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Absolute humidity is the weight of water vapour in a unit weight of air.The unit used to
measure absolute humidity is gram.


Relative humidity is the ratio of water vapour in the air to the maximum water vapour that the
air could hold at the given temperature. Usually it is expressed in percentage.If the air is
saturated, RH is 100%. With constant amount of water vapour in the air, when temperature
raises, RH reduces.
If the temperature reduces, RH raises. After RH reaches 100%, further cooling results in
dew formation in the air.


Dew point is the temperature at which water vapour will start to form dew. It is the
temperature at which air become fully saturated. Higher the RH, less difference between
measured temperature of air and the dew point. At 100% RH, the dew point is the same as
measured temperature of the air.

For human comfort

Temperature 25.6 to 26.7 deg.C. RH 50% Dew point 15 to 18 deg.C.

Air velocity 15 to 25 feet per minute.

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