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Squats are a compound movement that recruit most of
our muscles – this means it’s a movement that uses
multiple muscle groups and joins (your hip and knee
joints) to complete.

Stand with feet a little wider than hip width, toes

facing front.
Drive your hips back—bending at the knees and
ankles and pressing your knees slightly open—as
Sit into a squat position while still keeping your
heels and toes on the ground, chest up and shoulders
Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning knees
are bent to a 90-degree angle.
Press into your heels and straighten legs to return to
a standing upright position.

Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your hips, and
place your hands on your hips.

Standing up tall, gently pull your shoulders back, subtly lift your
chest. On an exhale, try to pull your navel into your back
to engage your deep abdominal muscles, which keep the spine
and pelvis stable.
Bend your knees while keeping your upper body as straight as
possible, as if you were lowering yourself onto a seat behind you.
It is OK to allow your torso to tilt naturally as you squat, just don’t
collapse your chest or round your shoulders forward. If you’re
too erect, your hips cannot release properly, and you’ll put too
much strain on your knees.

Lower yourself as far as you can without leaning your upper body
more than a few inches forward. Go as deep as you can
comfortably. If you have knee issues, don’t go deeper than a 90-
degree angle, with your thighs parallel to the floor.

Tip: Don’t allow your knees to go too far forward. You don’t want
them to stick out past your toe instead, try to keep them in line
with your toes. Also, don’t let your knees cave inward. Press
them outward (almost as if you were pushing out an invisible
resistance band) so they stay aligned with your feet as you squat
Straighten your legs, being careful not to lock your knees when
you reach a standing position.

Tip: Keep your heels “glued” to the floor as you squat, and then
think about driving them into the ground as you rise up to return
to the starting position. This will put even more emphasis on your

Repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Tip: Stretch your arms out in front of you for added balance
during squats.
1. Strengthens your core
Having strong core muscles can make everyday movements like
turning, bending, and even standing easier. Not only that, but a
strong core can improve your balance, ease pain in your low
back, and also make it easier to maintain good posture.

2. Reduces the risk of injury

When you strengthen the muscles in your lower body, you’re
better able to execute full-body movements with correct form,
balance, mobility, and posture.

Plus, incorporating squats in your overall workout routine also

helps strengthen your tendons, ligaments, and bones.

3. Crushes calories
Calorie burning is often equated with aerobic exercises such as
running or cycling. But performing high-intensity, compound
movements like the squat can also crush some serious calories.

4. Strengthens the muscles of your lower body

Your lower body boasts some of your largest and most powerful
muscles. From getting out of bed, to sitting down in a chair, your
glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, hip flexors, and
calves are responsible for almost every move you make.

Strength training exercises like squats can help strengthen and

tone the muscles in your lower body.
5. Boosts athletic ability and strength

If you compete in a sport, adding jump squats to your workout

may help you develop explosive strength and speed which, in
turn, may help improve your athletic performance.

Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that

jump squat training has the ability to improve several different
athletic performances simultaneously, including sprint time and
explosive strength.

6. Variety helps with motivation

Changing up your squats can help keep the exercise interesting,
while also activating different muscle groups.

Squats can be done with just your body weight. They can also
be done with weights, like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, or
medicine balls, or with resistance bands or yoga balls.

7. Can be done anywhere

To do bodyweight squats, you don’t need any equipment. All you
need is your body and enough room to lower your hips into a
sitting position.

And, if you’re pressed for time, you can still benefit many muscle
groups by doing 50 squats a day: Try doing 25 in the morning
and 25 at night. As you get stronger, add 25 to the afternoon.

Trikonasana is a standing yoga posture that requires

strength, balance and flexibility. Trikonasana is
commonly referred to as triangle pose.

The term comes from the Sanskrit trikona, meaning “three

corners” or “triangle,” and asana, meaning “posture.” The term is
often used synonymously with utthita trikonasana (extended
triangle poses).

This asana requires practitioners to keep their eyes open, unlike

most other asanas. The purpose of this is to maintain balance.
This asana is a great way to stretch several muscles in the body
and improves many functions.

In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and
one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper body bends
toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward, but not
necessarily touching, the ground and the other toward the sky.
1. Stand and keep a minimum distance of 3 feet
between your legs.
2. Extend both your arms sideways and keep them
level with the shoulders.
3. While inhaling slowly, raise the left arm and bend the
body towards the right, with the right arm pointing
downwards, with fingers pointed at your toes.
4. Your eyes should face the ceiling and most
importantly, be open for keeping optimum body
5. Make sure to inhale deeply and relax the body on
exhalation during the final position.
6. Stay in the position for a minimum of 1 minute.
7. Repeat the asana for the other side as well.
❖ Improves blood circulation throughout the whole body.
❖ The Trikonasana is a well-known stress buster.
❖ Stimulates renal functions.
❖ Fat reduction in the waist and thigh region.
❖ Overall body balance is significantly improved.
❖ Concentration and focus are enhanced as well.

Safety Measures
Sufferers of blood pressure, both low and high,
should not practice the Trikonasana.
People carrying injuries to their backs and spines
should also stay away from the asana.
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend pose) is a
classic yoga asana of the Surya Namaskar series,
designed by the yoga luminaries to warm and
loosen up the body for advanced yoga practices.
Practiced as a transition pose, a relaxing posture,
and a holistic asana in itself, standing forward fold
offers a plethora of benefits when performed
correctly by engaging the targeted muscles.
The Uttanasana has multiple variations, all with their
unique health benefits. Here is a subtle compilation of
four Uttanasana variations that a yoga practitioner can

1. : Stand straight on a yoga mat with feet hip-

width apart. Fold the upper forward from the hips and relax
the head and neck completely. Bend the arms, grab the left
elbow with the right hand and right elbow with the left palm.
Draw the shoulder blades towards the ears using the
strength of the arms.

2. : Begin in Mountain Pose. Keep your

feet together and hinge down. Either bend your knees or
keep the legs straight. Extend the arms forward and clasp
the hands. Make sure your head and neck rest in a relaxing

3. : Stand upright on the ground. Keep your legs

strong. Take a deep fold forward such that your stomach is
in close contact with the thighs. Reach your arms forward
and place the hands on the floor. Either rest the hands on
the back of the heels with your forearms against the calves
or try to grab the toes of the feet with opposite hands.

4. : Perform Uttanasana. Next, take your arms

behind in a ‘T’ position and join the palms together along
the spine with fingers pointing towards the head. If you are
unable to perform this, clasp the opposite elbows behind
the back.
1. Releases Lower Back Tightness: Folding forward
while keeping the knees bend helps in releasing lower back
tightness and lengthens the muscles that run along the
spine. This is beneficial for individuals who sit for prolonged
durations and are susceptible to the harmful effects of a
sedentary living.

2. Relaxes the tired Muscles: The variation of

Uttanasana in which the practitioner grabs the opposite
elbows with hands is great for tired upper back muscles.
The weight of the arms gravitating downwards along with a
relaxed head and neck stretches the back & shoulders.

3. Relieves Stress: All yoga poses are beneficial in

reducing stress and Uttanasana is no exception. The
standing forward fold bend is a great stress and fatigue
reliever. It encourages the body to rest in the forward fold
while the gravity helps in opening the chest and reversing
the tightness in the shoulders. Overall, the pose fosters
calmness and positivity.
4. Therapeutic in Nature: The performance of Uttanasana
and its variations is therapeutic for numerous diseases like
asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, infertility, and
sinusitis. The pose opens up the chest thereby improving
the lung capacity, elongates the spine decreasing the
chances of osteoporosis, especially in elders, and
promotes a healthy neurological system, thus preventing
high blood pressure, infertility, etc.

5. Strengthens the Liver and Kidneys: The liver and

kidneys perform vital functions, such as filtration, storage of
nutrients, waste elimination, etc. An optimal working of
these organs helps individuals benefit the maximum from
the food consumed. Uttanasana is a natural approach to
maintaining the health of liver and kidneys.

6. Cures Insomnia: If you struggle to sleep no matter how

exhausted you feel, instances are you are suffering from
insomnia. Insomnia takes a toll on health, vitality, and
mood. Chronic insomnia can even contribute to serious
health issues. Standing forward fold is a natural antidote to
stress, depression, fatigue, etc., that helps a person get a
restful sleep at night.

7. Enhances Digestion: As you fold forward in the pose,

the digestive system gets a gentle massage and its
functioning gets activated. The practice of revolving in
Uttanasana acts like a twist benefiting the digestive tract
and abdominal organs.
In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of
some respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the
completion of this assignment gave me much pleasure, with immense
pleasure, I would like to present this jury report on “______________”. It
has been an enriching experience for us to do a research study on this
time management, which would have not been possible without the
support and guidance by our subject faculty Mr._____________.

I would like to show my gratitude Mr. _____________ Sir, Course

Instructor, on National Institute of Fashion Technology for giving me a
good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. I
would also like to expand my gratitude to my group members all those
who have directly and indirectly guided me in doing this assignment.

This is to declare that the assignment entitled “Time Management” is an
original work done by undersigned, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree “Bachelor of Fashion Technology” at
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Chennai.

All the analysis, design and work have been accomplished by the
undersigned. Moreover, this project has not been submitted to any other
college or university.

Vijay Mahar (BFT/18/756)

Veerya Stambhan
Asana :

Veerya Stambhan Asana is an excellent asana that gives you

both physical and psychological benefits.
• Stand with your feet apart maintaining a distance of about
5 feet.
• Turn your right leg at an angle of 90 degrees.
• Bend your right leg with your knee in line with your right
• Bring your right arm under your right leg to place the palm
on the outer side of your right foot.
• Keep your left palm on the inner side of the right foot.
• Place your forehead on the floor between your right foot and
the left palm.
• Do not bend your left knee.
• Instead of placing your palms down, you may bring your
hands behind your back to hold the right wrist with the left
• Repeat the exercise with your left leg.

Remain in the pose for 30 seconds. You may do it twice.

Veerya Stambhan Asana offers immense health benefits.

• Stimulates the nerves. Cures nervous disorders.
• Helps to overcome fear and anxiety.
• Strengthens the hips, reduces fat in the waist.
• Tones entire legs from thighs to foot. Good for joints.
• Strengthens thighs and shin bones. Reduces thigh fat.
• Improves blood flow to head.
• Stretches and strengthens the spine.
• Tones sex centres and improves sexual performance.
• Retains youth and vigour.
• Cures flatulence.
• Cures insomnia.
• Good for anaemia.

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