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Antineoplastic Agents and the Associated Myelosuppressive Effects: A Review

Jason N. Barreto, Kristen B. McCullough, Lauren L. Ice and Judith A. Smith
Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2014 27: 440 originally published online 20 August 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0897190014546108

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Drug-Induced Diseases
Journal of Pharmacy Practice
2014, Vol. 27(5) 440-446
Antineoplastic Agents and the Associated ª The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permission:
Myelosuppressive Effects: A Review DOI: 10.1177/0897190014546108

Jason N. Barreto, PharmD, BCPS1,

Kristen B. McCullough, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP1,
Lauren L. Ice, PharmD1, and
Judith A. Smith, PharmD, BCOP, CPHQ, FCCP, FISOPP2

Bone marrow is a complex organ responsible for the regulation of hematopoietic cell distribution throughout the human body.
Patients receiving antineoplastic agents as a therapeutic intervention for hematologic malignancy often experience varying
degrees of myelotoxicity. Antineoplastic agents cause hypocellularity in marrow resulting in a reduction in hematopoietic tissue
activity and a corresponding decline in cell production. Quantifying the adverse effects on hematopoiesis is based on the
properties of a single agent, the use of individual drugs within a combination chemotherapy regimen, and the course, or
courses, of chemotherapy designed to treat cancer. The direct or indirect suppression of erythrocytes, granulocytes, and
megakaryocytes has potential for multiple negative clinical consequences ranging from increased monitoring of blood counts to
life-threatening infection and death. This review will provide an overview of the structure and function of competent adult bone
marrow, describe the process of hematopoiesis, and characterize the myelotoxicities associated with common antineoplastic
agents currently used in the treatment of cancer.

antineoplastic agents, chemotherapy, myelosuppression, toxicity, cancer, oncology, hematology, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia,

Introduction induced hematologic toxicity. This will build a foundation for

considering the interventions that can be employed as prevention
The utilization of antineoplastic agents alone or in combination
and treatment of dose-limiting hematologic toxicities in the clin-
is a balance between administering a therapy designed to com-
ical setting.
bat malignancy and the propensity for that therapy to cause the
frequently occurring, clinically important consequence of
hematopoietic disruption. Although hematologic toxicities are Bone Marrow
fairly common with antineoplastic treatment, it remains diffi-
cult to predict susceptibility and severity of these toxicities in Comprehension of antineoplastic-induced myelotoxicity begins
each patient. with understanding the impact of antineoplastics on the struc-
Major advancements have been made over recent years; ture and function of normal, competent, adult bone marrow.
however, chemotherapy-induced myelotoxicity remains one Bone marrow is one of the most complex systems of the body,
of the primary causes of morbidity and mortality during the ranging from a weight of 2600 g to up to 5% of body weight in
treatment of cancer.1 Patients experiencing profound myelo- humans, and approximately half is assumed to be actively par-
suppression are at increased risk of chemotherapy-related ticipating in blood cell formation at any one point in time.5-8
adverse effects. Antineoplastic-induced myelotoxicity can be
a major contributor to fatigue leading to an inability to perform 1
Department of Pharmacy Services, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
routine activities of daily living.2 Other more severe adverse 2
Department of Gynecologic Oncology & Reproductive Medicine, Division of
effects include bleeding events or life-threatening infection Surgery, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
manifesting as febrile neutropenia and sepsis.3,4 TX, USA
This review will provide an overview of normal bone marrow
Corresponding Author:
physiology, cell cycle progression, and hematopoiesis. Current Jason N. Barreto, Department of Pharmacy Services, Mayo Clinic, 200 First
antineoplastic agents and treatment regimens will also be dis- Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.
cussed to provide insight into the complexities of chemotherapy- Email:

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Barreto et al 441

Surrounded by dense cortical bone is a medullary cavity that con- in Figure 1.12,14,16-18 During the G1-phase, cells prepare for and
sists of trabecular bone and bone marrow tissue. Bone marrow can commit to DNA synthesis. DNA replication takes place during
be divided into 2 types and classified by the cellular composition the S-phase. Following the S-phase, cells prepare for cell divi-
and color. Red marrow is a fibrous, myeloid tissue that is depos- sion in the G2-phase. Finally, nuclear division and separation
ited within the cavity including the ends of long bones and is the transpires during the M-phase resulting in 2 identical progeny
primary site of hematopoiesis. The red marrow can be further cells.14,16,17 Before committing to replication, cells in the
classified into intravascular and extravascular compartments with G1-phase can enter a quiescent stage called G0 due to a lack
the former composed of arteries responsible for the blood supply of mitogenic signals or the presence of antimitogenic signals.14,16
providing nutrients and a network of thin-walled venous blood A high percentage of cells in the body exist in phase G0.13,18
vessels commonly referred to as sinuses. These sinuses are Cellular division is moderated by numerous protein families
responsible for transporting blood cells away from the bone into that regulate transition from one stage to the next in a systema-
circulation. Myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers accom- tic fashion.15,16 Checkpoints in the cycle exist to certify the
pany the vasculature and inundate the marrow ultimately control- integrity of the cycle and ensure DNA is maintained.16,17 A key
ling the retention and migration of cells.5,6,9 The extravascular difference between normal and malignant cells is control of cell
compartment is where the process of hematopoiesis occurs and division. Mutations affecting regulation of division resulting in
formed blood cells are stored.24,25 These compartments are sepa- uncontrolled cell proliferation are a foundation of malignant
rate anatomical units, called microenvironment, that are con- states.16,19 Most antineoplastic agents consequently act on
nected by a network of fenestrated capillaries and mesh of molecular targets essential to cellular division. These agents
connective tissues with walls composed of endothelial and adven- can have activity limited to specific phases or remain active
titial reticular cells.7,9 throughout the cell cycle (figure 1).
Marrow tissue is a living organism possessing a finite life
span that will experience a decline in functional capacity in
direct correlation with age.10 All bone cavities are filled with
hematopoietic cells at birth reflecting a uniformly red marrow. Hematopoiesis is the production of blood cells within the bone
With increasing age, hematopoietic tissue ceases proliferative marrow.1,5,6,20 Despite the heterogeneity of blood cell types,
activity and transforms into a spongy adipose tissue and with each type having distinct functions and unique turnover
becomes yellow marrow. The gradual, centrifugal replacement kinetics, the human body is able to maintain consistent levels
of red marrow with yellow leaves approximately 50% of the in the peripheral circulation.21,22 Hematopoiesis most often
original marrow actively proliferating by adulthood with the occurs in the central or extravascular compartment with the
continued remodeling leaving less than one-third in advanced ability to take place in the peripheral compartment of the
ages. Interestingly, the body has the capability to convert yel- body.23 The extravascular compartment is the bone marrow
low marrow into red marrow to accommodate situations requir- where cells are produced and stored.24,25 The central compart-
ing increased cell production such as stress of disease and ment lives in constant fluctuation between latency and produc-
administration of chemotherapy.1,9 tion according to external stimuli and feedback regulation;
The marrow is capable of producing and releasing an however, under normal conditions, the majority of cells are
average 6 billion cells/kg of body weight per day into circu- quiescent in the resting phase of the cell cycle (G0).1,7,20 Vas-
lation, divided into 2.5 billion erythrocytes, 1.0 billion gran- cular circulation, also known as the peripheral compartment,
ulocytes, and 2.5 billion platelets per kilogram of body constitutes the second compartment. This is typically where
weight per day.1,5,6 It is important to note that blood cell most mature differentiated cells progress through their life
production is a dynamic process and the body can downre- cycle until they are utilized or undergo apoptosis, at which
gulate to near inactivity or upregulate to 5 to 10 times con- point they will be degraded and removed.5 It should be noted
ventional production to maintain the balance of steady-state that there is a small percentage (~1%) of stem cells in circulation
conditions.7,8 at all times and that number can change based on detected sti-
muli, such as the administration of chemotherapy or treatment
with colony-stimulating growth factors during mobilization for
The Cell Cycle harvest and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.26
Cells are living entities also with a finite life span. Our know- Previous reports describe many different cell lineage
ledge of cell and cell division has grown tremendously since schemes all affirming a uniform concept that an immature
the discovery of mitosis in 1882.11 The concept of a cell under- uncommitted cell has unrestricted potential to replicate or can
going a cyclical pattern of events was introduced to the scien- transform into a mature committed cell.1,6,7,9,21,22,27 Cells are
tific community in 1953 and is the foundation of cell biology.12 generally classified into 3 categories and include stem cells,
The cell cycle is the fundamental process through which cells progenitor cells, and mature differentiated cells.22 All stem
proliferate and is comprised of 2 principle operations, cells appear morphologically similar but are a heterogenous
DNA replication and mitosis.13-16 It is a highly regulated and population and functionally unique.7,28 A relatively small pop-
ordered activity involving GAP1 (G1-phase), Synthesis ulation of stem cells is capable of sufficiently managing the
(S-phase), GAP2 (G2-phase), and Mitosis (M-phase) as shown production needs of the entire hematopoietic system.1,7 They

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442 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 27(5)


S-Phase Specific
•Topoisomerase I inhibitors


Cell Cycle Nonspecific Agents

G0 Phase M-Phase Specific •Alkylang agents
(Cell at rest) •Vinca alkaloids •Anthracyclines
•Taxanes •Antumor anbiocs
•Planum agents

Figure 1. Phases of a cell cycle including a description of cell division processes and antineoplastic agents active during the corresponding phase.

progress through a life cycle continuum with the youngest cells lymphoid stem cell.7 An intricate and complex balance is main-
having the greatest capacity for self-renewal. Stem cells lose tained under normal conditions with the number of each type of
replicative ability as they age, making them more likely to prog- circulating blood cell and their total body mass remaining
ress down a differentiation pathway and into the vasculature over constant.7
time.29 When differentiation occurs, a stem cell has capability to
progress through one of multiple lineages present in the bone
marrow as shown in Figure 2.9 Normal adult bone marrow is Antineoplastic Agents
regulated by a variety of hormones and cytokines that will influ- Antineoplastic agent-associated myelotoxicity is the disruption
ence the microenvironment and maintain appropriate homeosta- of the previously described elements of a functional hemato-
sis of each different blood cell type circulating in the peripheral poietic system caused by the administration of antineoplastic
blood.5,24 Pluripotent stem cells are hypothesized to remain medications. Because traditional cancer drugs display an indis-
quiescent while the subset of more highly differentiated daughter criminate toxicity to healthy and cancerous cells alike, under-
cells, or progenitor cells, serve as precursors to traditional cell standing antineoplastic agent-associated myelosuppression
lines. Stem cells or progenitor cells receive external stimuli or involves the application of several principles to normal
interpret changes in the microenvironment and activate to com- steady-state proliferation as well as the systematic response
mit to either a myeloid or lymphoid cell line.22 Finally, colony- to the detection of any alterations in homeostasis.30
forming units and burst-forming units develop into the common Antineoplastic agents can have an indirect or a direct effect on
categories of erythroid, granulocyte–monocyte, lymphocyte, and the cells of the body. The indirect effect is the action taken by the
megakaryocytes. One is defined as the colony-forming unit drug on the bone marrow microenvironment or hematopoietic
spleen (CFU-S), the second is the colony-forming unit granulo- regulators.31 A well-studied indirect effect is anemia that mani-
cyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte (CFU- fests because cis-platinum inhibits the renal release of erythro-
GEMM) which is responsible for the myeloid stem cell, and the poietin.31 The direct effect, also known as the mechanism of
third is the colony-forming unit lymphocyte (CFU-L) as the action, is an interaction between the drug and the cells or their

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Barreto et al 443

Figure 2. Differentiation pathway progression of cellular lineages from pluripotent stem cell to mature blood cell.9

progenitors. An example of a direct effect would be irinotecan sta- antineoplastic agent regimen and sequential order of drug
bilizing the topoisomerase I–DNA complex to increase torsional administration.33 Risks of febrile neutropenia vary according
strain resulting in DNA single- and double-strand breaks during to type of cancer and antineoplastic agent regimen.34
synthesis. Apoptosis of both tumor and healthy cells occurs as a Anemia is defined as a decrease in hemoglobin (or hemato-
result of double-stranded DNA breakage and interference with crit) level from an individual’s baseline value.35 Antineoplastic
the replication process.32 agents causing a decrease in red blood cell production lead to
fatigue and decreased activities of daily living. Anemia may
also be an indirect effect of particular cytotoxic agents that
Myelosuppressive Effects of Antineoplastic Agents cause a decreased production of erythropoietin by the kidney.
Neutropenia is a decrease in white blood cell (WBC) count. The management of anemia includes packed red blood cell
The WBC nadir is the lowest value that neutrophils will decline transfusions or administration of erythropoietin-stimulating
to during a cycle of chemotherapy. Nadirs may occur following agents. Medications with anemia as a common dose-limiting
antineoplastic agents alone or in combination around 10 to toxicity include platinum-containing agents and docetaxel.36,37
14 days after administration with complete recovery by day Thrombocytopenia is a decrease in platelet production due
21 to 28. Other antineoplastic agents, particularly those that are to administration of antineoplastic agent potentially requiring
cell cycle nonspecific like busulfan, nitrosoureas, and mitomy- subsequent dosage reductions or therapy delays and incr-
cin C, can induce a prolonged duration of neutropenia. Leuko- easing the risk of life-threatening spontaneous hemorrhage.
cytes, particularly neutrophils, are the first and primary line of Prevention and management of chemotherapy-induced throm-
defense against infections, and febrile neutropenia is one of the bocytopenia remains an unmet clinical need with platelet
most serious consequences of antineoplastic agent administra- transfusions as the mainstay of therapy and thrombopoietin
tion. Magnitude of neutropenia depends on the intensity of the receptor agonists as an option currently under investigation.38

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444 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 27(5)

Agents with a dose-limiting toxicity of thrombocytopenia probability that the agent will act on cells that are currently in
include carboplatin and gemcitabine, among others. active cell division as well as those cells that are activated in
response to stimuli received due to cell disintegration.47 CIV
or oral dosing has been proposed as a mechanism for overcom-
Impact of Route of Administration on Myelosuppressive
ing chemoresistance.48 Fluorouracil (5-FU) for treatment of col-
Effects orectal cancer is one agent with long-standing debate over the
Efficacy and safety of antineoplastic agents, like most drugs, is optimum rate of administration. It has been suggested that work-
based on the amount administered. In vitro and animal studies ing mechanism of 5-FU changes depending whether the drug is
provide models for the expected response to gradually esca- administered as a bolus or a continuous infusion.49 Studies have
lated doses of chemotherapy; however, clinical application in demonstrated superior efficacy when utilizing the prolonged or
human study is the only method of accurate toxicity assess- continuous intravenous infusion compared to intravenous
ment.39 Phase I clinical trials are utilized to find the maximum bolus.50,51 In addition to improved efficacy, continuous infusion
tolerated dose that demonstrates efficacy and has a manageable 5-FU compared to bolus 5-FU was associated with a decreased
side effect profile. Methotrexate (MTX) is an example where a rate of hematologic toxicity, 4% versus 31%, respectively.52
drug administered in different doses for different indications Dose density is another aspect of drug consideration regarding
produces variable incidence of toxicity, particularly myelotoxi- chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression. An antineoplastic
city. Lower doses of MTX, administered for treatment of rheu- agent is administered intermittently between periods of rest
matoid arthritis, have demonstrated relatively infrequent allowing bone marrow to recover. Administration with set time
occurrences of hematologic toxicity, especially when com- intervals between treatments that is too brief would increase
pared to high-dose MTX therapy that is recommended during the potential for greater hematopoietic toxicity.53 For example,
treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma which the combination of carboplatin and paclitaxel in the treatment
necessitates aggressive supportive management and close mon- of ovarian cancer has been evaluated in many different treatment
itoring of MTX serum concentrations to abrogate complica- schemas. Carboplatin functions as a non–cell cycle-specific
tions associated with high-dose treatment.40-44 Methotrexate agent, while paclitaxel works during the M-phase to prevent
depletes all cells of critical reduced folates necessary for de microtubule formation. While maintaining carboplatin on an
novo synthesis of DNA. High-dose MTX requires rescue ther- every 3-week schedule, adjustment of paclitaxel from 180 mg/
apy with folinic acid, a reduced folate commonly known as leu- m2 every 3 weeks to 80 mg/m2 weekly has improved long-
covorin, to restore normal DNA replication function and term progression-free and overall survival. Predictably, the
prevent life-threatening cytopenias. Unfortunately, this return increased targeting of the M-phase led to significantly more ane-
of DNA replication activity is not isolated to healthy cells but mia in the dose-dense paclitaxel group.54
extends to malignant cells as well. Subtherapeutic doses for Multiagent antineoplastic regimens capitalize on diverse
malignancy can result in minimal effects seen in both the body mechanisms of action to maximize efficacy but unfortunately
and the tumor. Actively dividing cells will be affected most by place patients at an increased risk of myelotoxicity. Variability
the antineoplastic agent; however, the disruption may not reach in cell cycle specificity plays an important role in the sensitiv-
the critical threshold to induce apoptosis, and the cells will con- ity of malignant cells to antineoplastic agents. Antineoplastic
tinue to survive and undergo normal operations. Alternatively, agents can be divided into 2 general classes based on specificity
compensatory mechanisms may increase production to balance of cytotoxic effects during the cell cycle.18,55 Cell cycle non-
the destruction of cells and maintain adequate distribution that specific agents are active against proliferating cells regardless
ultimately neutralizes the effect of the antineoplastic agent. of phase. Conversely, cell cycle phase-specific agents exert
Perhaps the most concerning is the possibility that the cell will cytotoxic effects primarily during particular cell phases, often
develop chemoresistance mechanisms including efflux pumps to varying degrees. Overall, knowledge of the cell cycle stages
and activation of antiapoptotic genes.15,45 may assist in designing rational chemotherapeutic combina-
Method of administration is an important consideration for tions while minimizing overlapping toxicity. Long-term hema-
the association of antineoplastic agents and the likelihood of tologic complications can develop when chemotherapy is
myelotoxicity. Altering the rate of antineoplastic agent admin- administered repeatedly.56-58 Repeated exposure to cytotoxic
istration can change maximum concentrations achieved and therapy over time will insult the bone marrow to a point that
duration of exposure which may impact overall efficacy and is beyond recovery to previous functionality.59 This permanent
be associated with different incidences of drug-related toxi- impairment leads to a chronic hypoplastic state associated with
city.46,47 Bolus administration, the receipt of an agent over a persistent pancytopenia.58 The result will be a toxicity that is
brief duration, will produce very high concentrations and beyond compensation resulting in either survival with com-
affects all cells undergoing active cell division at that time. plete bone marrow failure or mortality.60
Continuous infusion (CIV) of an antineoplastic agent removes
the degree of drug concentration variability experienced with
intermittent dosing and allows maintenance of a fixed drug
Future Directions
concentration achieving increased total drug exposure over Our understanding of both normal and malignant cells will
extended periods of time. Additionally, CIV increases the continue to develop as efforts are made to optimize the

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