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UN climate conference talks deadlocked

in Madrid
Discussions are continuing in Madrid to try to resolve a split between rich and poor
nations over climate funding and cooperation rules. Environmental groups say the
final text risks undoing commitments made in 2015.

The COP 25 UN climate conference in Madrid remained deadlock on Saturday, a day after
the two-week talks had been scheduled to end.
Negotiations to overcome several rifts over how to tackle the climate crisis — and who
should pay for it — continued on Saturday morning, amid concerns they may end in failure.
Several countries — wealthy, emerging and poor nations — objected to a draft final text
unveiled by host Chile in a botched attempt to find common ground.
Representatives from 200 nations have been meeting the Spanish capital to finalize the
rulebook for the 2015 Paris climate accord, which calls for limiting global temperature rises
to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius.
Huge emissions drop required
This month, the UN said that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C required a drop in
emissions of over 7% annually to 2030. Scientists have warned that the window to prevent
the Earth's climate hitting irreversible tipping points is fast closing.
Read more: Amid 'climate emergency,' EU pins hopes on Green Deal
Nations have still not agreed how to fund climate change measures or what rules will govern
international cooperation, with deep disagreements emerging between rich polluters and
developing nations.
"We have made it very far, but the question of how to develop an international C02 market
is very complicated," German Environment Minister Svenja Schulze told DW.
Others, however, rejected the notion substantial progress had been made during
negotiations in Madrid.
Fridays for Future leader Greta Thunberg denounced world leaders for the lack of progress
at the COP 25 talks.
"We make sure to put them against the wall and that they have to do their job and protect
our future," Thunberg said from the Italian city of Turin, where she was continuing to lead
weekly school strikes.


Diving in with the rest

Young activists in Berlin took a dip in the city's Spree River to demonstrate their desire for more
action on climate change. Their protest took place as Germany's upper house of parliament passed a
raft of measures aimed at cutting emissions. However, critics of the package said it did not go far


Read more: COP25: Why are high emission countries lagging on climate protection?
Rich versus poor
Richer polluters such as the United States, India, China and Saudi Arabia have backed
measures that simply repeat the language in the 2015 Paris accord.
But more than 80 poor and climate-vulnerable nations, backed by the EU, have insisted on
going further.
"[We] will not walk away without a clear call for all countries to enhance their ambitions,"
said Marshall Islands climate envoy Tina Stege.
The Association of Small Island States coalition blasted Australia, the US, Canada, Russia,
India, China, and Brazil for "a lack of ambition that also undermines ours."
Nations are also split over the so-called "loss and damage" or compensation for countries
already suffering from the climate emergency.
The United States, which plans to exit the Paris agreement, has worked to block any
provisions that might hold them and other developed countries responsible for climate
change-related damages, which could total more than $150 billion per year by 2025,
observers and diplomats have said.


Record-setting heat waves

The summer of 2019 saw heat records in Europe broken across the continent. In July, Germany
recorded its highest temperature ever at 42.6 C (108 F). France broke its heat record twice in 2019,
the highest temperature measuring 46.C (114.8 F) in July. Climate change increases the frequency of
heat waves.


Read more:COP25: Who are the biggest climate winners and losers?
EU makes pledge
The EU boosted the talks on Friday by pledging to make the bloc carbon-neutral by 2050,
despite the refusal of Poland one of the bloc's major emitters. But the EU Commission
stopped short of agreeing to reduce emissions by 55 percent or more by 2030.
Newly elected Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who also chairs the rotating European
Council presidency, heralded the EU's commitment.
"I'm very happy that we could reach this common goal that Europe will become climate
neutral by 2050,” Marin told DW.
"We all know that we have to do more and we have to do it faster. It's about our children's
future; it's about future generations,” she added.
In regards to Poland, Marin hoped they would eventually "be on board” with the idea.
"We have all agreed that Europe will become climate neutral by 2050. It's now about […]
how different member states implement this. This discussion will continue next spring,” she
jcg/sms (dpa, AFP)
Watch video02:42

COP25: What's Germany's excuse for

lagging on climate protection?
Each evening at 1830 UTC, DW's editors send out a selection of the day's hard news and
quality feature journalism. You can sign up to receive it directly here.

COP25: Why are high emission countries lagging on climate protection?

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countries like Germany, India, Saudi Arabia, the US and China from changing tack and going green?
COP25: Who are the biggest climate winners and losers?
Climate change is a race against time. The Climate Change Performance Index published today
shows which industrial countries are in the lead, and which are the biggest losers. (10.12.2019)

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EU leaders have backed plans to slash the bloc's carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050 — with the
exception of coal-reliant Poland. The target is part of a plan to make Europe the first climate-neutral
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