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Irene Arias

Professor Ferrara

English 101

5 November 2019

Death Row Doctor

In 1972, the death penalty made a controversy when the supreme court declared that

it’s a cruel and unusual punishment. When I saw the title of this documentary, I didn’t know

what death row meant. I’ve learned that death row is a section at a jail that sentences prisoners

to execution. Some people have different opinions when it comes to thinking about execution.

Some people believe that criminals that commit serious crimes should be eligible to receive an

execution while other just say leave them in jail for life.

In this documentary, a doctor named Carlo Musso agrees with the whole execution

process. He started participating in executions in 2003. Advocacy administrations started

protesting his work. He started thinking about death row and how he’s not an advocate for

capital punishment. He stated that working for the jail system and working with executing,

doesn’t mean he supports it. He has gotten threatened by medical officials for working with the

execution process saying they would suspend his physician license.

I believe that I have a mixed opinion about death row. If a criminal has done something

completely terrible than it should be an option. I think jail time is enough for criminals. They

can be sentenced for life, but I feel as if death shouldn’t be wished upon on anyone despite
how bad the person is. What if the person that was pleaded guilty was not guilty? The criminal

might also have family that cares about them. Should execution be the only option?

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