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High Yield Strategies Online Digital Library

Madison Nittinger

September 12, 2019


The Why and Learning Objectives

This school year, Waverley Elementary is focusing even more on high yield strategies in

order to accelerate to new heights as a whole school! They want their teachers to be able to use

these strategies to support student growth as well as encourage teachers to include more tools

within their toolboxes. If teachers have easy access to these strategies along with examples and

ways to use technology to help implement them, they will be able to use them more efficiently

and effectively. Our first goal is to ensure all participants are able to access the digital library.

The second goal is that the participants are able to use the strategies and technologies shared

within the library in a way that supports their students learning and encourages improvement

from both teacher and student.


The participants include the following: the administrators and teachers. We have 2 main

administrators, the principal and the assistant principal. The administrators will promote the use

of the digital library and include resources within the digital library for select focus strategies.

They will also encourage teachers as well as support staff to utilize the digital library. Within the

school building we have at least 25 teachers that range from classroom teachers to EL and

intervention. The teachers will also have the opportunity to include resources within the digital

library. They will be able to access the digital library at their leisure for planning and preparation

of lessons. They will also be given the opportunity to attend in person and online professional

learning (PL) opportunities. I will be supporting them in finding and using the digital library. I

will also be hosting the PL sessions to ensure the teachers are getting the necessary support in

utilizing the digital library to find the information from the sessions. It is optional for them to

attend or watch at least one of the sessions hosted in order to find the information on how to gain

access to the digital library or on one of the strategies. With the support of the SIP team and

administrators, I am hopeful that all teachers will attend or watch one of the webinars or in

person sessions.

Ely’s Eight Conditions of Change and Perceived Attributes of Innovations

In regards to Ely’s Eight Conditions of Change, Waverley meets all eight of the

conditions. Time will be the most tricky to manage due to all the various teams and committees a

majority of the teachers are on. A survey asking teachers when they would be willing to meet as

well as what medium they would prefer to meet through would be necessary to ensure the times

and medium chosen would be beneficial for the whole staff. As for resources, Waverley has

access to all Frederick County Public School resources such as Curriculum Now (online) and

print resources. We also have our own portal that has everything a teacher at Waverley needs to

know! This will make accessing the library efficient and familiar. Most teachers are willing to

take time to go to PL sessions and administrators are supportive of teachers completing PL’s or

observing other teachers to improve their craft. I would expect full support from my

administration on this internship since it ties into what they are already planning on working on

this school year. I would suspect that a majority of teachers would be willing to participate

within the PL sessions since they will be available in many different formats. Most teachers

know what high yield strategies are and the School Improvement Team (SIP) make teachers

aware of what the school’s goals are and steps they could take to improve the high yield

strategies. The reward of this internship is having one common place where all teachers can look

to find resources or more information about each strategy that they know the administration and

SIP team can approve of.

Instead of having multiple professional learning sessions where you get a powerpoint or

hand out from each individual session and you are in charge of remembering where you put it,

my innovation will have all of the information in one place where you have easy access to it.

Creating this digital library ties in well with the portal that Waverley created this year that is a

one stop shop for everything the teachers need. Many teachers are competent with technology

and have a good understanding of how to implement technology into their instruction. They will

be able to access the library through the portal so it won’t be hard to access. They will be able to

see success through teacher’s instruction.

Addressing Change and The Internship

This internship will change the way information is stored and presented. The teachers

will get to determine how they would like to receive the instruction. They will also have access

to missed PL sessions through the webinar recordings and materials on the digital library. This

way if a person has other obligations, they don’t have to be afraid of missing important

information since it will always be available to them. It will also aid teachers in finding new

strategies and technology tools to use within their own classrooms easily since it is all located in

one place. It also adheres to the online learning component of the internship by compiling digital

tools and strategies that support high yield strategies in one place as well as providing webinars

to the staff on these strategies to encourage them to use the strategies learned within their own


The Learning Activities and Instruction


Throughout the internship, a variety of learning activities will be used. When completing

a webinar or face to face PL session the following learning activities will be used (some may be

altered or some may be added depending on who is presenting the material): polls, collaboration

through Google apps, Kahoot, Quizalize, Pear Deck, Surveys- pre and post, and Padlet posts.

My internship will focus on giving instruction on the following high yield strategies

(These are just ideas, others can also choose to provide instruction on different ones): deliberate

practice (.79), teacher clarity (.75), and collective teacher efficacy (1.57). The instruction will not

last longer than thirty minutes to ensure we are being mindful of everyone’s time and


For the deliberate practice model and collective teacher efficacy, we will read various

texts to gain a deeper understanding of each method. We will collaborate and synthesize the

information gathered from the texts. Both of those fall into the 4 C’s model. In the deliberate

practice session, we will explore what those practices are and share out how teachers have been

using them within their classrooms or how they plan to. We will take notes on how those

teachers use them or they can include their own resource to include into the digital library. We

will also explore how hyperdocs can contribute to deliberate practice and give resources to

further support teachers in using them in all subjects. In order to create and effectively explain

how Hyperdocs can support student achievement, I will be using the TPACK model. I have to be

able to think about the pedagogical aspects as well as the technological knowledge about what

tech pieces should be used in the Hyperdoc to support the objective. Each teacher brings their

own pedagogy as well so we will be able to discuss how the hyperdocs could fit into their own

personal practices. I also need to have strong content knowledge to ensure the Hyperdoc is

giving the proper information about the content. The teachers at the school have been with

Frederick County for many years and have superior content knowledge. They will be able to

quickly identify what background information should be included within the hyperdocs so the

students will be successful with the lesson. Including all the necessary information within the

document as well as activities that support the learning objective are important parts to deliberate

practice. Thinking of all the parts beforehand and how they fit together is also an important part

to deliberate practice but completing hyperdocs is a way to bring it all together! Being able to

collaborate and discuss all those parts will be crucial so the teachers can see how these hyperdocs

will fit into their classrooms without much trouble. Many teachers are proficient in Google

Slides and Docs so this is a nice way to show them that they can use their knowledge of Google

Slides and Docs to support them in creating hyperdocs that are purposeful and deliberate in order

to achieve maximum student achievement. After the session, everyone will have access to the

resources as well as the shared notes through the digital library. In the collective teacher efficacy

session, we will determine what information would be beneficial to have as a webinar. Those

mini webinars will be housed in the digital library. Sharing those resources and using Zoom is

supporting the communication and collaboration piece of the 4 C’s model.

For the teacher clarity, we will use Zoom to host an online webinar that would be

recorded so those that can’t attend can watch it afterwards when they have time. We will define

what teacher clarity actually is as well as give specific steps on how to improve it. Thinking

about the 4 C’s, we will utilize all of them within this session because teacher clarity is so broad,

we will communicate and collaborate to determine what we already do that promotes teacher

clarity as well as use critical thinking and creativity to come up with new ways to improve

teacher clarity. All of the information shared will be added to the digital library for teachers to

access and use how they would like.


The creation and organization of the online digital library will happen between

September 16th and 29th. There will be a pre-survey asking staff how they would prefer the

content given to them (face to face or through Zoom) as well as what times and days of the week

they prefer. This will be sent out September 30th and will ask staff to have the survey completed

by October 7th. The professional learning opportunities will begin October 15th. There will be

two to three PL opportunities within October that last a maximum of thirty minutes immediately

following dismissal or what time the staff prefers based on the survey responses. In November,

we would have two or three PL opportunities. The final PL session would be the week of

November 17th. After each PL, a survey would be sent to those who went. In order for me to

determine how successful my internship was I will ask teachers to submit artifacts they created

or their students created based on the strategies they used from the digital library. I would also

ask teachers to submit an optional reflection answering the following questions: What did you

enjoy most about the digital library or PL sessions? What could be done to improve the digital

library? How has the digital library supported your students learning and helped to encourage

improvement from both teacher and student? I would ask that the artifacts and reflections be sent

to me by December 1st. The last question on the optional survey would help me to determine

how successful goal two was. I will also be able to tell from the artifacts submitted how the

strategies supported their students learning. Also, throughout the PL sessions, I will take

observational notes that will be analyzed within my online journal reflections.


Timeline Broken Down

Objective Date(s)

Create and Organize the Online Digital September 16th-29th


Survey sent out asking staff how they would September 30th
prefer the content given to them (face to face Revised: October 7th
or through Zoom) and days/times

Surveys completed and turned in (these will October 7th

be done through Google Forms) Revised: October 9th

Figure out dates for webinars and face to face October 8th-11th
sessions Revised: October 9th-11th

PL sessions and curation of the Digital October 15th-November 17th

Library take place! Revised: October 15th- November 22nd

Teachers take the optional survey and send November 17th- December 1st
me artifacts. (Teachers can also send me Revised: November 17th-November 25th
artifacts starting October 15th or after the 1st

PL session)

Throughout this whole process I will be completing my own reflection journal documenting the

sessions as well as improvements I plan to make. I will also house the surveys and artifacts from

teachers within this journal so everything is located in one place.

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