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wcrc r our carrisgc (üc othcr childrcn a¡d Vivi did

'rr go). Vicky was d¡cascd in lacc ovcr whitc sati¡. with
mr¡ wrcaü of pink wild roscs in bcr bai¡. ard lookcd vcry
. ¡l:a Bcrtic was in full HighJald drcss Tbc Grccn Pa¡k and
THE GREAT [ydc Park wcrc onc mt$ of dcnscly crowdcd hurnan bcings'
EXHIBITION OF íü. higbcst good humour and mct cnthusiasúc' I ncvcr
rr Hydl Park look a¡ it did, bcing fllcd with crowds a¡
fu u th" cyc could rcacb- A littlc ra-in fcll.
just 8s wc started'
lr, l85l
iUt" wc nca¡ed thc Crystal Pa-lacc' üc sun
shonc and
fumed upon thc gigantic cdi6cc' upon which üe flag: ol
ncry *tióo wcrc flying' Wc drovc up Rottcn Row and
u áf our carriagcs at lhc ent¡&ncc 6¡ that sidc' Thc Slimpse'
fuough thc iron gatcs of üc Transcpl thc waving palms
¡¡d d'owcrs, Oc mfia¿s of peoplc ñlling the gallcrics and
Prince Albcrt's TriumPh Et! rround. toSethcr with tle flourish of trumpcts 8s wo
cotarcd thc building. gavc a scnsaüon I shnll ncvcr
for into a üttlc
QUEEN VICTORIA nd I fclt much movcd. Wc wcnt a momcnt
' ¡mm whcre wc lcft our cloekq and found Mama and Mary'
[rnou hcr Joumal] r 0¡sidc EI tbe Pri¡ccs wcrc st8¡din8. In a fcw scconds wc
at bjs h¡nd and
'f': Fecdcd, Albcrt lcading mc. baving Vicky
ilcrtic holding mine. Thc sight as wc camc to thc
I üd not sit) was placcd'
May I ltSllJ. This day is onc of the grcatcst and *crt U" stcis anO chair (on wh.icb
glorious days of our livcs' wiü which to my pridc and i iring the üuüful crystal fountain was magic and imprcssi^ve
facc' the
the nnmc of my dcarly bclovcd Albcrt is for evcr Ihc úcmcndous cbccring, the joy cxprcsscd in cvcry
with all its decoration and cxbibits'
It is a day whicb m¡kcs my heart swcll wiü thankfulnc¡l Bncss of the building'
600 voiccs'
Wc bcgan thc day with tcndcrcst g¡cctings and congratulrtl¡t¡ úc ¡ound of the organ (with 200 i¡strumcnts and
on t¡JUirtl of our dea¡ litüe Arthur. Hc was brought in rr riicü sccmcd ¡sthing) and my bcloved husband' thc crcator
brcalCsst aod lookcd beauüful wiü bluc ribbon on his frocL C ,nit po* fcsüvJ 'uniting thc industry and art of all
a day
M¡m¡ a¡d Victor Y/crc ücrq as wcll as atl thc child¡t¡ nt¡oo¡ of üc earth,' all thiq was indccd moving, and
my de¿rcst Albert' and my dcar
a¡d our dcar gucsts. Our üttle gifu of toys wcrc addcd. b livc for svcr. Cod bless
Guntry, which bas showu itsclf so Sreat to-day' Onc
fclt so
bv oncs from thc Pcc and Pccss [of Prussia].
to- pervadc
Thc Park prcscntcd ¡ wondcrful spcctacle' crowd¡ strc¡o' cfi to tbc Sreat God. whosc blessing sccmcd
wbolc u¡dciaking. Aftcr the National Anthcm bad
ing through i¡---orriages and troops PEssi¡& quitc likc tb
Coronaüon, and for m¿, tbc samc anxicty. Thc day *rr eng Albcrt tcft my sidc and at thc head of the Commis-

bright a-nd all busüe a¡d cxcitcmcnl At ] p. I I thc wbolc *ro*,* curious asscmblage of political and difinguisbed
p.olcs.ioo i¡ 9 Statc carriagcs was sct in moüon- V¡c¡ry !!d lneo-read thc Rcport to mc, which is a long one' and
1l-¿ ¡hort answcr. Aftc¡ this the Arcbbishop of Cantcrburi
From ffr¿ Gnat Exhtbitton ol 1651. eloptlcd by C lL G¡bbo--Soül " up a sbort and appropriatc prEycr. followcd by tht
O-oodo¡: t950I Pa86 l6lE'

singing of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, during wbicb tic'

ti¡c Chincsc Mandarin came forward and made his obcisa¡ca Scymour spokc to mc with such pridc and joy a

This concluded, thc Proccssion of great lengü begnn, wh-kii bdovcd onc's succcss and vi¡dicaüon after so much oppos
was bcautifully arranged, the prcscribcd order being cxsclitj such diffculües, which no onc but hc wiü his ¡
adhercd to. Tbc Nave was full of pcoplc, wbich had not bcrtr , paticncc ñrmncss and encrgy could havc achic
i¡tended, and deafening cbecrs and waving of ha¡dkc¡chid¡i Wiüout thesc qualitics, his hiCh posiüon alonc could
continued üc wbolc time of our lons walk from one end o(i hvc carricd him ¡fi¡eugh. Saw later in thc evening r
the building to thc other- Every facc was bright and smilingl $och&r aftc¡ baving had a littlc walh and he.rejoiccc
and many bad tears in ücir eyes. Many Frenchmen callcd ¡¡d wiü me. Tbere was but one voicc of alonishment
out 'Vive la Rcine.' One could, of coursc, scc nothing hi ¡dmi¡ation. T\c Globe had a beautiful articlc which tou,
wbat was h.igh up in the Nrve, and nothing in thc Ec vcry mucb-I forgot to mcntion that I wore a dres
The organs were but little he¿rd, but üe Military Baad and silvcr, wiü a dia¡nond ray diadem and little c¡
one end had a very fine effect playing thc march troui ü tle back witb 2 fcatben, all the rcst of my jewels b
Athalie as wc passed along. Tbe old Duke of Wellingron diamonds. The Pccss [of Prussia] looked very handsome
Ld. Anglesey walked arm i¡ arm, which was a touchinS so kind and 'her¿licb.' An interesting cpisode of the
I saw many acquainhnces amongl thosc present. We rcrumed ras thc visit of the good old Duke, on his 82nd birtl:
io uur placc and Alben aold t¡t. Breadalbanc io dcciarc fu bis littlc godsoo, our dea¡ iiiue boy. He cams to us
Ex,ribiúon to be open.d, which he did in a loud voicc sayd igrve littJe Arthur a gold c.rp an,.l ic'ys, which he tra.l clr
'Her Majesty commands me to declare üis Exhibition opco,' himsdf. Arthur gave him I nosegay. We all di¡cd 'en Fam
when therc was a flourish of trumpets, followed by imm6¡¡3 üc children stai¡g up a little longer, and then wen
chccrins. We then madc our bow and left. &vcot Garden opcra, wherc we saw the 2 finest acts of
All thesc C-ommissioners and the Executive Commi[.!' Huguenors-g)ven as beautifully as last year. Was ra
ctc- who had worked so bard and to whom such immc¡-:: ',ü¡cd, but wc wcrc bot! too bappy and full of thankful
praise is due, seemed truly happy, and no one morc so lhrn ' for cvcrything
Paxton, who may feel justJy proud. He rose from an ordinary
gardener's boyl Everyone was a.lounded and delightcd. Thc
return was equally satisfactory, tle crowd most enthusia$q
and perfect order kept. We rcached the Palace at 20rL
past I and went out on the balcony, being loudly checreú
The Pcc and Pcess [of Prussia] werc quite delightcd and
impressed. That w¿ felt happy and thankful, I need not say,
proud of all that had passed and of my beloved's succtss'
I was more impressed by thc sccne I had witncssed lha¡
words can say. Dearest Albert's namc is for ever immortalisc4
and ¡he absurd reports of dangers of every kind and sort
put out by a set of pcople-thc 'soidisant' fashionables a¡d
yiole,nf ücretorc

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