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A centenary of – the day or year exactly 100 years after a particular event

A coat-of-arms – a set of pictures or patterns painted on a shield and used as the special sign of a family,
town, university; a national anthem; flag – a piece of cloth with a coloured pattern representing a country
A dome – a round roof on a building
A drawbridge – a bridge that can be pulled up to stop people from entering a castle, or to let ships pass;
Footbridge – a narrow bridge used by people who are walking;
Suspension bridge – a bridge that has no supports under it, but is hung from steel ropes fixed to towers
A flight of (stairs) – a set of stairs between one floor and the next
A gherkin – a small type of cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar to make a type of pickle
A hemisphere – a half of the Earth, especially one of the halves above and below the equator
A landmark – sth that is easy to recognize, such as a tall tree or building, and that helps you know where
you are; go/be sightseeing – the act of visiting famous or interesting places, especially as tourists
A millennium – a period of 1,000 years
A nail – a thin pointed piece of metal with a flat top, which you hit into a surface with a hammer
to join things together or to hang sth on
A peg – a short piece of wood or metal that is attached to a wall or fits into a hole, used to hang things on
or to fasten things together
A playhouse – a theatre
A reign of sb – the period when sb is king, queen, or emperor Changes that took place during the reign of
James I.
A scrapbook – a book with empty pages where you can stick pictures, newspaper articles, or other things
you want to keep
A skyline / horizon – the shape made by hills or buildings against the sky
A stall – a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
A tuft – a bunch of
Beheaded / to have a head cut off – to cut off sb’s head as a punishment Charles I was beheaded in 1649.
Consist in sth – to be based on or depend on sth Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you
own.; Consist of sth / comprise / constitute – to be formed from two or more The area does not consist
entirely of rich people, despite the popular belief.
Doorstep – a step just outside a door to a house or building
Execute sb – to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment
Herbivorous ≠ herbivorous ≠ omnivorous – an animal that only eats plants
HMS / His/Her Majesty’s Ship – used before the name of a ship in the British navy
Intriguing / fascinating – very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or unexpected
Jewels – a gem – a valuable stone, such as a diamond
Latitude – the distance north or south of the equator (=the imaginary line around the middle of the world)
Longitude – the distance east or west of a particular meridian (=imaginary line along the Earth’s surface
from the North Pole to the South Pole)
Lavishly – largely, impressively, or expensively
Medieval – connected with the Middle Ages (=the period between about 1100 and 1500 AD)
Oak – a large tree that is common in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree
Overpriced – more expensive than it should be
Plane tree – a large tree with broad leaves that is often planted along streets
Preserved – not harmed or destroyed (well-preserved – dobro ohranjen)
Priceless – extremely valuable, important or useful
Railings – a metal fence that is made of a series of upright bars
Remarkable – extraordinary, unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise
Space-age – very modern
Thatched (roof) – made with dried straw, reeds, leaves
Timbers – (tramovi) a wooden beam, especially one that forms part of the main structure of a house
To be enclosed with – to be surrounded by sth, especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate
To have sb's head chopped off – to be beheaded
To mark sth up – to increase the price of sth Share prices were marked up as soon as trading started.
To outlast sth – continue to exist after sth else has ended or disappeared
To outlive sb. – to remain alive after sb else has died Kathrine Parr outlived Henry VIII.
To peer through – to look very carefully at sth, especially because you are having difficulty seeing it
To scavange (for sth) –search through things that other people do not want, for food or useful objects;
scavenger – the act of looking for things that other people do not want/need
To snarl (renčati) – to growl – an animal makes a low angry sound and shows its teeth
To sway – to move slowly from one side to another
Without further ado – without delaying or wasting any time
Wobbly (bridge) – moving unsteadily from side to side
A druid – a priest of an ancient religion which used to Christianize. / convert people TO Christianity.
A high-achiever – sb who is very successful in their work She was a high achiever who had started her own
market research business.; an over-achiever – sb who works very hard to be successful, and is
very unhappy if they do not achieve everything they want to; an under-achiever – sb who does not do as
well as he could do if he worked harder
A nickname – Brighton’s nickname is London-on-sea
A pebble – a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or on the bottom of a river The beach was
covered with smooth white pebbles.
A pier – a structure that is built over and into the water so that boats can stop next to it or people can walk
along it; the docks – a place in a port where ships are loaded, unloaded, or repaired
A variety of sth. – differences within a group, set of actions … that make it interesting
acre – a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres
A-level – do/ take (your) A-level – an examination that students in England and Wales take, usually when
they are 18; GCSE / Ordinary levels– to do/take (your) GCSEs – General Certificate of Secondary
Education an examination in a range of subjects, done by students in schools in England and Wales, usually
at the age of 15 or 16
Bargain – sth you buy cheaply than its usual price In the market you can sometimes pick up a real bargain.
Boom / to increase (the economy is booming) – a quick increase of business activity
Cash to burn – cash to spend
Cater FOR – to provide a particular group of people with the things they need or want
Check out – go to see
concerned about – worried about something
Consortium – a group of companies or organizations who are working together to do sth
contemporary art – art belonging to the present time, modern art
Fashion district – is made up of wholesale-related business; buyers, retailers, wholesalers and designers all
gather together
Front – seafront, part of a coastal town next to the beach
Funky / hippie – modern, fashionable, and interesting
Glaswegians; Londoner
Madchester – vibrant music scene in the 80s, which mixed dance music and indie music (a genre of rock
music performed by new bands or singers, and produced by small independent companies)
Platform shoes – shoes, boots, or sandals with an obvious thick sole
Rents – the money that sb pays regularly to use a room, house etc. that belongs to someone else
Residents – people who live or stay in a particular place
Showy – (adv: showily) very colourful, big, expensive, especially in a way that attracts people’s attention
Singletons – single persons
Snooze / doze – to sleep lightly for a short time
Spring up – appear
Soil Association – an organization in the UK which establishes standards for organic foods,
making sure that they really have been grown in a natural way that does not harm the environment

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