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Review of Relevant Studies

Implementation of Picture Word Inductive Model can help teacher to explain the

material of descriptive text. The students is more interest with the picture and in can

be understand quickly if they are interest with the learning strategy. Like as study that

has been conduct by Henri and Hanafi (2015) explore the PWIM to improving writing

ability of the students in MA Nurul Qarnain Jember in the 2014/2015 academic year.

Design of this study using classroom action research with cycle model.

The subject of the research are the tenth grade students of MA Nurul Qarnain

Sukowono that consist of 40 students, in the second semester 2014/2015 academic

year. The research target is 65% students get score at least 70. The actions in cycle

covered 1) planning of the action, 2) implementation of the action, 3) observation of

the action and 4) reflection. The instrument used the test item and observation field

notes. In order to analyze the data students writing score, percentage formula is used.

Result of this study is the use of picture word inductive model is able to improve the

tenth grade students’ writing ability at MA Nurul Qarnain in the 2014/2015 academic


The second relevant study is accomplished by Devi Suraya (2017), she conducts

a study about to know the effect of using PWIM on teaching descriptive text writing

on the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya. Quasi-

experimental research used in her design and used 40 samples divided for

experimental and control group. From the result conclude that the use of Picture Word

Inductive Model had an effect on teaching descriptive text writing. The effect size for
the treatment was considered as strong, under the t-test the difference of the interval

was significant. It is suggested that teacher uses PWIM as the alternative technique

in teaching descriptive text.

Other study about the effectiveness of Picture Word Inductive Model in teaching

writing descriptive text to the seven grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Pontianak in

academic year 2016/2017 was conducted by Natalia, Clarry, and Wardah (2016) that

used pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. The result of this study

was more than 0.80 (ES > 0.8) which categorized as high effect size. It proved that

teaching writing descriptive text using Picture Word Inductive Model gives a strong

significant effect to improve students’ writing achievement.

However, ST. Amanah SR (2016) that using test and questionnaire to find out

the students’ interest in learning by using PWIM. The result indicated that 18 (85.7

%) students were “Very High”, 3 (14.3%) students were “High”, and no one student

was in moderate, low, and very low. It means that all of the students were interested

in learning writing descriptive text using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). For

other results, PWIM is used to help and guide the students in writing process activities

as well as in organizing their writing. Moreover, it is expected to make the students

do not get bored while learning process. This model is useful for the first grade

students of senior high school to write a descriptive text because it encourages

students to express their ideas, opinion, and thoughts on their writing.

From all of the relevant studies above, it was struggled by a study of Fitri Novia

(2015), which was used experimental method to find out whether or not there was
significant difference between students who were taught using Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) and that of those who were not. The population of this study

was the seven grade students in SMP N 1 Sirah Pulau Padang. Out of this population,

68 students were taken as a sample and were divided equally into two groups by using

purposive sampling method. The data were collected by asking students to write

descriptive paragraph. To find out the validity, content validity was used. Inter-rater

reliability was used to find out the reliability. T-test was used to analyze the data. For

the result there was significant difference between students who were taught using

picture word inductive model (PWIM) and that of those who were not. In conclusion,

PWIM could help students to develop writing skill.

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