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Khatamul Awliyā'

Seal of the Saints, Imam Al-Mahdi, Caliph of Allah

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Table of Contents


1. Chapter VI
Sixth Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of  the End Times

2. Chapter IV
Fourth Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times

3. Chapter V
Fifth Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times

4. Chapter I
Harith Ibn Al-Harrath
First Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times, and his General

Profiles of Caliph Harith Ibn Al-Harrath and his General Mansur

5. Chapter II
Imam Al-Mahdi, Caliph of Allah
Second Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times

6. Chapter III
Shua'ib Ibn Salih At-Tamimi
Third Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times


I. Ahlul Kahf (People of the Cave) of the End Times

II. The Twelve Rightly-Guided Quraishi Sunni Caliphs of the Muslim World

III. Interpretations of Some of the Ahādith of the Prophet, SAAS.

IV. Imam Al-Mahdi and Other Islamic Prophesies in the Christian and Jewish


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah. We praise and seek His Help, forgiveness and guidance. We
seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own selves, and from our evil deeds.
Whosoever Allah guides none can lead astray, and whosoever He sends astray
none can guide. We bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, with no
partner or associate, and we bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and

This book is an interpretation of ahādith of Prophet Muhammad, SAAS, narrations

from his Companions, and from other specified sources. Born from these
interpretations are the profiles, lives and events of the last Six Rightly-Guided
Quraishi Caliphs of the End Times, and the Sufyanis. Ahādith are from Sunni
sources, and where there is no information found in the Sunni English ahādith
which the Authors believe may be true they took from Shi'ite ahādith for the
purpose of evidence, and that is only to show that such details or informations
exist. This covers a very small portion of the book, and can be considered as
Authors' notes.

As this is an interpretation some of the articles are presented in a narrative form

different from the hadith but following the line of thought of the hadith. Some are
presented this way so that the reader may clearly understand the causes that lead
to events and that the ahādith may be clearly explained. Other ahādith are
presented in their original forms. The original English ahādith and sources are
supplied in the footnote sections of the different articles for the readers to
examine the details and ponder upon.

This book strives to serve as a guide in understanding the End Times ahādith of
the Prophet, SAAS, and other narrations. It strives to serve as an explanation to all
ahādith covered by it to what could possibly happen in the future. Towards this
end the Authors leave to the readers the worthiness of the book. They are in no
way obliged to believe in the interpretations of this book.

The ahādith and other narrations used here all have their own established grade of
authenticity and weakness. Saheeh (authentic) and da'eef (weak) ahādith were
used in this book for evidences. When the Authors use a weak hadith here as an
evidence, it doesn't mean that they authenticate that hadith to be saheeh. The
Authors use weak ahādith for evidences only to show that such informations exist
and to show the interconnectedness of the different reports forming a description,
a situation and sequence of events.

The Authors use different manners of presentation which are only styles of writing
and should not be misinterpreted to be their certainty of the interpretations. The
events of the future belong to the unseen yet we are allowed to study the End
Times ahādith of the Prophet, SAAS, and form a picture of what could possibly
happen in the future and connect ahādith events without being certain that it is

The Authors of this book also based their interpretations on actual people, places,
and past and future (ahādith) events. A map of the End Times Caliphate is

Lastly, without doubt this book contains errors in interpretations. The Authors
believe that the exact truths of the events of the future will never come in its
perfect form to the people. This book is only one of the many versions of what
could happen in the future, but covering a wide range of ahādith and in-depth

This book is dedicated to the late Sheikh Nua'im bin Hammad, to all the seekers of
truths regarding the Awaited Imam Al-Mahdi, Caliph of Allah, and to all those who
fear the greatness of their Lord, Allah, SWT.

May Allah, SWT, guide us to the truth and may He always keep us guided in its
path. Ameen.

Nicholas Sheldon & Stephen Schultz

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

1. Chapter VI
Al-Mansur Al-Jahjah Dhu 'Usab
Sixth Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of Islam of the End Times

The Rise of the Fourth Sufyāni,
Progeny of the Bloodhounds

In the ahādith he is Abdullah, [1] son of Khalid, a descendant of Yazeed, son of Abi
Sufyan. At the same time he is also Urwa bin Muhammad. [2] He is Urwa bin
Khalid and his kunya (patronymic name) is Abu Utba. By bloodline he is a Hashimi,
and for this he is Bin Muhammad; by deed he is a Sufyāni, and for this he is Ibn Abi
Sufyan. In the beginning of his life he will be a believer, in the end a disbeliever. He
will apostatize from Islam. He is the extension of the Fitnah Ad-Duhaima. [3] He
will come from the tribe of Mudhar, from Al-Mandarun, East of Baysan/Damascus.
He will be power hungry and covetous for leadership, and for this he will grab
power by force and will kill all who will fight him. He will be in his mid twenties
when he will rule, riding a red camel (vehicle) wearing a (red) crown (beret). He is
of large head, pockmarked face and with white spots in his eyes. His maternal
uncles are from Kalb's tribe, and they will be his major supporters. The Kalb's tribe
will consist the majority of his army. [4] He and his supporters from the Kalb's tribe
will become so wealthy that the thinnest of them is as fat as the fattest of the rest
of the Muslims. There is a hadith from Imrān Ibn Al-Husayn, RAA, that the Prophet,
SAAS, said, "The best of you are my generation (The Prophet, SAAS, and his
Companions) then those who come after them (Imam Al-Mahdi, Caliph of Allah
and his Companions), then those who come after them (Al-Qahtāni, Mahdi II, and
his Companions) then those who come after them (Al-Mansur, Mahdi III, and his
Companions). Then there will come people after them who will give testimony
when they are not asked for it. They will be dishonest and untrustworthy, they will
make vows and not fulfill them, and obesity will spread among them." Agreed
Upon. The obese people described in this hadith, the same people who love
fatness [5] is none other than the Kalb' s tribe, the people of Abdullah [6] (Urwa)
the Fourth Sufyāni. They are immoral and disreputable. [7] They are all apostates
in Islam. Abdullah will be from the Black Flags of the East, yet he will kill the
Muslims, kill their women, rip the bellies of their pregnant women, slay their unborn
children, kill their children, destroy their cities, plunder their wealths, take captive of
the Muslims and enslave them [8] Adultery will be openly committed during his
rule and wine will be drunk in public. They will not pray at all.[9] He will abolish the
Sunnah of the Prophet, SAAS, and innovate things that were unknown. He will
persecute the scholars until a man will ride his horse (vehicle) and travel to a town
of Kalb's/Kulaib's tribe and not find a single man that will relate a hadith of
knowledge. Islam will become in his time something strange, as it was when it
began.[10] The one who holds on to his religion will be like one grasping a burning
coal, especially the people of Ash-Shām and near places. [11] His situation will
become such that he will send a slave girl to the markets walking in gold slippers
accompanied by guards and wearing a garment that does not conceal her from
the front or the back. If a man were to speak a single word against that, he would
be beheaded. [12] He will oppress the believers. He is an accursed and evil man.
[13] He will rule for three and a half to four years. [14]

In the year 2058, [15] upon the martyrdom of Al-Qahtāni, the Fifth Rightly-Guided
Quraishi Caliph of the End Times, in the month of Safar the Black Flags of the East
will be divided into three groups all competing for the leadership of the Ummah. All
three belong to the Quraish. The three groups consist of:

1. Abdullah, from Ash-Sham, from the progeny of Abu Sufyan. He will fight for
leadership by killing his competitors, and he will be victorious. [16]

2. Ibn Al-Hakam, from Ash-Sham. He is from the same family of Abdullah. He is

either a brother or a first cousin of Abdullah. He is Ashab. He will vie for leadership
by piety, calm and dignity. [17]

3. Abqa the Tyrant, from Egypt. He will be from the progeny of Abbas. He will vie
for leadership by force. He will first seize power in Alexandria City and make it his
power base and from there will make plans to extend his rule towards Ash-Sham
(Greater Syria), the center of power and Capital City of the Caliphate. Abqa will
oppress the people of Egypt. He will be another Firaun of the modern Egypt
(Middle of Syria). All of the above three are Hashimis. [18]

There is a person representing a fourth group, who in the beginning will not
compete for leadership, a man from Madina, from the progeny of Fatima. He will
be chosen to succeed to the leadership of the Ummah. The leadership for which
the power grabbers will fight for will be given to this man by Seven Renowned
Knowledgeable Scholars and by the people of the Caliphate. He is Al-Mansur.

All of the first three persons mentioned above will compete for leadership by
seizing powers of the Islamic State. This will be the time when the minor members
of the Ahlul Bayt will openly fight the senior members of the same House for
leadership. This fitnah is the extension of Fitnah Ad-Duhaima. [19] This will be a
time of interregnum in the history of the Islamic Caliphate of the End Times.

A very short time after the martyrdom of the Fifth Rightly-Guided Quraishi Caliph of
the End Times, Urwa bin Khalid (Abdullah, Sufyani IV) will stage a coup de 'etat 
against the forces of the Islamic State in Baytul Maqdis, Ash Shām (Greater Syria).
He will arrest the leaders temporarily assigned by the Adviser to the Mawali
Caliphs to temporarily manage the affairs of Baytul Maqdis and disarm the officers
and the army and put them to jail. Other Muslims wielding power loyal to the
Islamic State will flee from him. The Kalb/Kulaib army of Abdullah will occupy the
city and enforce his iron rule upon Baytul Maqdis and Ash-Sham (Greater Syria).

Abqa the Tyrant on the other hand will seize control of Egypt with his military
force. He is a high ranking military officer of the army, a commander of the Muslim
forces based in Egypt. He will rule with force and will subdue the people of Egypt
into his obedience. Al-Nujaba of Egypt will take up arms against him and will wage
a mobile war against him.

Ibn Al-Hakam will make a public protest on these seizure of powers, deny the
validity of their rules, and will call upon the scholars and the people for an election
of a new Caliph. He will announce his intent for the leadership of the Ummah and
his people will support him.

It is upon this state of division and power struggle of the members of the Hashim
clan that a man from the Maghrib will become angry for this. [20] He is Abdur-
Rahman [21] a man from Kinda, of Barbar/Fahr/Qais tribe, and he is an A'raj (a
Limper). He represents the United Community (jamaah) of the Muslims. He makes
a call and unites the Barbar tribes and attacks Abqa in Egypt/Alexandria/Al-
Qantara of Fustat. He is the leader of the Yellow Banners of Maghrib. [22]

Abdur-Rahman sails with his army to Egypt and fights Abqa the Tyrant. They will
war each other for seven (days, weeks, or months). [23] The people of Egypt will
help Abdur-Rahman and they will rise up and fight Abqa and his army. To the
people of Egypt Abdur-Rahman has always been their liberator and so they help
him. This is the second time that Abdur-Rahman will come to help free the people
of Egypt from enslavement. [24] Soon enough Abdur-Rahman kills Abqa the Tyrant
and defeats his army. He destroys Egypt/Alexandria severely and blood will be
spilt everywhere. A hadith states that Alexandria, Egypt, will have two wars waged
in its soil, one major and one minor. This battle between Abdur-Rahman and Abqa
the Tyrant is the minor battle.[25] Yet fierce firefights will be fought. The blood of
those who profess to be Muslims cover the cement pavement of the city and seep
over its soil. Abdur-Rahman will rule Egypt and will arrange its affairs for some
months, then he and his entire army will go to Ash-Sham to confront Abdullah.

He will sail and he and his army will land in Ramla [26] in Palestine. His intention in
coming to Ash-Sham (Greater Syria) is to settle the matter of leadership in a
peaceful way and he will initiate exploratory talks toward that objective. Abdullah
the Fourth Sufyāni will send men for these negotiations and peace talks will be
held and go on for some time.

At some point in time during these talks, while Ibn Al-Hakam is in Damascus,
Abdullah will send his armed men and raid Ibn Al-Hakam and murder him and all of
his supporters who are with him during that time. [27] Because of this there will be
a strong protest and call from the people to seek justice for the killing of Ibn Al-

When Abdur-Rahman killed Abqa the Tyrant, he eliminated one enemy of Abdullah.
With Abdullah's killing of Al-Hakam, he will have completed his move of eliminating
his major competitors for leadership from the Hashim clan. He will only contend
then against the army of Abdur-Rahman as an opposition, an army far away from
their land with few support.

Upon learning of the killing of Al-Hakam, it will dawn upon Abdur-Rahman the
treachery of Abdullah. He will be furious with Abdullah and he will say, "We came
to aid you (to settle this matter in a peaceful way) and you do what you are doing
(killing Al-Hakam). We will quit (the peaceful negotiation for a peaceful solution to
this problem of leadership) between you and the people of the East (i.e. the
Jamaah South of the Caliphate under the leadership of the Ahlul Bayt of Madina).
[28] He will prepare his army and will announce to his officers his intention of
fighting Abdullah. Some of them will disagree to this move and will decide what is
best for themselves.

Abdur-Rahman's army will thus be divided into three: a group withdraws from
Palestine and heads for their homeland from where they came from, then others
go to the jazeera. The third group are those who remain with him and will fight
Abdullah.[29] Abdur-Rahman will prepare for battle. He will make an assessment
of the situation. He will presume that Abdullah's army is few and his army is great
in numbers, that Abdullah doesn't have the loyalty of the people and he hopes that
they will support him. He will reach to the conclusion that he can defeat Abdullah.
He will be wrong in his estimates.

Abdullah will send a letter to an old man, the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs, in
Madina, and will inform him of his deeds, and will use the title "Amirul Mu'mineen"
for himself, "From the slave of Allah, Abdullah (i.e. Urwa bin Khalid), Amirul
Mu'mineen" to haughtily proclaim himself before him of his "leadership". Abdur-
Rahman will make estimates, and will come to realize that whatever the outcome
of war will be the same for him. So he too writes a letter to the Adviser to the
Mawali Caliphs, and explains matters to him, of his position in the conflict, his
predicament and his decision. He too, would address himself thus, "From the slave
of Allah, Abdur-Rahman, Amirul Mu'mineen" [30] to proclaim himself before him, in
humble terms, of his intent for leadership. He would rather take by force of arms
the leadership of the Caliphate than leave it to the dog that is Urwa bin Khalid,
Abdullah, Sufyāni IV. With this letter he will be the fourth person fighting for the
leadership of the Caliphate.

From Palestine Abdur-Rahman and his army will move to Jordan, and at Wadi Al-
Unsul [31] the two armies will war each other. It will be a fierce battle between the
two camps. Abdur-Rahman's army will attack and many of his men will be
martyred. There will be many casualties in the first salvo of the two groups and the
army of Abdur-Rahman will withdraw from the battlefields. This is the first victory
of Abdullah against the jamaah of the Ummah.[32] So Abdur-Rahman calls for his
reserve army in Egypt for reinforcements and they will come. A second major
battle will take place between the two armies but still the reinforcements won't be
able to hold back the onslaught of the Kulaib army. The Black Banners of Abdullah
will defeat the Yellow Banners of Abdur-Rahman the second time and Abdur-
Rahman will be martyred in the battle. This victory of the Sufyāni against the
reinforcement army of Egypt in the second battle will be his second victory against
the jama'ah of the Ummah. [33] This victory is total. All the remaining fighters of
the group of Abdur-Rahman taken captives will be made to choose between giving
bay'ah to Abdullah or be summarily executed by beheading or by firing squad. They
will choose to live, and they, together with some other people captured by the Kalb
army on the way to Makkah, will be among those swallowed by the earth at Baydā'.
Some of them will not dare to attack the Hashimi taking refuge in Makkah when
that time of going there to seek for him comes, in whose hearts their loyalties
belong to the Ahlul Bayt, but they will be forced. They will be witnesses themselves
to the truthfulness of the words of the Prophet, SAAS, when they are engulfed in
that open space. They will be raised on the Day of Judgment according to their
intentions and the favorable judgment will be for their case.[34] After this victory in
Ash-Sham (Greater Syria) Abdullah therefore will go to Egypt and will encounter
few resistance. He will conquer it and will become its new ruler. He and his people,
the people of Ash-Sham (Greater Syria), will take prisoner the tribes of Egypt, [35]
despotically ruling them for four months. Then woe to the defeated Yellow
Banners of Egypt. The chaste Muslim women of Egypt will weep for the violations
of their honours when raped, will weep for the deaths of their children, will weep
for their dishonor after their dignity, and will weep wishing for their graves...[36]

Meanwhile, to validate his rule with a cloak of authority and acceptance among the
people, Abdullah will strive to unify the Ulama of the Ummah and make them
proclaim to the people that his rule is valid and deserves the people's obedience.
For this he will first invite them, then later he will order for their arrest because of
their disobedience to him, not showing their faces in his presence despite his
repeated invitations. They will all run away from him, fleeing from his schemes and

After his victory over Abdur-Rahman, Abdullah will assemble and prepare an army
to attack Madina to war the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs, and to seek the
Hashimi, Al-Mansur, the lone major contender to the leadership. Upon hearing this
preparations Al-Mansur will flee from Madina and go to Makkah.[38]

At this point in time the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs will make a statement, live
on television, through his own television program which shows in its cover wall an
open hand dangling downward, [39] showing the back of the hand, that in the
middle it shows a small patch of a dark round-shape birthmark mole, the size  of a
thumb fingernail, and its background will be white clouds, and there is whiteness
and light in it. People will recognize it as the television seal of the Adviser to the
Mawali Caliphs. He will proclaim, "O people! Surely Allah forbids tyrants and their
followers for you and (Allah, SWT) bestows leadership upon the best of the nation
of Muhammad. Join him in Makkah. Your Prince  is (this person) Al-Mansur (the
Hashimi). He is (your Caliph), the Mahdi (The Third)!" [40]

The proclamation will be the talk of the land and Abdullah will fear this
proclamation. For the people of the Ummah accept the word and judgment of the
Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs to be the final word on all issues. He is a
Caliphmaker. The proclamation denied the validity of his rule. The people will then
long to give their bay'ah to Al-Mansur. Abdullah will go live on television himself to
belie and counter the proclamation and will either directly say, "He (the Adviser to
the Mawali Caliphs) is lying!" or paraphrases a message that is equal to that
denial. The media reporters will verify the truthfulness of the proclamation and will
ask the wife of the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs, and she will say, "It (my
husband's proclamation) said the truth!" [41] The people will then lose all doubt
and will believe with certainty in the proclamation. Abdullah the Sufyāni will be livid
with rage. He will send his Kalb/Kulaib army to war Madina.[42]

There will be Seven particular Knowledgeable Islamic Scholars (Ulama) from

different parts of the Ummah who will hear of the proclamation. They will gather
information about Al-Mansur, the Hashimi, and set out to find him. Each is
supported by over three hundred (armed) men (a hadith mentions 310 men) under
allegiance to (protect) them (from the people of Abdullah), until they meet in
Makkah. The Seven will find themselves all in Makkah and will be surprised to see
each other, (knowing one another). They ask each other, "What brought you here?"
They will reply, "We are looking for the Mahdi upon whose hand the trial will be
calmed (i.e. will be resolved), and for whom Constantinople will be opened. We
know him by his name, by his father's name, his mother's name and his army." So
the Seven will agree upon the truthfulness of this and will agree to pledge
allegiance to the Hashimi and search for him then find him in Makkah. So they will
ask him, "Are you so and so,  son of so and so?" He will reply, "No, I am a man from
the Ansārs (supporters)" and escapes from them, so they will describe him to
people in their midst that are both righteous and knowledgeable and it will be said
to them: "The one whom you seek was in your company", and he will go to Madina.
So they will search for him in Madina but at that time he will be in Makkah. So they
will search for him in Makkah and they will say to him, "You are so and so, the son
of so and so, and your mother is so and so, daughter of so and so, and in you are
the signs of such and such, and such and such. You escaped from us once so
stretch out your hand and we will pledge our allegiance to you." So he will say: "I
am not your companion." Then he will escape from them so they will search for
him in Madina when he has returned to Makkah; then they will find him besides Al-
Rukn and say to him, "Our sins will be upon you and our blood will be upon your
neck if you do not stretch out your hand so that we may pledge our allegiance! The
army of the Sufyāni is coming demanding us (to validate his rule) in which there is
a man from Jurm." He will still be hesitant, so others say to him, "If you refuse we
will strike you on the neck." [43] So he will sit between Al-Rukn and Al-Maqam and
stretch out his hand and they will pledge allegiance to him. [44] The news of this
pledging allegiance (bay'ah) by the Seven Knowledgeable Scholars will become
known to the people and its news will reach far and wide. People will call by
phones to spread the good news, and will make posts in the internet. So Allah will
sow love of him [45] in the chests of the believers who will come to know of this
bay'ah, and he will lead a nation that are lions by day and worshippers at night. [46]

While this giving bay'ah is happening or some time very near after this, the army of
Abdullah, Sufyāni IV, reaches the outskirts of Madina. Madina under the leadership
of the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs will have made its preparations of defense
beforehand, blocking the ways and stopping travel and commerce towards Ash-
Sham. [47] The Sufyāni army attacks Madina (but they won't be able to penetrate
the inside of the City due to its defenses). It will (however) pillage (it's outskirts)
for three days. [48] (It may be that Abdullah learns the giving of bay'ah on the third
day and he redirects the army towards Makkah where Al-Mansur can be found).
The army will move towards Makkah.[49] They will reach Baydā', the desert
between Madina and Makkah and they will cross over this barren land. The
knowledgeable people will all be anticipating this crossing over. It will be a sign
mentioned by the Prophet, SAAS, in the ahādith. It will be a sign from Allah, SWT, to
validate the rule of Al-Mansur, the Hashimi. Then it happens.
As the Sufyāni army cross the desert Allah, SWT, will send Jibril, AS, and say,
"Chastise them!" So Jibril crushes them with his legs once and Allah, SWT, will
cause them to be swallowed up. [50] They will come in three groups, trailing
behind one another in their war tanks, trucks and other vehicles. The army in the
middle will be swallowed up first. The front of the army will call out to the rear,
then they will all be swallowed up. None will remain except one man who will
return to Abdullah to inform him of the swallowing up of his army by the earth. But
this will not scare him. [51]

People will expect the swallowing up of this army by the earth and television and
radio reporters will monitor this event live. As the Ummah witnesses this event, the
believers at that time will make takbirs. All over the Muslim world the takbirs
"Allahu akbar!" will be heard. People will be seen in the city streets shouting "Allahu
akbar!", while many others shoot their guns to the air celebrating the demise of the
Sufyāni army and the advent of the Mahdi. The people will not stop talking about
the Mahdi and will monitor the unfolding of future events in their television screens
and internets. Love for their new leader, the Hashimi, the Mahdi III, will grow in their
hearts and they will strive to go to him in Makkah and give their allegiance to him.
The Abdāls of Ash-Sham, the armed opposition of Abdullah, will go to Al-Mansur in
Makkah and give their bay'ah to him. The Asa'ib of the people of Iraq will also go to
him to give their bay'ah. [52] The An-Nujaba of Egypt will travel to Makkah to give
their bay'ah to him.[53] The group of Dwellers from the East (the Foreign Legion of
Mujahideen consisting of different nationalities) will also go to Al-Mansur and give
their bay'ah to him. [54] Other Muslims of different nations will all go to pledge
their allegiance to him. The conflux of the believers at that time in Makkah will
bring a new hope to the Ummah. They will gather and prepare themselves for a
counter-offensive. It will be the turn of Al-Mansur, Mahdi III, to war Abdullah,
Sufyāni IV. At this point in time the people will finally be divided into two camps: 1.)
Al-Mansur, Mahdi III, his army of believers, the camp of Faith in which there is no
Hypocrisy, and 2.) Abdullah, Sufyāni IV, his Kalb/Kulaib army, the camp of
Hypocrisy in which there is no Faith.[55]

Al-Mansur, Mahdi III, will assemble the Muslim army and attack Ash-Sham (Greater
Syria). Jibril, AS, will be in front of his army, and Mikail, AS, will be in the middle.
[56] Abdullah Sufyāni IV with his Kalb/Kulaib army will meet the army of Al-
Mansur, Mahdi III, outside of Ash-Sham (Greater Syria) and will war each other.
This is the Battle of Kalb [57] in the year 2061. This will be a fierce battle. While the
two armies are fighting, the Adviser to the Mawali Caliphs will declare on
television, live: "The people who are loyal to Allah are friends of Al-Mansur! Al-
Mahdi III!" [58] The army of believers of Al-Mansur will defeat the Kalb army of
Abdullah. Al-Mansur will capture Abdullah alive and beheads him under a tree, the
branches of which grow in the direction of Lake Tiberias (North of the lake). [59] In
the Battle of Kalb the people who will not fight with the army of Al-Mansur will be
disappointed because of the immense booty that they will capture and divide
among themselves. The war booty will include cities of wealth that Kalb/Kulaib
tribe will leave behind. The Muslims who will lag behind jihad and not fight in the
army of Al-Mansur will be among the losers of the Battle of Kalb because of not
gaining even a rein (a luxury car) for booty (as Kalb tribe becomes so wealthy). The
women of Kalb/Kulaib will be sold as slaves in the way to Damascus (or in its
market stairs) for the price of 25 dirhams each until one of the women will be
turned back because of a broken ankle.[60]

Al-Mansur and his army will go to Ash-Sham (Greater Syria). All the believers of
Ash-Sham will help him by rising up and killing their rulers and their commanders.
[61] The people of Egypt will also do the same. Al-Mansur will conquer Ash-Sham
and finally Baytul Maqdis. He will distribute wealth to the people, will revive the
Sunnah of the Prophet, SAAS, and rule the Ummah with justice. [62] He will rule in
Baytul Maqdis, Ash-Sham for three years, four months and ten days.[63] Then the
greatest of the enemies and armies will come. Rome will invade for the last time.
World War VII will have arrived. Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (Armageddon) will be fought
by the Muslims.

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