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Wedding Reception Program


Good afternoon family and friends, welcome to Guido and Bornea’s wedding reception. I’m
extremely delighted that all of you are here to celebrate this important milestone in Eliseo Jr.
and Mary Fe’s lives. I’m your host for this afternoon, I am Junalyn Cabahug, I would like to
welcome you to the Guido and Bornea’s wedding reception.

First of all, I would like to introduce the family and friends who played significant parts in this
afternoon's wedding rites.

May I introduce you to the parents of the couple:

Mr. Eliseo Guido Sr. & Mrs. Janneth Guido

Mr. Julio Oribia together with Mrs. Gloria Oribia

The people who stood witness to the couple as they took their vows:

The Principal Sponsors

Mr. Desiderio Barreta Mrs. Joy Barreta

Mr. Mario Tundag Mrs. Virgilia B. Tundag
Mr. Moises P. Ngojo Mrs. Shirlina Q. Quijoy

I would also like to acknowledge the following people who have also played significant roles
during the ceremonies:

The little hands that shared their precious time with the couple:

Ring Bearer: Master Brylle A. Bandilao

Coin Bearers: Masters Edzil Benabente & Ej Manongas
Bible Bearers: Masters Eldiefeb Guido & Vhenz Ejay Guido

Flower Girls

Jade Benabente
Santenia Jane C. Jakosalem
Carmel A. Bandilao
Gwenzebelle E. Alicaya

Groom’s Men Bride’s Maid

Mr. Marc Vincent Guido & Ms. Mary Jane B. Fajardo
Mr. Emanuel B. Oribia & Ms. Radgen B. Oribia
Mr. Lloyd Manongas & Ms. Melchie Martinez
Mr. Ranel Apao & Ms. Charity Joyce Tero

The handsome best man and the beautiful Maid of Honor who assisted the couple in their

Best Man Maid of Honor

Mr. Ron Peter Barreta. & Ms. Charmaine Jade D. Mata

The pair that lit the paths of Groom and Bride: (Candle Sponsors)
Mr. Cheiroy Guido & Mrs. Emelyn Guido

The pair that clothed Groom and Bride as one:(Veil Sponsors)

Mrs. Amelia B. Tero & Mrs. Maricris Barreta

The pair that bound the Groom and Bride together as one: (Chord Sponsors)
Mr. Cayo C. Bornea & Mrs. Liezelda T. Bornea
And finally, may I request everyone to stand up as I introduce the newlyweds. Ladies and
gentlemen, family and friends may I now present to you Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo Jr. and Mary Fe
There you have it. Let us give them a round of applause.


To open our program proper, let's begin with the wedding prayer to be led by Ms. Aiko Maries

Heavenly Father

Our father, love has been Your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and
woman, which mature into marriage, is one of Your most beautiful types of loves. Lord God, we
thank you for the union of hearts of our dear Eliseo Jr. and Mary Fe. On this special day, their
wedding day heaven sings in triumph. For a new love shall unveil the glory of your name. We
sincerely pray that you bless this couple with a love shall unveil the glory of your name. We
sincerely pray that you bless this couple with a love to last forever. In sickness and in health
may they find your strength. In doubts and troubles may they see your light. In hurts and
failures may they find your pardon. In loneliness and desperation may find your joy. Also we
pray, that you bless them with a family so blissful, prosperous and ever healthy. And above all,
filled with love, faith and hope that are founded on you. May your blessing be on this wedding
service. Protect, guide and bless Eliseo Jr. and Mary Fe in their marriage. Surround them and us
with Your love now and always. Amen.

To officially open the program, a surprise number from gorgeous lady, _Ms.Aprilii Batusin.
Let’s give her a resounding applause!

I have a lot of surprises for you. Let’s have the money dance. Money dance has been a
traditional wedding practice among Filipinos. Guests will come forward to pin their money to the
newlywed couple’s precious wedding robe. Then, if you area male guest, you dance with the
bride and so as female guests will dance with the groom for 10-30 seconds, so others are given
a chance to dance with the couple. So, without any further ado, let’s start. Let me call on the
newlywed couple to come forward.


This afternoon is indeed a special afternoon and will forever be etched in the memory of our
beloved couple. For this afternoont marks the beginning of their new life together. From this day
forward they shall be one and on this joyful beginning of their life together. From this day
forward, they shall be one, and on this joyful beginning what could be more fitting than to
celebrate it with their first dance. The first dance is the symbolic of the consummation of their
wedding vows. This dance is the wedding couples' first cooperative engagement and joint
endeavor. Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs.
Eliseo Jr. and Mary Fe Guido with their First Dance.

Wow, that was a great wedding dance number.

Thank you so much Eliseo and Mary Fe . You may now take your seats.

It’s lunch time. I guess the food is now ready and lunch will start shortly.
May I call on Ms. Carmen Cabol to say the grace before meals?

Generous God, giver of all good gifts,

we praise and thank you for Eliseo and Mary Fe.
and for allowing us to witness their love.
May the joy of this gathering and the food we share
be signs to us of your constant love.
Bless us and the food we eat
and give us grateful hearts to sing your praise
now and forever. AMEN.
So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, lunch is served. You are all invited to join the lunch.
You may get your food at the buffet table. Enjoy your meal and always - ladies first.


At this point Eliseo and Mary Fe would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your
presence. The newlyweds will now go from one table to another to greet each and every one to
have a souvenir picture taking with their guests.

(*In case there is a projection…) While doing that, we would like you to enjoy watching the
movie and presentation made by our newlywed couple – from their prenuptial pictures to
wedding preparations.

While doing that, let’s hear inspirational songs from _Ms. Aprilii Batusin for the newlywed. A
round of applause! Please.


Now, I would like to proceed with some speeches from the friends of the couple. These are the
people who literally saw the romance between Groom and Bride blossom into a serious
relationship. May we call on Mary Jane Enad and Aiko Maries Ngojo to share with all of us
what they know about the couple.

(Speech from friends commences.)


A wedding is not complete without traditions. I would like to move on to the first tradition, the
cutting of the cake.
1. Cutting of the Cake

May I request Eliseo and Mary Fe to come forward for the cake cutting ceremony?

The cake, which has been a part of wedding celebrations since the Roman times, is a symbol of
good luck and fertility. The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple's willingness to fulfill each
other's needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong.

2. Champagne Toast

Our next tradition is the champagne toasting. Raising a glass together is a way for everyone to
share in wishing good health and happiness to the newlyweds. As the champagne is poured, our
newlyweds now make wishes for their good fortune, a better future and the best life possible for
them. I would like to invite everyone to raise their glasses to Groom and Bride and join them in
their fervent wishes through good fellowship and camaraderie, love and happiness.

May I now call on the Best man, Mr. Ron Peter Barreta. , to lead the champagne toasting.

Ron Peter: Ladies and gentlemen, it takes a strong and intelligent man to realize his dreams
and achieve his goals in life and love. A man that is not afraid to live life to its fullest and
embraces what is truly important. I'm here to talk about Eliseo and Mary Fe the two people
who have come together today to form a union that will surely last forever.

(Instructions: Best Man raises his glass and addresses the newlyweds as he speaks...)

Everyone let us stand and raise your glasses and join me in toasting Eliseo and Mary Fe.

(Instructions: Best Man waits for everyone to stand up and see to it that everyone has raised
their glasses and them say...)

Here is for good health, happiness, good luck and prosperity to Eliseo and Mary Fe. Cheers!

(Everyone makes a toasts and drinks from their glasses)

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you may now be seated.

3. Opening of gifts

At this juncture, the opening of smallest and the biggest gift… May I call on newlywed to come
forward and have a seat here on stage?

( the couple are opening their gifts)

4. Tossing of the bouquet

Ok now let us have some fun and it’s time for tossing of bouquet.
May I call on all the single ladies out there!

Ladies, please stay within the area as we now moving on to the tossing of the bouquet. This
tradition has been done over the years and is meant that whoever catches the bouquet would
have luck and protection. Nowadays, it has simply evolved to imply that whoever caught the
bouquet would be lucky and would be wed next. So now may we ask all the single ladies to
occupy the designated area before you for the ceremonial tossing of the bouquet? As a twist, the
single ladies will form a circle and we will do a trip to Jerusalem bouquet. We will play music and
as the music stops, whoever holds the bouquet, will be the lucky lady.

Congratulations Miss, May I have your name please.

Ok let's give a hand to Miss _________. Please have a seat beside the bride and in a moment
we shall find your match in the garter toss.

5. Retrieval of Garter and Garter Toss.

Before we go with the garter toss, the groom will retrieve the garter from his bride. So may I
request newlywed to please come on the center stage and do the garter retrieval ritual.

(A chair is brought onstage for the bride to sit, while groom kneels down at the bride's feet
ready to retrieve the garter)

Ladies and gentlemen the groom will now retrieve the garter from the bride.

(Groom retrieves the garter from the bride.)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally able to retrieve the garter. Let us
give him a big hand.

6. Tossing of Garter

Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter toss. May I now request all
single men to please come forward for the Garter Toss?

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee motions and waits for all single men to come forward)

Gentlemen please take your place behind the groom and get ready to catch the garter. So, is
everyone ready? At the count of three the groom will throw the garter and we request the
audience to participate in the countdown.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee makes sure that everyone is in place)

Are you guys, ready? One….. Two……Three…… and it Goes !!!!

(Groom throws the garter and the gentlemen try to catch it.)

7. Match making Rituals

May I request the gentleman who now has the garter? Sir please come forward and takes your
place beside the lady who has the bouquet.

Congratulations Sir. May I have your name please?

Thank you Mr. ___________. Friends,let’s give the gentleman a big hand.

Now that we had already found a perfect match, they’ll maybe the next bride and groom in the
future. It's time for another ritual. The gentleman who got the garter will put it on the lady who
caught the bouquet. At this point we would like to request Ms. _____ to please have a seat while
Mr. _______ will put on the garter. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _____ will now put on the garter
on Ms.______. (Interview the chosen couple if they are singles).

(Lady takes a seat while gentleman puts the garter on her).

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our new lovely pair and if it would not be too much to
ask, we would like the gentleman to imitate what the groom will do to his bride. This is what we
called "Body to Body game".

The Single man and woman should imitate the couple while dancing. First, eye to eye... check to
check...hand to hand...lips to lips...

(Instructions: Emcee waits for the gentlemen to give the kiss and thanks the pair after.)

Thank you Mr. ____ and Ms._______, Let us give them both a big hand.

At this point, I request that both of you to remain onstage for the picture taking. The newlyweds
will now pose with our lovely new pair.

(Instructions: Emcee stands aside as photographers take pictures of the pair with the

Again, Thank you Mr. _____ and Mrs.______ for your participation, you may now return to your


May we request the brides’ maid to please distribute the souvenirs for each table?


May I call on Mr. Desiderio Barreta to give an inspirational talk to the newlyweds?
May I call on Mrs. Virgilia Tundag t0 give us another message to the newlyweds?
May I call on Mrs. Shirlina Quijoy to gives us also an inspirational message to the newlywed?
May I call on the sister of the groom, Mrs. Janneth Guido. to give also his inspirational talk to
the newlyweds?

May I also call on the father and mother of the bride, Mr. Julio & Gloria Oribia to share some
words for the newlyweds?


This afternoon and this celebration have almost come to an end but for our newlyweds it is just
a start of their new life together. As we each go home, may this day be memorable for all of us
as it to them. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude let us now lend an ear to Eliseo and
Mary Fe.


Once again, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and sharing this momentous
occasion with the newly wed. I do hope that all of you had a great time. This is Junalyn signing
off. Good day everyone and have a great time.

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