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Paper 1.

Ancient and Medieval History: NCERT and Vipin Chandra

Modern: Spectrum (Rajiv Ahir)

Geography: New NCERT (6–12) and Mahesh Baranwal

Paper 2.

Polity: Laxmikant and for other topics notes of any coaching or online sources and
newspaper and magazines

Paper 3.

NCERT and Internet sources for Science and Tech.

Economics: Ramesh Singh and 11th Class NCERT

EVS: Parikshavani

Maths: R. S. Agarwal

Paper 4.

Ethics: Lexicon/ Mahavir Prakashan Books and 'Experiments with Truth'


TMH mp ek parichay, Mahavir/ Mukesh Maheswari's Book.


Chanchal Jain or any.


Drishti IAS notes or Pratiyogita darpan, Ghtna chakra, and Kurukshetra magazines.

Rozgar and Nirman Patrika and MP ministry websites for policies of Govt.

and for more information, u can visit this website PSC E-Gyan

I m also preparing for this exam from this website, trust me they have good stuff for
their aspirants

its a very good platform for the MPPSC aspirant have content like MPPSC test-series
(prelims and mains), video series, PDF Notes, a full course of MPPSC(prelims and
mains), special coverage of mp current affairs…

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