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Joaquin Moreno

Mr. Butler

Criminal Justice 1010

14 December 2019


I can say without a doubt that after taking this class my opinion on police officers and the

profession has totally changed. I used to not think much of them, just people who enforce the law

and give you tickets for things that cost you money. I knew they also try to protect us but I never

realized the extent at which they do so. After reading all through the textbook and the different

police stories it completely opened my mind. I slowly realized how life-changing it is to have

this job and how terribly it can affect us, humans. So many of the different things I read were

traumatizing, I don’t think that I would ever be able to go through what cops go through. I can

now sympathize with them and understand how they feel. Now I feel as though cops wear a

badge that to some people means “Hate me”. One of the toughest jobs I think there is.

With this course, I was also able to hear other people’s opinions and compare and

contrast them. That was really nice because it allowed me to see how others feel about certain

topics/stories making it a very fun learning experience. I found that I wasn’t alone with my

previous ideas of the police, but many other students changed their minds as well.

This class was probably one of the most life-changing I’ve had yet, no other class has

changed my perspective on a topic as much as this one has. I know for a fact that I will now treat

officers with my utmost respect for everything they have to go through every day. It is a very
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tough job with crazy hours, unorthodox duties, traumatizing experiences, and life-changing

lessons. I don’t think anybody can have this job and not have it change a part inside of them.

It takes a certain type of person to have this job, not many can do it, which is why we

need to appreciate and respect police officers for everything they do. As much as I would like to

think I could, I would not be able to have this job, I’m not that type of person.

So I just want to say thank you, Mr. Butler, for teaching this class and providing your

own experiences as well. It has been truly eye-opening and I will not be the same after this class.

Thank you.

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