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By :

Dea ayu febiola

Esa febiyani jezria

Nur bulan harahap

Yelpi putriani





A. Background of Problem

Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone. In life, humans always interact with others and
with the environment. Humans live in groups both in large groups and in small groups.

Life in a group is certainly not easy. To create harmonious living conditions group members must
respect and respect each other. Order in life must always be maintained. An organized life is
everyone's dream. Creating & maintaining a harmonious life is a human duty.

Humans are the highest creatures of God compared to other God's creatures. Humans are blessed with
the ability to think, the ability to sort & choose what is good & what is bad. With these advantages,
humans should be able to manage the environment well.

Not only the environment that needs to be managed well, human social life also needs to be managed
properly. For this reason, quality human resources are needed. A leader-spirited resource, at least to
lead himself.

With a spirited human leader will be able to manage themselves, groups & the environment well.
Especially in overcoming problems that are relatively complicated & difficult. This is demanded by
the wisdom of a leader in making decisions so that problems can be resolved properly.

B. Identification Problems

1. What is the definition of leadership?

2. What are the requirements of leadership?

3. What the characters of leadership?

4. What are duties and leadership functions?

5. What type of leadership?

6. What are the theories of leadership?

C. Objective of the Research

1. To find out about the definition of leadership

2. To describe leadership requirements

3. To describe the characters of leadership

4. To find what the task and functions of leadership

5. To describe type of leadership

6. To know about theories of leadership



A. Definition of Leadership

Theory of leadership basically comes from the word "lead" which means guidance or guidance. From
the word '' lead '' gave birth to the verb '' lead '' which means to guide or guide and the noun '' leader
"that is the person who functions to lead, or the person who guides or guides. While leadership is a
person's ability to influence others in achieving goals.

The concept of "leader" comes from the foreign words "leader" and "leadership" from "leadership".
While management comes from the word management. So between leadership and management is
different both from the origin of the word and understanding.

Wareen Bennis (1998: 71), said that leadership is the most results-oriented person in the world, and
certainty with this result is only positive if someone knows what he wants. Henry Pratt Fairchild
(1960), Leader in the broadest sense is '' someone who leads, by way of social behavior by organizing,
showing, organizing or controlling the efforts (efforts) of others or through the prestige, power or
position ". K ouzes (2004: 17), says that leadership is vionir as people who are willing to step into
unknown situations . Kartini Kartono,(2005: 51), a leader is a person who has a certain superiority, so
he has the authority and power to move others to make a joint effort to achieve certain goals.

Maxwell (1995: 1), Leadership is the ability to get followers. Furthermore Maxwell that the leaders of
a particular group are easily found, just pay attention when people gather. L. Gibson et al (1997: 5),
said that leadership is an effort that uses a style of influence and does not force to motivate individuals
in achieving goals. Gibson's definition suggests that leadership involves the use of influence and all
relationships can involve leadership. James AF Stoner (1996: 161), said leadership is a process of
directing and influencing activities, related to the work of group members.

B. Requirements for leadership

Stogdill said that leaders must have several advantages, namely:

(1) capacity, namely intelligence, alertness, ability to speak or verbal facility , authenticity and the
ability to judge.
(2) achievement, the degree of work, acquisition of knowledge in sports and athletics, and others.
(3) responsibility, namely independent, initiative, persevering, tenacious, confident, aggressive and
have a desire to excel.
(4) participation, which is active, has high sociability, is able to get along, cooperative or like to work
together, easy to adjust, has a sense of humor.
(5) status, which has a high socio-economic position, popular, and famous.
C. Characteristics of a good leader

John C. Maxwell (1995: 191), gives a reference that to be a good leader must have the following

1. a good leader is able to create the right environment. The best way to have personnel loyalty is to
show attention to them with words and deeds.
2. a good leader knows the basic needs of his subordinates.
3. good leaders are able to control finances, personnel, and planning.
4. a good leader is able to avoid the seven deadly sins: trying to be liked not respected, not asking for
advice and help from others, forgetting personal talent by pressing rules rather than expertise, not
keeping constructive constraints, not developing a sense of responsibility in others, treating everyone
in the same way.

Weren Bennis & Robert Townsend (1998: 31), said that the characteristics of good leaders are
1. views on controlled personal ambition
2. intelligence
3. ability to express themselves (communication), which is able to talk with clearly simple and easy to
4. the ability to be a servant to his subordinates
5. do not give power to people who want too much, because too much want it usually wants all the
devices that accompany it
6. high objectivity
7. a leader who has never taken a award. According to Bennis, people who get trust, loyalty, passion,
and energy quickly are people who carry on appreciation for those who really do the work. A leader
does not need appreciation

D. Duties and Functions of Leadership

Charles J. Keating(1986: 9), said that the leadership tasks associated with the group are:

1. initiating so that businesses start certain groups of activities or movements.

2. regulating, which is an action to regulate the direction and steps of group activities.

3. informing, namely the activity of providing information, data, facts, opinions of members and
asking from them the information, data, facts and opinions needed.

4. supporting, namely efforts to accept ideas, opinions, proposals from below and perfect them by
adding or subtracting to be used in the framework of completing joint tasks.

5. evaluating, which is an action to test emerging ideas or ways of working taken by showing the
consequences and profit and loss.

6. summarizing, namely activities to collect and formulate ideas, opinions and proposals that arise,
abbreviate and then conclude as a basis for further thinking.
E. Leadership Type

Leadership types from several literatures that discuss leadership divide from perspective, for example
Siagian (2004: 34-36), divide leadership types into five types, namely: autocratic type, militaristic
type, peternalistic type, charismatic type, democratic type.

1. Type autocratic leadership, the leader of the type of autocracy, that in making decisions centered on
the leader. In this case the leader is free to determine policies and arrange, define and modify tasks
according to his wishes. Autocratic leaders are colored by orders referred to by subordinates. The
benefit of this autocracy style is that in terms of decision making that is centered on the leader can
make decisions quickly. However, for employees who are not profitable because the decisions taken
are not biased according to the actual conditions. This can lead to dissatisfaction with dependence on
the leadership, as well as certainty about the goals of the organization.

2. Democratic type, the popular demoratic type of leader is in the era of neo-classical management,
the approach used is participatory so that it is embodied in the framework of achieving organizational
goals by empowering subordinates by participating in decision making. This approach frees the leader
in terms of decision-making responsibilities. But this approach requires recognizing the ability of
subordinates to submit proposals and assertions based on their practice and experience.

3. Charismatic type, charismatic type leaders have several things, they are: (1) energy power which is
extraordinary, (2) has high attractiveness and, (3) natural authority. So he has followers without being
mobilized. Some even say that charismatic leaders are considered to have supernatural power and
superhuman abilities given by the creator.

4. Type Laissez faire, leader of the type laissez faire is a leader who gives freedom to his subordinates
to act without being ordered. In the sense that letting the group and everyone do whatever they want.
Leaders do not participate in the implementation of activities, so that all activities and responsibilities
are carried out by the subordinates themselves.

5. Paternalistic type, leaders who are peternalistic types are generally found in societies that are still
traditional and agrarian, leaders who are peternalistic types can be seen from: family relations or
promodial ties, customs that have a great influence on behavior, personal relationships that still stand
out. The main characteristic of traditional society is high respect for parents or elders. Parents or
elders are respected because their behavior can be set as an example or role model by others.

F. Leadership Theories

Leadership theory is a generalization of leadership behavior and the concept of leadership by focusing
on the historical setting, because of the causes, the emergence of leadership, the main attributes of
leadership. The theory of the emergence of leadership according to Siagian (2004), Anoraga (1995),
is divided into three, namely: genetic theory, social theory and, ecological theory.

1. Genetic theory explains that leadership is not built, but a person will become a leader because of
extraordinary talent, or in other words, a person becomes a leader because he is destined to be a

2. Social theory explains that leaders must be built or formed, not just appearing or destined. Become
a leader because through a process of education and training that is quite supportive.

3. Ecological theory explains that it is a combination of genetic theory and social theory. The theory
assumes that a successful person becomes a leader, if from birth already has leadership talents, then
developed through education and experience and adapted to the environment.

The word leader, leadership and power have an inseparable attachment. Because to be a leader is not
only based on liking each other, but many factors. A successful leader must have several criteria that
depend on the point of view or approach used, whether it is his personality, skills, talents, traits, or
authority that is owned which will greatly affect the theory and leadership style that will be applied.

The main secret of leadership is the greatest strength of a leader not from his power, not his
intelligence, but from his personal strength. A true leader always works hard to improve himself
before he is busy repairing others.

2. Advice

It is very necessary that the soul of leadership in every human person. The leadership spirit needs to
be fostered and developed. At least to lead yourself.

Burns, J.M., 1978, Leadership, Harper and Row, New York.

Bryman, A., 1992, Charisma and Leadership in Organizations, Sage, London.

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