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The clock strikes 12. It was so quiet like a night without the moon’s presence and; like the ghost
town of Chernobyl; like an ancient ruin of Athenian Acropolis. I can barely see my own feet as I
ascend the cold and moist granite stairs. My feet were blistering because of the rough surface.
The fresh scent of blood was so thick that my nose began to hurt as well. With the silver key on
my hand, I kept on climbing up the interminable staircase. No fear; but hesitation as I
approached the dark and dusty room of my childhood.
The outer skin of the wooden door began to peel as I was clanking the knob. I then look at the
silver key that was gleaming as if a warning. As the key turned in its frame, I took a deep breath
and turned the rusty metal knob on the wooden oak door. It was incredibly well oiled and well
maintained. I then opened the door at the end of the staircase. A sudden burst of air passes
through my neck, followed by the sound of howling winds. As I stepped inside, bundles of dust
welcomed me as if I am their first guest in centuries. I started coughing as the taste of
untouched time rushing through my throat.
Feeling my way in, I found the light switch. I was then surprised by the sound and by the sudden
lit up room. My eyes quickly adjust to the lucidity and clarity of the room. Quickly, I scanned the
entire three by two living space which was not small neither big, it was perfect. In the middle,
there was a square table made out of pure wood circled by four aluminum chairs that seems
new with a bowl of buttons right in the center. There was less dust on the whole set of what
seems like a dining table. I began to search for more clues in the room. Under a stack of old
toys, I found 4 dozen boxes of brand new card. The red and black color of the well stacked
cards petrified me for a while. I stood there for about two minutes, looking at the satisfying sight
of well organized patterns.
Never have I ever been in my entire life so confused; demented; bewildered. I then sat on the
almost broken yellow couch that was older then myself, thinking and connecting every clue and
memories I got about my father. Searching and bringing up memory from my mind was like
jumping from a thousand foot cliff and diving another thousand down into the dark and obscure
part of the sea. Memory after memory kept on shifting until one.
A peaceful place; beautiful and extraordinary, unlike any other place that I have seen before. I
was playing on a two stringed swing with my little sister, being happy and laughing, like any
other 6 years old would do. Until I saw him with four people whose faces I did not recognize.
They seemed like they are in a hurry, rushing through the multi-dimensional stairs, quickly out of
The rumbling sound of thunder brings me back to the dusty old room. It shocks me back to
reality with speed as fast as those of a lightning. After my flashback the rain began to fall as I
began to cry. I then flip the table up with anger and sadness. The buttons on top of the table fell
and scatter everywhere. My fury rise as I finally realize what this dark and monstrous room is.
He lied to all of us! He tricked my mom, my brother, my sisters, and worst, me! Such shame that
a man like him would lie.

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