorry to hear about your failsafe breaking. Please contact us at our customer service

page, and we’ll get right to helping you:”

Situation #3: Twitter response to Steam Punk

For this situation, we should handle this situation by apologizing and then giving them a link to a

website that sells replacement camera caps.


“Hey Steam Punk, we’re sorry to hear about your cap. Replacements can be found here:”

Situation #4: Twitter DM response to the kid with the “game issue”

The advantage to a customer contacting us properly is that we are able to get personal with this

person. We are able to ask in-depth questions about their problems without it our conversation

being out in the public. However, the disadvantage is that other customers, who may be having

the same issue as the kid, may not see the solution to the problem if we post one in our response.

“I’m sorry to hear about your camping trip not going so well, and CampWithFriends not working

for you. If you can, please give me some info to help my team and I narrow down a possible

solution for you:”

● Phone Model

● The issue the app is giving you

Situation #5: Yahoo Answers response to A. Cat

For this situation, we should first apologize for the inconvenience our app is giving them. Then,

we should link our common Q&A link in case a possible solution is there, and then offer to

further assist him with our customer service in case the solution is not there.


“Hello, A. Cat, we saw that you have an issue, and we would like to apologize for our app giving

you problems. If you haven’t, please look over our Common Questions and Answers page on our

website in case the solution is there ( If the solution is not there, please

contact our customer service, where we’ll be happy to assist you (”

Situation #6: Anne Arseholl

I think not responding to this tweet is the best option. Normally, it is best to try to pacify an

angry customer by apologizing and trying to find a solution to their problem (if possible).

However, in this case, there doesn’t seem to be any way I can solve this because the tweeter is

insulting us from a personal bias against us. They give no info to what specific problems they

have with our products, and then they bring up that their “friend” who worked for our company

said we’re jerks. We don’t even know if this person is telling the truth about having a friend who

worked with us.

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