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The synergy of how to learni polytechnics is to build collaboration without it is impossible

especially in polytechnics at information science.We need lots of partners and good collaboration
in carrying out work and study in polytechnics.

The continues improvment of it is the think big is like a we must broadly and openly so that our
insight and knowledge can developed,and communicate well according to good communication
ethics.We also can start small is just go to collage and ave a part time for keep our self at good
finance.And dont forget to act fast as soon as possible to finish.

Begin with and end with mind in the logical thinking; objective,analize,and solving problem.The
growth learner has the desire to learn,feedback for critism example are attitude collage-lecture
and communication techniques,communication,learn from mistake and change threat into

The best way to learn have many version the first is lost-win is entertaiment,win-lost is instant
process fast to win but fast to lost too,lost-lost is the serious conflict like selfish perosnality,win-
win is win solution to learn in polytechnics should be win-win solution is depends
on the environtment.

Sharpen the saw to make your knowledge and abilities developed rapidly and abilities become
trained and reliable,so your softskill will become hardskill as time goes by.In polytechnics we
must have 4C,first is COMPETENCE in competing to be the best,we alson have to
CHARACTER to be a good person,have good COMMUNICATION with other collage
student,and the last make good COLLABORATION with other collage student so that all tasks
will be smooth.

We must understand and to be understood


Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution. It calls for a dynamic transformation of
how all aspects of business and production are done. A new wave of global technology will
change global production. Internationalization, in all aspects of business and industry, will be the
norm. Countries can no longer remain confined within their borders but must become citizens of
the world. Leaders in this new era will need to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and be able to
interact across the globe. In short, they need to be liberally educated.

But how should this impact on education? Future workers will need to be highly trained in the
emerging technologies but also, as importantly, in the values associated with using those
technologies. In the future, we must not only possess the ability to develop the technology but
also to know whether, when, and where to use that technology. That kind of thinking is both
reflective and interdisciplinary. Schools must reinvent themselves quickly. They need to adapt to
the demands of the RI4 and have the obligation to come out of its shell, its hermetic spaces and
try to give as many opportunities as possible by creating the adequate contexts for students to be
prepared for the future jobs. The problem in the future could not be the lack of employment,
but the shortage of skills that the new jobs will demand.

Students need to understand how they can correlate and use and apply different knowledge in
diversified contexts, what they really mean and how they can create synergies among different
subjects to develop/create “something” that connects to the real world. This takes us to another
very important point: students need to work in a framework of projects and from there they need
to collaborate with their colleagues, with their teachers and with the outside world. They need to
develop new ways of communicating; they need to be put in front of complex situations to
develop critical thinking and complex problem solving and to learn how to be imaginative,
creative, adaptable, flexible and to develop brain plasticity.

In other words, Industry 4.0 will require the world to produce a new kind of worker—a
knowledge worker! Tomorrow’s industry leaders and managers must possess new skill sets to
adapt, to manage, and to take advantage of Industry 4.0. They must be critical thinkers, problem
solvers, innovators, communicators, and provide value driven leadership. They must be able to
see beyond the technology at play to the implications for society for the use of that technology.
These traits define the knowledge worker. They must know the technology but be able to meet
and solve all aspects of the challenges engendered by this technology. This kind of leader requires
a new approach to education.

As Alex Gray (2016) states “Change won’t wait for us: business leaders, educators and
governments all need to be proactive in up-skilling and retraining people so everyone can benefit
from the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. So, we have the obligation to create the models and
contexts to allow it to happen, otherwise we will have a generation with no skills shortage for the
new demands of the labor market and that will become a big problem to society.

The Internet of Things is all about our convenience. It’s about keeping our homes safe
and more effective while we’re away. What does this mean for the classroom? The
applications of IoT technology are not extreme at the current point. Still, many modern
schools are equipped with wireless door locks, attendance tracking systems, room
temperature sensors, security cameras, 3D printers, and other smart devices.

This technology is on a rapid track of development. We should expect to see more

innovative applications in close future. Of course; students go to school to learn. But
convenience is an important part of the process. If smart devices can keep the classroom
environment more comfortable, it will be easier for the students to stay focused.

When the professor measures the student’s performance and behavior, they can finally
offer a personalized learning experience for them. If an individual student is facing
learning disabilities, they can find a different approach in their teaching methods. If they
realize that this student is intimidated by testing, they can offer them to write blog posts
at home instead of essays at school. It takes a lot of training for teachers to be able to
understand and use big data, but we’re making steady steps towards such a future.

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