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Lesson of English/ Grammar

In the beginning, I asked questions about the opposites, for example, what is the
opposite of the word "day", and then the students say "evening”. Asking questions
was an entertaining game for students to get their attention and to learn about
today's lesson. The students were excited about the lesson. I introduced students
to PowerPoint and explained the lesson. I explained the difference between the
opposites and how to differentiate between them through meaning and
pronunciation .Then I divided the class into groups and each group has the
appropriate activity according to the students' levels. These activities are different
and multiple for all levels so that the student can focus and consolidate what has
been learned through the explanation in his/her mind. The students were enjoying
the activities and some of them faced a little difficulty so I had another model for
the activity so that I could avoid this problem and lose control of the students
’behavior. I set the timer for students so they know when they should finish
performing the activity, After the time was up, I asked the students to come to the
carpet and then discuss the activities with each other .Finally, I played with the
students a game related to the lesson and the students were excited to play, so I
finished the lesson after making sure that the students understood the lesson.

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