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Unit 3

Face the Music, page 74

1 Nouns
audience: público
eye-opener: revelación
performance: actuación; interpretación
rehearsal: ensayo
face: afrontar, enfrentarse a
focus on: centrarse en; fijarse en
give up: darse por vencido/a, rendirse; dejar (de); renunciar a
hold: celebrar
manage: arreglarse, conseguir
point out: señalar, indicar
share: compartir
struggle: luchar; esforzarse
survive: sobrevivir (a)
alive: vivo/a
awesome: increíble, formidable
daft: tonto/a
daily: diario/a
dreadful: pésimo/a, horrible
dull: aburrido/a
first-rate: de primera categoría
live: en vivo / directo
offensive: ofensivo/a
outstanding: excepcional, extraordinario/a
overrated: sobrevalorado/a, sobrestimado/a
smashing: estupendo/a, genial
bored to death: muerto/a de aburrimiento
(be) good for a laugh: estar bien para (echarse) unas risas /
divertirse / pasar un buen rato
have a good time: pasarlo bien, divertirse
live show: concierto / espectáculo en vivo / directo
keep going: seguir, continuar
waste of time: pérdida de tiempo
(be) worth it: merecer la pena
2 1. live show, performance
2. awesome, first-rate, outstanding, smashing
3. daft, dreadful, dull, offensive, overrated
4. waste of time, (be) worth it
5. point out
page 75
1 1. point out: señalar, indicar
2. make a point: decir algo importante, hacer una
observación (~ of: encargarse de)
3. there’s no point: no tiene sentido
4. get the point: entender, comprender
5. What’s the point?: ¿Para qué?
2 1. There’s no point
2. point out
3. get the point
4. What’s the point
5. make a point
3 1. on my mind: en (mi) mente / la cabeza
2. (I) don’t mind: no (me) importa
3. put your mind to: concentrarse en
4. keep in mind: tener en cuenta / presente, recordar
5. an open mind: una mentalidad abierta
4 1. keep in mind 4. on my mind
2. an open mind 5. (I) don’t mind
3. put your mind to
5 1. a. conductor 2. a. managed
b. driver b. operated
6 Possible answers:
Verb Noun Adjective
offend offence offensive
investigate investigation investigative
fulfil fulfilment fulfilled / fulfilling
inspire inspiration inspiring
radiate radiation /
radiance radiant
manage management manageable
7 1. inspiration 4. radiant
2. offend 5. investigation
3. manageable 6. Fulfil

Unit 3
Vocabulary, page 20
1 Possible answers:
1. The shop isn’t open daily.
2. There are two people in the audience.
3. There’s a performance on 10th June.
4. The band is having a rehearsal.
2 Possible answers:
1. my book with her
2. he didn’t have time to practise
3. it was raining
4. to arrive on time
5. he had lost the race
3 1. He struggled with this piece of music.
2. This book on music of the 1960s focuses on the Beatles.
3. They haven’t faced any problems during this concert tour.
4. Nobody pointed out that I was singing the wrong words!
5. Luckily, the piano survived the fire.
4 1. focus on 4. hold
2. gave up 5. share
3. manage
page 21
5 1. dancing 4. Making
2. playing 5. to donate
3. to learn
6 1. rehearsing; to eat
2. to bring; giving
3. to tell; seeing
7 1. taking piano lessons
2. to take a break
3. to learn this piece of music
4. Listening
5. to play in the band
6. crying whenever she hears this sad song
7. to be away from home during long tours with the orchestra
8 1. struggling 6. performances
2. daily 7. audience
3. point … out 8. gave up
4. faced 9. focusing on
5. held

Grammar, page 22
1 1. can’t play an instrument
2. mustn’t play loud music after 11 pm
3. should practise more often
4. might be giving a concert here
5. must be a famous singer
6. don’t have to leave now, since / because the performance
doesn’t start until 8 o’clock
2 1. may not 5. can’t / aren’t able to
2. can’t 6. needn’t
3. couldn’t 7. should
4. might
3 1. shouldn’t have tried 3. wouldn’t have practised
2. must have got 4. may have been
page 23
4 Possible answers:
1. broken
2. performed well enough
3. turned it off
4. invited you to the Eminem concert
5. heard it before
6. been there
5 1. have to / must go 5. would have gone
2. shouldn’t have told 6. should / can take
3. don’t have to / needn’t wear 7. couldn’t / wasn’t able to sing
4. may / might have left 8. should / can try
6 1. Can … imagine 5. were beginning
2. wouldn’t have developed 6. have played
3. appeared 7. will remain
4. had used 8. will be producing
7 1. They will have to hold the party outside. /
They must hold the party outside.
2. You should not have given up. It was important to keep
3. Could he have missed the train?
4. There may be another rehearsal tomorrow. I’ll let you know.
5. I haven’t been able to study since you arrived. Could you
be quiet, please?
8 1. No podré llegar al ensayo a tiempo.
2. Deberían haber dejado de admitir a gente cuando el club
se llenó tanto.
3. Me rindo. Me resulta demasiado difícil tocar esta pieza
4. ¿Tenemos que quedarnos? Estoy tan aburrida.
5. No habría ido a ver su espectáculo, pero gané una
entrada gratis.
9 Possible answers:
1. It’s very funny.
2. I love singing.
3. He’s a great singer.
4. You never come to my performances.
5. He’s always late.

Communication, page 24
1 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
2 Possible answers:
1. You can see Rihanna at the arena.
2. That joke hurt my feelings.
3. The entertainment was great.
4. Their music is fun to dance to.
5. It was so boring, I fell asleep.
6. I became responsible for managing my time.
7. I don’t think he’s talented at all.
8. All my friends are going to be there.
3 Possible answers:
1. That idea is a waste of time!
2. I think Justin Bieber is overrated.
3. That documentary was an eye-opener!
4. Without more practice, he’ll never be a first-rate guitarist.
5. The lecture was dull.
4 Possible answers:
1. my grandmother wasn’t alive
2. have been living in New York for a year
3. to see Beyoncé live
4. they’re still alive
5 1. If you ask me / In my opinion
2. How about
3. I feel that / it seems to me that
4. it seems to me that / I feel that
5. I feel that / It seems to me that
Reading, page 25
1 1. b
2 1. d 2. d
3 1. display new musical or artistic ability
2. coming up with new compositions
3. to get rewired
4 1. F; “hasn’t stopped since”
2. F; “in his head appearing as black and white squares”
3. T; “finds it difficult to ‘turn off’ the music in his head”
5 1. People might think he was weird and it would harm his
2. They wouldn’t give it up because it has enriched their lives.
6 1. displaying 3. downsides
2. urge 4. Enriched

Writing, page 26
1 1. They’re giving two concerts in London this month. /
This month, they’re giving two concerts in London.
2. The fans were terribly disappointed when the band
cancelled the show.
3. Mark never listens to rap music.
4. He often studied in the library.
5. I am going to have my first piano lesson tonight. /
Tonight, I am going to have my first piano lesson.
2 1. b 2. c 3. a
Writing Task
3 1. against 4. against
2. support 5. support
3. against 6. support
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Check Your Progress, page 27
1 1. performance, snowstorm, held
2. daily, personal, embarrassed
3. get permission, waste of time
4. spoilt, to struggle, gives up
2 Possible answers:
1. doing research on the topic
2. it might rain
3. spend money on things you don’t really like or need
4. without water
5. the storm
6. their interests change
3 1. powerful 5. points out
2. provide 6. offensive
3. audience 7. remain
4. fit in 8. increase
4 1. have … heard; might / may rain;
am … going to go / am … going
2. will be doing; will improve
3. got; had caused
4. couldn’t understand; was speaking;
was / must have been
5 1. He has performed / has been performing since he was a
2. By the time everyone arrived for the party, we had
decorated the house.
3. While the clarinetist was performing, she played several
wrong notes.
4. I should have called you earlier.
5. By this time next week, the band will have been together
for 50 years.

6 Possible answers:
1. don’t have to bring anything
2. need to be home to watch my brother
3. saw it last week
4. may have had a fight
5. must be very excited
6. will be very hungry

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