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The plates I use depend on the number of people I have over at my house. For example, if it’s a
party with more than 10 individuals, I use disposable plates. This saves me time from cleaning
up (my friends aren’t that fancy for me to impress, anyway). This only happens with my close
friends, though. If I’m having guests over for dinner, I prefer to use decent looking dishware
with a basic table setting. Dishes I have at home aren’t exactly “fine” dishes, but they are
colorful and bright! I can also say the same thing about my friend’s dishware as well. I’m sure
many of us have a few plates at home from Dollarama (if they serve the purpose, why spend
more?). Personally, I don’t have many dishes at home because I live on my own and usually eat
from the same plate, but I do have enough to host a few guests.
Last Friday, a few students and I went to Restaurant International. We noticed the dishware
they had was simple yet elegant. The dishes were shiny, and the cups were crystal clear. I am
not certain what the dishes were made from, but they were definitely not made of plastic! The
dishes didn’t look anything like the plates I had at home. They were all the same colour (white)
and just the right size. I had a few conversations with the students at my table. I asked if any of
them had plates made from wood as they are my favorite plates, but none of them did. I then
asked if any of them had dishware from the dollar store, unsurprisingly, most of them said yes.
We laughed at that for quite a bit before admitting that the dollar store has some neat and
useful things for sale. One thing I've been interested in purchasing for quite some time is a clay
pot. My people in the Middle East use it for drinking water and I've been looking for one for a
while. I’ve been told clay pots are a healthier alternative to what we use today. Unfortunately,
no one at the table knew where I could find one. The students and I then started to talk about
the effects certain colors have on appetite. For example, the blue colour suppresses your
appetite. Many people who try to lose weight or eat smaller portions can use blue plates in
order to control their appetite. Another cool fact we covered is about the size of the plate. The
bigger the plate, the more likely you are to overeat. Smaller plates help give you the illusion
that you’ve had a large meal.

Overall, my time at Restaurant International was pleasant. Our last visit helped turn our
attention towards something we never looked at closely. It was a great learning experience,
especially when we spoke about portion and appetite control. I look forward to my next visit.

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