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Add Three and Four, Two-Digit Numbers

Today's lesson was about add Three and Four, Two-Digit Numbers, student already
know how to skip counting and use addition 2 numbers and use number chart. I
asked the students to skip counting then I asked them some a few questions linked
to the lesson and also to let them pay attention with me. Then I presented the
PowerPoint to the students and explained the lesson, then I read a short story
about my home (to let my story more interesting for students I used a picture). I
divide the students by groups then I gave them activities that commensurate with
their level. I used different types of activities like some of group they were an
activity on how to differentiate between ones, tens and hundreds through the use
of paper currencies and how we can calculate these currencies. This was one of
the best activities that I gave to students because it helps them how to deal with
these currencies in our daily life and distinguish between them in terms of their
classification according to their category. And I put the timer for the students so
that they could finish before the end of time after that I asked the students to sit
on the carpet and then I played with them a card game that includes questions and
answers with pictures. And with this, I can make sure that the lesson is rooted in
the minds of students, and the lesson is communicated in a simple and easy way to

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