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California State University, Fullerton

Elementary and Bilingual Education

Lesson Plan Format

Name: Alyssa Swoboda

Grade: 3rd Subject/Content: ELA (Spelling) Time length of Lesson: 30-40 mins

Home languages: Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Indian.

EL levels: 4 students ​are bridging as well as some reclassified students.

Needs: ​(IEPs, 504, SST, GATE etc.) 4 students considered GATE, 4 students considered ELLs, one student
with an IEP for speech, and 1 with a 504 plan.

Materials, including Technology

List all the special materials you’ll need for the lesson, including teacher and student materials.
Spelling list
Spelling worksheet
Pictures of every spelling word(in baggie)
Doc cam

State the “big idea” that all students will acquire or develop.
Understanding that the long “e” sound is spelled “ea” or “ee.”

Alignment with Standards

RI.3.4. ​Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant
to a grade 3 topic or subject area. (See grade 3 Language standard).
SL.3. 6. ​Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested
detail or clarification. (See grade 3 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.)
L.3.2. ​Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
when writing.
e​. Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words
(e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).
f. ​Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns,
ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
g. ​Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.

Content​: S​ tudents will be able to identify spelling patterns with long “e” sound (“ee” and “ea”) and sort them
into the correct category.

Language:​ Students will be able to write and read words with long “e” spelled “ee” and “ea.”

Students will be informally assessed based off of their ability to correctly sort the pictures into either “ee” or
“ea.” Performance based assessment through the completion of their independent spelling worksheet. As well
as thumbs up or down for understanding and conversation with teacher and student.

Vocabulary/Literacy Skills
Bean-a ​ n edible seed​ ​ treat-s​ omething special
Clean​-free from dirt ​ ean-​ not nice
Need-​ require something ​peace-c​ alm
Sheep-​ an animal ​ cheese​-made from milk
Street-​ a public road ​ leave-​ go away from
East-​direction ​ sweet​-not salty or bitter.
Wheels-​ ​a circular object that revolves on an axle 
Real-​ ​not fake​ ​Beetle​- A bug
Stream-​small narrow river r​ eason-​ explanation
Teacher-​ person who teaches ​steam-​ vapor in which water is converted
Heat-​high temp ​ greet-​ to say hello
Dream-​ series of thoughts while sleeping ​ peacock-​ bird
Peanut-​ oval, edible seed ​ scream-​ a yell
Sleeping-​ the act of being asleep ​ degree​-of temp

Co-Teaching Strategies
Which co-teaching strategies will you employ? Note them where appropriate in the procedure, below, where
they occur.
·​ ​One Teach, One Observe · Supplemental Teaching
·​ ​ ​One Teach, One Assist · Alternative Teaching
·​ ​Station Teaching · Team Teaching
·​ ​Parallel Teaching

Name of Instructional Model: Direct instruction & cooperative learning


A. Focus/Motivation (Open) ​(Time estimate: 3-5 mins)

Lesson will open by students receiving their spelling worksheet, but they are not to begin the worksheet.

Students are to take out their white boards and write one word that contains a long “e” sound (“ee” and “ea”).
Students are to think creatively because they will be playing a “game.”
Ok, scholars today we will start by thinking outside of the box and I know you all are now very familiar with the
long “e” sound in relation to our spelling words, but I know want you to write one word on your whiteboard that
has a long “e” sound. Just one, and I want you to be creative and think about a word that may be uncommon
because we are going to play a game. Once you have come up with your words write it on your white board,
but don’t show anyone, try to be secretive. After you have written you word on your board and everyone is
done please stand up. But don’t show your neighbor. I’m going to pull from the equity sticks and if i call your
number please show the word you wrote on your board and say it outloud. IF any other scholars have the
same word written down show me your board and unfortunately you’re out and you need to sit down. We will
go through everyone’s words, but the person with the most creative word that NO one has duplicated wins!!!

After every student has sat down and read their word out loud, then students will begin the lesson activity.
** ELL accommodation:
- Students can refer back to their spelling list if they are having trouble OR use their Chromebooks.

B. Development (Body) ​(Time estimate: 25-30 mins )

Teacher will state the objective outloud: ​Students will be able to identify spelling patterns with long “e” sound
(“ee” and “ea”) and sort them into the correct category.

Students will then transition into the engaging lesson activity. Each student will receive a small baggie of
picture cards. Each card will have a picture that represents their spelling words. Students will look over each
picture and try to infer what the spelling word is based off of the picture. Then they will need to categorize the
picture into with “EA” or “EE.” Students will use their white boards and create a T-chart to use as a way of
categorizing each picture.

Now scholars, I know that we have been practicing the long “E” sound so now we are going to work on
remembering which of our words are spelled with “EE” and which are spelled with “EA.” Please take out your
whiteboards and make a T-chart (t​ eacher will model this for students)​ and this is how we will categorize where
the pictures are going to be correctly placed.

Teacher will walk around the room and informally assess students placement of each word.
After students have finished then they will check in with their neighbor(s) and make sure they are correct.
Teacher will call on students (from equity sticks) and ask them about certain spelling words and model on doc
cam which category was correct and which one wasn’t.
** ELL accommodation:
- Students can refer back to their spelling list if needed to check on proper spelling.
- Provide pictures of each spelling word and discuss.
- Pictures can be used to support words.
After all the words in the sort have been discussed students will then work individually on their spelling
worksheet, remembering the long “e” spelling patterns we practiced.

If students do not finish worksheet they will place in binder and finish for homework.

C. Closure (Close) ​(Time estimate: 3-5 mins )

How will you bring the lesson to a close? How will you have students identify what the lesson’s learning was?

Lesson will come to a close by teacher restating the objective: ​Today we practiced iStudents will be able to
identify spelling patterns with long “e” sound (“ee” and “ea”) and sort them into the correct category.

Students will be asked to share with their partner one thing they learned from the lesson.
Before we move on, please tell your partner one thing you learned today.
Lesson Reflection
Reflect on your lesson after teaching it using the guidelines provided.
1. To what extent did students master the objective?

2. What evidence do you have of student learning? Use the language of the objective and
the academic standard(s) in your response.

3. In what ways did the lesson support students’ social emotional learning or JEIE?

4. What parts of the lesson were particularly effective?

5. What changes would you make in this lesson?

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