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1.where did you work? when? how long?


2.why did you decide to work there? did you communicate with your family?

4.during your stay there, what did you like most

about the country or the place compared to the
philippines? different was the government there

compared to the philippines? also the gov.

6.was there a point during your stay there

abroad that you really wanted to go back

7.what keeps/kept you going?

Ano gusto nila na kabuhi (and now livinf for sa

mga formee ofw) after sng ila na overseas

Are they happy?

Include ano ila ubra abroad

Struggles face before working abroad(files

paperwork or family)

Pila ila salary..... kag pila gakadto sa pilipinas.

Who did they rely on while working abroad like

mga tawo gd to na masaligan nila

What were the changes when

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