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Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks Narrative, siswa dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif dari

teks dengan tepat

Once upon a time, there was an old woman went to the riverside to wash some clothes. Then,
suddenly she found a peach on the river. She took it home to show her husband. At home, she tried to
cut the peach in half, but suddenly a boy just came out. And they called the boy as Bondan. Time
pased away, Bondan grew up and became a brave and powerful boy. At the same time, there were
devils who always bothering the villagers and Bondan decided to fight against the devils on the
devils’ island. Bondan’s mother made special dumplings that can give a human being the power of
100 people. Bondan took some dumplings with him and left. He was not alone, he went to the island
with some friends, they were a dog, monkey and a bird. Bondan gave them dumplings too. They
traveled to the devils’ island to fight with the biggest devil. On the island they saw many devils
waiting for them. When they met the biggest devil, the dog bit the devil’s leg. The monkey scratched
the back of the devil. The bird poked the devil in the eye. Together they beat all the devils. They got
all the treasure that the devils had. The devils also promised not to bothers the villagers again. They
lived happily ever after.

17. What is the problem of the text above .....

a. The jorney to the devils’ island.
b. Bondan gave their friends dumplings.
c. There were devils bothering the villagers.
d. There were some bad friends.

18. What can we learn from that story .....

a. Heavy duty will be easier if we do it together
b. We need dumpling to succssed
c. The love of mother to her son will give the strength
d. We must feed and love our pets

Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks Procedure, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi gambaran
umum dengan tepat
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the
cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:
 First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then
lift it off the phone.
 after that, push two catches in the oppcsite directions and
remove the battery.
 next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make
sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the
connector of the phone.
 Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
 Finally, insert the two catches ofthe back cover
corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward
button of the phone until locks into place.
 Don't forget to switch on the cellphone

16. If we don't remove the battery, we will not be able to ....

a. connect arson to the connector of the phone
b. make the cellphone snap into its place
c. cover the forward button of the phone
d. put the SIM Card in the slot
Indikator : disajikan sebuah teks recount siswa dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif dari
teks dengan tepat.

Last holiday was an unforgettable holiday for Ana. How not, Ana and her family decided to spend
the holidays and celebrate the new year in Derawan island. She went there with both of her parents
and her younger sister Siska. This is the first time for Ana to be there and see the beauty of the island
of Derawan. When they were arrived, the beauty of the beach and the clarity of the sea water amazed
her so much. In a hurry she kept his bag in the hotel room and hurry returned to the beach to enjoy
the beauty of the beach. She also invited her younger sister to come with her. Satisfied playing sand
on the beach, she decided to swim, fortunatelly that afternoon the sun was not so hot, she returned to
the hotel to change clothes at the same time asking her parents for their permission, this time she did
not invite her sister to swim with her.
Ana looks so happy, so with her family, they enjoyed and explore all the beauty of the island, they
played in the beach, swimm, enjoy the sun set and told some joke each other. Three days pass away,
and time to back home. Actually, they didn’t want to back yet. The holiday time pass so quick for
them, but they realized that they have to back.

15. What make Ana and her family so excited ....

a. The journey to Derawan Island
b. The beautiful of the forest
c. The clarity of the sea
d. The beauty of Derawan Island

Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks label makan siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci

20. What information that could not be found in

the label .....
a. The expiry date
b. The name of the product
c. The ingredients
d. The colour of warning levels

Indikator : Diberikan sebuah teks undangan pribadi siswa dapat mengidentifikasi gambaran

Dear Maya, 19. We have to contact Indah to .....

a. say happy birthday
I would be very pleased if you could be with b. ask about costume
me at my party. If you want to stay c. confirm the attendance
overnight, I will booked room for you at a d. booked a room hotel
nearby. Please let us know if you can come.

I really looking forward to seeing you. It

will be fun!!!

Jl. Sebengkok RT. 13 No. 19
Telp. 0812798999
Last holiday was an unforgettable holiday for Ana. How not, Ana and her family decided to spend
the holidays and celebrate the new year in Derawan island. She went there with both of her parents
and her younger sister Siska. This is the first time for Ana to be there and see the beauty of the island
of Derawan. When they were arrived, the beauty of the beach and the clarity of the sea water amazed
her so much. In a hurry she kept his bag in the hotel room and hurry returned to the beach to enjoy
the beauty of the beach. She also invited her younger sister to come with her. Satisfied playing sand
on the beach, she decided to swim, fortunatelly that afternoon the sun was not so hot, she returned to
the hotel to change clothes at the same time asking her parents for their permission, this time she did
not invite her sister to swim with her.
Ana looks so happy, so with her family, they enjoyed and explore all the beauty of the island, they
played in the beach, swimm, enjoy the sun set and told some joke each other. Three days pass away,
and time to back home. Actually, they didn’t want to back yet. The holiday time pass so quick for
them, but they realized that they have to back.

15. What make Ana and her family so excited ....

a. The journey to Derawan Island
b. The beautiful of the forest
c. The clarity of the sea
d. The beauty of Derawan Island

When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the
cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:
 First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then
lift it off the phone.
 after that, push two catches in the oppcsite directions and
remove the battery.
 next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make
sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the
connector of the phone.
 Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
 Finally, insert the two catches ofthe back cover
corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward
button of the phone until locks into place.
 Don't forget to switch on the cellphone

16. If we don't remove the battery, we will not be able to ....

a. connect arson to the connector of the phone
b. make the cellphone snap into its place
c. cover the forward button of the phone
d. put the SIM Card in the slot

Question for number 17-18

Once upon a time, there was an old woman went to the riverside to wash some clothes. Then,
suddenly she found a peach on the river. She took it home to show her husband. At home, she tried to
cut the peach in half, but suddenly a boy just came out. And they called the boy as Bondan. Time
pased away, Bondan grew up and became a brave and powerful boy. At the same time, there were
devils who always bothering the villagers and Bondan decided to fight against the devils on the
devils’ island. Bondan’s mother made special dumplings that can give a human being the power of
100 people. Bondan took some dumplings with him and left. He was not alone, he went to the island
with some friends, they were a dog, monkey and a bird. Bondan gave them dumplings too. They
traveled to the devils’ island to fight with the biggest devil. On the island they saw many devils
waiting for them. When they met the biggest devil, the dog bit the devil’s leg. The monkey scratched
the back of the devil. The bird poked the devil in the eye. Together they beat all the devils. They got
all the treasure that the devils had. The devils also promised not to bothers the villagers again. They
lived happily ever after.

17. What is the problem of the text above .....

a. The jorney to the devils’ island.
b. Bondan gave their friends dumplings.
c. There were devils bothering the villagers.
d. There were some bad friends.

18. What can we learn from that story .....

a. Heavy duty will be easier if we do it together
b. We need dumpling to succssed
c. The love of mother to her son will give the strength
d. We must feed and love our pets

Dear Maya, 19. We have to contact Indah to .....

a. say happy birthday
I would be very pleased if you could be with b. ask about costume
me at my party. If you want to stay c. confirm the attendance
overnight, I will booked room for you at a d. booked a room hotel
nearby. Please let us know if you can come.

I really looking forward to seeing you. It

will be fun!!!

Jl. Sebengkok RT. 13 No. 19
Telp. 0812798999

20. What information that could not be found in

the label .....
a. The expiry date
b. The name of the product
c. The ingredients
d. The colour of warning levels

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