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lI ]ii,:'li :i],lii


Collocations: communication; family Multiple choice р.8

Present simpIe and present continuouS р.7
I Social networks
State verbs р.7 relationships р.6
Verb patterns: -iл9 and infinitive р.]0

Describing feelings р.1 2 Gapped teХt p.'l4

Present perfect and past simple p.'l4
2 Transformations
Past simple, used rо and would р.16 Dependent prepositions p.'l 4

Coltocations: paStimes 8 Multiple matching р.2'1

3 nouns; expressions
Countable/uncountable р.']
р.l в of quantity p,'l 9
Present perfect simple or continUoUs р.22

Extreme adjectives р.2В Multiple choice р.24

Narrative ten5eS: paSt Simple,
4 Asenseof
adventure past continUous, past perfect р.26

р.24 Time phrases р.2б

5ubjecVObject questions р,2В

Shops and shopping р.З0 Gapped text р.33

5 Theconsumer Future forms: р.31
Ье used to/get used to рЗ4

Finding а job р.36 Multiple matching р.З8

Making compari50ns р,39
6 Working lives
Modals of obligation and necessity р.40

Health and fitness р.4З Multiple choice р.46

Zero, first and second conditionals р.44
7 Well-being
unless, otherwise, provided that р-45

Animals р.48 Gapped text р.51

Passive forms р.49
8 Naturestudy
Causative hove р.52

Computers р.54 Multiple choice р.56

Future society tuture perfect and continuous р.55
9 Reported speech р.58

Arts and culture р.63 lvlultiple matching р.60

1 0 GIobalculture
Relative pronouns and relative clauses р,62
Articles р.64

Fashion and design р.66 Gapped text р.68

Modals of possibility and certainty р.67
1 1 Style and design
so/such/very; too and enough р.70 Adjective order р.67

Research and discovery; science and scienti5t5 Multiple matching р./2

Third conditional and wlsh р.74
12 Science and
Reporting verbs р.76 р.75

lntroduction Useful language р.78 Practice test p.8'l


Essay (Part 1 ) Multiple-choice cloze р.7 MUltiple choice р.6 lnterview: Giving реrsопаl information
Communicating With friends р.11 p.,l0

lnformai letter Ореп cloze р.'lб Sentence completion р.l З Long tUrn
Catching up with news, informal Comparing photos р.'12
eХpressions р.] 7

Film review р,2З Wоrd formation рр.22 MUltiple matching р.18 collaborative task
Organising а discussion, involving your
рагtпеr, giving орiпiопs р.20

Report р.29 Кеу word transformations р.29 MUltiple choice р.27 Long turn
Соmраriпg photos, speculating р.27

Essay р.З5 MUltiplethoice cloze р.З1 Multiple choice р.34 collaborative task
Discussion, decision-making task
Making suggestions р.З2

Lешеr of application р,41 Ореп cloze р.4О Sentence completion р.40 collaborative ta5k and discussion
Discussion questions
lntroductory phrases р.37

lпfоr.паl email: giving advice р.47 Word formation р.4З Multiple matching р.45 Long turn
Making comparisons, speculating р.42

Article р.53 Кеу word tBпt'ormations р.52 Multiple choice р4В collaborative task
Asking for clarification р.50

Report р.59 Open cloze р59 Sentence completion р.54 Lопg turn
Finding the right word р.55

Article р.65 MU ltiple-choice cloze р.64 Multiple choice р.6З collaborative task Discussion
Giving opinions, reasons and
examples р.62

Review р.71 Word formation р.б8 Multiple matching р.66 personaI information

Question tags р.70

EsSay р.77 Кеу word transformations р.74 Multiple choice р.75 collaborative task
Agreeing and disagreeing р.76
Long turn р77
Multiple choice > СВ page 7
about Some
п О01 Youwill hearfour peopletalking
questions 1-4, choose the best
- .Б.rчпiсаtiоп probtems. For
answer, А, В or С.
1 Why did the girl lose hеr job?
А She spent too much time опliпе,
в she was not honest.
с She had ап il|ness.
2 Why was the girl upset?
А She lost hеr mobile phone.
В Неr ЬоуГriепd was ап9rу with her оп the phone,
С Strangers listened to а private phone call,
How did the Ьоу feel about sending the postcard?
А Surprised that it took so lопg to arrive,
В Аппоуеd because he doesn't enjoy writin9,
с Embarrassed because it never rеасhеd his friend
What did the girl do wrong?
А She accidentally deleted а whole emaIl,
В She sent ап email to the wrong people,
С She wrote some ап9rу things to hеr friend,

About the exam: collocations: communication; family mеmьеrs
ln the exam, you have to listen to > СВ page 7
eight short recordin,gs and answer опе
question about each recordin9. fl Сьооr" the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Strategy: 1 You must start/get iп touch when you come to mу city,
. Read the context sentence carefully 2 |'ve communicated with mу Frепсh friend Ьу emall
а lot but we've

to get ап idea of the topic. never met face by/toface.

. Read the question and options lr/y friend апd l often go online to chat/discuss about nothing
carefully. RеmеmЬеr that you may iп particular.
not hear the exact words that аrе
4 lf you moke/send апеmаil, make sure you've got the right address!
in the question. Fоr example, l fiпd
5 |'ve made some good friends at Uni and l hope
we don't
it difficult mеапs the same as /don't
fiпd it easy. forget/loseiouch.
. Dоп't worry if youte not surе of 6 you must download/record Аdеlеъ new album - itз amazing!
the answer at first. you will hear the 7 When l have а day оff, l like to visit l\4um to make/cotch up
with news,
recordings twice. trends,
8 l like to keep/bring up-to-date with the latest fashion
Grammar Use of English
ргеsепt simple and ргеsепt Multiple-choice cloze > СВ page 9
continuous } СВ page 8
About the exam:
]| Cboose the correct options to complete lп the exam, you have to read а text with eight gaps and choose
from four possible answers to fill each gap.
sentences 1-8.
lаm поt going/don't go to the school rеuпiоп Strategy:
next month. . Read the title and the text first for meaning.
shht.l speawm speaking to уоur aunt оп the
. Think about what kind оf word might fit iп each gap
(e.g. а поuп, а verb, ап adjective, а conjunction, etc.),
. Look at the words immediately before and after each gap to
Tara has/is having а hard time trying to get the
help you.
phone соmрапу to replace hеr mobi|e,
. Think about words that often go together (collocations), for
lfiпd/оm fiпdiпq it easy to misunderstand what example: to catch а bus,
people mеап iп text messages.
Д/iguel is Ьеiпg/is а rеаl whiz оп the
computer - he сап do апЦhiпg! [ Пеаа the text and decide which answer (А, В, С or D)
fits each gap.
JеппуЪ fltght leaves/is lеочiпg at three otlock.
ShеЪ going to visit hеr cousin iп Australia.
lt is becoming/becomes harder апd harder to
keep in touch with old friеrdr
I Lfil"|E НН H,]EILE Г,Нfiр{Е
l visit/'m Vi'iting my cousin in hospital tonight.

ljust love mg mobile рhопе апd l [О| ep_gt:d..hours ечеr9

[ Пеаа the email below about а school dag texting friends and chatting оп the internet. Мg
rечпiоп. Complete the text with the parents think l waste too much time plaging аrочпd on
present simple or present continuous
mg phone (1) should Ье doing mоrе
.........."....,. I
fоrm of the чеф in brackets.
(2) , things like schoolwork! But l [3l .....,............
online to look things up and it's reallg he|pful talking to

Hi, Suzana! mg friends about what we're doing at schoo|. Mg parents

(1) schod rеuпiоп пехt don't agree t4] me, though! Mg favourite арр is
| .........................(look foMard fo) the ........,.....,...

week! (2) you ....,.........,.......,. . {соmе)? l hop sol the music арр. l've got all m9 music [5J ,.... . . . оп m9
|'m so happy that оur old school (З) ............._.__ (оrgапisе) рhопе so l сап listen to mU favourite tracks t6) ..................
such ап exciting event. l (4)......................... (rеmеmЬеr') ю when l'm in bed before l go to Sleep. lt helpS mе relax. l

much about our school daysl l (5) (bd оut of

also |ove taking photos оп mg phone, which l share with
touch with some of our old friends поw, so l can't wait to
talk to everyone face to face about what they
all mg friends оп Facebook. l've got loads now - ljust
(6) ....................,.... (do) these days. can't seem to have t7) ..... . . lt's like mч оwп personal

The party (7) .,.......................

(sfart) at seven o'clock, so if you photo [8J .............,.... of mg life!
like, l сап pick you uр after | (8) .........................
(fлвh) work
at six. Let me knowl
0 А spend В use С have Ddo
1 А although В while С during D despite

ý looK at the verbs in brackets in Activiý 2. 2 А important В busy С good D popular

Do they describe states (S) or actions {А)? 3 А wait В аrriче С visit Dgo
4 Аоп В fоr С with Dat
Щ Circle the state verbs in the Ьох. 5 А collected В carried С suppIied D stored
6 А quietly В finally С immediate|y D slowly
chat communicate depend do hear 7 Aenough В plenty С several D some
like lose own phone smel| 8 А ехреriепсе В diary с time D adventure
Reading Р Пеаа the whole article. Fоr questions 1-6,
choose the answer (А or В) which уоч think
Multiple choice > СВ pages l0*| fits best according to the text.
According to Angela, what is the most important
About the ехаm: quality fоr а holiday rер?
lп the exam, you have to read а text and answer six
multiple-choice questions. Each question has fou1
А having а confident personality

options tо choose from. Опlу опе option is correct. , В enjoying responsibility

Angela uses the examples of Frапсе and South
Strategy: America to show us that holiday reps
. Read the four possible answers for each question
А have to Ье flexible.
. Scan the text quickly to find the information you need В have to work long hours.
and underline the part of the text where you think the Angela was surprised to get hеr job as а holiday rep
апSWеr lS. because she
. Then rеаd the section mоrе carefu|ly iп order to find А опlу had а basic travel qualification.
which option is correct.
. RеmеmЬеr that the words iп the question and the
В could опIу speak опе language.
words in the text mау Ье different. NЛаkе sure you ln the second paragraph, Angela says that she
identify words in the text which mеап the same as the А hadn't travelled а lot iп her free time.

question. в didn't know much about other countries.
Make sure уоu know why the oth'er options аrе not
Angeta says that in ап interview you should
correct (e.g. it mау Ье true but thёдехt doesn't say it;
the text says the opposite;the text SayS it but it does А make yourself sound better than you аrе.
not answer the question). В Ье honest about what you know.
What does Апgеlа like most about being а holiday

fl looKat the picture.What is а holiday rep?

meeting people frоm different places

Пеаd the title of the article.What kind of В getting free access to facilities
- information do уоч thinkwill Ье included?
ý ЬооК at the phrasal verbs underlined in the
article and decide which meaning (А or В) is
ý Пеаd the whole article quickly and answer the
cIosest to the mеапiп9 in the article.
1 What sort of people is the job of holiday rер not
1 believe in

suitable for? А Ье сеrtаiп that somethin9 exists

В Ье certain about an ability

2 How old do you пееd to Ье to have а job like this? dealwith

А solve а problem

Apart from English, which other languages аrе в Ье concerned about

mentioned iп the article? send out
А put iп the post
Where сап you find advertisements for jobs as а в advertise
holiday rep? Stand out
А Ье easy to see
5 What do holiday companies glve their reps frее? в Ье better than others
find out
6 what hotel facilities are mentioned in the article? А discover
В rесочеr
get оп With
А continue doing
В have а good relationship
So you want
tObe а
holiday гер?
Read 0п aaa

There are а few ways you сап find wоrk as а

holiday rер. Newspapers and travel magazines
often advertise positions. Апd don't forget the
у паmеЪ Angela and l'm а holiday rер, internet, which is рrоЬаЬlу the most useful source of
l love my job and itЪ the best way to information ! Travel companies send out application
make friends with people from all очеr forms to people who аrе interested iп working for
the world. Holiday reps are responsible them - read the form carefully and make sure уоur
for making sure that the customer has а fantastic application stands оut. lf уоu do get ап interview,
holiday. As а rep, you represent the holiday remember, you must апswеr questions truthfu|ly -
соmрапу уоu'rе working for, so above eveфhing you'l| quickly get found out if you pretend you сап
else, you have to Ье friendly, sociable and believe speak Greek or аrе familiar with а country you've
iп уоursе|f. You also have to Ье able to deal with never еvеп heard ofl Опе thing you should avoid
all kinds of situations and if уоu'rе impatient or like is saying you want the job to get frее ho|idays! lt
regular working hours then this isn't the job for you! sounds silly but you'd Ье surprised Ьу how mапу
lп addition, you have to Ье ready to go anywhere iп people actually say that.
the world - you don't get to choose where you wоrk. There аrе lots of cool things about being а holiday
Fоr example, опе month you might Ье in the south
rер. The рау isn't the best in the world but iп my
of Frапсе and the пехt in south Аmеriса!
opinion the benefits of the job аrе worth far more
You need to Ье at least eighteen to Ьесоmе а rер than the рау packet. You get to see some amazing
and althoL.igh formal qualifications aren't necessary, places and the people аrе fantastic - I keep iп touch
getting а basic certificate in travel and tourism (|ike with а lot of the customers I look after. The nightlife
l did)willalways Ье usefu| because thеrеЪ а lot of with the other reps and customers сап Ье fun too, if
competition for jobs. ltЪ поt as easy as you might you get оп with theml You get free accommodation
think to get а job in the travel industry. ltЪ helpful if as а rер. Don't Ье too excited about this - I'm
you сап speak other languages, especially Frепсh staying iп а tent in my current job, which isn't the ]

оr Spanish. l опlу speak English, so l didn't rеаllу most comforlable р|асе to stay! You also get а
expect to get а job - but l did! lt helps if you travel uniform but the greatest thing of all for me is that you
а lot yourself too. l didn't have much chance to do get to use the facilities iп the rеsоrt уоu'rе working at
that Ьеfоrе l became а rер, though l do have а good - brilliant if there's а swimming pool or tennis coutls
knowledge of where places аrе iп the world. because you don't have to рау to use them.
Grаmmаr Speaking
чегЬ раttегпs > СВ page 12 lnteгview: Giving регsопаl iпfогmаtiоп
> СВ page l3
ý Complete the postcard with the correct
form of the words iп the Ьох. Use -iл9 or the АЬочt the ехаm:
infinitive with or without to. lп the exam, the examiner asks you Some general
questions about yourself: whеrе you live and уоur
do eat fish 9о see (х2) spend swim hobbies, plans or ехретiепсеs.

. Тту to give ап answer that is not too short but also that
is not long and complicated.
. Тrу to гnuku u good impression and avoid making basic
9rammar mistakes.
. Dо not lеаrп апd practise а speech about is
better to listen and answer the questions directly,

П M"t.b questions 1-10 with answers А-Н.

Тhеrе are two questions with no answers.

Hi, Апаr9i|
1 Whеrе are you frоm?
tj, hr., on holida1 in Нuп9аг"1 urith щ {ifrril1 - m1 gгапdрагопtь
2 What do you like about living thеrе?
,arith pcoplo шhо Кпоt.r tho соuпtr1
аго Нuпgагiап, ьо it'b 9гсаt tо Ьо 3 Do you watch much televlsion?
in the соuпtqаidс and thагр'ь
гсаl\ ,п,Йt. Nа'гс d4iЙg iп а cottago
WhуДШhу not?
а \ако поагЬ1 тrhсгс wо-ецlо1
(l) ..._.,.
очоц mоrпiПg, ld lovo
поч,rhогоfuп to 9о, 4 How do you like to keep fit?
(2) .. ...... thia at homotoo, but ihрга'а
(z). l'm not uaual\1Koon on{iahing 5 What did you do оп уоur last birthday?
._ _._....... !

but mч qгапddаd mаКоь it gгоаt tun,

al\ dry in the
6 What is your mаiп ambition?
havo dinnor \|оlаW, а эhоrt nap, t
urn tiгing,60 bpfoio,n,c 7 Аrе you vеrу interested iп fashion?
ii; a6i ,..
'u'рirrЦ оutdооrь - thp
.....]. {ood aofinitolI ta*oa
Tell us something about уоur best friend.
r* rooKing i*"агd to (Ь) LоiЪ (.f; """""
,,,rhon l gct Ьаск, ld Ьсttсг (9) """""""""""", пOш, 9 Where do you like to spend уоur
that nour actbn fi\m
holidays? Why?
бое 1ou ьооп!
?cio 10 Do you have а favourite hobby? What is it?

А ltЪ very peaceful and the people аrе vеrу friendly.

В Гiпа and correct the mistakes with infinitives Ечеrуопе knows each other. ]t's really рrепу too.
in the sentences. There is опе mistake iп Frапсе. Му home is iп Beaulieu, а small village just
each sentence. outside Bordeaux, lt's close to а lovely forest.
1 wed better not to Ье late home frоm school - we're l think l'd like to Ье а teacher of рrimаrу school.

visiting Grandma this evening. сhildrеп. l'd like to teach them English.
2 ld love go to Кепуа оп holiday. l've печеr Ьееп D Not а tot, l prefer to spend mу time with my friends,
to Africa. playing games and chatting,

3 t can't Wait get my new phone - it'S got Some l рrеfеr to go sоmеwhеrе nice and hot where l сап
fantastic apps! rеlах, Like Spain or ltaly.

4 Let'sto buy а present for Dad's birthday. What do you I do а lot of painting and drawing - especially cartoons.
think he would like? l draw cartoons of famous people and give them to my
5 Stephanie's hopin9 pass herTravel and Tourism exam.
friends. lt's fun!
She worked really hard. |'m not very worried about what l wear, l like trendy
things but i don't spend а lot of time thinking about
6 Jo's learning Ье а tour guide. Не wants to work
iп Spain.
7 l've аrrапgеd have а new website bui]t for my work.
lwent to а big hotel with mу family and we had а

lovely meal there. lt was good.

8 You should to check your passport is valid Ьеfоrе
you travel.

ýssay {Раrt l) ý СВ page !4

ln the exam, you have to write an essay in Part .There


will Ье а question for you to апswеr and then two points

that you must include iп уоur essay. You also need to add
опе mоrе point of your оwп.

Make sure you use all the notes in your essay. You must

also give reasons fоr your орiпiопs.

Read the exam task and use the words in the

Ьох to complete the essay.

ln your English class, you have Ьееп talking about l. Under]ine phrases in the essay that show the
what makes а good friend. Now your English teacher writer has done everything the exam task
has asked you to write ап essay. Write ап essay using asks.
the notes and give rеаSопs for уоur point of vlew.
Essay question: Match the followin9 phrases with their
Дrе oldfiends olways the bes?filends? functions.
Notes: 'l it/any people feel that ...
Things to write about:
2 That is why .,.
] shared experiences
3 l strongly believe that ..,
2 diffеrепt personalities
З your own idea 4 Alternatively,

Because Fоr However matter mеап 6 Fоr instance,

reason so think true
А introducing а contrasting opinion оr ехаmрlе
В giving ап ехаmрlе
С adding to something you've said
Дs we get оlДеr) we gо to Jifferent s cbools, be9in nel,v
jobs апJ even We mееl а loiof Jifferent
D giving а 9епеrаl point of view

people апА
,паkе пеrя friелJя all tbe fi-e, (l)
Е giving а rеаsоп

vsvally ovr network iлсlt Jея people we bave F giving уоur орiпiоп
mеt at mапу Аi{fеrепtfimе' iп ourlives. |)чt are lbe
olAe sl {ri е пАs r е ally tbe Ь е si? , : Read the exam task and think of а point of
your own to include.Then make notes and
Fоr ,о-е people,I (2) .,. .this is trче--Гhе
write your essay. Write 140-190 words.
(7) .,...........,...,.....,, I say tbis i, Ьесачrе tbese {rienдs knoVl
else-7bey bave ,ЬаrеД
уо,, belter tЬап апуопе lп your English class, you have Ьееп talking about
im7orfant ех7еriепсеS with you опД tbey who it is best to ask fоr advice. Now your teacher has
'оmеtimеs asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using аll
kлоw yotl beller lЬап you kпоvl уоurяеl{l (4)
ol tballbey сап give really gооД аДчiсе. the notes апd give reasons fоr your point of view.
Essay question:
(5) ................ . .., tbis is поt always tbe саrе. Sоmеопе mау
ls it better to ask family or fiends for advice?
bave known you very wе|l ;п tbe pastbuttbat доеs поt
, Notes:
((r) ....,..,............ tballbey knol yov very well novl. Perbaps
Things to write abrout:
yov bave botb сЬапgеД.ТЬis is es2ecially (1) ......................... '

i{ you bave Ьееп out ol toucb lor а whilе- (а) ........................, ] type of problem
mе,tЬе best{rienJя are tbe оле' you сап rely опtо 2 relationships
give yov sv1port апд to tell yov tbe lruth.It доеsп't З уоur оwп idea
(о ..,...........,......... Wbetber you've knotln tbem {or lеп
mопtЬ' or tеп year|.


describing feelings > СВ page lб

fl Сьооr" the correct option to complete the sentences,

1 l was surprised/surprising when Eddy gave mе а present because he never
usually remembers mу b|rthday!
2 We wеrе canfused/confusing Ьу the instructions iп the test and we didn't
know what to do.
3 l lent mУ umbrella to Eva апd she lost it. l Was very аппоуеd/аппоуiпg,
4 We worked until midnight оп the project. It was exhausting/exhausted,
5 At the fancy dress раrtу, Fred wore а tiger SUit. lt was чеrу аmusiпg/
6 sоmеопе spilt coffee all over Greta's new dress. she was чеrу upsetting/

ll complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
the history of fashlonl l think
l love ltЪ .,.............(fоsсiпаrе)tо see how clothes
have changed over the years.
Jеппу always gets. . ..... (worry) before acting iп а play, She thinks she'll
forget her lines.
If someone says l look good оr they like mу new outfit,
I get..............

(embarross) апd go red!

4 l can't watch hоrrоr films because l get..... ..... (scare) when l 9о to bedl
Pete Was in а ТV competition and he WaS.,..,.......... (гhrll0 when he won
f 1,000.
6 When l SaW mу bad test results l got а bit . .........(depress) but l'm оК now,

wbicb two adjectives from Activity positive?

ý 2 are

Long turп } СВ page l7

Аьочt the exam you have to

lп the ехаm, you have to talk оп уоur оwп for about а minute.
соmраrе two pictures and answer а question.

. Don't dъiсriье the pictures in deta|l but соmраrе them and then answer
the queStion.
. You сап easily rеmiпd yourself of the question because it is printed
above your pictures.

ШО 02 Listen to the instruction ап examiner Listening
gives to а candidate and complete what Sentence соrпрlеtlоп > СВ page l8
he says.
Your pictures show реорlе who have (1) .............................. About the ехаm:
for different rеаsопs. lп the ехаm, you listen to а monologue and fill iп the
Соmраrе the pictures and say why the people missing words in ten sentences.The sentences wiil Ье iп
(2).,....,.................,.. to change their арреаrапсе. the same оrdеr that you hеаr the iпfоrmаtiоп.

Е О 0З Choose the correct options to . Read the title. This gives you information about what
complete the сапdidаtеЪ апswеr. Тhеп listen you will hear.
and check. . Read the sепtепсеs first and think about which word
might go in each gap.
. Remember that you have to write the same word(s)
that you hear оп the recording. You have to write one
пumЬеr, оr one or two words. Try to spell the words
. Don't worry if you aren't sure about your answers the
first time you listen. Yоu will hear the recording twice.

ý looK at part of an ехаm task and answer the


You will hear part of ап interview with а wоmап

called Suzy who is talking about wiппiпg the lottery.

1 How many speakers willyou hеаr?

2 Which person will give you the
answers to the questions?
What did this person do?

ý looKat 1*6 in the text.What kind of word do

you think might go in each gap?

(1) ВоthПwо pictures show people who lookdifferent

from the way they normally look, but |2) оп/iп the first
picture, the little gir| is still changing hеr арреаrапсе Suzy bought hеr first lottery ticket at the local
(З| whereas/although in the second picture the people (1) . Suzy felt (2) .. ..Ьесаusе shе
have completeIy changed already.The liпlе girl is рrоЬаЬlу wasn't surе how to spend her mопеу, The first
gettin9 rеаdу for а party оr fоr а сеlеЬrаtiоп with her friends.
thing Suzy bought for herself was а (3)
l think it (4) perhaps/might lэe НаllоwеЪп or something
like that. (5) \o/Becouse, she wants to look different for fun.
Paying for а nerv (4) ........... . pleased Suzy the
Ап оIdеr person, it might Ье her mum, is putting some most. Buying а (5) helped а member of
bright make-up on hеr face. l think the little girl look Suzy's family in their work.
(6) excited/excirlng! She's probably been looking forward to
this for а lопg time. And little girls always Iove to dress up! Suzy's first trip to а foreign country was to
The people in the other picture, (7) however/bur, need to (6)
look different because it's their job.They аrе actors iп а play.
l think it's а fuппу play and maybe thеrеЪ some singing and
dancing iп it too.They (8) look/look like vеrу happy. Perhaps
the audience is clapping. l don't think they needed to Е О 04 Listen to the recording and complete
change their арреаrапсе much - just put on some clothes the sentences. Тhеп check your answers to
frоm а different time and change their hairstyles. Activity 2.

Yocabulary В Correct the mistakes with the present perfect
and past simpIe iп the sentences. There is one
dependent рrероsitiопs > СВ page l8 -
mistake in each sentence.

I Choose the correct option (А, В or С) to 1 |'ve been to Lопdоп оп а business trip last week.
complete the sentences. 2 Life changed over the last few years fоr animals that live in

1 Which соmрапу do you work.... ... ....?

the Polar Regions.

Aof ВЬу Cfor 3 l did wear cool clothes when l was а teenager.
4 lizlegan has got up early this mоrпiп9 and did her
Dоп't make jokes . ........... РаulЪ пеw hairstylel
А about В across с оп
homework before lunch.
5 The town l live iп grew а lot since l've lived here.
Сап you think..... ....... а word that ends in -lsm?
6 people became mоrе and mоrе conscious of the need fоr
li Aup BatCof responsible tourism,

Tom rап from the police after he stole the
Gina has bought Some new glasses at the weekend, They
.. ........
ii money.
ji look great!
А along В away С after
The iпчепtiоп of the wheel has changed the world
;i The children laughed the dog iп the funny hat!
;i ........., .. fоrечеr.
А оvеr В at cup
l а9rее ...,........ Sally about the right answer.
А about В with С
ýapped text
> СВ pageý 20-2I
ldon't саrе ............. about the mЙеу, ljU5t Want an
interesting job.
А of В очеr с about АЬоцt the ехаm: ,:,

lп the exam, you will read а text with six missing sentences.
We arrived .......,..,... the hoteljust before lunchtime. you need to choose the correct]sentences frоm а [ist to fill
AtoBin Cat the gaps, There will,be one extra ýепtепсе which you do not

Grammar Strategy:
Look carefrrllY at the sentences before and after the gaps and
ргеsепt реrfесt and past simple use words such as it/hdthey/this, ёtс.,tо help уоц choose,
> СВ page !9 -:

fl Matctr sentences and questions 1-6 with !t Kead the article about tourism in Antarctica
replies А-F. - quickly and choose the best answer (А, В or С).
1 Have you ever bought а lottery ticket? Why are more people visiting the Antarctic
2 GаrеthЪ got а пеw job working for an these days?
advertising соmрапу. А New technology lets us go there all through the year.
Have you thought about who you'll invite В Travel articles show us how beautifu| the place is.
to your раrtу yet?
С People want to see it before environmental changes
4 l've never been to а tennis match, have you? affect it.
5 |'ve Ьееп scared of cats since one
scratched mе.
В nead the first paragraph of the article again.
6 ShеilаЪ been to South America, you know. what do the words in bold refer to?
А No, l haven't. Have you?
'l one refers to
в l went to опе two weeks а9о, actually. 2 This rеfеrs to
с yes, she said she loved itl 3 it refers to
D Yes, l wrote the invitations last night. 4 them refers to
Е |'ve печеr liked them myseIf.
F l know, he told me last week. ý Пеаd the articIe а9аiп. Choose from sentences
- А-F the опе which fits each 9ар 1-5.Тhеrе is опе
extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Antaгctica is one place whеrе I believe that this is truе mоге
than апуwhеrе else. It is too environmentally
ШШ fTagile fог йе heavy feet of touristsl It is also one of the опlу
places in the wогld that hasn't got а human population - so
Tourism is dаmаgiпg Апtаrсtiса. We should protect this it doesn't need tоuгism fоr the mопеу.
unspoilt place Ьу limiting the пumЬеrs of people a]]owed The sea ice Ь disappearing and it will soon Ье possible to
to yisit. геасh mоrе places Ьу sea. ЖГ_-l This will allow tourist
Тhеrе has been а rush of'see it Ьеfоге it's 8опе'tоurism activities to gгоw. Очег 80 регсепt of tourists actually land
in rесепt years. The popularý of 'climate tourism' has оп Апtагсtiса duгiпg theiT voyages and thеrеfоrе the risk
сеrtаiпlу been епсоuгаgеd Ьу tTavel journalism. In Маrсh, to the fragile епчirопmепt is increasing.

one пеwsрареr had а Tavel агtiсlе with the headline: Fоr decades, the country гесеiчеd just а few tourists.
Global wаrmiпg: 10 places to see before it's too lore. Last Ноwечец in гесепt уеаrs, it has become ехtrеmеlу рорulаr
уеаr, another пеWSрарег had one called ]0 wопdеrs of the as а destination for cruise ships, encouraged Ьу the continual
disарреаriпя world. This described threatened places such demand fоr'аdчепtuге tourism'. Last уеаr mоге than 35,000
as Mount Kilimanjaro and the Maldives - and then it told tourists stepped аshоrе frоm thеir сгuisе ships in Antarctica.
уоu how to get to theml
One чisitоr wrоtе гесепtlу, with childish gkc, about how
This is а wоrryiпg, although understandable, trend. I too he is поw the рrоud оwпеr of а small stone that he picked
would love to see some of these pldtes with mу own eyes. up when visiting Antarctica. Не had stгong opinions about
Who wouldn't? 0n the top of mу list would Ье Antarctica. tоuгism hеге.
I grеw up amazed Ьу the adventuгes of Amundsen,

these places mау Ье changed Ьу the climate in the пеаr

must show that we can Ье responsible touгists in оthеr
places first Ьеfоrе we spoil this beautiful рlасе,
future, they suddenly want to visit them. I can easily
understand the rеаsоп behind this type оftоurism -just as Suгеlу, we don't always need to 'have' something just
I can undeгstand why people want to climb to the top of because we know it's thеrе and as. а rеsult, end uр
mountains ог reach out into space. But if tourists аrе making damaging it. Цnd no, I don't agTee with the view that
а bad situation wоrsе, then they shouldn't Ье allowed to go. you have to see these things with уоur own eyes to rеаllу
understand why they need pгotecting. ЖГ_l ) I fеаr,
though, that this is an unrealistic hope. Companies аrе
buying bigger and strопgеr ships to саrry their tourists to
Antarctica. The fоrсе of tourism is реrhарs mоге ро]цеtful
than that of а glacier.

Не argued that the continent shouldn't only Ье ореп

to scientists,
Р Matcb the underlined words in the article with
definitions 1-6.
в This means that the tourist season will get lопgеr.
1 joy, happiness, delight
с lt would surely Ье а wonderful personal ехреriепсе to
2 а place tourists go to
folIow in their footsteps.
3 weak, easily broken
Although these rules аrе good, it is unlikely that
апуопе will оЬеу them. 4 iп danger

|'ve печеr sееп the Brazilian rainforest, but l understand 5 hurting

why it shouldn't Ье cut down. 6 Stron9
lп fact, l believe it is the опе place iп the wor|d where
there should now Ье а strict'no tourism'rule.

Gramnrar Use of English
раýt slmple, used tо ar"ld wo{",'d Open cloze } СВ ра8е 23
Р СВ реýе 22
About the exam:
ý Cboose the соrrесt option to complete ln the exam, you have to read а text and fill iп eight missing
the sentences. words.

when I was а child l used to/would have blond Strategy:

hаir but поw it's dark Ьrоwп. . Remember that the title qives you clues about the topic of
Tommy wепt/чsеd го 9о to Rome last week оп the text.
holiday. Lucky him! . Before уоu start reading, think about what ideas might Ье
to/would love sitting Ьу the firе listening to
l used mentioned in the text.
my grandma telling stories.
. Read the who|e text first fоr mеапiпg апd think about which
word might go in each gap.
Michaela soid/used foscyshe enjoyed the party . Remember that the missing words mау Ье parts of verbs
on Saturday.
(е,9, give uр), linking words (e.g. апd, but) or vocabulary such
Iiпа sent/would send AngeIo а text to аrrапgе а
collocation (e.g. do а project).
as а
time to meet last night.
On Saturday, Grасе апd Joe had/would have а
meal iп а restaurant and then saw а film. f,l looK at the title of the article in Activity 3. What is
the article about?

ý Complete the text with th* correct form

of used to or would. sometimes both are ý looK at the words in the Ьох and decide if they are
possible. linking words, verbs, pronouns, prepositions or

are have make out than the them while

B1-oý> What did gou (1) ....................,............want to Ье when gou
were а kid? lwanted to Ье а professional footballer.
Even when lwas reallg little, | [2l
spend hours kicking а ball around in the street where
ý Complete the text with words from the Ьох in
Activity 2.
l lived. l (З) ..................,.............. have the best footbaIl оr
the smartest trainers but I had so much епеrg9 and
passion for the sport. М9 mum t4] ...,............................. have

to come and find me at mealtimes - l didn't hear her
calling because l was so absorbed iп mg practicel l
t5l .........,...,.............., everg match оп TV and l [6J
know the names of all the footballers.
The internet (0) !.g.:. truly transformed how students do their
Sometimes mg dad t7) ..........,....................,. take me to watch
hоmеwоrk. (l) ,......,.......... homework today sti]1 mеапs spending
а |ive match апd l |oved it! l (8) ... .. ....................... have а
time iп the liЬrаrу it's for а different reason. Rather (2) ........,.........
real|9 powerful kick but
using books for reseaTch, students today (3) accessing the
then I got injured апd
internet to doмrrr]oad the епоrmоlБ amolmt of data avai]able опliпе.
that was the end of mg
dreams of becoming а hзthe past, students wеrе limited to their school's selection of
professionaI plager. l books апd it cou]d Ье very arrnoying to get to the library orrly to
sti|lwatch mg team but find out that sоmеопе had already taken the book you needed.
l don't plag ап9mоrе. The internet, though, Rever rr]ns (4) .................. of iлformation.
|'m more into music However, sfirdents do have to (5) ........,........ surе that the information
these dags and поw l they find orrline ls truе. Teachers (6) .......,...,...... a-lso benefited from
want to Ье а rock star! homework being done on the internet. Instead of саrrуiпg students'
work around with (Z) .................., orrline systems allow shrdents to
etectronically upload their work for teachers to read. Of corцse, this
also mеаrв that stud,ents can по longer use (8) excuse that
the dog ate their homework!

Writing 'Ihe noxt thing td do ,orould Ьо paint all tho rооms
lпfоrmаl lеttеr > СВ ?аgе 24 Ьгight соlоuгs. la uьа а diffогsпt соlоuг fог очеr.1

гооm. [n tact, 1ou'll пачег (4) thinK/guebb vthaI

АЬочt the exam:
соlоuг l'vojuat painiod m1 Ьеdгооm hога. 9гight
lп Part 2 of the ехаm, you must choose one of three
questions to answer. Опе question may Ье to write а рuгрlе! Арагt fгоm that thsга urould Ье candtos
letter or email iп rеSропSе to part of а letter or email you счеrlлrhаго. l (6) very/absolutely lочо thom. I thinК
have received. This may Ье informal or semi-formal.
tho1 add wагmth to а rооm.
Make sure you deal with all the points that аrе made iп fuцwа1, hоъr'ь .1оuг decoraiing golng? iomothing
the email or letter extract, (Ь') MyB/tellb mс that 1оu'ге going to Ьс Ьus1

fог monthg! Do wгitэ boon with 1оuг (l) паwаl

fl Пеаd the exam task and the answer. Choose iпfоrmаliоп. l сап соmо and $ry and halp 1ou ou1
the correct options to complete the letter.
with ап1 wогК 1ou'vo got to do f 1ou liKo!
Yоu have received а letter frоm your Scottish friend,
(8) Дlоt/Lоtв oflove,
Gemma. Read this part of the letter and then writе
your letter to Gemma.
Write 140-190 words.

ýЪ'чý iuýt:nloved iпю оцr: пеw,hotlse,+_nd, fl Wbicb of the phrases 1-8 wou|d you NoT find
in an informalletter?

thеrе's lots of work to do. At leaýtllrE-:caв'

choose how'it looks, thоц Sфаl-тв*rld. l was delighted to receive your letter.

yotr mаkеуочtdtеаrтhоеsе?, . 2 Thanks for уоur lovely, long letter.

3 l must also tell you about ...

4 Would you kindly send mе ...

5 We had а really good time.
6 l look forward to your rерlу.
7 See you soon, ...
8 Yours sincerely, ...

ý Пеаd the exam task and write the letter in

140-190 words.

Yоu have received this letter from уоur

English friend, Мах. Read this part of the
letter and then write your letter to Мах.
Write 140-190 words.

l thought l4 drор 1ou а lina to (l) mаКаДеtрu

Кпош urhat td dо in щ рогfссt пеъr hоusо! You Knovl l've olecided }о соилрtе}еtу chc"Kle ил7
that I lovo паtuга, ьо (z) aB/IiKo 10u can imagine, fоr beo\toob^| l wци{ п цеw со(оиr sсkеьле цnd

mо, tha mоэt imрогtапt thing is the fгопt gагdап. t'd с" u.ew s{yte ot !иrr"i*иrе. h,*л цU.d Dслd цrе

liKo tho fiгаi thing l ье9 to Ьо grаьь and flоwогв and pa7ir^1 tor i* ццс1 sс"7 l cc,.l. oto clrny*t,.iиx

things. Whan wо moved hsгo, l aBКod Тоm and Fгап

i tit .J Йо"'". rеслtly cre.**ive - bw1
to соmо гоuпd and wо did tho ъrOгК оп the gагdап
together. lI Q) wепthаррапаd гааll1 r^rell.


Multiple matching > СВ page 27

]l о 05 yоч are going to hear four people speaking about

- cookery classes they run at а college. Listen and match
speakers 1-4.
headings A-D with
А Only the best! Speaker l Г--__l
В Eat well, stay well! Sреаkеr 2 l I

С Fattening but fun! Sреаkеr З Г--l

D Eat for less! Speaker + Г--l

Е о 05 Listen again and choose fromletter

the list А-Е what each
which you do not
- speaker 1-4 says. There is опе extra
need to use.
А l hope to change people's Iifestyles.
в lvly Students аrе not satisfied With easy recipes.
с Icannot teach all the students who want to
attend my class. Speaker 2

ltЛу first teacher was а chef оп а TV cookery Speaker З

рrоgrаmmе. Speaker 4
l teach ап unlikely combination of students.

collocations > СВ page 27

ý Complete the second sentences with the word given so that

About the exam: they have а similar meaning to the first.
lп the exam, you match questions оr
Statements With fiVe different speakers. lп the Ьеgiппiпg it was difficult to hit the ball iп а straight liпе, but l 9ot
тhеrе will Ье three extra statements оr better!
questions you do not need. ToUGH
lt ......................_. first to hit the ball iп а straight line, but l got better
. Read through the options so that Acting is my real love|
you know the type of information PASSloNATE
you аrе listening fоr. |'m ............ . ..... acting!
. Underline key words in the options. l пеаrlу gave up lеаrпiпg Gеrmап at school because it was hаrd.
Then listen for related ideas. However, l didn't and now l speak it well!
. Don't spend too lопg thinking about sTUcK
опе speaker or you mау miss the
up lеаrпiпg Gеrmап when l was at school because it was
l пеаrlу gave
next. You wiIl hеаr the recordings
hard. However,......,........................ апd now l speak it well.
You can't Ьесоmе а top chef in опlу а few years.
to become а top chef.
I became addicted to computer games when l was ten.

l . ....... ...................... ....... when l was ten.


Complete sentences 1-8 with the correct form of
do, go or play.
cФtjfieab'* аý,,!{ý uý,}ссзл,зс"*tаЬ{* п*uпý
Some of mу friends voluntary
...., l^lork at the
& Сý реýе 2ý
Му parents пеvеr........ ciubblng v,,hen they wеrе mу Read the article and look at the under]ined
почпs. Are they countable (С) оr
Do you fancy . cards this e,,,ening? l'm not going uncountable (U)?
4 l can't . this crosswolj, i1'5 ,;,,зr; too difficult.
5 Лly Ьrоthеr .. сriсkе: e,,,ei,,,Sai;rday аftеrпооп.
|'m reallg luckg to work in а job l love. lteach at а
6 l'd like to ап evenlng с ass ii саr maintenance.
college which offers а fantastic range of evening
7 Wе'rе _.,..,..,...,..._ skiing next !-эпia ln Гrапсе. l hope the classes for adults. l've alwags Ьееп passionate
snow's good.
about [1) lапguаgеs, especiallg mU оwп - English.
I\4y friепdЪ sister is (araie at school. She's really At the moment l'm working with а group of adults
qood. who, fоr various reasons, missed out оп schooling
when theg were Uоuпgеr and fell behind in their
Complete the text with the correct prepositions. reading and writing (2) skills. l don't еаrп muсh
[3) moneg but what l love about teaching this class
is the students' desire to catch up. Also, theg're
reallg creative in their (4) work because theg have
life (5J experience. Theg're ап interesting grоuр of
[6) people - theg soak up (7) knowledge and are
lf уоu'rе interested П) ....... ....,. seeing young people who оrе
possionole (2).,,.......,...... their hobby опd who оrе olso omozingly keen t0 get the qualif ications theч didn't get when
good (3l it, then dоп't miss the finols of the NotionoI theg wеrе Uоuпgеr. lt's rеаllg inspiring and quite
Cup Stocklng compeiition о1 Swindon Аrts сепtrе this Soturdoy different from teaching {8) children.
ofternoon. This is fost becoming о reolly populor octivity ond kids
everywhere ore mod (4) it, This Soturdoy, contestonts
from olloverthecountrywillshow ustheirskillby putling cups оп top
of eoch other os quickly cs they possibly соп when they compete Look at the words in the Ьох. which of them
(5l.............,. the notionols, You'll Ье foscinoted (6l their are abstract (ideas оr thou9hts) and which
speed I Think you'd Ье hopeless И ..
. .. ... it? Тrу it yourself ofter of them are concrete (objects уоч can touch)?
the competition when some of the youngsters will hold о teoching
session oimed ct getting us oll (8l cup stocklng!
bread love news oil pasta silver
skills values

Complete the sentences with the words

from the Ьох in Activity 2.
Саrоliпе has learned а 9reat new recipe fоr . .

and sauce iп her ltalian cooking class.

l've learned how to top up mу саr with .,.. . in
the саr mаiпtепапсе workshop,
Steve listens to the every day he likes to
know what's happening in the world.
|'ve baked to eat with the soup. l hope you
like it!

5 Zeke's into making jewellery from . .... fоr men.

6 Doing ап evening class is а great way to develop

7 Yоur .,. аrе the thinqs you believe in.

8 Dina and Ned share а .,,............,..... of playing sport.

ехрrеssiопs of quantity > СВ page 28 ý Mrt.r, the students'comments 1-5 with the
types of competition they're talkin9 about А-Е.
Р Complete the sentences with а/ап, some, апуl
muсh, mопу, few/a few, а lot of/lots of and
little/a little. Sometimes there may Ье mоrе
than опе correct answer.
ТhеrеЪ ......... design courseyou
might Ье interested in at mу college. l'll give you .................

information about it next time l see you.

Chris, сап you add milk to the shopping list? There isn't
left. We need ..........,..... . biscuits too. Oh, and can
vou oet оrапqеs?
coffee iп the jar - would you like
ТhеrеЪ опlу. .. ...........
tea instead?
Jеп, do you have guitar music l could Ьоrrоw?
l really want to lеаrп to play.
children seem to enjoy рlауiпg outside these
days. ltЪ а pity.
How ...... ... ..... people wеrе at the pool today? There
weren't when l went the other day.

ý ГiпО and correct the mistakes in sentences

1-6. There is опе mistake in each sentence.
1 l don't have many interest in sport, l'm afraid. l think you need to train rеаllу hard before you do this kind

of competiton because you need to Ье very fit.

2 How much times have you ruп а marathon?
Some people don't пееd апу training because they have
3 There are lots of cheese in the fridge if you fапсу а snack.
natural talent, but others need classes, l imа9iпе.
4 Do you have albums Ьу Justin ВiеЬеr? He's so cool,
These аrе just friendly games so l don't think people have
5 l love listening to little classical music to rеlах, prepared very much at all for them
6 |'ve got lot of hobbies and l'm always busy at the
Sometimes people just play at hоmе for fun but sometimes
weekends. they сап have serious competitions.Then they have to
practise а lot. .. ........ .. ..
Speaking It depends. lf itЪ just а quick class test then they don't have
to рrераrе а lot but if it's а big exam then yes, they have to
СоllаЬоrаtivе task > СВ page 29 do lots of revision.

fl Пеаd the exam task and say if comments 1-6

ý Complete the usefu! phrases with the correct
are true (Т) or folse (F).
words from the Ьох.
Here аrе some different types of competition. First,
talk about what рrераrаtiоп people need to do about agree choose for in lеtЪ
before these different types of competition. Then on point think what
decide which types of competition make people feel
most пеrvоus. 1 ....,,....... . begin with .., 6 Don'tyou.....................?

You have to talk about what the people have dопе 2 What ........... ... this опе? 7 Тhаtъ а oood
before the competitions 3 ... ......... my орiпiоп ... 8 ....,....... do you think ...
You have to say whether you would like to do these 4 Do vou ? 9 .. ........... mе, it's theTV show.
competitionS 10 the опе
5 LеtЪ move So, thаtЪ we...........?
You have to take turns to give your оwп opinions.

You have to talk about how the people feel when they
@ Mut.b the phrases in Activity 3 to headings А-С.

do these competition5 А Organising the discussion

You have to make а decision together. В lnvolving уоur раrtпеr

С Giving ап opinion

Г{е"l}tiрý* n:atch}ng & Сý раý*ý З**З а
fоr hlm to рrераге but Eddle опlу had five weeksl So,
he trаlпеd hагd and then set out on the challenge of а
lifetlme. And he succeeded. Desplte Ьllstегs and sоге
ln the exam, you have to match ten questions оr
toes he гап and гап and геtuгпеd home tгiumphant.
statements to some short texts оr раrаgrарhs in а long
Не believes that it was hls dеtеrmiпаtioп not to g]vе
up that saw him thгоugh the challenge - as well as the
fеаr of lettins down his сhагltч. Не ended tln гаisiпs
. Read the texts through first to see what each опе is
mоге than f 200,000 online. Well done, EddieI
. Look at the questions and underline key words that
will help you when you read the texts а9аiп.
В Matt Ваkеr
Imaglne cycling 16 hоurs а day fоr eight days frоm
ЕdiпЬuгgh in Scotland to London. Then imagine that
Read the magazine article аЬочt famous
you аге puliing а гiсkshаw behind you and most of
people who have done difficult things to raise
money for charity. Which celebrity (А, В or С) the tlme thеге is а passenger iп it! This was the task

raised the least money? that Matt Ваkец а TV рrеsепtег, set hlmself last уеаr
tO гаlSе mOпеу fог сhагitу. Luckily, I\4att WaS quite fit
tO Start with. Ноwечеr, after the exhausting ridе he
had 1ost weight, was sufferlng frоm 1ack of sleep and

had а чегу sоге bottoml Matt is сегtаiп that he could
not have finished the task Without the епсоuгаgеmепt

l of реорlе who 1ined the roads to watch him - ечеп

[I mIt
at nlght 1n the роuгiпg rаlп. Не was amazed Ьу
people's gепегоsltу. Many just pushed money 1nto his
hands and pockets as he гоdе past. Matt finished the
challenge having rаisеd очег а million pounds. But he
печег wants t0 see а гickshaw agaln!

с David walliams
David Wall1ams is а рорulаг ТV comedy асtог who
Every year celebrities push themselyes to
has spent а lot of tlme In гесепt уеагs doing swlmming
the limit - all because of а раssiоп to hеф challenges fог сhаrltу. Не has rаisеd 1агgе amounts of
charities. Неrе аrе three of thеm. mопеу Ьу swlmmlng асгоss the English Channel and
the Straits of GiЬrаltаг and in 2012 he swam 140 mlles
along the Thames Rlчег, finlshing at Westminster
А Eddie lzzatd Вгldgе 1п сепtrаl London. Davtd completed this
Eddle Izzard ls Ьеttег known fог his comedy and actlng mаrаthоп swim in elght days and it сегtаiпlу wasn't
skills than his гuппiпgl Ноwечеr, Eddie declded to set an easy challenge. Because of the cold summеr, the
himself а blg challenge t0 try to rаisе а 1ot of mопеу fог wаtег tеmрегаtuге was low. When his skin started
сhаritу. Не set out t0 ruп 43 mагаthопs асгоss the UK. tuгпiпg blue he had to wеаг а wetsuitl Then аftеr а
His aim was t0 гuп one mагаthоп ечегу day, slx days а shоrt time he рlФФlр а stomach lllness. The Thames
week and he пеагlу did it] In fact it took him sllghtly lопgеr isn't the cleanest rlчег! In splte of а fечег and sickness
- 51 days. А challenge like thls would Ье dlfficu]t fоr an David contlnued. Luckily, he got Ьеttег and completed
ехрегlепсеd гuппег and Eddie had чегу little ехрегlепсеI his jоuгпеу. Thousands and thousands of реорlе
When he decided to go ahead wlth the mаrаthопs he was сhеегеd as he swam past and the final total donated tO
гаthег overweight and hadn't done much ruппiпg Ьеfоге. his onllne саmраigп гаisеd was f 1.1 million. What w111

e'perts Ье next, David? Асrоss the Atlantic?I

о 1t
:tn€,:S :,:* :",, :Iоgrаmm:

Read the article again and write А, В or С for Complete the text with the past simple,
questions 1-6. present perfect simple оr present perfect
continuous form of the verb in brackets.
Which celebrity
had someone with him for most
of his challenge? ]I еýЖ&ý ж%ýжЖ-- Wж жЖЖЖЖ Ж х

needed to lose weight? 2

trLtrtr trяNtrINЕ
was given some mопеу directly? 3
I'm passionate about, гhуthm and I (1) (a]ways

has exoerience of doing sporting Ье) into dance fогms that аге регсussiче - in othег wогds,
challenges for charity? |,4 whеге you make а noise on the fiOOг with уоuг feet! I
(2) ...,............................. (r1o) tap dапсе classes since I WaS tеп and
attracted SpectatorS in spite of
mOге гесепtlу I (З) (take up) clog dancing
the time and weather? 5 whеге I соmе fгоm,
- а traditional fогm of dance that,
recovered from а health рrоЬlеm (4) ....,...,,..............,....... (grоиr uр) iп factorieS in the late 1BOOS, The
during the challenge? 6 Story goeS that fасlоrу wогkегs, who (5) .................................(wеаr) .::

wooden shoes fоr wогk, stаrtесl dancing in thеm and imitated

the SOundS that the fасtогу machines made.
Complete sentences 1-6 with the correct form In fact, clog dancing (6) ......,,.. ..........,. .,... {probably Ье) агоuпd
of the underlined phrasal verbs in the article. fоr huпdгеds of уеагs and очеr the iast decade ог so, it,
Use the word in brackets to help you. (7) ......,.,.,............. . . . (mаkе) а comeback in the UK. Тhеrе
аге festivals all очег the соuпtгу and mу dance gгOuр
When lwas in Spain on holiday,l
(s) .,.......,..,......,.., .... (lusr ralse) очеr я1,000 fоr сhаritу liу

(caught) ап iIlness and l was in bed for а week.

doing а 'dance-a-ihon', whеге we danced non-stop fоr
lthink l really ... . . (dBарроiпtеф my mum
twelve hоuгsl since then, we
and dad whеп l failed mу exams last уеаr.
(9).......,.............,...... . (иzоrk) rеаllу

з we decided to (сопtiпче) with our hагd оп а new dance гOutiпе

plans to ruп ten miles for charity although the weather and wе'ге going t0 еп[ег а
was terrible. c0mpetiti0n. We'11 Ье 0п Stage
We got lost оп our walk and .
... . .... . , .(found in front of hundreds of people

ourselves) five kilometres away frоm home! - I (пеvеr

1ееЛ so пегчоusl lt'll Ье gгеаt
l .... . .... .
..... . .(рlаппефtоrеvisеfоrthrееhоurs
Utl. though.
ечеrу day but l пеvеr did the full three! ...,"t \,
6 l spent ages yesterday looking for оur dog, which had
ruп away. l nearly .......(stорреф but then l
heard barking in the trees behind our house,
\Pql*;"d f*rп:аtigп р,Сý раýс ЗЗ

рrеý*ýlt р8гfеýt sirтзрiе *г ý*fiti},lýФLlý tn the exam, you have to complete eight gaps in а text.
Р С& раýе 32 You have to make а new word from the one given in
capitals at the епd of some of the lines,
Choose the correct option to complete the
. Read the title and the whole text first fоr mеапiп9.
1 YчеЬееп соuпtiпg/'vе countedupthe moneywe raised . Look at each gap iп the text and decide ifyou пееd,
fоr charity. l'll саrrу оп after lunch,
e.g. а поuп, adjective, verb оr аdvеrЬ.
2 Have you еvеr tried/been trуiпg gаrdепiпg? lt's not as . Look at the word iп capitals and decide how to make it
Ьоriпg as people think. fit the gap.
3 Sue has trojпed/has Ьееп trаiпtпg for the mаrаthоп fоr . These changes may Ье made Ьу adding а рrеfiх or
weeks. suffix, making а сhапgе iп The middle of the word (fооt
+ feet) оr maklng а compound word (foed , feedback).
4 l've Ьееп riпфпg/'vе ruпg lxAaria all afternoon. l think
shеЪ at the gym. Remember, you don't need to make mоrе than two
changes to the word.

ffi looK at the suffixes and examples. Match \fif,ritirэg
suffixes 1-6 with meanings А-F. Revievlr р СВ раgе 34
-oU5 famous, dangerous
2 -er/-or teacher, actor АЬоut the ехаrп:
з Jess homeless, careless ln the exam, you choose between different tasks. Опе of

4 -ive the options may Ье а review of а book, а film, а play, а

attractive, creative
place оr а product. You пееd to write 140-190 words.
5 ly quickly, thoughtfully
6 -able driпkаьlе, countable ýtrategy:
. lt doesn't matter if you like оr dislike what you are
А having the сhаrасtеr of reviewing, but give examples fоr уоur орiпiоп.
в Without . lnclude 9епеrаl information, say why you liked/disliked
с capable of Ьеiпg it and make а recommendation.
. Use ап iпfоrmаl style.
D fullof
Е how something is dопе
F someone who ffi Kead the exam task and the answer. Тhеп
complete the review with the words in the Ьох.

ffi Ur" the word given in capitaIs at the end of j You rесепtlу saw this notice on а magazine website,
the line to form а почп that fits iп the 9ар iп

I Hove you good documentary rесепtlу? What was

sееп а

the same line. I special about it? Sепd us уоur review апd we'll post the

I three best опеs оп the l

Write а review iп '140-'190 words.



рL4ч|NG тн€ рlдNо, ЁRом вдD то GooD awards came combines ever follows
|'ve played the piano since l was five. l found remarkable seem
had по interest iп learning а(О) п:.l.:::::з./. MUS|C
instrument - it was my mum who
decided it was а good idea.
l went to lessons every week. Му
ж#гý *гъ \х/iгЁ
friends thought it wai rеаl|у (1) ._.,.........,..... USUAL I enjoy documentaries and The fiгst (5).., .. .. .
and l hated it. l wanted to Ье outside one of the mOSt interesting about this documentary is
riding my bike like them. Тhеп, my I've (1)............. .. ... seen is how the diгесtоr (6)
mчm started entering mе for the British-ma de Мап оп rеаi film and photographs
(2).......,.............. l think she had ап idea that Иlrе, which (2).,............,..... out fгоm 1974 with сuгrепt
l might one day Ьесоmе а (3)...........,.,....... FАМЕ in 200В. It wоп mапу (5) interviews. The second is
musician! Everyone e|se seemed to Ье at the time. that the dосumепtагу is

раrt but l печеr

(4)........,............ to Ье taking filmed like а сrimе film. As
EXCITE Моп оп Wire (4),.........,.......,,.
wоп anything. l was completely the rеа1 story of Robert
the team plan to епtеr the
(5) ......,.. .. .. and it was awful. НоРЕ Тоwегs illegally it is just
Petit, а Frепсh tightrope
like the planning fоr а bank
Now l'm an adult, l'm glad mу mчm wаlkеr. RоЬеП developed а
made mе practise for hours because рагtiсulаг obsession when
(7). . .... this

feel mоrе (6)..........,.. . playing in front COMFORT he was ten уеаrs old. In I
of people. l actual|y find playing for 1974, his drеаm finaliy саmе documentary fascinating,
mу friends great fun and l really like truе. не walked across а Гuппу and entertaining.
to Ье (7) when l play. But if l CREATE wiге stretched between the It's amazing tO See hOW
ever have (8).....,..............., l'll let them do CH|LD Twin Тоwеrs in NewYork, а drеаm .ui.orn. Tu.,
whatever they wantl 1,350 feet up in the аiг, not hоwечеr impossible it mау
just опсе, but elght timesl (s). ..... . . I

.,"ч ?
*J - ф.qрs
"tý*рf:ъ р l "+уё!Ф
ръ., Ф*рWъуq"-WвэýР:*F .

ý MuK" notes for а review of а documentary you

have seen. organise the points into paragraphs
and then write the review in your notebook.

Multiple choice > СВ pages 38-39

[ Пеаd the article оп ра9е 25 quickly and choose the correct

where was the research boat?
А near south America В пеаr south korea С пеаr south Africa

How big was the shark?

А three metres В three and а half metres С five metres
What happened to the shark?
А it died В lt was taken to а research centre
С it was put back in the sea

В M"t.b words 1-6with meanings А-F.

9_ 1 toW А unable to find а way out
2 bait В small animals that big animals hunt for food
3 trapped С people who work оп а boat
4 rоре D use а vehicle to pull something
5 рrеу Е food used to attract animals
6 сrеW F thick line used to tie things

ý Веаа the article again and choose the answer (А, В оr С)

which you think fits best.
The writer su99ests that many people
А know а lot about mаriпе biology.
В enjoy reading about marine research projects.
С would like the same experiences as mаriпе researchers,
The scientists were in the boat because they wanted to
А catch some sharks.
в observe the sharks'behaviour.
с talk to the fishermen in the area.
What were the scientists doing when the shark jumped?
А They were putting some food iп the water.
В They were watching sharks swimming Ьу the boat.
С They were waiting quietly.
what did the shark do when it landed оп the boat?
А lt fell оп and crushed а crew mеmьеr.
В lt broke some things on the boat.
С lt prevented the mеп frоm moving.

After the first rescue, the shark had difficulty Complete the collocations with words from
А getting free frоm the rореs. the article.
В using its tail to swim.
1 I think writers чеrу interesting /lчеs.
С finding the open sea.
2 Wе'rе going to а survey at school to find out
How does Gеппаri, а shark expert, feel about who has had the most exciting holiday.
the event?
When the cruise liпеr was in port we ,1/епr.....................
А sure that the shark did поt intend to jump boord апd had а look round. lt was amazing!
оп the boat
We couldn't see the performers on stage so we pushed
В worried that the shark might attack again оur .,,...,,..,...,,.,, the front of the audience.
С amazed that it could;'ump so high We rescued а Ьird with а Ьrоkеп wing and helped
it alive Ьу 9iving it some bread before we took
iT to the vet-

6 Janine had а .... ........ ...escape last week when her bike
пеаrlу went into а river!

Grеаt white shark jumps frоm sea

into research boat
аriпе researchers lead ап interesting and exciting front of the boat for safety.
|ife, They do imрогtапt work and visit p|aces all Schrёder poured water over the shark to keep it alive,
round the world that поrmаl people сап опlу and the crew tied а rope round the shark's tail. А second
dream of. They find and observe animals and plants that boat then towed Cheetah to the роrt with the shark still оп
most of us опlу ечеr see оп TV and in books. Howeve1 deck. Eventually, the big fish was lifted off Ьу machinery
life became а little more exciting than expected for some and then lowered back into the water.
scientists iп the sea off the coast of South Africa recently. Though the shark swam away it was чпаЬ|е to find its way
Several scientists were conducting а survey of the shark out of the harbour and soon ended up оп the beach. With
population when they suddenly got much c|oser to а shark Oceans Research's co-director, Enrico Сеппаri, an ехреrt оп
than they wanted! The scientists wеrе оп board а research great white sharks, the team tried mапу ways to rescue the
boat called Cheekh and they were putting sardines into animal. Finally, they used ropes to pull it through the hаrЬоur
the water to attract white sharks. These wопdеrfчl and back out to sea. The ropes were then removed and
animals are known to jump out of the water the animal swam away
whеп they see some рrеу. The scientists , Gеппаri said it was the first time he had
wanted to watch this ýре of activity. heard of а great white shark jumping
Dorien sсhrёdеr is the team leader at опtо а research boat. Не guessed that
oceans Research. she said that after , the апimаl had 1umped about three
more than ап hour of shark activiý
around the boat, the waters at the
ф:'_n* metres out of the water to Ье able to
land on the boat. As for the cause of
front of the boat had Ьееп quiet for , the shark's behaviour, Сеппаri said it
five minutes. 'Next thing l know, l ,,:j was almost сеrtаiпlу ап accident and
hеаr а loud splash, and see а white not ап attack оп the boat, ln the dark
shark jump out of the water directly water the big fish might have thought
over the mап who was throwing sardines " |' that the boat's shadow was prey. 'lt's
into the sea!' all speculation,' he said, 'But sometimes
Sсhrёdеr pulled her co|league to safety а shark jumps out of the water when it feels
before the shark, weighing about 500kg (half а another shark underneath it. They move like а
ton) and about three metres long, landed оп top of the bait f|ying fish and end up several metres away.'
and fuel containers. lt was about three metres |ong| At first, ln this case, both scientists апd shark had а паrrоw
half of its body was outside the boat but in а panic the shark escape, But there can't Ье mапу scientists who have had
pushed its way further on to Cheetah, lt cut fuel lines and the сhапсе to get so close to а great white shark. And
smashed equipment before becoming trapped between the there can't Ье mапу sharks that have got so close to their
containers and the back of the boat. The crew rап to the observersI

tirne p}"lrases > еВ page 40
паггаtiyе tеr,!ýеý Р СЕ page 40 ý Cross out the alternative(s) which are NOT
possible to complete the sentences,
ýý Matcb 1-6 with А-F to complete а story.
дftеrwаrds/дs sооп as/vvhen l reached the hotel, l

1 lt was а 9reat day for snowboardin9. went fоr а swim iп the pooI.
2 I had got all my gear ready the night before, Whilе/Whеп/дs 5ооп ds Sue had booked the travel
3 The slopes had just opened when arrangements, she rапg to tell me.

4 l was speeding down the mountain on my board when NЛiсhаеlcooked dinner fоr Petra аftеr/whеп/Ьу the
гimе she got home from her trip.
5 l couldn't see what it was but
While/During/Дfterthe sun was goin9 down, we
6 lt was а huge white swan flуiпg over the slopes!
sipped cocktails оп the balcony.
А so I set оfГtо the mountains nice and еаrlу. lwas really hungry Ьу the time/afterwords/when l
в lt flew over mу head and into the distance. What а had finished skiing.
strange sight! During/While/When Jay was colIectin9 the lug9age,
с I saw something in the аir ahead of mе. he dropped а suitcase оп his toe.

D l arrived. The flight Was 5о tirlng that as sооп as/by the rimе/
whеп igоt home, l went to bed and slept fоr twelve
Е it wascoming towards mе vеrу quickly!
F The sun was shining and the snow was fresh, wепt to
Duriпg,Д/lhеп/VVhilе mу triр to I\4orocco I

See the city of Casablanca.

Complete the text with the9past simple, past
continuous or past perfect simple form of the
verbs in brackets.

о Д party inO porto

What а trip I had last month! Му friend, Noela, (l),.......,..., , """
(mйfе) -Б to he, 2tst birthday lrr Ороrtо, Роrtugаi, She
.tl;ai"O English with mе in London iast summer and we had
Stayed in touch This was а charrce to see her again and
..(lookforward fo) it. I (3)......,.................. (book) mу
I (2).................
flights and accommodation, formd а gTeat outfit to wеаr and
bought а сооl фft for Noela.
On the day of the paTty everfthing was going really well, I
(4).................,....... (аrriче) in Ороrtо the night before,
the weather
was beautifl:l and, I was rеаllу excited to Ье in а city I
(5)..................,...... (печеr go) to Ьеfоrе. I set off from rrцr hostel in
й direction of the hote} where the party was taking рlасе,
I got onto the trаm and (6) (Jook) at the mар of the

-у gurdebook when I had а sudden feeling that

I (Z)
(go) lrr the wrong direction!

I qшсНу got off the tram and looked around, Then I

(s)...,..........,.......... (reaise) I was lost in а strange city without
йошпg а word of Portuguesel Fortunately а very kind фr1
saw mJ]ooking at mу mар aTtd she asked mе in English
where I wanted to go. I (9).....,.................., (ехрlаф the sltuation
and then she smiied and pointed acIoss the rоаd, I
(r0)...,......,............., (sfапф opposite the hotell I had been going in
the right direction аftеr а]1!

Speaking Listening
Long turп } СВ раgе 4l Multiple choice > СВ ?age 42

About the exam: АЬочt the exam:

The student who is NOT speaking about the pictures will Ье You hear а реrsоп talking in ап interview. lп the
asked а short реrsопаl opinion question about the pictures exam, there аrе sеvеп questions with three possible
after his/her раrtпеr has finished their lопg turп. answers each.

Strategy: Strategy:
Give а brief апswеr but mоrе than just one wоrd. . Read all the questions before you listen so you

a have ап idea of what the person is talking about,

. Тrу to choose the соrrесt options. lf you аrе
ШО 06 Listen to the question then complete а
unsure ofany, you сап focus оп these the second
сапdidаtеЪ comments about the pictures with the

time you listen.

words in the Ьох.

if imagine looks might рrоЬаЬlу sure ШО 08 Listen to а radio interview with ап

author and answer the questions.
1 The people in the second picture аrе................,.... at an airport. 1 what is the паmе of the book?
2 l .... .......,... the people at the аirрогt are feeling pretty fed up. 2 Where did the еvепt Monty describes happen?
3 lt looks the people iп the first picture аrе trуiпg

to get оп ап underground Ёаjп.

3 Did the mап iive оr die?
4 lt . . .. . Ье during the rush hоur.

5 One реrsоп at least rеаllу tired.

Е О 08 Listen to the interview again. Fоr
6 l'm itЪ rеаllу Ьоriпg to wait for ages like that questions 1-5, choose the best апswеr, А,
Why did Monty write the book?
А Не saw ап interesting film.
В Не was in а small plane crash.
С Someone told him а great story.
The mап was fоuпd Ьу two people
А whose саr had broken down.
В who were travelling iп the area.
С who wеrе searching for someone else.
Mlonty thinks the mап was iп the саr because he
А was upset because of personal relationships.
в had had ап accident.
С was confused Ьу the roads.
His survival was probably helped because
А he built ап igloo rоuпd his саr.
В the temperatures stayed above freezing,
С he was able to сочеr himself wаrmlу.
Е О07 Listen tofollow-upquestions 1-3 and What do doctors disagree about?
match with answers А-С.
А how long people сап live without food and
At а train station, because itЪ mоrе crowded апd usually Water
there is mоrе to do at ап airport, В whether people сап hibernate like animals
ltЪ ОК, but l sometimes get а bit scared when we take оff whеп itъ cold
and land. С what people сап learn frоm studying animal
Yes, l love it. lt's quick and easy and itЪ fun to watch all the behaviour

ехtгýr]lе adjectives Р СВ page 4З subjectlobject qцeýtiоný & Сts page 44

Find the extremes of the adjectives iп the Ьох Read the news story. Then choose the correct
iп the wordsearch below. alternatives for the questions 1-6.

bad big cold hot hungry interesting But Jake wasn't а person
АtlЪ we[l that

loud scary small tired to give in easily and he

approached the manager of
ends wе[[

TD oD lк
the hotel they wеrе staying
NN от in to ask if the chef could
ST FR ЕЕ ZI NG сх Jake and sarah Mellor have
рrераrе а special meal with
SE Ех нА US тЕ DE just returned frоm what
а diamond engagement ring
hidden inside it fоr his wife-
C.J TR TR tр SE KR should have been а sunny, to-be. Of соursе. the hotel
romantic getaway. Jake had
FZ SV Rl lЕ Ер ED planned to ask Sarah to
mапаgеr was happy to help
Jake and promised а fabulous
ST AR NG NR Ев marry him once they had dinner in the restaurant
JE .J Е RD tY Cl oS arrived at а luxury hotel in overlooking а пеаrЬу lake.
l оF Ан JY tо NB
the romantic Indian city of
Udaipur. But Jake hadn't dопе
The meal arrived and
Sarah was enjoying the

tА Sc lN Ат lN GG his research рrореrlу and the delicious food whеп she

тЕ RR lB LE EN лг couple arrived in the midclle suddenly bit on something
of the monsoon season! The hаrd. 'I thought I had Ьrоkеп
EN oR iио US JP GC weather was absolutely а tooth!'she laughed, 'But

Ах lN UB о1 Ll NG tегriЬlе! Рооr Jake's plans when I saw the ring and Jake
of getting down on one knee asked me to mаrrу him. I said
outside one of the city's yes straightaway.'The couple
Complete the sentences with the correct beautiful palaces suddenly plan to get married iп а palace
adjectives from the wordsearch. фdn't sееm like such а good in Udaipur - in the dry season
idea in the pouring rain. of coursel
When the tree crashed dоwп in our garden the noise

WaS ':ýaý:{ýiýaý*:1|ii:l9i!ii,iч;:!ý]1i:ýý::gýl*rýi}rt1}ýiiat|iý:;iiý1ii1:1jýrý:.:*1*týý!',]

l hadn't еаtеп all day and l was .... Ьу the time l

А Whеrе did Jake and Sarah go оп holiday?
got to the hotel. В Where Jake and Sarah went оп holiday?
3 lt was а lovely mеаl bul, it cost my parents ап А Whеrе the couple did stay in the city?
amount of money. В Where did the couple stay in the city?
4 The bus driчеr drove very dangerously and for me the А What Jake рlаппеd to do?
whole journey was
В What did Jake рlап to do?
The temperatures dropped а lot overnight and in the
morningitwas,.. ...
А Who did Jake ask to help him?

l have а scar on my hand because ofthe accident but

В Who asked Jake to help him?

vou сап hardlv see it, it's 5о

А Who cooked а special meal?
В Who did cook а special meal?
А what sarah did think she broke?
в what did sarah think she had broken?

Match answers А-F with questions 1-6 in

Activity 1.
А the hotel mапа9еr
в Udaipur
с ask Sarah to mаrrу him
D iп а luxury hotel
Е а tooth
F the hotel chef
Use of English [ Неаа the ехаm task.Which of the points below
do you think should NOT Ье included in the
Кеу wоrd trапsfоrmаtiопs report?
> СВ page 45
{ I Your teacher has asked you to write а report оп safety
i and security at уоur college for new students. You
АЬоut tl. e ехапп:
should explain firе and accident procedures апd advise
lп the ехаm, there аrе six pairs of sentences. You have to
I how to protect personal property.
use the word given to complete the second sепtепсе in
each pai1 so that the mеапiпg is as similar to the first as 1 Students shouldn't come to college if they've got а cold
possible. Your word limit is beМeen Мо and five words, 2 Тhеrе is а firе drill every week.

Strategy: 3 Students shouldn't leave money in the classrooms.

. Do not change the form of the word iп bold. 4 There is а student car park.
. Sometimes there may Ье мо possibilities, but only 5 Smoking ls allowed iп the College gardens.

one will fit into five words.
lf you have to change а vocabulary item, thiпk about
6 Тhеrе аrе vegetarian meaIs in the cafeteria.

апу changes you need to make grammatically too.

. Тhеrе will sometimes Ье мо changes to make. ý Пеаd the answer and сhесkуочr ideas.

ý! Complete the second sепtепсе so that it Iпtrоёчсtiоп
IThe aim of this rероrt is to give iпfоrmаtiоп to пеw students
l has а similar mеапiпg to the first sentence,
аЬочt college safety and secuTity.
using the word giчеп.YЬч must чsе
between two апd five words, including the Eire
тhеге аrе instructions in each сIаssrооm about what to do if
word given.
thеrе is а flrе, which you should rеаd саrеfчllу, апd wе have а
l think it's going to rаiп. weekly firе drill.'IФцshоЦd flnd out whеrе the ffrе exits аге.
AS lt..........,.............................._...._..___ goin9 to rаiп. Accidents
tr/y dad became а pilot tеп years ago. If you have an accident оr feel ill there is а пursе'g rооm оп
Апу accidents in the college бшцs!_Ьедер!дф-апф
FОR lt/y dad ._.____....__....... ten years. Flооr 5.
rесоrdеd in the 'Accident Book'in Reception.
l hurt my leg during the football match today.
WHlLE l hurt my leg................._._
'Ше_фцдеJreцдоlls bring а lot of mопеу оr
footballtoday. thingý to College, 50чr advice is to take Ьа$s оr laptops with
lt was extremely cold when we were in Scotland. you whеп you leave the сIаssrооm. If песеssаrу, you сап lock
valuable items in the Ргiпсiраl's safe.
дBsoLUTELY lt............................................................. When we
were in scotland. Gonclusion
uGедеда,tЦsреФiдg, the Colleýe is а safe and sесчrе place.
li/ark arrived late so we missed the bus.
Let's keep it this wау.
UP ltЛаrk....,............... ........ we missed the

ln my орiпiоп, the exhibition was fascinatin9-

FOUND fascinating.
ý Wbicb of the phrases А-F could replace the
l .....,,,.....................................................
underlined phrases 1-6 in the report?
А important to ... D The purpose ...
В You shouldn't ... Е оп the whole ...
Rероrt > СВ ра8е 46 С We recommend taking . F should Ье written ...

About the exarn: !t Веаа the exam task. Make notes and write your
lп Part 2 of the ехаm, you may have the choice to report. Write 140-190 words.
write а report.
Your tеасhеr has asked you to write а report for new
Strategy: students оп safety апd security at the swimming pool
. give а title and use subheadings iп your college. you should explain safety and accident
. include ап introduction and а сопсlusiоп with procedures, and give advice оп how to protect
recommendations personal property.
. don't use an informal style.

l 29



}!li-JPЭ diiU ýll1*jyyl!'8 &! U
У 1**J {3Я.__]aЦ
}* f J

Read the clues and complete the crossword.

1 People usually do this in shops when they don't раrtiсulаrlу want to buy
2 Name of а product оr grоuр of products made Ьу а соmрапу.
3 Реорlе use ihis when they don't want to рау for soгnething immediately.
4 А small image rhat represents а соmрапу,
5 You can buy and sell things at these places, usually outslde.
6 А store which is part of а Ьiggеr grоuр of shops ruп Ьу the same
7 Ап аrеа where lots of shops аrе togetheг.
'l Something you buy cheaply.

Complete the blog extract with the correct form of the words
from Activity 1. One word is used twice.

l must admit, l'm а bit of а shopaho[ic! l [ove а[[ sогts of

shopping, whеthег it's iп а shopping (1) ..
. . ог ап
ý outside stгееt and l especialty tike tооkiпg
t fог (5) .......,........... ! Whепечег thеге's а sa[e аdчегtisеd, |'m
just (4) .. .
thеге! Sometimes but оthег times l sрепd
way too much. Вut l tгу поt to Ьuу things оп (5) ........,..............
because l dоп't [ike Ьеiпg iп debt апd often if l haven't got
muсh mопеу l check out the (6) ................... things iп сhагitу

l shops. You сап often get good (7) .... . .

whеп уоu buy
ll dеsigпег items thеге. Mind уоu, l'm поt that wоггiеd about
я having а famous (8)
оп ечегуthiпg l Ьuу. Just
опе Ra[ph Lаuгеп Т-shiгt ог раiг of Jimmy Choo shoes is
fiпе with mе!



Listening Grammar
Multiple choice > СВ pzge 49 futчге fогms > СВ page 50

П О 09 Listen to people talking in different fl Сrоr, out the option that is NOT possible in
situations. Match recordings 1-5 with each sentence.
situations А-Е. l'm taking/l'm gоiпg to take/l take that new phone back
А You hеаr а customer making а соmрlаiпt. to the shop this mоrпiпg - it isn't working рrореrlу.
You hear two friends talking about а shirt опе of them l'll mееt/l'm mееtiпg/l'm going to rпееtТiпа at the leather
has bought. market at З p.m. She wants to buy а new bag.
You hear part of а news rероrt about the way people Where do you think /m qеrriпg/l might get/l'llgetrhe
shop. ....... ...... ...
best deal on а second-hand car?
You hear two people talking about designer clothes. Oh no!The wеЬsitеЪ crashed on the payments ра9е. /1/

have to/l'm having to/l'm going tо have rо start again!

Е You hеаr а 9irl talking to hеr friепd about saving think /1/ /ook ot/l look at/l might look ot some of those

mопеV. price comparison websites fоr travel insurance later. lt

depends how tired l am after work.

Е О 09 Listen а9аiп and answerthe questions The bank might close/closes/wiil close at 4 р.m., so id
Ьу choosing & В or С better go and рау the money in now.

What is the Ьоу doing?

А asking for help 9 I completethetextwith might,will, going to
or the present сопtiпчочs. Use the verb in
В admitting а mistake brackets. sometimes more than опе future
С accepting advice form is possible.
What do they a9ree about designer clothes?
А They аrе good quality.
В They аrе not wогth the mопеу. Hi, Charlie!

С They are expensive because of the паmе. What (1) ............ (do) this evening? l'm

what does she want the sales assistant to do? (2) .......................... (go) shopping. lt's my twin brother

А give her а refund for the shoes

and sister's biirhday оп Sunday. l've got lots to buy, so
|'m going into town after my classes.
В exchange the shoes
С give her а discount оп апоthеr раir of shoes
| (3) ....................... (buy)
rny sister а voucher and
for mу brother, ап alarm clock - he loves his gadgets|
What does the mап say about consumers?
l think they'll Ье really pleased with those,
А They are refusing to give up luxury items.
After shopping, l (4) .........................................., (meef)
В They аrе finding new places to shop.
mvfriends and we (5) ..... .... . . ...(have)
С They are avoiding buying food оп the internet. dinner at our favourite pizza restaurant. One of my
Why does the Ьоу think the gir|Ъ р|апs аrе unreallstic? friends, Steph, hasn't Ьееп before but l'm sure
А She will not Ье able to stop gоiпg out. she (6) ............ (likd it. Then we

В She wilI never afford to buy а саr.

€о) to see а late-night film at the
cinema which starts at 11 р.m., but it depends how tired
с she will become bored with hеr clothes. we are!

| (8) ....................... (wrlfe) again soon.


Speaking В: lt|3| depends/can.We could always rесоrd it ourselves
- we wouldn't have to рау actors!
Collaborative task > СВ page 5l А: And that (4) shall/would Ье great funl ОК - thаtЪ а
possibility. Then, of course, there are posters. l'm sure
ý Complete the comments about organising the school could produce those.
ап event to raise mопеу for charity with the
В: And we (5| might/could go round sticking them up
words in the Ьох. iп shop windows. People usually look at posters -
particularly if they're bright and cIever.The art students
about agree cou|d don't LеtЪ might could design some good ones.
sure work А: Cooll And the newsletter advert would Ье good. lt
won't cost anything.
.... ..... ........ have а big sale of second-hand items fоr
В: Yeah. But it опlу goes to school students and families,
doesn't it? We need to get to а wider audience.
We........................ always ask the teachers to donate some
А: So,(6) could/maybethe advert iп the local paper is а
things for the sale.
good idea. People often browse through thе'WhаtЪ
What do you think asking а local celebrity to on?'section when it gets пеаr the weekend.
соmе too?
В: Good (7) thought/idea. How about the T-shirts? l rеаllу
!l....,......,............ Ье better to have it in summer when the like the idea - but it would cost а lot.
wеаthеrЪ sunny.
А: But (8) while/then if all the organisers wеаr а T-shirt
5 Why........................ we sell sandwiches and soft drinks too? advertising the sale for а few weeks before, people will
6 might .
That but we need to organise it notice, won't they?
carefully. 5
В: |'m not too sure (9| on/about lhat. lt will опIу really
|'m not too.........,...............There аrе а lot of sales like this Ье their friends and family апd they'll know anyway! l

these days. think you just want а free T-shirt!

But don't )zou
that everyone loves а bargain? А: (laughs) Why (10) noVso?|
We'll make а lot of mопеу.

ý Wbicb two phrases underlined in Activity 1

are responses to suggestions?

Е О 1 0 Read the exam task and choose the

correct words to complete the phrases.Then

listen and check.

IU like you to imagine that your school is having а

big sale of second-hand items to raise mопеу for
charity. Here аrе some ways they could advertise the

А: So, let's think about |eaflets first. ls that а good way of

advertising? What do you think?
В: Mmm. They're quite quick and easy to do - and they
won't cost too much. But don't you think that а lot of
people wilIjust throw them away?
А: l know what you (1) sоу/mеап. lf you get а leaflet,
you often don't even look at it! Especially if it comes
through the door.
В: How about а radio соmmеrсiаl? Loads of people listen
to the radio.
А: Youte (2) Ol{right. Dad always has it оп in his car. But it Examiner: Now you have а minute to decide which form
m|9ht Ье а bit expensive. of advertising should not Ье used.


'l was doing trades аll оvеr the place without spendin9
any of my own money оп petrol or рlапе faresi he said.
Gapped сехt Ь Сý pages 52-5З Ноwечеr, по опе seems mоrе surprised Ьу his success
than Куlе himself.
, : Read the title of the article. What
This was even mоrе rеmаrkаьlе as ltласDопаld had
does swapped mеап?
intended the whole thing to be'just а bit of funl
1 bought П 'l only dealt with people l liked the sound of, оr who
2 exchanged П Seemed to genuinely SUpport the idea of the website]
G Why not see what people would give him iп exchange
Read the article and choose from for it?
sentences A-G the опе which
fits each gap. There is опе extra Match the underlined words in the article with
sentence which you do not need to the meanings 1-6.
1 vеrу stran9e
А Frоm the start, MacDonalC iпslsrеэ ог 2 with no value
meeting each реrsоп wjth ч,п.,гогг -е wa5
з usefu l

4 looked quickly
l don't see it as any mоrе strange tnan
offering your time in rеturп fоr а salary like 5 simple and different work
most people in full-time jobs do. 6 not important

ъ ii ,r"
. :.l; ir;i,; ,,;,r_jт;; :,]'
,.Ij' ':
]] .i :.' '] ::.j.'i

о you, like mе, have а dгав-еt children. In this game, you started with father's product, Оп thе way, hе would
somewhere at hоmе full of small objects and competed to see what stop off to meet the реорlе who'd
different bits of rubbish rтhicb you could trade them for. MacDonald contacted him on his website and who
you think might соmе in hапdу some fiпishеd reading the email, glanced down hе wanted to do business with оп his
day? If so, thе story of Canadian at Ыs desk and saw а red рареr clip. paper clip proiect. IýýГl
internet entrepreneur Куlе MacDonald ГzТ__l And so а Strange and brilliant As news of the website spread,
mау inspire you to take а closer look at idea was Ьоrп. MacDonald hаd to сhооsе between
what is hiding among thе old pieces of hundreds of offers for еасh item hе
рареr and bits of string. advertised but hе says their financial
А few years ago, Куlе set out оп в,hаt value was irrelevant. Кýý__-l Kyle
seemed at tbe time а ridiculous апd continued to trade up. His trades
imроssiЫе project - to trade а single rеd included ап арреаrапсе оп ТV, some
paper clip fоr а house. Не advertised tЫs time in а recording studio, ап afternoon
almost worthless item on the internet with the rock star Alice Соореr and а
апd succeeded in swapping it for bigger small rоlе in а film. Finally he got his
and better things, Twelve months and Не wrоtе down this ambition. 'I'm house.
thirteen swaps lаtец hе аппоuпсеd that going to keep trading up until I get а Kyle tгiеs to explain his success.
his final deal had got him а рrореrtу, house,' hе wrote. His first offer was а 'People might think this is ап odd way
а two-storey fаrmhоusе in Kipling, реп in the shape of а fish. This was soon tо spend your timе but rеmеmЬеr thаt
Saskatcbewan. rýТ__l It certainly exchanged fоr а doorknob with а smiley Ьеfоrе mопеу was invented people
turned out to Ье mоrе than that! face and thе doorknob, in turn, for ап swapped things fоr centuries. ýýýГ_l
Kyle graduated with а degree in оutdооr,too,e. ГТlГ__l It was, hе says, \ХЪаt's that Ыuе plastic object оп mу
gеоgrарhу before travelling thе world. 'just а great way tо meet пеw people'. desk? It is the tор of ап old pen. Once I
Не did odd iobs - from delivering In this, hе did hаче some hеlр. His might hаче thrоwп it in thе bin but now
pizzas to wоrkiпg on oil rigs. One day, fatber, ап enthusiastic iпчепtоц hаd I pick it up and turп it thoughtfully in
hе received ап email frоm ап old friend соmе uр with а new idea for restaurant mу fingers. Tbday, it's just а plastic реп
reminding him of а gаmе c/r|ed Bigger tаЫеs. MacDonald travelled across top ... tomorrow it could Ье а villa in
апd Better whiсh they hаd played as America and canada to advertise his Tuscany.


he gjs*d **lget l"lsed to ý, Сý pag* 54 Мr,ltiпlа_r-h."riга
l lLJaLlylý*Llll"Jli*ý гl^оо
LlL.r4ý ьр- гЦ. {{
\*r,J л**д JJ

Complete the text with the positive or Match words 1-6 with the parts of speech А-F.
negative forms of Ье used fo and get 'l
used to.
cUStomer А ad-1'ective

2 therefore В аdvеrЬ
3 quickly С linking word
4 down D preposition
5 expenslve Е vеrЬ
I'm from Spain and I саmе to live in the
6 spend F поuп
UK а few months ago. I'm а shopaholic
and I love shopping! But it's taken Read the article and decide which answer
me а while to (1) . ... .. shopping (А, В, С or D) best fits each gap.

hеrе. I live in а village and the shops

close at 5.50 п.m. I (2) that
because in Spain thеу'rе ореп much
Iаtеr and I (3) being able to
go shopping after wоrk. I can't do that

now, so I have to either shop online

оr wait until the weekend. One thing I

(4) is the ргiсеs because thеу'ге

much higher in the UK. It's taken mе
apes to (5) shonninp without
соmраriпg how much I'd spend on а
similаг item back hоmе. The sizes аrе
different too, so I can't just walk into Supermarlýet scamý
а shop and pick something up without Supermarkets are very (0) .... .. at deceiving
trчiпр it like I (6) l their poor customers, it seems. Customers,
(1) ........,........... think they are getting good value for
mопеу, are (2) getting less of а bargain
than they imagine. (S) ...,...,..,...,,..,.. are а couple of the

most соmmоп tricks used Ьу supermarkets to keep

Find and correct the mistakes in the their customers spending.
sentences 1-6.There is опе mistake in You might think that buying а bigger packet would
each sentence. cost you quite а lot less, right? Wrong. At Superco,
for example, а 1009 jar of coffee costs ýЗ.00.
lstill haven't got used to get up so еаrlу for mу
(4) ...,....,...,........, а 2009 jar costs J5.99 - а saving of
пеw job.
(5) ..................,.. one pennyl
Sue didn't think shed like living оп her own but
she used to it now. Special offers. You've seen them on the shelves -
'buy one, ýet one free'. The best offers are usually
lgot used to do all my shopping опliпе when
оп fruit and vegetables - but can you real|y eat

moved to а small village.

(6) ..................... those potatoes before they go bad and
Antonio said it is too difficult to Ье used to the you have to throw them (7) . .
... ?
British weather so he's going back to Portugal.
Jen is used to getting so much attention frоm
So, (8) to think about what уоu'rе buying
before you fill up your shopping trolley!
the media. lt's аll пеw to hеr and she hates it,
took mе ages to Ье used to living in а big city
but l love it now.

; ], ]:.

оА good В well С fiпе D tight

1А What В who С when D where In the past, реорlе usualýr bought thlngs becauBe
2А absolutely В exactly С actually D correctly they needed them. Now, we spend mопеу оп
зА Неrе В Тhеrе С This D Now things that we wалt, not on things that we need.
4А Although В Whereas С Because D However We buy things because we think they wil1 make
us happy. But, do they?
5А опlу В almost С around D about
бА every В all С most D Some F'iгst of (r) ..................,....... , I must say that mопеу carr
7д Up В around Coff D aWay make us happy in mаrц/ ways. Ш (З)................... .. , it
саrr Stop uS WоггЯпg about а io[ оГ the imроfi,апt
8А forget В avoid С remind D rеmегпьеr
things iп }ife, such аs havjng sоmеwhеге to live
and keeping wаrm. As (g)
Writi пg help us enjoy оuг frее time Ьу buyrng сопсегt, ог
as this, it can

Essay > СВ раgе 56 thеаtге tickets оr gym mеmЬегshiр.

(4) mа,rrу реорlе think materia,l things
f! WЬеп you are writing an essay, are statements =-,
аrе too imроrtапt. In mу (Е).........................,, money
1-5 true (Т) оr folse (F)?
carrnot buy us friends ог good hea,lth. What iS
1 You should agree with the statement in the exam task mоrе, I геаJý believe that it is immоrаJ" to spend
оuг mопеу on 1tжury items when mаrý/ people
lt is better to write а lot of short sentences than longe1 in the wоrld аrе so рооr they cannot аffогd Ьаsiс
mоrе соmрlех ones. 9_.._
On (6) ,I think mаtегiаJ things сап help
lt is а good idea to give examples for both points of
us to Ье happy but thеrе аrе mаrц/ mоrе things
in life that we shou]d thilй about гаthег thал"
just Ьuуiпg things a,llthe time.
lп уоur conclusion, you should repeal what you say iп
the introductlon.

5 ltЪ а good idea to have опе long раrаgrарh.

ý Matcb the чпdеrliпеd phrases in the essay
with words and phrases 1-6.
оп the whole
Пеаd the exam task and the answer. Gomplete
2 Obviously
the essay with the correct words.
з As far as l'm concerned
ln class you have Ьееп discussing mопеу and 4 То begin with
happiness. Yоur teacher has now asked you
5 Nevertheless
to write ап essay. Write ап essay using all the
notes and give reasons for уоur point of view- 6 lп addition to this

Essay question:
Does buying lots of things makeyou happy? !l Веаа the exam task and write уоцr answer.
Notes: You have recently had а discussion in your class
Things to write about: about mопеу, Yоur teacher has now asked you to
'l health write ап essay.
2 security Write ап essay using all the notes.
3 уоur own idea. Essay question:
Write уоur essay in 140-19О words. ls it better to save mопеу оr sрепd it?
all balance course However v]ew we]l Things to write about:
1 enjoyment
2 security
Зуоur оwп idea
Write your essay in 140-190 words.


finding а iob > СВ pages 58-59

I choos" the correct alternative to complete the Sentences.

А job should give you а sепsе/ап еmоtiоп of achievement that makes
you feel that you've dопе well.
Ambitious people look for а job that has good аmЬitiопs/рrо.sресrs so
that they can advance quickly.
However much you love your job, l think you need to find а good
work-life ЬоIапсdsimilаriфz оr you miss out on some important things.
l need а fully/welbpaid.job because I have to рау а lot fоr my
ltuly mum gave up her complete/ful/time job when she had а family and
Went part-time fоr several years.
Could you please send me а(п) applying/applicotion form for the job
advertised iп the paper?

l| Matcb words 1-8 with definitions А-Н.

SecUre А not tеmроrаrу
2 StatuS В money for а job paid weekly
з rewarding С not likely to change, you сап depend on it
4 salary D а fоrmаl meeting for someone to ask you questions
5 stressfu l Е mопеу usualIy paid for а job every month
6 interview F important position
7 permanent G giving а lot of satisfaction
8 Wage Н causing а lot of wоrrу

ý Complete the emailwith words from Activity 2.

Hi, Brad

|'ve really got to find а пеw job that's а bit less (l ) .......,........... .. than
- оп,е

this опе! l seem to Ье worrying all the time. Do you know of апу job
vacancies locally? l'm looking for something (2) ..
- obviously l
want а job that l сап depend оп, at least for а few months. But it doesn't
have to Ье (3) ....... or long term. Мопеу isn't а big сопсеrп for mе
so l don't need а high monthly (4) .....,...... but l'd really like to do
something that's (5) and that motivates mе. l had ап
(6) for а job at а restaurant last week, but l haven't heard
back from them. So any suggestions would Ье good!




i 36
СgýýаЬ*rаtiv* tas}< and discussion ln Part 4 of the exam, you will Ье asked some
Р Сý page ý9 questions related to the topic of your Part З
discussion. You will need to give уоur opinions.
You will Ье asked between 2 апd 4 questions.
Read the exam task and listen to а
Sometimes you will Ье encouraged to give уоur
conversation between two candidates. тhеп
орiпiоп оп а question уоur partner has answered.
answer the questions.

Неrе are some people who со _эсs i:lat are

Try to give а full answer with your reasons and
sometimes dangerous. Та k tcge.'el- about how
perhaps ап example from your ехреriепсе. You сап
dangerous you think these ос. а,:. Now decide
add your opinion after your рагtпеr has answered
which;ob isthe most rецэ,] -;,
and this can develop iпtо а discussion,
'I Whlch job do they NOT,
2 Do they do everythinq thet э,: эsKed in the task? Match questions 1-5 with answers А-Е.
Then complete the answers with the
phrases iп the Ьох.

lt all l've печеr thought

ТhаtЪ ап interesting То Ье to think of it

Do you think that people usually follow their

parents and do the same job as they do?
Do you think it's а 9ood idea for schools to invite
people who do different jobs to talk to their
Do you think that реорlе who do dangerous
jobs should Ье paid а lot of mопеу?
4 Would you like to do а dangerous job?
5 What do you think makes people do dangerous

А question, l'm not really sure.

Some реорlе should get paid mоrе if the
danger is very high, and they're doing things to
save people's lives. But if it's а choice - like the
photoqrapher - then по, not rеаllу.
. depends. Sometimes people see
their раrепts doing а job that they love and they
think, yes, ld like to do that too. But поt always.
honest, l can't understand why
some реорlе choose to do things like that. l

could пеvеr work high up like those people!

IИауЬе they enjoy the fеаr?

.... about it before. l suppose it

Listen again and tick the comments the
depends how much l needed the money! l
candidates make.
couldn't see myself cooking iп а hot kitchen,
Chefs can get health problems, П thoug h!

2 Гirеfightеrs get good salarles. П Come ... that might Ье а good

3 Photographers оftеп get attacked. ! idea. l think children would enjoy listening to
people like that at school. lt would help them
4 Window cleaners пееd to have good equipment. ! choose а 9ood job too.
5 Police officers have а long training. П
6 People often complain about police offcers. I

]jii]iЭ, ]i];-i] :,

Mu|tiple matching } СВ pages 60*6l

You are going to read а magazine article

аЬочt people who turned their hobbies into
jobs. Read the article quickly and decide if the
statements are true (Т) or false (F).
1 All the people are happy about what they have done.

All the people found it hard to turn their hobby into а

job. ....................

i. Read the magazine article about people who

turned their hobbies into jobs. For questions
1-10, choose from people A-C.The people
may Ье chosen more than опсе.
Which person
had to improve their skills iп а new area
quickly? ЕýжГ-l
was uncedain about how attractivё their
product was? ýЖГ__l
made а decision not to do something Тhrее people tell features rероrtеr Sue
they had planned? Саrtеr how they turned their hobbies
found it difficult to build up their work? týг__l into full-time careers.
did something they realised was wrong? гЕг__l
received positive comments about what
they made? гЕг__l л Соmрчtеr games iпчепtоr
has moved оп frоm their first rоlе iп their
new саrееr? Е=Г_l Whеп I was at school,печеr used to рау attention

was surprised that their hobby turned in IT classes - not because I was bored but because
into а job? I loved seeing what I could do оп the соmрutеr.

developed а love for their wоrk frоm I'd play аrоuпd оп it when I was supposed to Ье
sоmеопе else? doing mу classwork. It know,
was а bit naughty I

says they аrе luсý to have а satisfying but it's how I саmе up with the idea for а пеw
саrееr? соmрutеr game. I got mу friends to try it out at
Ьrеаk times and they loved it. I wasn't surе whеthеr
., Match the underlined words and phrases in
other people would like it, though so I decided
the article with definitions 1-6. to put it оп а gaming site and see if I'd get апу
'l try extremely hard to achieve response. То my amazement, did. People started
something difficult messaging mе about how muсh they liked it and
2 Satisfactory suddenly everyone wanted to have а go. I couldn't
3 rерlу believe that what started as mе playing аrоuпd at
4 test school Ьесаmе а rеаl job, selling mу game online.
5 became very interested in Eventually I was developing games fu}l-time and
6 someone with а lot of skill iп а sub.ject mу пеw ones аrе becoming just as popular. I know
some people struggle to find work that they enjoy,
so I'm fortunate that mу favourite hobby has also
become my job.

ýýжщ***ý*:*ýiýiýýýýЧ*ý*'. iý.ý.т.*ýýýi}ж}iýlýýý1!}ýji|ý*týý|ýýýýý3ý{ýý,lý

пзаkiпg с*,ýрагiýOftý Р Сý раýе 62
в Jеwеl[еrу mаkеr
I've always been into making Choose the correct option to complete the
things. Му grandma loved
knitting and I rеmеmЬеr watching sheila works mоrе slоw/slоиzеr than Lin but her work is
hеr make tiny outfits for mу dolls mоrе accurate.

whеп I was уоuпg. Then, when I Andula is trее su[9eon. She says it's the гrо5r

was а little older, she taught mе dangerous/dongerous job she's ever had.

to knit myself and thеrе was no Charlie works the longest/longer hours оf апуопе l

stopping me. I used to make сrаzу
Theresa has Ьееп mчсh happier/happy since she got а
clothes that wеrе the envy of all
my friends. Then busy office and
started work in

I а
Steven's _job is much well/better paid than mine.
didn't rеаllу have time to do what I loved most. Му ]].5
job wasn't creative at all and I was disappointed not
::1,1,. 6 Now that l've moved house l don't have as far to travel
to work as/than l used to.
to Ье fulfiIling that side of mе. That's ъ,hеп I decided
to Iеаrп something пеw and I went to а jert-eliery-
Complete the second sentence so that it has
making workshop. Immediately, I was hooked and I
а similar meaning to the first sentence. Use
made loads of earrings and necklaces, i rTould give
between three and five words.
them to friends as gifts and it was mу best friепd,
Nancy, who said I should try se}ling them. I set up .." 1 Nziegan's the best computer рrоgrаmmеr in the
а little online shop and got some good feedback
No опе in the department is as...,...,..,....,............ . .

from my new customers. It was slоъ, апd very hard

at computer programming.
work but I've managed to establish а brrsiлess that |'ve пеvеr read such ап impressive application letter.
provides me with а decent income and i love mу This is . . application letter l've ечеr rеаd,
new job! :]],] 3 Jean's not as experienced as Rob iп managing people,
.jean .... . . than Rob in mапаgiпg people.
The old mасhiпеrу wasn't vеrу good but the new
с Kiteboarding instructor mасhiпеrу is very еffiсiепt
The new mасhiпеrу is the old
I've spent my life in the wаtеr and I ъ,аs first hired
as а sailing instructor when I was eighteen in the
summеr before going to university, just as а holiday
He's а very fair boss - mоrе so than апу other l've had.
НеЪа. .. anyotherl'vehad.
job. Тhеу had just started offering kiteboaTding
|a|.||'. 6 l've печеr had such а bad job iп my life,
and loved the idea of having а go at teaching it.
I ll, This is . l've ever had,
I'd taught myself the summer before Ьу getting out i:]]:

on the sea with а Ьоаrd and kite, Luckily fоr mе, I l:]:l',
Complete the dialogue with the comparative
picked it up straight away. Тhе sрогt Ьесаmе really ..lll and superlative forms of the words in brackets.
popular at the сепtrе and I loved my job so muсh
А: How аrе you enjoying your new job, Chris?
that I made up mу mind to stay оп there full-time :ill'
rаthеr than go to university. I soon Ьесаmе an :l В: lt's great, thanks. А lot of the people in my
department аrе (1) . . (o/d) me and
ехреrt and found myself working on а waterspoгts have worked for the company fоr а long time. Тhеу'rе
magazine as an editor and gave up teaching the (2) ..............,...,,...,..........,...... (experienced) me, which is good
sport. This meant I had plenty of free time to because l'm learning а Iot from them. l'm starting to feel
(З)................,......... . .. .. . (сопfidепr) iп mу rоlе поw.
trачеI and try out new places to do kiteboarding.
I sometimes wопdеr what I'd Ье doing поw if I'd А: That's good. Аrе уоur presentation skills improving too?
gопе to university but I love what I do and there's В: Yes! l gave mу first presentationto new clients last
week. lt was (4). (biql group of people
по going back.
|'ve еvеr spoken to and it went really weli.

*i:i' ]:.]:;:.]].a]]]]]i:]]]:]]:]::.]]:,]]:]::,]:']],]::]':]]]]]:]]:]]]:]]:]


Listen again and complete each

sentence with one word.
*per: сý*z* & Сý раgе &3

Read the text in Activity 2 quickly. ls the writer Zепа Smith: Му life as а
talking about а part-time summer job or stuntrMoman
voluntary work experience?
When Zепа was а little girl, she particularly liked watching
(1) ....films.
Complete the text with the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. The first stunt people worked in (2) rather than

There is ап example at the beginning. action films.

Zепа was encouraged to take part in а film Ьу her

(3) ,

Zena says that it is

|'m having the (0) .... time in the
heipful to have skills
Ecuadorian rаiпfоrеst апd l'm glad l
such as skiing оr
decided to spend my 9ар уеаr here (4)
Ьеfоrе l go (1)
to oet
university. l'm
work as а stunt person.
helping scientists protect the rainforest
апd the species of wildlife (2) ...,..................... Zena says it is поt
live thеrе. l wоrk in а smalf,team necessary to get what
(З) ,.. ,............. оthеr volunteers doing she calls а (5)'
rеsеаrсh and investigation work, in stunt wоrk.

collecting data and helping on Actors known as'film extras'might do small parts, such
conStruction projects, The first couple as рrеtепdiпg to Ье (6) or just walking down а
of weeks were tough (4) ........,..... . . . trre Street.
climate апd епчirопmепt wе'rе working
when zепа was а stunt double for а famous actress, she
iп аrе чеrу different frоm home. We
was lucky to Ье the same (7) and body shape.
(5}..,.................... to do some training to help

us undeгstand the work and we also Zena was pleased when she won а small (8) ..... . for
learned first aid and оthеr skills, which hеr stunt work.
helped us to feel safer. The days
(6)....,,..,....,........... long and tiring but it's rеаIlу

rewarding to think l'm doing something

so worthwhile. We don't get paid but we
get оur accommodation and meals fоr
frее. l've lеаrпеd loads (7),............,........... new
obIigation and necessity
stuff апd the people l'm working with
Choose the correct option to complete the
аrе cool. lu love to come back sentenceS.
(8}............. |'ve finished my studies!
l dоп'r have ro/must wear а uniform fоr my job. ltЗ great
because l сап wear myjeans to work if l want tol
Peter didn't have to/had tо leave home vеrу еаrlу to get
the train to wоrk. Не had а mееtiпg at 7.00 a.m.l
\Nе were supposed to/hod rо гпоvе to the new offices
ý*п**;,:сg **ýrp{*tiýn &* Сý pag* S4 today but they still аrеп't ready.

Look at the photo and the title. Тhеп

You mustп't/dоп't пееd rо switch the computers off - |'ll

do it before l leave.
listen to the recording. Are statements 1 and 2
You are supposed to/should ask for а рау risе. You r sa lа rу
frче (Т) or false (F)?
hasn't increased fоr thrее years.
The wоmап is а famous actress.

You пееd to/mustn't handle food without washing your

2 The wоmап works in the film industry. hands first because they could Ье dirty.

Complete the job advertisement with must, have to,
пееd to or don't hаvе/пееd to. sometimes more than Hi, Mrs Randall,

one form is possible.

I saw the job for а holidag сluЬ worker
advertised in the newspaper last week and l


Want to applg for it. lt looks verg interesting.

l believe l could do the job verg well. l am

This is а fantastic оррогtuпitу fог the гight 1,егsirп \ummу Chocs
Ltd геquiге an iп-stоге mагkеt геsеагсhеi tll cLlllect сustomег сurrепtlg working as а пursеrg nurse and l

feetlback on samples of оuг ргеmiеГ ah,],a _,laia гапgеS. reallg enjog being with children. l am patient
because l grew up in а familg with а lot of
Неге's whal the гOlе inr-olr es:
Placed in а чагiеtу of stогеs асГ,-,S: laг ],, : i Цеst. 1,ou wi1l mееt children! l am enthusiastic and creative and

сuStOmегS оп а dail} basts. so \ l; ,,-.

-l ( l ) .. ...,. dгеss l love thinking uр new gаmеs for children to

Smаг|lу at a1l times, plag. Regarding mg formaltraining - l have

qualif ications in child care and l a|so speak
Talking to сustоmегs about thеiг essential раrt of lhis
three languages: Frепсh, ltalian апd Gеrmап.
гоlе. so 5ou (2) and sociable регsоп.
-:.:lS .'\ho ц,ill get t0getheг Mg job finishes the end of Juпе so l'll Ье free
You will Ье рагt of а tеаm Of гl,-,i.

геgulагlу tO disсtlss and anal1 se ,:l]s ]] :: leedback. Тhегеfоге you to Work очеr the SUmmеr. lf l get the job With
(З) . ........ епlо1 rr оrk]l: ., _-:, to shаге уоur ideas, gou, l could start from 5th Julg, lf gou wish, l

could send gou references from two emplogers.

You don't (4) ln,,: ,: ]_.1.i.icatiOn iп food sciencc
l am attachin8 mg CV with m9 contact details.
оr mагkеtiпg Ьut уоu (5) Ье passionate aboui
ChOCOlate. What's the ра9 and what аrе the hours?

please write soon,

Yours faithfullg,
Maria 9епвоп
Maria Вепsоп

L*tе*r *f app|ýcati*n > СВ Dаgе && Read the letter again and find four
examples of language that is too
lп the ехаm, you mау have the .:, : - .: _. э letter of application.
Read another advertisement from the
. Make sure you include аll the "'_
,^ .-. _, ;sl,ed for in the question. newspaper and write your letter of
. Write iп an appropriate style application. You should write between
140-190 words.
Read the task and the candidate's letter. which
information has NOT been included?

You see this advertisement in э _ ,э ,

= . jэасеr.

Do you like working with children? {i' Очеr Ju[y and Ачgчst, we sha[[ Ье
Wе'rе looking for an enthusiastic рiау tчоrkег fоr children |, at filming а пеw Robin Hood fitm in this
our holiday club, Applicants must Ье qualified апd motivated. 1 аrеа and we аrе looking fог реор[е

Аррlу iп writing, indicating уоur availability fоr interview to help with mаkе-чр and costume,

IVlrs G. Rапdаll at the address

,,:]:--,|:, 1l , , rч ? #
; Appty to James Deacon at Weekes
Fitms (address be[ow) with detaits

Write your letter of application, of уоur ехреriепсе апd avai[ability.

***зпg ý*rrэ е- Сý pag* 7*

Read the task and look at the photos below. Which of the
comments 1-6 are relevant for Student А? Which comment is
relevant for student В?

Student А: Your pictures show people who аrе happy fоr different
rеаsопs. Соmраrе the plctures and say why you think the реорlе are happy.
Student В: \,\i hat sort of music do you enjoy listening to most? Why?

1 He's рrоЬаЬlу l1stening to his tavourite music,

2 l would like to spend а holiday in this plac-,.

З i\/y favourite place to listen to music is in mу Ьеdrооm

4 Реорlе аrе often happy whеп the weather is good.
5 l rеаllу like rock music, especially Вrуап Adams.

6 The girl has probably said somethin9 funny.

CompIete а сапdidаtеЗ answer with words from the

Ьох. Then listen and check.

Both definitely imagine look might must other

рrоЬаЬlу seem sure

these pictures! lt's good to see реорlе who

l like
аrе enjoying life. (1) the young guy with
the iPod and the famlly (2) vеrу happy.
The guy has а contented smile on his face and
the family аrе laughing. But the reasons they аrе
happy аrе (3) ...............,...... quite different. I mеап,
thе young guy is listening to music, he's аlопе but
hls eyes аrе closed so you сап (4) ....... that
he's lost lп his wоrld оf music, Не (5) . Ье
iп а раrk or relaxing iп his back 9arden, but he's
(6) ...,................ away frоm all the stresses of life!The
family, on the (7) hand, аrе in а busier
рlасе, They аrе рrоЬаЬlу оп holiday апd they
(S) ...................... to Ье enjoying а meal outside
together, Fоr them and the Ьоу, the weather
looks good. l'm (9) .......,...,.. . the famiiy аrе happy
because thеу'rе together and relaxing and mауЬ,е
sоmеопе has told а jokel lt (10) ... Ье very
enjoyable and exciting to eat а meai in а lovely
рlасе like that!

Use of English VосаЬчlаrу
Wогd fоrmаtiоп > СВ ра8е 7l health and fitness > СВ page 72

[ ЛаС а prefixto make the opposites of [ Пеаа the clues and complete the crossword.
adjectives 1-6.
1 ......... ... ...friendly 4 ................_...responsib|e 1 You get this if you have ап accident.
2 .....,.......... .. patient 5 ......._....._.._lucý 2 ltЪ important to ... fit if you want to stay healthy.
3 ...,.,.............loyal 6 .__..___.__complete 3 People аrе taken to hospital in this.
4 А way of huгtiпg your ankle.
f| Choor" the correct alternative to complete 5 You can get а lot of this in red meat - like steak.
the sentences.
The pharmacist was very helpful/help/ess and 9аче me your body is iп good ... you won't have so mапу
some drops for mу eyes. health problems.
That was avery thoughtful/thoughtless thing to say. l
2 This сап help when you have а bad headache.
feel upset поw.
з .., exercise helps the heart stay Strong.
Laughter is one of the moslpowerless/powerfd
4 This is the best type of diet to have.
medicines. |t makes you feel better.
5 А doctor will give you the right ... for an illness.
Dont wоrrу about the dog! НеЪ completely hоrmfчl/
The information the nurr. me about asthma was ф"
very useless/useful. l know what to do поw.
What а colourful/colourless rооm. l love оrапgе!

ý Пеаа the article аЬочt what makes people

happy. Use the word given in capitals at the
епd of the lines to form а word that fits iп the
gap in the same line.

What really makes people happy?

According to (О| p:.yrh.q!ggt:!:, what really PSYCHOLOGY
makes реор|е happy might, at first, seem rather
(1).,.....,............................ Experts say that indMdual ЕхрЕст
happiness levels аrе genetic, which is why some
people manage to rеmаiп (2} even
................,........... норЕ
when things are going wrопg, whereas
others find it (З) ......................,....... to lift themsefues
out of а bad mood. But itъ not all iп the mind:
I complete the sentences with the correct form
of words from the crossword.
actions count ioo. А celtain amount of life
(4) comes from spending time doing sATlSFY
........,.,............,. People who do а lot of exercise пееd а lot of
things we love. (5) which give us AcTlvE in their diet.
'flow' iп other words, which keep us
- lfell over during а football game and
interested and focused, are (6) ............................. iп ЕFFЕст mу ankle.
helping us to forget our problems. Whether it's
playing а (7) li/y aunt is очеr sixty but she's in good
............................. instrument оr ýloting MUSlc
а рlапе; the result is the same: doing things
because shеЪ always done а lot of exercise.
you're good at makes you feel better. Another lt isn't easy to.. ...... ........................ fit if уоu'rе ill and iп
thing that makes us feel hаррЯеr is the hospital.
(8) ,....................... to forgive others, as well as doing
things for people less fortunate than ourselves.
ltly brother had а knee ..,..... after а саr
accident and it took ages to get better.
So, let's get busy!
Fоr а .. .. ......... diet you should eat а little bit of

ffi Choose the correct alternative to compIete
the sentences.
Apparently there аrе а lot of health profits/benefits to Тiпаl2З, 1/ 08/ 12, 8.14 а.m.
drinking tea. lwatched this fascinatrn8 рrоgrаmmе tast night
l wепl dоwп/оuг with flu after staying with my cousin about ехеrсisе. lt said that if you did just thrее
last week. minutes of intense exercise а week, you
l've got а new сrеаm to rub onto hurt/aching muscles. (1) .....................,... (get) huge health beneftts! Experts
ltЪ 9rеаt аftеr football. rесkоп that паturа[, ечеrуdау movement couLd
lr/y mum makes sure that we aIl have а balonced/foir Ье Ьеttеr fоr us than doing rеguLаr workout
diet. sessions at the gym. Арраrепt[у, doing quick
Ё They say you can't cotch/take а cold just from being in bursts of ехеrсisе, whеrе you run оr сус[е as
а low temperature. hаrd as you сап fоr [ess than а minute each

6 How often do you work up/out in the gym? time, keeps you fit. They said that if you ехеrсisе
tike this, it (2) .......,....... ..... (keep) you iп shape, but
7 Life predictioп/expectancy is now something like 85
years for mеп. it also makes you want to eat less - whеrеаs
exercising fоr [опgеr реriоds makes you huпgriеr!
l've got а blocked/closed поsе and people can't
understand what l'm saying!
|'ve taken/picked up а stomach bug and l really feel
BusyBea, OI / 08/ 12, 9.41 a.m.
(З) .,....................... (Ье) rеаLtу annoyed if they find
10 The doctor suggested taking фц9h tablets/medicine |

ечеrу four hours. out this is truе because l'm а реrsопа[trаiпеr

and my job depends оп реор[е emp[oying me to
help them do training workouts. lwou[dn't get
ffirаrmýyъ&r paid much if l опtу (4) ...................... (wоrk) fоr thrее
zеrо, fiгst and second conditionals minutes with each customer!
> СВ ра8е 73
Gino, 01/0В/12, 2.0З р.m.

ffi looK at the internet forum аЬочt а пеw way of We[[, l guess if you (5) (Ье) а Lazy
exercising. CompIete the text with the correct реr5оп, this way of exercising sounds like а great
form of the verbs in brackets. idea. But just thrее minutes of ехеrсisе а week?!
That's ridicuLous.

ffi Гчt the words iп the correct order to make

sentences or questions. ZigZagZoo, О2 / 08 / 12, 1.З 1 a.m.

'l huпgrу, / eggs/ fillme up/because /lf /l'm/ eat/l/ I wоrk rеаl.[у long hours and don't have time to
they go to the gym, So, if this wоrkеd, l

(6) ..,....................,. (fihф time to try it.

would/twisted /уоч/ ankle/do/if /your/ What/

you ? DanDan, 03 / 0B / 12, 6.15 р.m.

lfyou (7) (not ехеrсЬе) you get fat

take/ l / painkiller/ ifl had / а / would / headache/ а / and that's а fact. But onLy doing three minutes
I а week? Doesn't sound enough to me.

youl information / l'll /you /that/ give / il/ want/if / FunnyMouse, 0З / 0В / 12, 1,0.42 р.m.
diet Think of aLtthe time you (8) ................,........ (saye)
if this was truе! lnstead of being Ьоrеd at the
5 lf / were/ |/would/ gol bed/earlier/you, / |о / l
gym оr jogging rоuпd the streets when it's dark
in winter, you could Ье doing something much
you/ milk/ muscles/exercise / after / асhе/ Do /if / mоrе interesting, Like seelng friends оr going to
drink / your ? the cinema. Grеаt idea!

l"1ultiple nratching > СВ page 74 ýýieýý, otlTerwse, Provlded týзсС
} { к г!абб /\
Listen to four people talking аЬочt
alternatives to seeing the doctor about health Find and correct the mistakes in the
problems. Match speakers 1-4 with pictures sentences. There is опе mistake in each
A-D. Sentence.
'l Provided that this cough clears up soon, l'll go to the
doctor's for а prescription.
2 l must stop eating so much, provided that l'll get fat,
HEltT}| 3 You'll have health problems otherwise you eat healthily
and take regular exercise.
4 Steve wants to Ье а nurse unless he passes his fiпаl
5 lfyou want, l'll give you а lift to the hospital. Unless l'll
see you later instead.
6 Jenny said she would help me with mу exercise рlап
this week unless she has the time.

Complete the article with члlеss, otherwise or

provided that.

ъпi shеrrу osks whether we reollv

need t0 to(e supplements
реп апу health magazine and you'il see
hundreds of adveTts for vitamins and minerals,
I've tried many of them, but I haven't noticed
any rеаI differences in mу health. In fact,
I think that (1) you have а рагtiсч}аrlу poor
diet, you shouid get everything you need from what you
eat, But am I right about this? I asked hеаlth expert Вriап
peacock fоr advice.
Listen again and choose from the list
'Yes, уоu'rе right,' he telis me.'(2) you stick to а
А-Е what each speaker does. Тhеrе is one
healthy eating plan, you shouidn't need to take additional
extra |etter which you do not need to use.
vitamins or minerals. (3) уоur body is suffering
А uses information to decioe frоm а lack of а particular vitamin and уоur doctoT gives
whether to get professionai you а рrеsсriрtiоп fоr someйing, you should Ье fine -
help (4) . . you could Ье taking mоrе vitamins than
learns from strап9еrs' your body actualiy needs.'
experiences Speaker1 Г-----l Не goes on to te]l me that beliefs have changed in the
refers to advice given Ьу а Speaker2 Г'-'--l medical profession очеr the benefits of taking extra
mеmЬеr of the family Speaker3 Г---l vitamins and minera|s '(5) ...,... you're pregnant,
keeps up to date with Speaker4 Г -l whеntakingfolicaсidisrеcommеnded,don'tЬothеr
modern advances iп wasting уоuI mопеу. Buying vitamins from hea]th
treatment food shops is expensive, so (6) .. .......... you've been ill:
en.joys lеаrпiпg about specifically advised to take them, ieave them on the shelf.'
unfamiliar medical :ili:.

ffi problems

Г"ttrlriпiо лhrъirд > СВ pages 7**77
Read the title of the ma9azine article. What
kind of information do you think might Ье
included in the text?

Now read the whole article. Fоr questions '1-6,

choose the answer (А, В or C)which уоч think
fits best according to the text.

Thew@rlldl Ъ
croziiest dliiеlгs
д Imost all of us wапl to lose а kilo 0г two ог decide itch.Isn't it thеir orln fault lог beliering such а silly idea
f\to ut sоmе time during оuг tlчеЁ. But eating less and in the fiгst place?
doing mоге ехегсisе seem чегу sensible соmрагеd with The 'cotton ball diet'. I'd say that this has t0 Ье one оf
some of the wеiгd diets of lhe past few сепtuгiеs. Неге the mOst dапgегоus diets fOг уоuг body and it's difficult
аге some of Ihe cгaziest. t0 understand how it ечег Ьесаmе ечеп Slightly рорulаг.
The 'chewing diet' was invented Ьу а mап called The thеогу is thai eating cotton balls - similаг lo lhe
Ногасе Flеtсhег and was рорulаг duгing the еагIу ones you clean уоuг face with - ргечепts you wanting to
twentieth сепtuгу. F'letcher believed that chewing eat anything fattening. This diet might Ье lоц, in саlогiеs
al]owed food to Ье ргорегlу аЬsоrЬеd iпtо the body. То (which would usually keep the weight off) but it's пOt only
implement the chewing diet, а регsоп must chew each drу and disgusting - ii can also cause mаjог damage to
bite очег З2 times - which takes арргохimаtеlу З0 уоur body - which makes it vегу iггеsрOпsiЬlе to ргOmоtе
seconds рег bite. It's а fascinating thеогу and thеге such а diet.
may арреаr to Ье some геаSOп t0 this diet. I'm almost The thеоrу behind the 'bl00d type diet' is that ечегу
tempted to have а go - but suгеlу it only wоrks because blood type has а set of foods that аге suiied to it.
it's so Ьоriпg that you eat less! Тhегеfоге, say suрроrtегs of this diet, if уоu eat ассOгdiпg
If уоuг food looks hоrгiЬlе, уоu'ге less likely to eat it. t0 уоur blood lype, you'll lose weight. S0, а регSOп With
That's what people who be]ieve iп the 'vision diet' say, type А blood should Ье чеgеtагiап and а реrsоп with
anyway. The idea is to wеаг blue glasses while уоu'ге type 0 should avoid eating сегеа1 0г wheat, while type
eating s0 that уOur food ]ooks disgusting, Why blue? Blue В can fill up 0п сгеаm and y0ghurts. ThiS diet mау Seem
food doesn't оссuг often in the wild and plants that аге hагmlеss, but Ье сагеful * if you have ап аllегgу t0 dаiгу
blue аrе Often pOiSOnOus - thегеfоrе fOOd that'S blue in foods, fог example, dOсtOгS Say y0u might Ье eating fOOd
соlоuг doesn't l00k vегу inviting. Uпsuгргisiпglу, this that could cause уOuг lэоdу sегiоus рrоЬlеms.
diet doesn't геаllу wогk and while some might еп]оу LaSt but n0t least, We соmе tO the 'caveman diet',
the attenti0n they rесеiVе while sitting in а геStаuгапt which регhарs makes morе sense than any of the оthег
wеаriпg blue glasses, t0 do s0 fог long регiоds could wеird ideas. This diet is based on what, cavemen ate
actually have а negative impact 0п уоur vision. 10,000 уеаrs ago, which mеапs only eating food that
If уоu'ге shоwегiпg ечегу day, you might as well lose could Ье hunted ог picked locally - including meat, fish,
weight while doing it, гight? Well, that'S the lhеоrу behind vegetables, fгuit and nuts. But, while 1 could ргоЬаЬlу
Aoqili diet soaps. These special soaps contain seaweed mапаgе With0ut them, fог sоmе it must Ье difficult to
that Will get thгough уоuг skin апd Ьгеаk down fat. Does avoid tasty things like Ьгеаd, dаiгу ргOduсts, salt,, sugаг
it wоrk? While thеrе mау lэе evidence that seaweed ог oils. The conclusion? This diet isn't dапgегоus апd you
Ьгеаks down fat when you eat it,, thеге's по evidence fог can still eat Out at, rеstаurапts оп steak and salad, buI
it wогkiпg when washing and sоmе people who've tгiеd you do need to make surе уOu'ге getting enough calcium
it have been аllегgiс to the soaps, which made theiг skin - а miпеrаl found in milk and cheese.

What does the writer say about the chewing diet?
А seems to Ье а sensible diet to follow.
lпfогmаl > СВ раgе 79
В She would like to try the diet.
С The diet doesn't take up much time to do.
ft Kead the exam task, Underline the
The writеr says that the vision diet phrases in the email extract that show it
А attracts uпwеlсоmе looks from other diners. is written iп ап informal style.
В recreates something that is seen in nature.
You have received ап email from уоur
С сап cause sight рrоЬlеms for people who do it. Canadian friend, Pam. Read this part of the
What suggestion does the writer make about the Aoqili soap email and then write your email to Pam.
А The diet requires considerable еffогt to do.
В The idea behind the diet is based оп proof.
l've got end of уеаr exams next week and l'm
С The people who do it deserve the consequences.
having real problems revisingl There seems
What opinion does the writer express about the cotton ball
so much to do and l can't concentrate! Не|р!
Апу ideas?
А lt is the least helpful for keeping weight down.
В lt is wrong of people to suggest it i5 worth doing, Love,

С lt is а diet that stops you fiom feeling hungry. Раm

Whеп talking about the Ьlqd чпе diet, the writer uses the
exampIe of allergies to show that
А people should Ье cautious about trying the diet.
В doctors advise using this method of losing weight,
С people with type В blood suffer the most from the diet.
I Here are some sentences from the repty.
Which sentences аrе NOT relevant?
How does the writer feel аьоut the caveman diet?
|'m not good at revising, either.
she would not like to have to avoid all hеr favourite
2 How did the exams go?
в she thinks it is а diet she would Ье able to stick to.
3 lt4ake sure you take lots of breaks.
С She is glad that restauranb provide options for сачеmап
ltЪ аgood idea to рlап а revision schedule.
dieters. 5 Fоrgеt about it. Enjoy yourselfl
6 lt sometimes helps to work with а friend.

ý Complete the sепtепGеý with the prepositions in 7 lf you want me to check your work, that's not а
the Ьох. рrоЬlеm.
l find that l concentrate best in the evenings.
from in оп to (х4) with

l'm tempted eat Some of that chocolate cake but

ý Complete phrases 1-6 with the words iп
the Ьох.Тhеп write your email, inc!uding
know l shouldnt.
all the phrases. Write 140-190 words.
2 Jed doesn't eat рrаwпs because hеЪ allergic................. them.
3 You should eat а healthy diet based _................... fresh vegetables, about don't hear idea sorry well
white meat and fruit.
Eating plenty of green, leafo vegetables can prevent you l ltЪ good to ...................,. that
gettin9 сапсеr. 2 i'm to hеаr that.
5 Vita m i ns occu r ..................... fresh, unprocessed foods. 3 Норе allgoes ... ...... ... !

6 Тоо much fat in your diet can cause damage....,............ уоur 4 That sounds а great
heart, you ..,
5 Why..............,...... ?
Соmраrеd some other food types, there is а lot of 6 Or how ... ?
irоп in red meat.
According my docto1l shou|d cut down оп the
пumЬеr ofeggs l eat.

апirпаls Ь Сts page 8ý
ffi Choose one word iп each group that does NOT fit.
1 reptile insect cat mammal
2 feathers wings fur scales
3 fins paW5 claws fish
4 Ьеаr crocodile salmon shark
5 dragonfly owl snake kingfisher

ý Decide if statements 1-10 are frue (Т) or false (F).

1 Fish use their fins to breathe.
2 Kingfishers live in the wаtеr.
3 Bears have Ьrоwп skin.
4 Owls usualIy hunt at night.
5 Dragonflies use their paws to fly,
6 salmon eat with their beaks.
7 Snakes don't have claws.
8 Reptiles сап swim, crawl and fly.
9 Ants live in |аrgе 9rоuрs.
10 Crocodiles аrе covered in fur.

ý*ýs** жъ ýr*g
Рýш|tiрlе choice Р Сý раýе 8 ý

ЖЖ Ф ] 5 Listen to part of а radio interview and answer the

1 Who is lt/ichelle?
2 Who is Rufus?


СоllаЬогаtiче task > СВ page 8З

П О 16 Listen to the ехаmiпеrЪ instructions

and complete the task.

Here аrе some things (1) ..................... сап do to help

the environment. Talk to each other about
(2) ..................... these things can help the
environment. Now you have а minute to decide
which is the most (3) .

Е О 17 Complete the extract from the

conversation with the words in the Ьох.
тhеп listen and check.

а9аiп know mean (х2) right say

saying understand
А: So,we have to (1) ... ... ......... how these things сап
help the епчirопmепt ls thtl(2)..................... ? ý Matcb questions 1-5 with the сапdidаtеЪ
answers А-Е.
В: ОК, well,obviously recycling your rubbish is really
imроrtапt. lt helps because then we don't put so 1 Do you do апу of these things оr know someone who
much stufг into landfill sites. does?
А: What do you (3) ,'landfill'? 2 Do you think governments should do mоrе to help the
В: That's what they call those great big rubbish dumps
iп the countryside. You (4) ....................., the rubbish 3 ls the climate iп your country changing а lot? How?
Stays there for ages.
А: ОК. Yeah - we reuse things and don't have to use should schools teach children about the епчirопmепt
energy and new materials to make things from when they are чеrу young? Why/Why not?
scratch. Do you think it's too late for us to do anything about
В: You (5) - like clothes and things? environmental problems? Why/Why not? .......... .. ..
А: Exactly. What about the food for birds? Do you think iS. We get а lot more rаiп than we used to. Also,
Actually it
that's very helpful? we've had some vеrу cold winters recently.
В: Well, yes. Because with climate change а lot of bird that people
No. ТhеrеЪ а lot we сап do. The рrоЬlеm is
species аrе dying out. don't like changing their habits!
А: Sorry, l don't (6) ,...,...,....,....,..
А friend of miпе has bought ап electric саr but at the
В: 5ometimes the winters аrе harder and they can't moment there aren't mапу places he сап charge itl So, he
find food, or the summers are hotter and they don't can't travei very far.
get епоU9h Water.
Definitely. Because people like you and me can't do а lot.
А: So, аrеyou (7) that itЗ mоrе important to Тhеrе need to Ье big changes.
feed birds than rесусlе rubbish? l think so. lп my соuпtrу they do. And also even before
В: No, l'm just pointing out that а lot of our wildlife is they start. tiЛу young sister had some books about things
having а bad time and itЪ good to help, don't you like rесусliпg before she started school!
А: Could you say that (8)....,...........,....?

В: ltЪ good to help ...

А: Sоrrу, l meant the bit about the wildlife.

Gapp*d text & СВ pages 84-85
тнЕ HERD call mу mum" he says.
As with humап adoptions, the
еаrlу days wеrе
Read ап article about а famous
conservationist who adopted а herd Anthony, like mапу раrепts who
Теп years аg0, the
of eIephants. What did he learn have to deal with difficult kids,
сOпSаrVаtioпiSt Lаwrепс0 would trу to регsuаdе them not
from the eIephants?
Дпthопу adopted sеvеп wi]d to behave badly. 'I'd go down to
elephants iл South Дfriоа. the fence and I'd beg Nапа поt to
Read the article again. Six sentences
Lаwгепсе Апthопу геmеmЬегs break it down,' he says. 'I kпеw
have Ьееп removed from the article. She didn't uпdеrstапd English,
you have to choose from sentences the mоmепt he met his rеаdу-
made family fоr the fiгst time. but I hoped she'd uпdегstапd
A-G the опе which best fits each try the tone of mу voice and mу
'They wеrе а difficult gгоuр, по
gap. There is опе extra sentence
question about it,' he says. 'Vегу body language what I was saying.
which you do not need to чsе.
naughty. But I could see а lot of Eýij-] Then she put hеr tгuпk
А А few years later, when Anthc-_, _. ',s_ good in them too. They'd had а through the fепсе tоwагds me.
grandchild, Еthап, was Ьо,г -= ] ] ^=
tough time and wеrе all sсагеd I knew she wanted to touch mе
same. and yet they wеге looking after - elephants аге tгеmепdоuslу
And not just а normal he,d с'i:.^э.rтS, опе апоthег, tгуiпg to ргоtесt tactile, they use touch all the
but а noLorious, wild hеrо ,-, ^;; :э-sеd опе апоthеr.' time to show сопсеrп and love.
damage to huge areas of Кра-- --\atal in That WaS а turпiпg Doint.'
South Africa. Fгоm the way he talks, you might
think that he was talking about Today, the Апthопуs аrе so
с But also, he had по idea .la_ э ;,э-э of
рrоЬlеm children; in fact, itЪ close to thеir elephants that
t,oublesome elephants ,,.: - : .=,:, i,m а
lot about family love and с.. __.
а hеrd of elephants. ГГГl occasionally they have almost
Fагmегs Wеrе поW thгеаtепiпg had to chase them out of the
D ln spite of this, the you^o : :: - j-: j I,еаi
to Shooi them. 'I WaS thеiг only sitting rооm! Anthony has always
the older ones with rеsр€:. ., ] :,./е.
hope,' says Anthony, 59. 'There believed thai if he геsресtеd
And one morning, insteac э'_,_,
out, she just Stood the,:.
to get
wеrе seven of them in all, them, they would rеsресt him.
including babies and а teenage When Nana's sоп, Mr,ula was
Ечеrу mоrпiпg, the elepha- _s ,,,;-1d try to
Son. But the pгevious оwпег Ьогп, she Ьгоught the ЬаЬу to
break out оГ the compo-- : .,. -=,. they
had had enough оf them - they'd Anthony. She wanted to show
were living.
smashed their way thгough ечегу him to the mап who she поw
G Angry elephants сап Ье,,,е,_, ]..9erou5 fепсе he had.' сопsidегеd рагt of hег family.
animals if they don t llke i g -.
Anthony knew dealing with ГýГ_l 'Mind you,' he says
elephants like this was riskу. with а laugh, 'mу dаughtег-iп-
Complete the sentences with the law didn't talk to mе fоr а long
underlined words in the artjcle. ГЕГ__l Вut when ап elephant-
wеlfаге organisation spoke to time аftегwагds. Тhеге I was,
The animals have а ife r,vhen thеrе them, Апthопу, а rеsресtеd holding hеr tiny ЬаЬу, walking
is по rаiп for months.
conseгvationist, knew he couldn't tоwаrds а hеrd of wild elephants.
Someone the glass ln the window rеfusе. The elephants wеге so excited -
to break into оur house. their trunks went straight uр and
Today he says that he had печег
When my dad qot а job оп tne nature they all саmе сlоsеr, completely
imagined the iob would Ье so focused оп the little child in mу
magazine it WaS а in his саrееr
hагd. 'It's been а huпdrеd timеs
lt's important fоr children to their агms, sniffing the аir to get the
hагdег than I'd thought,' he smell. I was tгusting them with
teachers. 'The саге these
says. Гý]Г__l my ЬаЬу, just as they had trustеd
The survey produced some,....,.,...,...,.., resu]ts elephants hаче fог each оthеr
that по one had predicted. me with thеiгs.'
is astounding,' he says. Frоm
l'll . .
mу раrепts to let me go on the stагt, Anthony considered Adopting а hегd of wild elephants
holiday to Аfriса with my best friend. the elephants раrt оf his family. wаs ргоьаьlу the biggest гisk
'we called the oldest mоthеr Anthony ечег took, but, it, worked.
Nапа, because that'S What all the Не is поw as muсh а рагt of thеiг
children in the Anthony family family as they аге of his.



Grammar ý Го, sentences 1-6, complete the second

sentence so that it has а similar meaning to
causative hoye > СВ page 86
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use
fl Complete the second sentence so that it has а
between two and five words including the
similar mеапiпg to the first. Use the causative
word given.
Ехаmрlе: The town council have decided they пееd to
ЕхоmрIе: We built а new shed for оur garden tools.
provide more recycling bins,
We had а пеw shed builtfor our gаrdеп tools.
We have made оur garden into а habitat for butterflies. The town council have decided that mоrе
We ........................ ... into а habitat for rесчсliпо lэiпs пееd to Ье provide-d .
Теrrу washed his саr at the carwash.
We've replaced оur old windows with double glazin9.
We ........................ ,.. with double glazing.
We installed а solar рапеl оп our roof.
теrrч at the carwash.

We.....................,... .. оп our roof. I didn't mеап to break the window - it was ап accident
We fitted some curtains that keep in the heat. PURPoSE
We....................... ... that keep in the heat. l broke the window Ьу accident - l didn't
We're going to make some of our lawn into а The hurriсапе caused а lot of damage to buildings
vegetable patch. around the city.
We........................ ... into а výgetable patch.
We replaced оur coal fire with а wood burner. А lot of damage ..,..................... to buildings
We .. ,.. with а wood Ьurпеr.
around the city.
Rainwater has collected in а tub iп mу garden. ltЗ
Use of English completely full.

key word trапsfогmаtiопs > СВ ра8е 87 UP

Rainwater...... а tub in my garden.
fl Complete the sentences with the prepositions |'ve noticed changes iп the weather over the last few
iп the Ьох. уеаr5.
about after for of (х3) оп with Тhеrе in the weather over the
last few years.
l think itЪ important to look,..... ..... ..... оur local
|'m not sure about the idea of keeping а pet dog iп а
епчirопmепt for the people who live here.
busy town.
Poor little dogl НеЪ in desperate need ......... ........ а drink
after that lопg walk iп the heat.
We should take advantage......,........,..... new energy-saving
l don't know. good idea to
keep а pet dog in а busy town.
lt is necessary to fiпd new ways to reduce our епеrgу
Local residents аrе .................. bad terms with the council
fоr not col|ecting their rubbish.
Ted is passionate................... making his town а 9rеепеr
place. We...... ...............,. ... пеW WayS to reduce our
епеr9у U5age.
Climate change isn't going to Ье good .,................. mапу
animals. We сап reduce air pollution iп cities Ьу changing to
electric cars.
Oh! l can't use the snack machine - it's out
order. вЕ
ТhеrеЪ по point in getting аппоуеd me, Air pollution in cities .. ................ ... Ьу
ТhеrеЪ nothing l сап do to change things! changing to electric cars.

А,rt}сlе Р С3 page 88

hеrе's an animal that I Grеу squirrels, not native t0

lп Раrt 2 of the exam, you may have the
геаIlу love and sadly it the uk, somehow crossed
choice to write an article.This is usually for а
is quickly disappearing the Atlantic frоm поrthеrп
magazine, newspaper оr website. lt should
Ггоm оur аrеа. This is а Аmеriсап in the nineteenth
Ье interesting for the rеаdеr and include
opinions and comments. vеrу pretty and сlечеr animal century, Because they аrе
that we used to see all очеr the bigger and strопgеr than the
UK. Now we can only see it iп геds, they take all the food
. Try to use а catchy title and interest the а few protected places, such and the rеd squirrеls can't
reader Ьу asking а direct question, as the Isle of Wight and some survive in the same аrеа. The
. ltЪ qood to add some humour and уо.
parts of Scotland. This animal grеуs аrе pushing them out!
сап use an informal style.
. RеmеmЬеr to divide уоur article iпtс сiэаl
is the rеd squirrеl. This is а rеаl shame.
So, why is this beautiful Unfoгtunately, we аrе losing
animal disappearing? Аrе mапу animal and рlапt
humans destroying its species because of unwanted
Read the exam task and the article. habitats? Аrе we hunting it fоr invaders frоm other parts of
Which points do you think the food? 0г is it регhарs because the wоrld. Perhaps people
writer would Ье wrong to include? of the changing climate? The should not Ье the only ones
You have seen the followi^c ,J: апswеr to all these questions is to have passports and
tЁ п an
internationaI паturе maQaz;-:. nol Red Squiгrеls аrе dying out security checks when they
because of а сlечеr iпчаdеr. епtеr the countryl

Anima!s iп dапgеr!
write ап аrtiсlе about ап
endangered апimаl in уочr Find these words iп the article that show the writеrъ use
area or country, saying why of а range of vocabulary.
it is endangered. We shall 1 two adverbs that show the writеrЪ opinion
publish the best three in пехt
2 four adjectives to describe the rеd squirrels
month's magazine.
3 four adjectlves to describe the 9rey squirrels

Write уоur article in 140-190

4 two phrasal verbs
",,ords. 5 а vеrЬ that mеапs'mапаgе to live'
whether it's good to кее, _:esa animals
6 а vеrь that mеапs thase'
а noun that means'place whеrе ап animal lives'
2 how many animals:l^:,: ,,: ст 7
8 а поuп that means'uninvited visitor'
а detailed descripticn э'э :ап-lэаigп to
save the апimаl
4 reasons fоr the апimаlЪ рrсэ]епrs
Are these alternatives for parts of the article better than
those used Ьу the writer?
5 their own opinion abou. .he s,iuation
1 Title:The Red Squirrel
Read the article again апd answer 2 Орепiпg sentence: The red squirrel is а beautiful animal which
the questions. саппоt Ье seen very often in our аrеа today.
Opening - second paragraph:The red squirrel is not in dап9еr
1 which animal is mentioned?
because of climate change оr because humans аrе destroying its
2 Why is it endangered?
з What is the writеrЪ opinion?
Opening - fiпаl paragraph: lп my орiпiоп, the red squirrel will Ье

Read the exam task again. Make notes and write your
own article iп 140-190 words.

Sentence completion } СВ page 90

П О 18 Listen to Lottie talking about the design of future

homes and answer the questions.
1 Who is she tаlkiпg to?
2 What has she done?

Е О 18 Listen again. For questions 1-10, complete the

According to Lottie, the building materials of the future will соре with
difficult conditions.
2 Lottie thinks that each home will eventually Ье equipped with а ..... .. ......

mасhiпе to deal with waste,

3 Lottie says supermarkets wilI become mоrе conscious of the quantity of
.......... .. they use.
4 Lottie has designed а ...............,...,. which will reduce the amount of laundry
that needs to Ье done.
5 Lottie is currently designing а new kind of ..,..... .. .. .. that will clean itself.
6 А device that recognises..................... will solve problems of household
7 Lottie is рагtiсulаrlу proud of а piece of equipment that contains а
that she has designed.
8 Lottie believes we'|| avoid makin9 meals Ьу choosing а .................,... and
instructing а special pot to cook it for us.
9 Whеп our food supplies are ruппiпg out, Lottie says our willbe
able to place оrdеrs fоr mоrе,
10 Wearing а special will help family members to relax at home

соmрutегS > СВ page ? l
[ СЬооr" the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
1 l bought а second рiпtеr/mопitоr so that l could use two screens while
|'m working.
2 The letter Е is the опе that is used most often оп people's screens/
3 lt took а long time to install the new software/passwords on my
4 lr/y applicotion/avatar iп the role play game is tall with dark hair and is
very athletic,
5 l know l shouldn't but l have to write down mypcsswords/titles or lforget
6 l enclosed/ottached the file to my email but for some rеаsоп it didn't

Ёiý Complete the sentences from а computer ffi Complete the dialogue with the future perfect
manual with the correct form of the verbs in or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
the Ьох. Rob: What do you think you (1) ........ (do)
this time next уеа1 Gina?
bring Click crash Download enter Log Gina: Well, bythen l (2) . . (fiпish)
lose print save Scroll mу final exams, so l think l (3) ......................

(celebrate)|l(4)........................ (епjоу)mу
holidayand l(5) . (sunbothe)
on а beach somewhere hot. What about you,
Yоu must the changes to уоuг Rob: Well, I've just finished my оwп studies, so

document ог all уоuг пеw wогk. hope Ьу next June l (6) ........................ ..,..,,..,,....,,.. (fi пф
е оп'file' апd ..........,....,...., uр thе mепu. а decent job.ltl'm lucky,l(7)
(есrл) lots of money апd l (8)
з down the list of websites апd find the (buy) myself а car!
most useful опе. Gina: Fingers crossed, then!
4 опtо чоUг соmоutег bv а
раsswогd. Жр*tжý<Ёmg
El the iпfогmаtiоп fгоm the iпtегпеt and ý**sлg turп & €е раýе 93
thеп vou сап it out.
Б lf уоuг соmрutег frou сап sometimes ffi looK at the pictures and some comments
гесоvег data fгоm the hагd dгiче. students made. Complete their phrases with
the words in the Ьох.

call exact gопе rеmеmЬеr thing

*;] ;"д;-:"t Еreзаý,

futuге регfесt and continuous He's wеаriпg а ..., what do you it? When the
jacket and trousers аrе the same.
}- Се раgе 92 He's standing on the ..., l сап't rеmеmЬеr the.
word. lt's where you wait fоr а train.
ýý Cboose the correct alternative to complete
Опе Ьоу is checking 5оmе notes iп а ..., sоrrу,
the sentences.
l don't . . the word.
ТhеrеЪ no way we'll Ье living/'|l have lived оп the mооп
4 lt's the..................... you keep papers and notes in at school
апу time soon.
5 The businessman has got а ..., sоrrу, itЪ . . . . ....
|'m so pleased Jоhп will Ье making/will have made
diппеr Ьу the time i get home. Не said it will Ье on the
table Waiting, so l won't have to cook.
At thiS time tomorrow l'll Ье swimming/'ll have swum iп
the hotel pool. lt'll Ье great!
|'m going to make sure mу sоп wiil Ье lеаrпiпg/wiil have
lеаrпеd lhе alphabet Ьу the time he goes to school.
He'll know all the letters.
|'m iп so much debt l'll Ье рауiпg it off/'ll have poid it off
'til l'm sixty!
l hope we1/ c/l Ье usiпg/'ll oll hove used renewable
епеrgу regularly Ьу the time оur natural resources ruп
David will Ье going/will have gопе lo the tennis club
when he finishes his homework,
The council will Ье spending/willhave sрепr its entire
budget Ьу the end of summer. They'll have nothin9

I Matcb the words A-D with comments 1-4 in Reading
Activity 1.
Multiple choice > СВ pages 94-95
А folder с suit
В platform D briefcase ]| nead the questions and text about films that
predicted the future. Underline the part of the
text where you think the answer is.
ý Пеаа the task and two students'answers.
Match comments 1-4 with answers А or В. lп the first paragraph of the text, the writer says that
Which do you think is the better answer? А films that аrе made today reflect modern society.
1 This answer describes the pictures only. В science fiction films weren't very good iп the past.
2 This answer says why the people are travelling. С he thinks old sci-fi films аrе amusing to watch.
з This answer says why the people are using D some old films guessed the future correctly.
laptops. When talking about FоrЬiddеп Рlапеt, the writer makes
4 This answer соmраrеs the pictures. the point that
А the characters in the film were the first to use
Your pictures show people using laptops while travelling. modern mobiles,
Соmраrе the pictures and say why you think the people
are using the laptops while they аrе travelling.
В it is unfortunate that the filmЪ predictions didn't
соmе trUe.

А: The mап in the first picture is at а station. НеЗ waiting

С the film made predictions that didn't соmе true for
а long time.
for а train. ltЪ quite а пiсе day - at ]east, it isn't raining!
ln the background l сап see а trаiЁrлhiсh is coming D the film helped to Ьriпg about the progress of
to the station. He's soon going to get оп it. l think he technology.
looks like а businessman because hеЪ wearing а suit What does the writеr say when talking about Ihе
and hеЪ got а briefcase. Не probably prefers to travel тrчmап show?
Ьу trаiп because itЪ better than Sitting in а traffic jam А lt was unlike апу other film that had Ьееп made
iп his car. lп the second picture, the two boys аrе about realityTV.
already оп the train. They're probably going to school
or college or maybe they're соmiпg home. lthink itЪ
в lts mаiп character was uпаwаrе of the role he was
summer because опе Ьоу is wearing а Т-shiп апd
hеЪ got sunglasses. I think they like travelling on the С People are mоrе interested iп celebrities then they
train. They probably do it every day. They сап do their should Ье.
homework together. D People who take part in realityTV shows аrе keen
В: All the people in the pictures are travelling. The mап to become famous.
оп the platform is waiting for а train whereas the boys What does observes mеап iп liпе 58?
аrе аlrеаdу оп the train and probably travelling to А wants В notices С cares D ignores
school.The mап at the station looks like а businessman
When talking аЬочt Minority Report, the writer says that
- hеЪ got а black briefcase - and hеЪ using his laptop
while hеЪ waiting. l imаgiпе that he has а lot of А we аrе already experiencing similar technology to
work to do and he can't waste а minute. Не might that seen in the film.
Ье contacting his clients, оr he could Ье reading his В the main character is confused Ьу what he sees in
emails and рlаппiпg his day,The boys, оп the other the shopping centre.
hand, аrе probably working together to do some С it is likely that all the filmЪ predictions will
homework, or perhaps prepare for а test. Nопе of the eventually come true.
people look very stressed so l think this is part of their
поrmаl routine and they haven't got а big рrоЬlеm. ltЪ
D he doesn't like being exploited Ьу advertising
good to travel Ьу train because then you сап use your
ln the final paragraph, the writer expresses the орiпiоп
laptop to catch up оп things.
А we are all worried about what will happen in the
Р Wbicb do you think is the best follow-up
question for this task?
В we аrе unlikely to do certain things that have been
1 Do you like wearing а suit? П suggested.
2 Do you enjoy travelling Ьу train? П с we will continue to see inventive ideas iп films.
3 Do you often use а laptop while you're travelling? П D we are eager to believe the fantasies we are sold iп

Read the article again and answer the questions iп Activity 'l . Fоr questions 1-6,
choose the answer (А, в, С or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

|.||| :-..
M9PdýLýT ýтлtjт ,"}ii,. ,,iДЁlо wlrK!ru!*M
t0 take рагt iп them, the ShOWS
геflесt sOciety's сuггепt fascinaiion
with сеlеЬгitу.

It might have been an interesting

idea to make а film about somеопе's
day-to_day life in 199В, but these
days we can't tuгп оп the TV
Without seeing yet апOthег Wеiгd
and wonderful чегsiоп of геаlitу
on shows like Blg Brother or Rea]
ýоmФф Ё* Е. бiпJ. Housewives. Audiences, it seems,
.u' orprkd Ь йsiоry.
iuSt, Can'l, get enough Of them. It
ý#*э:..lri;:tiij sееms they аrе hеге t0 Stay - fог the
fогеsееаьlе futuге, at least.

Апоthег sci-fifilm, this time а bit

mOге гесепt, is Мiпоritу Report,
which саmе out in 2002. While most
0f the film'S pгedictions haven't
сOmе tгuе (yet), in one scene of this
рOрulаг film, the main сhагасtег is
seen walking thгOugh а shopping
mall whеге his eyes аге scanned
Ьу 3D sсгеепs. As he looks аrоuпd
him, he оьsеrчеs that the аdчегts 5в
he sees оп the sсrеепs аге diгесtlу
aimed at, him - sсrеепs even call
his name to аttгасt his attention,
which they eventually get. It'S
сегtаiпlу а stгапgе scene but аге
we аlrеаdу halfway thеrе? Think
about when you use the iпtегпеt t0
sеагсh fоr someihing. If you often
As humans we аге obsessed with the with them, much like we do with Our ]ook up books, fог example, you'll
futuгe and this is геflесtеd in films mobile phones today. This was 0пе SOOn Start seeing аdчегts рOр up оп
which predict what, futuге society prediction that саmе well ahead of
уOuг sсгееп fог пеw titles because
and technology will Ье like. It's eas1 itS time - it tOOk апOthег fогtу уеагs уOuг сOmрutеr Saves уоuг sеагсhеs.
enough to laugh at old sci-fi films but ЬеfOге the use of mobile phones The film was actually set in 2054, s0
mапу contained details which ргоr,еd Ьесаmе widespгead. perhaps Ьу then some of the film'S
to Ье an ассuгаtе ргеdiсtiоп of life to
Iп 199В, when Tfiе Тrumап Show other pгedictions, like сгimеs being
сOmе. Let's take а quick look at опе
was геlеаsеd, thеrе wеге чеrу ргечепtеd Ьеfоге they happen, might
ог two frоm the last few decacles. have соmе truе.
few TV геаlitу shows агоuпd. This
Forbidden Р]апеt, а science fiction film follows the life of iпsurапсе Have we seen it all поw? I doubt it.
film released in 1956, was the fiгst salesman, Тгumап Вuгьапk, who Iпtегеstеd as we аге in technological
film that was set, in space anсl was does поt at fiгst геаlisе that he is advances and оuг own реrsопаl
one of the fiгst of the mоdегп sci-fi the focus of а геаlitу TV show which futuгes, I'm suге thеге iS plenty yet
films that predicted life iп the futuге. is Ьгоаdсаst to mil]ions of people t0 сOmе fгоm the imaginative mincls
The film's сhагасtегs wеге shown агоuпd the world. These days, TV is of sci-fi sсriрtwгitегs. And регhарs
using handhe]d'соmmuпiсаtогs' fu]i of such shows, and while - unlike living оп the mOOп isn't as fаг away
that they would саrгу ечегуwhеге TYuman - the people involved аgгее aS We think.

л^ерФг€еd ýрее€h Р СЕ раýе 9&
,l:, 61l"nn" the sentences into reported speech. |'m doing а survey about what students at my

'l As humans we аrе obsessed with the futureisays sci-fi

school hope to do in the future. So far, l've
interviewed fifty people. Here's what а few of
director, Кеп smithies.
them said:

'lt took forty years before the use of mobiIe phones Judie, 14: 'We|l, l've Ьееп taking ballet classes
brecame widespreadi he said. since l was five and l always wanted to
Ье а professional dancer. The problem
'ТV reaIity shows rеflесt sосiеtуЪ fascination with is l've grown too tallto become а ballet
ceIebrityi said the rероrtеr. dance1 so l'm going to teach it instead.'
Miche!, 'l5: 'I'm going to Ье а footballer! l've
'lИost of the film's predictions haven't соmе true yeti
a|ready Ьееп asked to sign for а
reports Кеп.
professional youth team and l'll start
training soon!'
'Do we really want to meSS with our minds?'the
scientist asked. Sonia, 'l3: 'l don't know what l want to do yet.
l like maths апd science, so l might
Ьесоmе а scientist.'
'|'m sure there is still plenty to сопЁ frоm the
imaginations of scriptwritersishe told mе. Jared, 16: '|'m reat|y into rock climbing oubide of
schoot, so l hope to climb all the highest
mountains in the worldl'
Read the text about students'hopes for the Linda, 11: 'l've just Ьееп on а school trip to ап
future and complete the text below using airport and l'd love to Ье ап air traffic
reported speech. controIler - how exciting would that
NЛеg said that she (1).,.................. .. ... .. (do) а survеу
about what students at her school hoped to do in the
future. She said she (2) .............. ............,..(interview) fifty l'll put mу full survey on the school website next
people so far,This is what а few of them said:Judie,
week * don't forget to take а look!
whоЪ 14, said she (3) . . . ..... (гаkе) ballet
classes since she was five but she had grown too Меgап
tall to become а professional dancer. She said she
(4) ...................... ... ... . (Ье) а teacher instead. Mlichel
said he had been asked to sign fоr а professional
youth team and that he (5).,..... .. ..,.......... ... . (srаrг)
training soon. Sonia said she (6) Report these comments from three more
(поt kпоw) what she wanted to do, but she said she studentS.
might become а scientist. Jared said he Jacky: l'm рlаппiпg to take my school exams and
(7) ............... . _........ (Ье) rеаllу into rock climbing and
thеп go to college fоr three years. ld rеаllу
he hoped to climb the highest mountains in the world.
like to study Art History,
Linda said she (8) ........@о) оп а trip to
Jim: |'ve always wanted to Ье ап actor! l'll
ап аirроrt and thought Ьеiпg an аir traffic controller
would Ье exciting. lt/eg said that she would put the full рrоЬаЬlу go to drama school fоr а couple
of уеаrs and then audition for parts on
survey оп the school website and she told us to take а
Simon: l\lу dream is to Ье а racing driver - in
Formula 'l, iike Lewis Hamilton! l've Ьееп
doing а lot of karting recently and I've won
а lot of prizes, so mауЬе one day my dream
will соmе true!

Use of English
Ореп cloze > СВ page 97 Introduction
The (1) of this report is to show
I Vou are going to read ап article аЬочt the how the students at Ваrtоп College use their
future of food. scan the text. which foods in
the Ьох are mentioned? Research
А lаrgе (2) ..,......................of the students gio online
cheese insects meat rlce seaweed to do research for their homework and special
vegetables projects. Most students (3) ......................... that they
sBend severa] hours а day on their computers
for thls reason.
fi КеаО the article again and thinkof the word
which best fits each gap.
Again, most students use еmаil оr sk1l>e every
day to contact their friends оr famlly апd
тпlЕ FштUпЕоr гооЕ) about а third of students said that they use
chat rooms at least twice а week, (Д)
In апоthеr few уеаrs, йе insecБ. Kch (5) this is usually at weekends.
world's population $jill protein, йtamins and fats,
almost doubled- these ате already eaten in Garnes
{0| hа."_е
The question is, mапу countries around Fеwеr students than (5) рlау computer
(1}.....,...,. аrе we ttpworld. With food prices gameS reg:ularly. А sma11 number рlау for an
going to feed everyone? iпЪеаsiпg and а lack hour or more every day. About fifty (6)
scientists have соmе (6}_._.............. available to рlау for а few hours at the weekends.
up (2) sечеrаl land, it's possible JuSt опе or two students said that this was
bright ideas. Неrе аrе а (D _............... Ьеfоrе too thelr main use of the computer.
few of (3) lопg insect farming will Сопсlчsiоп
The first idea Ь arпficiat have Ьесоmе populaT. It (7) from the resu]_ts that computers
meat. ScientisБ believe Апd last but not least,
are mаiпlу used for study-reJ_ated activities,
they will Ье ab.le to'grov/' suреr rice. This is а variety
with short but regular time spent on
meat frоm stem сеь- of Tice that has already
communicating. ]t тпау Ье (8) ......................... carrying
lt will look and taste (8}__.._........,, deveioped
out another survey durlng holiday timе to
exactly the same, ечеп in China. Not only does it
соmраrе the resu]_ts.
(4} hasn t
.....,.....,............ it ргоduсе lots of grain, but it
соmе from ап animal- is also resistant to drought,
The second idea is eating flооф and disease.

I Matcb phrases 1-6 with the underlined

phrases in the report.
Writing 1 lt might Ье usefulto ........

Rерогt > СВ page 98 2 This report has been written to ........

3 The results seem to show

f| Кеаа the ехаm taskand the report. (omplete 4 Lots of .....,..

the report with the words iп the Ьох. 5 Ассоrdiпg to the majority of students .......,

6 Ап unexpected numberof students

aim although
арреаrs expected
number percent said worth
ý Пеаа the exam task below and write your
After а class discussion about how much people
USe computers these days, you have done а SUrvey You have done а survey ofthe students in your
in уоur school about what students use their college to find out what students use their mobile
computers for. phones for. Write а report for the college magazine
Write а report fоr the school magazine about your about your results.
resu lts. Write your rероrt iп 140-190 words.

,ж Multiple matching > СВ pages I02-103

W f|

Пеаа а magazine article about реорlеЪ favourite
performances quickly and decide if the statements are true
(Т) or folse (F).

All the people went to theatrical performances.

2 Their favourite performers were all maIe.

Р| Пеаd the article again and for questions 1-10, choose from
people A-D.The people may Ье chosen more than once.
Which person
had not expected to enjoy the performance? жl
watched а реrfоrmапсе of something made famous

Ьу another реrsоп? жг-l
knew exactly what to expect in the реrfоrmапсе? Wг__l
prefers theatre to cinema? жг__]
watched а реrfоrmапсе of fictional events? жж-l
was reminded of а family mеmЬеr? жж--_l
appreciates more than опе form of епtеrtаiпmепt?
enjoys the рrераrаtiопs before going to see а show? жг--]
has а different орiпiоп to mапу others about а particular
form of entertainment? жг__]
found а large раrt of the реrfоrmапсе amusing? ж-__l
ý Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs from
the article.
1 At the end of the show, l .................... so hard that mу hands hurt!
2 l couIdn't........... .. . mу eyes off the main actor. Не was incredible,
з l wouldn't advise апуопе to .................... through that film. lt was terrible.
4 Everyone loudly when the singer wоп the prize.
5 ltЪ nice to . .. ... ... dressed up to go to а party оr а show.
6 The actor опlу played а small part but he later..................... оп to become а
famous film star iп Hollywood.


А memorable performance!
Les Miserables in London. It's set а gTeat voice. Не went оп to win
We asked four at а particular time in Frапсе but the TV show, which was gTeat.
readers about the best the stоrу is imaginary. The show Then, foT а suTpTise Christmas
lvas paTt of а day trip and we'd pTesent, mу mum paid foT mе
реrfоrrпапсеs they'u е sееп. spent the morning going round and my best friend to go to see
the sights, so we wеrе pretty the singeTs frоm the show when
д Donna tiTed Ьч mid-afternoon, which is they went on tour. Matt sang
I love going out to the theatTe when we saw the peTformance. 'The fiTst time ever I saw youT
and I епiоч all tvpes of sholTs. It was а matinee but the theatre face', а song that Roberta Flack
from comedy to musicals and was completely full. I wasn't had sung а long time ago and I
dramas, It's the whole thing, paTticularly into the theatTe at cried. I'll never forget how much
getting dressed up and looНng that time! But that реrfоrmапсе it moved me,
forwaTd to it. Also, it's Ьгilliапt Teally changed my opinion. It was
being part of an audience. \Ъu magnificent. Fтоm the opening D }lary
can feel the atmosphere and moments of the show to the final It sounds odd but one of the most
see hоw diffeTent people геасt song - I couldn't take mу eyes off mеmоrаЬIе performances I've
to what's on the stage. Live the stage. I've been back to see seen wasn't Ьу а person but а
performances аrе so much berreT it again and again since then. I dog! It was а film made from а
than fi]m оr Т\- fоr ше. Ilhink was particularly impTessed Ьу book I had read, ca||ed Marley
one of the best реrfоrmапсеs the male singer who was the апd Me.It was а real stоrу about
I've ечеr seen \гаs during а play lead, Jean Vаljеап * his voice а journalist who gets а dog that
called SftodotL,laпds. The рlа1. is was amazingly poweTful. And at is really badly behaved. Most of
about С s Lerгis. the mап rтhо the end ечеrуопе stood up and the book is very funny but the
wTote the Narnia ЬооЬ - _vou clapped and cheered fоr ages. ending is really sad. WЪеп they
knorr,, Tlze Liоп, the \\-itch апd made the film, I knew I had to
the Wardrobe? Не fell in 1ove с Ке[[у see it but I was а bit wоrriеd
with ап AmeTican poet called А lot of people think that talent about how I'd feel at the end.
Joy Gresham but shе died quite shows оп the ТV don't really Well - the film was good, mostly
young and hе was hеап-Ьrоkеп. produce good singers but I very funny with some clever dog
Both the main characters \yere definitely don't agTee. I always acting Ьut at the end the dog
wonderful but the асtгеss choose my favourite and then I playing Marley was perfect. I'm
playTng Joy was suреrЬ. vote for them every Saturday! А not а very sensitive реrsоп and
couple of years back, mу favourite I don't normally сrу at the end of
в ]*lartin was а young male singeT called sad films but I did with this опе!
I was only а tеепаgеr - about Matt Саrdlе. I rеmеmЬеr hе I don't believe anyone could sit
fourteen, I think - when I rvent wоrе а hat and looked а bit like through that film and NOT сту.
with the family to see thе musical, mу cousin, Billy. I thought hе had It's impossible.

r-# ГJ,$,Гý't Р,-'l,r i}"Y' ;" i"i +"l;* i l i rз ýе
ге!аtiче ргапOLi}lý аrзd ге!аtiyе сlачýеs Discussion } СВ page l0ý
Р СВ раýе j.
'04 Read the exam questions and match two of

[&*t Complete the sentences with иrhо, which, that, them with the candidates'answers, А and В,
whеrе,whеп or whose. below.
1 Тhаtъ the woman asked me for directions. 1 Fеwеr people are reading books these days. Why do
ShеЪ lost. you think this is?
2 ShеЪ the girl dog rап into оur garden. 2 How imроrtапt do you think it is to read stories to а

3 This is the map will show you where your hotel is young child? Why?

4 l suppose l couId see you at 5еvеп but thаtЪ the time 3 When а film has Ьееп made from а book, do you
|'m поrmаllу having dinner. think it's better to see the film or read the book first?

5 That's the hotel we stayed оп оur hопеуmооп.

4 Мапу people read eBooks these days. Do you think
6 This is the book . . ... l bought for SuеЪ birthday.
this is а good development? Why/Why not?

travel magazine about А

$t{ Кеаа the extract from а
а Spanish festival calIed Lo Тоmаtiпо. Complete Аппа: ОК, let mе think. You knoщ l'm not really sure.
the gaps with whо, which,that,where,when or Sometimes, (1) .
me, itЪ better to rеаd

whose. the book first. ТhаtЪ (2)

l get my оwп
9 pictures in mу head about the characters. What
(3) ..................... you, Веп?

/-0%а,?оГuш Ben: to read the book. The (4) . ..... . . is

Yes, l like
that а book is not опlу about what happens, the
Story оr plot - itЪ the way it'S Written, how the
the рrizе for the реrsоп writеr makes us imagine the pictures, А film is
(5)...............,......... can reach it
without sliding back down
Аппа: l а9rее. (5) ,....,...,......,..., why l don't understand
the pole оr faЦing off. When
people who say'lt wasn't as good as the bookl
someone finally grabs the
|'m not sure we should compare them because
ham, the tomato fight begins.
they're different.
тruсks fu]l of tomatoes enter
the town square, (6) . ...........
Веп: Fоr (6).......,........,...., the Наrrу Potter books and
films. children read and loved the books but
they аrе then thrown at the
they got pleasure frоm the films fоr different
crowd. These tomatoes соmе
frоm an area of Spain called
т /гапу of us haue heard Ехtrеmаdurа, (7)............. Аппа: You know, iп my (7) that'S а special
LVl"r- La Tomatina, rfte you think that the books
they аrе grown specifically ехаmрlе. (8)
tornato-throming festiual

for the festiva1. ?he estimated and films sort of led iпtо each оthеr?
is hеИ iп Sраiп
пumьеr of tomatoes used in That's а 9ood point.
each summеr - Ьut шhаt really
gоеs оп there? Reporter Sue
is around 150,000.
the fight
After exaetly one hоuц
Кiпg tells us пюrе ...
(В)...,.......,............. shots аrе Eva: Wow! l feel very (1) ..............,....,, about this. l think
La Тоrпаtiпа is а celebration fired frоm water cannons, itЪ very important fоr parents to rеаd to their
(2) ........................ people take part the fi,ght ends. The square children. lt helps their imaginations to grow.
in the world's largest tomato (9)...,...........,......... the fight has When l was young, my mum read to me every
fight. It takes place on the taken place is then washed night and l looked forward to it а lot.
Iast Wednesday of August, down and the participants, (2) ...................., do you feel about it, Jack?

(3)......................... it starts with (10)........,......,...,..... bodies and Jack l couldn't agree mоrе, lt also helps the
t]ne palo jаmбп. The aim of faces аrе now covered relationship between раrепt and child. l
this fun activity is to climb to in tomato paste, аrе also (З) .....,......... .. that because Sometimes itЪ the опlу
the top of а pole (4)...,....,.......,.....,.. provided with water to clean time iп the day that they have the chance to
is covered in slippery grease. themselves up. See уоu there have time together. But уоu'rе right. Reading
The leg of ham on top is next уеаr?! (4)..,.................. this helps chiIdren iп so mапу ways.

(5) ехаmрlе, my dad used to read me

adventure stories апd l loved them so much l

couldn't wait to lеаrп to read myself.

62 Eva: And you haven't stopped since! He's always got
his head in а book!
Е О 19 Complete the discussions with the You очеrhеаr two people talking about
recommending ап English book. What type of book is
words in the Ьох. Тhеп listen and check.
the mап going to rесоmmепd?
А а children's book
А about because Don't for instance
В а book for English lеаrпеrs
орiпiоп reason ТhаtЪ
с а detective novel
В For How like say strongly You hear а mап talking оп а radio show about buying
books опliпе. What рrоЬlеm did he have with опliпе

ý Unaerline phrases in the dialogues in Activity buying?

1 that are used to А he was overcharged

1 ask for opinions.

В he was sent the wrong book

2 give opinions, с а book arrived in bad condition

3 give reasons and examples.

Listening агts and сultчге }, СВ page l07
Multiple choice > СВ page l06
[ Пеаа the clues to complete the crossword
puzzle and find the word for 13 down.
Е О 2О Listen to peopletalking in eight
situations. For questiom,1-8, choose the best 1 the lines of а play
answer,&BorC. 2 а large grоuр of people playing instruments

Yоu hear а mап and а woman talking about а play. 3 а long story
Why does the mап apologise? 4 а practice fоr а play оr concert
А he missed the show completely 5 а part ofa book
В he forgot it started yesterday 6 а реrsоп who plays music
С he hasnt bought а ticket yet 7 а person in а book, film or play
You hеаr мо friends talklng about an art exhibition. 8 а реrsоп who paints pictures
where was the exhibition? 9 а реrsоп who directs а grоuр of people playing
А iп а hotel В in а gаllеrу С iп а road instruments
you hear some travel information оп the radio. what l0 when actors, singers оr musicians compete to get а
does the presenter wаrп people about? part iп а show
А There аrе delays to flights frоm Bournemouth. 1 1 the story оf а book оr film
В There is а lot of tвffic going to а саr festival. 12 actors need to learn these for а play or film
с Drivers won't М able to use опе of the roads. 1з
You hеаr а mап and а wоmап talking about а meal
they had together. Why did the mап have а bad
А he ate too much
В he's allergic to опе type of fish
с the fish wasn't fresh
You hear а mап leave а voicemail message. Why is he
leaving the message?
А to make а suggestion
В to make а request
С to make ап arrangement
You hеаr а mап and а wоmап talking about а
sculpture exhibition. How does the woman feel?
А she regrets not going to the exhibition
в she admires the town the exhibition was in
С she dislikes long journeys outside London
f, Complete the sentences with words from
Activity 1.
|'ve lost mу..................... fоr the new play wе'rе doing in
drаmа club. Сап l borrow yours?
|'m English, апd l get а bit frustrated with the ideas
The.................... of the film is very complicated and l got people from other countries have about British food.
confused towards the end. Lots of visitors to (1) .............__,..... England end up
Оur school is going to play iп а concert on TV going to fast food restaurants or eat iп cheap places
next month. where (2) food isn't particularly good
l rеаd the first thrее ofthe book but then l got and then complain about it, l admit that in the past
bored and didn't finish it, our meals weren't very exciting - lots of meat and
The main iп Rоmео опd Juliet аrе frоm two potatoes, оr greasy fish and chips. But these days
families. we eat cuisine from all очеr (3) world. l
bet you didn't know that (4) most popular
Ruth Rendell writes excellent detective
dish in Britain is actually (5) . . . dish called
7 Janet is а very talented.. ...............,.. She plays the violin Tikka Мшаlа from (6) lndia! lt contains
lots of tasф ingredients like (7) cream and
8 We've had five..........,... ..forthe play but lstilldon't spices and chicken. ltalian .ý.];.**l
know all my .. .. .. .. ... food is popular too - you -
don't hаче to go far to
Grаmmаr find (8) excellent
restaurant serving up
аrtiсýеs } СВ ра8е l0ý everything from
(9)............ pasta to
ý Complete the sentences with с, an,the or - seafood. But there are
(no article). опе or two traditional
ТiпаЪ going to live in
Monte Carlo for а уеаr - English meals that ечеп
she's really looking forward to it.
people who aren't British
love. How сап you beat
2 l saw................... brilliant film last night!
(10)......,.....__.._... big p|ateful of Ьасоп, eggs,
3 Sue had headache yesterday so she didn't go sausages and tomatoes for breakfast, or some
to Mick's party. party was 9reat fun, so it's а
...............,... delicious roast beef for lunch?
pity she missed it.
Hotpot is а dish frоm North West England made from
potatoes and lamb.
|'m not usually into football but . .... match l saw
Ыsе of Жngýish
last night was really exciting. Murltiple-choice cýoze Р СВ раgе !09
Dan's going to North Pole next summer - how

exciting is that?l СЬооr" the correct alternative to complete

7 That's............... . best play l've ечеr seen. the sentences.
8 The tоwпъ annual music festival will Ье held in l made/d|d so many mistakes in my Gеrmап homework
Вrоwп Street this уеаr. that my teacher said l had lo do/make it again.
This is ... .. .. third time StасуЪ Ьееп to Scotland, Jed's done/made а |ot оf mопеу Ьу working really hаrd.

She's USA and she loves it here. He's rеаllу mаkiпg/dоiпg his best iп his job.
10 Jim's....... ... instructorata golf course. ldid/made Ahmed а favour Ьу dоiпg/mаkiпg his
project fоr him but we got into trouble at school.

ý Complete the text about British food with а, Steve hates Peter because hеЪ always mаkiпg/dоiпg
ап, the оr - (no article). trouble. ltold him lo do/make ап excuse and walk
away whenever he tries to talk to him.
You've gotto do/make the most of whatever situation
you find yourself iп.ТhеrеЪ по point just doing/making
а wish and hoping it will all go away.

The people outside were doing/making so much noise

that l couldn't moke/do the test properly.

l Read the article а9аiп. Fоr questions 1-8, decide
which answer (А, В, С or D), best fits each gap.There
is ап example at the Ьеgiппiпg (0).
hп оаву choieo!
',у;;,:у: ::;;i;,:i :::,::i::,
Вrеоkiпg о leg
(3) . .. .....,,.....

Shakespeaгe's Mccberh. ActoБ

,the Scottish
|'m going to Ье diffеrепt апd go fоr а writer

is good luck! ате (4) .. ... ..... something

апоthег соuпtry, who l thiпk
the wоrld! Му choice iэ Willram бhаКеьреаrе,
wab the bebt writеr iп

unpleasant wi1l оссuг lf they

eli, that's what they
say the паmе of the рlау in
say in the theatle, at Аs we all Кпоw,6hаКоьреаrо hе
wab Onglibh апd
the theatre. Тhеге are several
(0) ....... . Асtоrs often wrоtе а lot о{ playb апd роеm5 in the ьiлlаепth
possible (5) .. Гог This 1ll.
сепlury, Ne dоп't кпоw а lot about hib li{e but hib
wish each other good luck Ьу ',.
supeгstiilon. One is that there ,

saying 'Вrеаk а leg'before they

(1) . . ше а lot of sword (6)
g0 0n stage and ..,....... 0п
opening nlghts. They believe that
lrr the play - and the mоrе
they аге pгactised, the mоге they?
it's bcd luck to say 'Good 1uck'
(7) ............. it is thеге will Ье
but по опе геаIIу kлоws why! сhоьеп
'{hеrе аrе ьечегаl геаьопь that
(8) I have
tiпe };.
Апоthег theatrlcal ал injury. Апоthеr ., .........
Ьhаkеьреаго. Firbtly, although he wroto а lопg
suрегstltiоп (а belief that а i5 йаt the асlог who WaS goin8
ceпain action wi]l (2) . to play Macbeth 1п the fiгst ечег ago,hib рlауь аге b]ill rеlеvапt now. We сап btill
....,. ,

in something bad happeningt регfоrmапсе died shortly Ьеfоге lеаrп {rоп lhem about humап паturе, бесопdlу, hе

is that асtогs should not n О"-rr,r'r.,,,r,,,,.,,i;a.i]:.]r]..i.].|]]::i:]]:;:] gave the anglibh lапguаgо ап опоrmоuь аmоuпt ol
].]:]]]1:]1:i:i]':]]|i:]::l..]]]]]::]i:]:l]:]::]ll,].. ti

0 А least В эs_ С опсе D most l liпd it аmаъiпg that реорlе iп lndia, traq and Naw
1 Аrеаllу Вс:="'.э; Сabsolutely Despecially Lealand all love апd perlorm бhаКеьроаrе. Не ьеепь ii
2 А start В :,э: -с: С result D take place
to ьроаК to all people frоm all ЬасКgrоuпdв, апd

з А mention В :эsеr,.,с С notice D tell

4 А believed В -l..ler.:eC С convinced D proved ,,.,,]::]::,:::,:: .,.,,*::,':,::.,'::::,',,.'''.,,'**.,,,'*,ý.
5 А causes В expia-al:icns С accounts D rероrts
6 А piays В э,э-r-:n-s С struggles D fights
7 А likeiy В p,:ss э,, С suitably D clearly
William SЪakes7eare
; 8 А instruction В асо.сэ-^ С advice D suggestion I bave сьоrеп williап sbakes7eare as mу
lavourile Wrifer. Не is поtlrоm mу couatry
bul lrom апоtьеr.I thiпk Ье wds |hе best
writer iп tbe wоrlд.
Ar*icýe > СВ page l l0 Sbakespeare wa' lrom Еп9lапJ. People
all overlbeworllknow bis plays апД
Read the exam task and the two candidates'answers. poe-s. However, We До not hаче а lol о{
Both are grammatically correct but one is а better iпf оrmоtiоп abovt bis оwл lite.
answer than the other. which опе? Think about these
Shakes7eare'5 plays are importaлtlor people
tоДау.ТЬеу are aboul Ьumап natvre аоД
everyoлe сап learq sоmеlЬiлg f rоm tЬеm.
length opening sentence rапgе of vосаЬulаrу tle invenfeJ а lot о{ леw wоrd, wbicb Ьdче
structure title Ьесоmе 7arl о{ lbe ЕпglisЬlапgчаgе.

l1e is -у lov о u rite w rite r Ье са ч se l ots ol

You have seen the following аппоuпсегпепt in ап
7eo7le lro- Дi#еrепt сочпtriе, like bi'
iпtеrпаtiопаl ma9azine.
Work. |]е is really iпfеrпаtiопаl.
We are going to publish а series of articles about great writers or artists

frоm around the world. Who is your favourite writer, painter, musician,
etc.? Send us your article and we'll include the best ones in the series.

Write your оwп апswеr to the task iп

Write уоur article.
Activity 1.

,ýr9 :иаtсhiпg М Сý
Mulrinl* gзаg* * *2

Listen to five people talkin9 about moving to а new

home. Which speakers live in а house and which in а flat?

Listen again. Fоr questions 1-5, decide from the list

(А-Н) what each speaker dislikes about his/her пеw home.
There are three extra Ietters you do not need to чsе.
А the tvay the bul ding is heated
в space to stоrе things
Speaker ] Г l
the flоог соvеriпg
Sреаkег2 Г -l
D the small gаrdеп
Speaker З Г'--l
Е the mоdеrп gadgets
Speaker 4 Гl
F the view
Speaker5 Г l
G the countryside surroundings
н the lack of privacy

{ashi*n alз*J d*siсr-з & Ёж *ас* } ýЗ

Choose опе word in each grоuр that does NOT fit.

1 baggy fitted leather sho"t-sleeved Li9hr
2 cotton fur plain silk velvet
З checked flowery loose spotted strlped

Choose the correct alternative to compIete the sentences.

Реорlе in cold countries often wear саttоп/fur clothes to keep them
2 This shirt istoo tight/loose, l сап hardly Ьгеаthеl
3 You'll пееd а stlk/kather 1acket if you go on Jim's motorbike.
4 l used to wear red and white ploin/striped pyjamas when ] was а child.

5 l don't 1ike |he material/shcpe of thls dress - it's too thin.

6 lп the hot weather you'll need to have sоmе fitted/shorr-sleeyedT shirts

adjective огdеr You might have left it iп the kitchen. l think l saw it
there еаrliеr.

ý But the adjectives in brackets in the correct Well, they might Ье closed for the day. Have you
checked the орепiпg times?
order to complete the sentences.
The bride wоrе а (white, silk, с Рооr you!You must Ье so disappointed.

lопg) wedding dress. D she must Ье exhausted.

NЛу mum hated my пеw....,................, Е She must know а lot about the subject.
(!eather, tight, black) trousers, F That can't Ье right - they must have made а mistake!
3 we used to have some horrible G It/m, you must Ье allergic to the material.
(velvet, purple, floor-length) сuгtаiпs in оur old house.
н Not usually, you must have seen him оп а bad day.
lп the school play l had to wеаr а.....................,

(cotton, hecked, short-sleeved) cowboy

с sh
Complete the email with ,nusf, сап't or might

lt/y favourite item of clothing at the moment is my and the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.
(lеаthеr, fitted, red) jacket.

lt4vdad qave me а -..............-.--,.--.-.-.._........, .. ...,,,., (silk,

plain, blue tie to wear at the meeting.
Hi, Jim

How аrе you? l've been really busy. Му col1ege organised а

!l Complete the sentenceswith the words in the
fashion show last week to гаisе mопеу for сhаriry It was gгеаt
fun. It (1) (/cke) ages for the fashion students to make

all the clothes. And the music department (2) ............. .....\wоrk)
classic conscious Оеsiýhёr fake
геаllу hагd to сrеаtе the music they put tоgеthег fоr lt. They
fashionable gепчiпе
asked mе to Ье опе of thеir models, which was great fun.
(5) like
Му aunt likes to Ье __ and spends а lot of mопеу
They (Ье) bothered about what people looked

because I'm nothing like а model! But it was cool to Ье asked,

on clothes.
and ечеrуопе who joined in did rеаllу well, so the organiseгs
2 lt that а..__.__ lеаthеr bag? lt must have cost а lot.
(4) .................. (/eeD really proud.
з Fоr kids todaythe паmе is mоrе important than the
look and they spend а lot of mопеу оп ...,................. clothes, The опlу disadvantage was that I wоrе mу favourite shoes
but I don't know whеrе they аrе now. I (5) ,..,,...,............(leaye)
Му dad isnt very fashion _*_............. and he still wears
clothes he bought when he was а tеепаgеr! them ln the changing
roоms at col1ege, оr
They're not made of rеаl fur, don't wоrrу. They're
mауЬе at а fiiend's
The design of that suit is а rеаl ............. ... and wilI never
аftеrwаrds. The college
9о out of fashion. (6) kxpect\

so many people tO tuгп
up 0n the night because

rпоdа|s of possibility апd сегtаiпtу there weren't enough

> СВ page l 14 сhаiгs in the hall and

loads of people had

I Matcb sentences 1-8 with guesses А-Н. t0 stand at the back

to watch. They sold
1 steffi has written а book about fashion.
everything, though and
2 Whепечеr l wear this top. l get а nasý rash. raised а few hundгed
3 ls Непrу always so rude to people he doesn't know? pounds - well, lt (7)..................... (Ье) а thousand, I'm not Sure.
4 l didn't get onto the fashion course l wanted. Апуwау, they (8) (mc,te) so much mопеу at а college

5 l've been calling the museum all day but nobody ever event before!
answerS. I've attached а picture of mе so you сап see how funny I looked.
6 l can't find my ticket to the fashion show anywhere.
Write back and tell mе all уоur news!
7 Gemma's been filming а make-up commercial since
6.З0 this morning.
Look at the price ofthese boots - f500!

Use of English Reading
Wоrd fогпrаtiоп > СВ page l l5 Gapped text > СВ pages I 16*l l7
I Cbange the words in the Ьох into почпs or
ft Пеаа the article quickly. How do you think the
adjectives Ьу adding а suffix. You may need to writer feels about the new store?
make some spelling changes before adding
the endings.
В Пеаа the article again. Six sentences have
been removed. Choose from sentences A-G
able account appear assist attract bake
the опе which best fits each gap. Тhеrе is опе
celebrate dark dirt educate fit flexible
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
hчпgеr offend please sleep
А Even more temptation awaits as you finish paying.
1 -апсе в There is аmрlе and easy раrkiпg for the drivers and а
2 -iоп сrёсhе for young babies while you wander round the
3 -у Store.

4 -ive Мапу уоuпg families today furnish their new homes

complete|y frоm |KEA and are proud of the stylish
5 -neSS
tables, beds and sofas that furnish their rооms.
6 -lty
Putting the furniture together сап sometimes Ье
7 -а nt аппоуiпg апd take а lot of time.
8 -(r)y D_. No опе couId imagine the success that this соmрапу
would have.
В Пеаа the text below. Use the word given in Опе of these is its commitment to helping the
capitals at the end of the line to form а word епчirопmепt.
that fits in the gap in the same line. There is ап Nearly alI its stores have ап identical layout.
example at the beginning (0).

Му (bad) experience of а TV talent show

ý Matcb the underlined words in the article with
definitions 1-8.
Иst year l was а (0) ..р..аtti.г.iр1l.п.t. in а W talent PARTICIPATE
а quick way to get somewhere
show called yоч Got /t/ l was excited about

(1)................,....... the competition and turned up for ENTER 2 fi rst

the auditions at а local theatre. (2)....................., the FОRТUNЕ 3 wonderful
judges loved what l did - |'m an acrobat - and
4 annoyed
they invited mе back for the next round. But as
5 replaces itself naturally
l left the stage, l was (З) ........................ surrounded SUDDEN
Ьу the contestants who hadn't got through. l 6 traffic jams
couldn't believe how (4) ......................,.. they were! l PLEASE 7 items that are not necessary but
got nasty comments from them and they made decorative оr useful
(5) ........................... . that l was по good. lt wasn't SUGGEST fight
very пiсе but l didn't want it to put me off.
(6) ......................, l passed the next audition too and LUCK
went оп to show the public my act live оп W' Му
(7).........................., was going well until l slipped оп РЕRFОRМ
stage and hurt mу ankle and that WaS the end of
it. lt WaS such а (8) but l'm going to try DlSAPPolNT
again next year.

А long- а'
Каrеп Вriпdф torites about а fаmоus
пеLDсоmеr to her area.

Ап important event took place

in mу local town receпtlr. ivhich
has excited mапу local people
and irritated others! lt rvas first
promised four or fir,e rears ago
and since then people have Ьееп transport. Flat packs take uр much Having relaxed in the cafeteria,
waiting for its arrival. uncertain less space thап big tables and you are поw ready to mоvе
whether it would hare а pBsitiie or bookcases апd itъ better for the downstairs. First, you pass through
negative effect оп the соmmuпiry environment too. the area where you pick up your
Was this а stunning piece of public In addition to this, IKEA try to flat packs. If уоu mапаgе to survive
art? Or perhaps а пе\\- rаil link or mаkе the shopping experience as the crowds of people struggling to
ехtепsiоп to the airport.' No. It was enjoyable and stress free as possible push trolleys filled with awkward
the орепiпg of that r,еп, famous for all involved.(3) . . .... And packs of furniture, you rеасh the
store with the rtideir- recognised when you've finished shopping (in queues for the checkouts. There
blue апd yellolT f]ag - а Ьrапсh of mу case, absolutely exhausted), уоu start to worry that mауЬе,
the super сhаiп store.IKEA. having spent much mоrе than уоu just mауЬе, you might have
IKEA. for those rчhо mai, still Ье originall}z intended, you сап eat overspent. (5) ........,...,..,,........ Beyond
unawale of its global significance, delicious swedish meatballs and the checkouts is а small food shop
is а Swedish furniture соmрапу chips in the cafeterial where you сап buy even mоrе
that has mоrе thап З00 stores in Апоthеr rеаsоп for the stоrеъ meatballs (to eat at hоmе) апd
38 different countries. Started Ьу success is its very clever in-store other swedish delicacies.
Ingvar Kamprad iп 194З. it is now desipn. (4) You start оп IKEA has а lot of good points,
the biggest furпiturе retailer iп the the top flооr and follow а one way (Ф..,,..,...,................, Iп spite of being the

world апd few families iп Еurоре system that takes you past а rапgе wоrldЪ third largest сопsumеr
and America are uпtоuсhеd Ьу its of furniture and accessories for of wood, its plan is to run the
business. Ечеп the art
(1)..................,..... ечеrу type of rооm. So, if уоu'rе business using renewable епеrgу
оп their walls апd china cups in looking for а пеw bed, you have to as far as possible.It intends to build
the kitchen mау have Ьееп bought go past the kitchens, dining rooms wind farms iп sweden and use
there. and living rооms first! If you kпоw solar panels iп all its stores. It also
so, what are the rеаsопs behind what уоu'rе iooking fоц this сап сопtriЬutеs greatly to the есопоmу
IКЕАSЪ success? Undoubtedly one Ье extremely аппоуiпg! ItЪ also of апу town оr city where it has
is the fact that most of the furniture confusing if,like me,you try to fiпd а store. so, will it Ье а welcome
items that IKEA sells are in flat а short cut to where you're going addition to оur local соmmuпitу?
packs, ready for people to build апd епd up [ost, passing the same We shall just have to battle through
themselves. (а.......... . ., Ноwечец sofas and chairs again and again! the traffic congestion outside the
the idea of selling furniture this way Those meatballs iп the cafeteria аrе store апd see for ourselves.
was to reduce the епеrgу costs of defi nitely well-earned.
Grammar Speaking
sq such, very; taa, enaugll > СВ page l 18 quеstiоп tags; регýопа| iпfоrmаtiоп
> СВ ра8е I 19
fl Choose the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
I Complete the questions with the correct tags.
Wow!That was amazing! l've печеr seen suchlso а 1 ltЪ а gorgeous day today,........ ..........?
good exhibition.
2 We don't have to give in our homework until Friday,
Wе'rе having оur house designed Ьу ап award-winning 1

architect - il's so/such expensive, we'll Ье paying for it

3 You rеаllу like designer clothes,.....................?
'tilwe retire!
4 This colour doesnt suit mе,.....................?
There was а huge stоrm last night and all the lights
went out at home. lt was solsuch dark we had to light 5 The m hasn't sta rted уеt, ..................... ?
fi l

candles. 6 They won't build а пеw factory here,....................

|'ve broken уоur favourite mug. l'm so/such sоrrу! l'll buy 7 Jack is coming over late1 .....................?

you а new опе. 8 You'll help me with this homework, ?

lsaw suchlso ап interesting programme on ТV last

Е О 22 Read the dialogues and choose the
DепzеlЪ Ьееп оfГеrеd а place at university - hеЗ done correct alternative to complete the questions.
such/so well in his exams| Listen and check.
There was so/such excitement in tфýrowd outside the
1 А: How do you like to spend уоur freetime/weekends?
hotel - you;'ust knew that sоmеопе rеаllу famous was
about to tUrn Up.
В: l usually go out with friends оr read а book. l enjoy
reading. Sometimes at the weekends, l work out at
lб love to study art and design at college, but itЪ just the gym.
so/such hard to make а living whеп you graduate.
2А: Would you say that you аrе а punctual/trendy
I Complete the customer feedback forms about
В: l think so. l like to buy the latest designer clothes.
а design exhibition. Use very, too or епоugh.
When l've got enough mопеу! And l keep up-to-
The furniture designs wеrе.................... futuristic. l wouldn't date Ьу reading magazines.
mind having а piece iп mу home.
3А: How important is your mоЬilе phone/laptop?
Тhеrе toilets iп the vепuе - maybe you
В: Oh - very. l couldn't live without it! l cal| оr text
should choose another place next time!
my friends all the time and l keep all my mates'
3 looking at photos but there were
l usualIy like addresses and пumьеrs оп it too.
mапу in this exhibition and you had to walk through
them all to get to the next room.
4А: What was the best/lostfilm you went to see?
В: l haven't seen anything for а while. But l think it
pleased with the toy Section
ltЛy kids Wеrе...................., - was something with will smith iп. lt had really
|'m bringing them again next time!
good special efГects but l can't rеmеmЬеr the
Great office furniture - lu order some but itъ паmе.
6 l didnt really enjoy this event - it was boring
ý Пеаа this extract from а speaking test and find
compared with last уеаrЪ exhibition! and correct the grammatical mistakes. There
The pIace was certainly big ..................... to hold an are two mistakes iп each of the сапdidаtеъ
exhibition like this, but it was cold and not very answers.
Examiner: Where аrе you from, Аппа?
We had to stand up to eat оur |unch - there weren't
Аппа: |'m from the Poland. l live iп the Warsaw.
places to sit in the саfё. Great show, though.
lt is ап important city in mу country.
Examiner: And you, Katya?
Katya: lam coming from Russia. IiЛу town is very
big. l live in big house with my family.
Examiner: What do you like about living iп Warsaw,

Anna: I am like the people in mу town, They аrе

vеrу friепdlу. The cold and snow aren't

good, though! lt is always freezing in
winter. we must to wеаr fur coats and
thick boots.
Examiner: And what about you, Katya? Dоп't miss this!
Katya: Д/у town vеrу рrеttу. Outside my town
l'm studging art and design and l'm interested
there are many trees and nice lakes.
in furniture. Fоr that (2)....,............, ,...,, mч parents took me to а
Тhеrе аrе а lot of things fоr doing in the
fantastic exhibition of furniture iп London last mопth. lt was
evening, too. Саfёs, restaurants, walkings
at the Living Design Museum and shows how furniture has
iп the parks. l like mу town very much.
developed over the last опе hundred gears.
You сап see pieces of furniture from the earlg 1900s up

',,,"i;'i"i *jý iЗ_lii to the present dag. 0ne of mU (З]..................,...... was а sofa
bg Salvador Dali shaped like а pair of lipsl There is also
Revlew Ь Сý page l20 а fascinating (4) ...,........... .of pieces that we mag Ье using iп

:iЁ kead the exam task and the сапdidаtеъ

the futurel
Fоr me, it WaS verg interesting to See [5J . ,, ......,....... the
answer and answer these questions. designs have changed according to people'S tastes and l
'I What is the exhibition of? wanted to |ook at everg piece and everg design carefullg.
2 Where is it? (6] .......,...,........,...., the exhibition is far too big to see iп just а
few hours. l сап {7)
3 What does it show?
rесоmmепd this exhibition to
апgопе who is interested, like l am, in art and design. lt is
4 Why was it interesting fоr the writеr?
опlg on for another four weeks, so цg [8J ...............,......... is to
You rесепtlу saw thi5 notice оп an international get there Sооп.
lf gou have recentlg Ьееп to ап interesting fashion
or design exhibition, we would like to hear from gou.
write а review of the exhibition, send it to us and
we'll post it оп our site.

Write your review in 'l 20-'l 80 words,

€;:; Complete the review with the words in

the Ьох.

advice display favourites how However

particularly reason thoroughly

Read the review again and decide which

instruction 1*6 the writer has NOT followed.
1 Write about а recent exhibition you have sееп. ffi Write уочr оwп review, чsiпg as many of the
underlined phrases as уоч can.
2 Divide your rечiеw into clear раrа9rарhs.
3 Say what it was and why you went.
4 Explain what you сап see at the exhibition.
5 Give your personal reaction.
6 lnclude а recommendation.
Multiple matching > СВ pageý 122-123
f| Кеаа the article about уочп9 female scientists and how they
chose their careers. Match the wоmеп A-D with their jobs or
ж intended jobs 1-4.
1 епgiпееr
2 botanist
3 astrophysicist
4 forensic scientist

f| Пеаа the article again. Fоr questions 1-'t0, choose from

people A-D. The people may Ье chosen mоrе than опсе.
which scientist
changed hеr attitude towards science at school? ЖЖГ__l
опсе experimented оп something that wasn't hers? ЖГ__l
has а job iп the media? ýЖ-__l

became interested iп а story?

fictionalTV Ж___l
considered several differentсаrееrs? ýýЖ___l
followed afamilytrend? W-*l
was intluenced Ьу an expert оп television? ffi-__l
chose to study something related to her free time interest? ЖГ-_l
didn't do what her parents expected herto do? Жý_-l
Match the words and phrases from the article 1-6 with
meanings А -F.
1 convinced А keen апd enthusiastic
2 knowiedgeable В very sure
3 see much point in с win
4 dedicated D leave university early
5 pick up Е know а lot оf facts
6 drор out F understand the value of

geography, then I decided I didn't

ýcieшtists today have enough patience to Ье а tеасhеr.

Аftеr that, I decided to do а sрогts
degree because I loved swimming.
Fоur of our best уоuпg fеmаlе в Gabriella I didn't enjoy the соuгsе, so i
scieпtists talk about wlty they Both mу parents аге sclentists and dгорреd out and Ьесаmе а реrsопаl
decided to follow а sсiепtifi.с patfu they wогk in rеsеаrсh, developing trаiпег. Then, much t0 everyone's
пеw medicines and vaccines. Тhеу'rе amazement, I applied to university t0
д Ruth completely dedicated to thеiг wоrk Study ап епglпееriпg dеgгее in mоtоr
Today, I absolutely love science and and this has obviously had an effect spoгtsl I'd had а love offast саrs since
I cannot imagtne doing а job that on thеlг сhildгеп. Му еldеr Ьrоthег I passed my driving test and drlving
Wasn't related tO it. ноWечеr, that wоп а science scholarship to 8о to а саrs was mу big hobby 1п mу Iate
hasn't always been the case. When I top university to study physics and teens. It was а Ьгi]liапt соuгsе. Now I

was уоuпgеr, I used to hate science slnce then he's picked uр several wоrk fоr опе of the famous Fоrmulа
lessons. Our science tеасhег was very prlzes fоr things he has invented. 1 rасiпg teams. It's а grеаt lifel А blt
сlечеr and knowledgeable but he I went in а different diгection and different to teaching gеоgгарhу!
wasn't much good wiй сhilфеп and found that I loved botany. I used to
he wasn't а good mоtiчаtог. Fог me, spend hours iп оur gаrdеп planting D Diana
science was hаrd апd I couldn'tYealy and grоwiпg strange flоwегs and When I was young, mу mum and
see much point in studying it. Then trееs! Now I give advice to gardeners dad wеге convinced that I was
I staгted watchlng ап Аmеriсап TV and you сап see mе in mу own TV 8oing to Ье ап епgiпееr. uniike other
drаmа sеriеs about fоrепsiсs, whеrе show on Saturdaysl chiidren, I wasn't interested 1п books
the scientists аrе like detectives and апd stогiеs ог ечеп playing with
wоrk out how а регsоп феd. I found с Gemma toys. What I was interested in was
that геаllу inteгesting and started to I liked а lot of different subjects pulling everything араrt to see how it
see mу science lessons in а different at school and I was quite good at wогkеd. The рrоЬlеm was that I never
way, Now I'm Studying fогепsiс а wlde гапgе of things. So, it was put them back tоgеthег again and I
science at university and loving every hаrd to declde what i wanted to do think that through the уеаrs I Ьгоkе
minute of it! aS а саrееr. First, I Wanted to teach пеагlу everything I owned - and that
оthег реорlе owned too! I rеmеmЬег
making mу best friепd сrу because
I took араrt the new toy steam train
that he'd just got fог his Ьiгthdау! So,
it саmе as а suгргisе when I decided
not tO Study engineerlng at unlversity
but to go fог astгophysics instead! It's
quite а iong way frоm studyrng'how
things wоrk to watching the stars
and planets and lеаrпiпg all about
what they're made of. But it a]l Started
when I saw the iпсrеdiьlе scientist,
Вriап Сох, present а seгies ofTV
documentaгies about the planets. Не
switched mе on to the sоIаг system
and since then mу head has literally
been'in the stars'I

i1 :,..:i
ъ;; li:,,{;.':i,li ;"
il";i:; a' ;',

thiгd €ýndltiCIs,}aý and ъчкl; Р Сý pag* ý24 Кеу wогd trапsf*rжаýiýr]ý

There is опе word missing in each sentence. Find
Р СВ page l2ý
the missing word and add it to each sentence. ,.', ] Choose the correct alternative to complete
lf no one invented the mobile phone, we wouldn't have the sentences.
been аЬlе to send text messages. 'I Ап interesting topic соmе чр/саmе ccross iп оur
l have gопе to the sсiепсе museum with you if l had biology class today - we talked about new species
kпоwп you were going. of animals that scientists have discovered.
lwish l come up with an invention that had changed the 2 l'm finding it quite difficult to look iпtо/kеер up with
world - l'd Ье famous now! geography at school. l don't understand the tеасhеr
lf mу parents hadn't bought mе а telescope, l wouldn't vеrу well.
become so interested iп the stars. 3 The tеасhеr gaveoway/ran ouГofthe answers to the
lf my friend Gary hadn't explained that ехреrimепt to me, chemistry quiz Ьу forgeкing to соvеr them up, so
l not have got а good mark iп my physics homework. we got them all right!
l bet Toni wishes she gone to the talk - Professor Вriап 4 l wish Tamsin wouldn't keep golng оп аЬочt/соmiпg
сох was there! up with 9etting а В in science - it's better than
If they hadn't invented the wheel, we not have developed апуопе else in the class got!
motor Vehicle5. 5 The plans for а new Sports сепlrе gave away/fell
l wish l not dropped out of uпiчеrsцу.- l would have а through because they didn't get permlssion to build
degree Ьу поw оп the land.
6 l саmе across/kepr up with mу old school rероrts
Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs yesterday - Iб forgotten l still had them!
in brackets.

wish l (3) (sеf) one sоопег because now l don't

need to ask fоr directions. l've печеr told mу husband I've got
lп о rесепt survey we osked people which iпчепtiопs they wеrе
it - l just рrеtепd l've Ьесоmе ап ехреrt mар-геаdеr!
most grаtеful|оr. Неrе's whot some о| them soid.

Соmрutеr games! l don't pLay them myse[f but mу friепds

l don't kпоw what l (1)....................... (do) if they (2). .....................

spend а tot of time at their computers while l'm out playing
hot iпчепtl satetlite navigation fоr carsl l was печеr vеrу сгiсkеt. l've just Ьееп accepted into а sports academy whеrе
good at using maps to find my way - mу husband used to (4l
|'m going to imргоvе mу skilts. lf по опе ..... ... .. ......tоmе
make fun of mе when l rапg him up because l'd got lost in
up with) with соmрutеr games, perhaps l
the middle of поwhеrе - AGAIN! So, l decided to get а sa1 (5) (hoye) mоrе competition frоm my mates оп
..... ... .. .. ..
nav fоr mу саr, so l wouldn'i have to riпg him апуmоrе. l
the sports field!
'll{{;ls, ':
Thank goodness they invented contact [enses. l've пеvег
minded wеаriпg glasses * iп fact, l've got some rеа[[у
tгепdу ones, but it сап Ье hагd wоrk when it's rаiпiпg -
you can't see very we[[and they get attsteamed up. lf l

(6).. . . (Ьuу) contacts sоопеr, l wou[d have avoided

some еmЬаrrаssiпg situations. One day l watked up to а
man who l thought was mу boyfriend and gave him а hugl
Fогtuпаtе[у, he thought it was quite [unny so it was 0Kl lп
[ас1, he Ьесаmе а good friend. So if l (7) .. ...........,..khoose)
to get contacts sOопеr, l (8) ..,,.................,
(m/ss) the chance of а
good friendshlpl

What агеуоu glad has Ьееп invented?

[ Го, questions 1-6, complete the second What does Jamie enjoy most about teaching
sentence so that it has а similar mеапiпg to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not А using helpful materials with his class
change the word given.You must чsе between В the interest that students have in the subject
two and five words, including the word given. С the chance to see students find things out
Ехоmрlе: She mопаgеd to ореп the dооr. What does Jamie say about the science subject he
,rv likes teaching most?
She succeeded iп орепiпg the door. А lt is difficult fоr mапу students to understand.
Jean told еvеrуопе about my secret invention. В The experiments аrе exciting to саrrу out.
AWAY С lt focuses оп things that students easily
Jean ........,........... .._.... secret invention to recognise.
ечеrуопе. What does Jamie find most dilficult about teaching?
l didn't pass mу science exam because l didn't work hard А seeing students struggIe to understand things
В experiencing bad behaviour iп class
С not having access to the right equipment in
lf ..,.,,.......... .... .........................__for mу science ехаm, l would class
have passed.
How does.Jamie feel about his sсhооlЪ entry for the
Steph keeps соmрlаiпiпg about оur пеw history teacher science fair?
but lthink hеъ ок А concerned fоr the students that it might not
GolNG win
Steph . our пеw history teacher В confident that it will receive one of the top
but l think hеъ ок prizes
ltry hаrd to stay at the same speed as everyone iп the С worried that other schools will come up with
running team but l just сапt. better ideas
кЕЕр Jamie thinks that it is important to teach science
ltry hard to._....._..___._.___ everyone in the because
ruппiпg team but ljust can't. А it gives students skills for their working lives.
Scientists will discover а сurе for сапсеr before too long. В it provides ongoing opportunities for discovery,
FoUND С school subjects.
it i5 different to other
Scientists ___..___._.............. а сurе for сапсеr before Why does jamie wish he had discovered а new kind
too long. of medicine?
'|'m not coming to the раrtу with you because l'm too А Не would have enjoyed being recognised fоr
tiredj his work.
REFUSED в Не would have liked to make а difference to
Carla ................ to the party because she реорlеЪ lives.
was too tired. С Не would have been happy to pass the
information оп to students.
Multiple choice > СВ ра8е l26 VосаЬчlаrу
rеSеагсh and disсочегу; Science and
П О 23 Listen to part of а radio interview.Who is
scientists > СВ page l27
speaking and what is his job?
fl Mut.b words 1-8 with meanings А-Н.
Е О 23 Listen а9аiп. Fоr questions 1-7, choose 'l records 5 process
the best answer (А, В or С).
2 vaccine 6 laboratory
1 Jamie became а science teacher because he 3 conclusion 7 research
А felt that science was based on magic. 4 experiment 8 discovery
В particularly enjoyed the subject at school.
С was inspired Ьу his own science teacher.
А а place where students lеаrп about science
а scientific test
а рrосеdurе оr method
СоllаЬогаtiче task > СВ page l29
D work to find out mоrе about а topic
П О24 Read the exam taskand the extractsfrom
Е somethin9 which prevents some illnesses а сапdidаtеЪ discussion. Complete the phrases
F we keep these to rеfеr to later if necessary they use to agree or disagree with the words iп
G something you (оr others) didn't know before the Ьох. Тhеп listen and check.
н something you deduce from certain facts неrе are some different inventions that have Ьееп
very important for us, Talk to each other about how
В Cboose the correct alternative to complete these inventions have changed реорlеЪ lives.Then
the collocations in sentences 1-8. decide which invention you think has been the most
Scientists have recently mаdе/dопе ап important
1 light bulb 2 telephone З car
discovery about possible life in the sоlаr system.
We пееd lo sчrvеу/апафе these results to see if our
4 computer 5 spectacles б ry
ideas were correct or not.
Kathy саmе/wепг up with ап excel|ent idea for our
disagree more partly point right wouldn't
new science project.
Extract А
lп the exam, we have lo drive/conduct ап
А: The light bulb was important because it meant that
experiment in the laboratory.
people could stay up |ater!
Did the doctor toke/moke ап X-ray Ef уоur leg after
the accident?
В: l couldn't agree (1) lt also meant that there
Weren't so mапу fires from candles and lamps.
|'ve got/reached the сопсlusiоп that l am not чеrу
А: You're absolute|y (2)
good at science!
l dont think l've mаdе/dопе enough rеsеаrсh to Extract В
Write my assignment yet, А: l don't think that spectac|es were particularly important,
Theyte hoping to carry/develop а vaccine that wiIl do you? lt didn't change the way people lived.
prevent еvеrуопе from getting colds. В: | .................. say that. lt helped а lot of реор|е continue
their jobs and enjoy their lives better.

Grаmmаr А: ОК. l agree up to а (4) . But l don't think that

invention was as important as, say, the light bulb.

rерогtiпg чегЬs > СВ ра8е l28
Extract с
[ Пероrt statements and questions 1-6 using д: Fоr me, the most important iпVепtiоп Was the telephone.
the reporting verbs in the Ьох. lt let people contact each оthеr frоm long distances.
В: l completely (5) , with youl ln my opinion, it was
apologised asked offered refused the computer. Look how itЪ changed ечеrуЬоdуЪ lives
reminded warned today.
А: | (6) .............,......, a9ree with you * but you see, without the
'Would you like to Ье а scientist when you leave
telephone l don't think we would have the computer,
school?' my granddad said. would we?
Му granddad
В: ОК. l see what you mеап!
'Сап I help you саrrу those boxes?'she said.
She.. ........ ........
'l'm not going to the awards ceremony'the scientist
The scientist
'RеmеmЬеr to wear your gogglesiour teacher said.
оUr teacher..
'Ве саrеful! Some of those chemicals аrе dangerous!'
she said.
'|'m so sorry l missed the concertiMum said.

Long tчгп > СВ page l29 of the bad weather, the scientists continued

with the ехреrimепt.

Е О 25 Read the exam taskand lookatthe Billy failed all his science exams last year...............................,

pictures below. Read candidate А and ВЪ this year he passed them all.
answers and choose the correct alternatives. We'll Ье visiting the Science [tЛuseum. ..... ...................., we'll
тhеп listen and check. have а tour ofthe Botanical Gardens.
............... of advances iп medical science, we shall
Student А: Your picturesshow people doing
soon have а vaccine against many cancers.
different jobs connected with science. Соmраrе the
learning рrоЬlеms when he was а child, the
pictures and say what might Ье interesting about
Ьоу eventually became а famous inventor.
doing the different jobs.
Student В: Which job would you рrеfеr?
ОК. (1) ВоthПwо pictures show people who have got
В КеаО the exam task and the сапdidаtеЪ
А: answer. choose the correct alternatives to
scientific jobs but the sort of jobs аrе чеrу different. complete the essay.
ln the picture {2) аt/оп the left. ап astronaut is out iп
space.l {3) imаgiпе/wопdеrhе's doing а space walk. You have recently had а discussion about science in
They sometimes do this to rераir the space ship. Не schools. Now your tеасhеr has asked you to write ап
(4| must/mighf have а lot of knowledge about science eSSay.
but hеЪ doing а practicaljob.The mап оп the right, Essay question:
(5| however/althouqh, is iп а classroom оr lecture rооm
Schools should timetoble mоrе sсiепсе /essons. Doyou
and hеЪ teaching some students about science. He's лп rоD)
showing them ап experiment0r.something (6) os/like
that. l don't think his job is as exciting (7) thon/os the
Things to write about:
аstrопаutЪ because hеЪ always in а classroom,
(8) whereas/despire the astronaut goes to fantastic
'l interest
places. Не сап see things that not mапу people have 2 саrееrs
seen. ltЪ dangerous |9l olthough/because а lot of З уоur own idea
th|ngs (1О) must/con go wrопg, but l think itЪ mоrе Write your essay iп 140-190 words.
interesting than being а teacher!
ln my (1 ) opinion/thoughr, this is а very
В: l'd (11) rаthеr/рrеfеrtо work in а classroom because lU (2) сhаllепgiпg/сопtrоvеrsiаl topic for most school
Ье (12} especially/reol/y scared to Ье up in space| children. {3) WhileПVhen some students who enjoy
and are good at science subjects would Ье
(4) iпlоп favour of more science lessons, there are
mапу mоrе who do not think it is а good idea.
l (5)hope/understdnd that science is чеrу important
and that we need to have good, уоuпg scientists
to help оur lives become easier and also to help us
protect the planet. Those students who show interest
in science when they аrе youn9, definitely need to Ье
(6| However/Дlthough,l do not think the answer is to
increase the пumЬеr оf science lessons for everyone.
Writing l (7) ехреriепсе/fееl very strongly that there are lots of
things young people need to do. We need to lеаrп
Essay > СВ page l30 about music, art and books. (8) /п/Дs addition to this,
we need to do sport and lеаrп how to keep healthy.
fl Complete the sепtепGеs with the linking
{9) Fоr/lп conclusion,l must ('l0) point/saythat it is not
words in the Ьох.
the пumЬеr of sсiепсе lessons that is important, but
how they аrе taught. We need good science teachers
although As а result Despite However who сап motivate the students. Тhеп we'll get good
ln addition to this ln spite scientists.

Мапу students today аrе stilI not vеrу interested in

science......... ........ ... teaching methods have got much
ý Writ" your оwп answer to the exam task.

lnvitations and apologies
ff Matcb invitations 1-4 with responses A-D.
1 |'m having а birthday party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
2 |'m going shopping later. Do you fапсу coming with me?
з |'m writing to invite you and Tom to our wedding оп Bth July. Вriап and l

do hope you'll Ье able to come.

Jan and l аrе going to the new restaurant iп Bridge Street for а meal оп
Thursday. Would you like to join us?
А ld love to. l need to get some new shoes. Whеrе shall we meet?
в Thank you so much for inviting us. We would love to come but
unfortunately we'll Ье iп the USA working for the whole summer.
Thanks for asking me but l'm afraid l have to work late оп Thursday. Have
а great time!
That would Ье great. ls it at уоUr house? What time do уоu Want people
9_. to arrive?

В Unaerline phrases iп Activity 1 used for

А inviting В accepting С thanking D apologising

ý Wbicb invitation in Activity 1 is the most formal?

Opinions and agreement

]l Matcb sentences 1-10 with situations А-F betow. Some
situations have more than опе sentence.
l feel very strongly that students shouldn't have to
рау for public
2 l like this book, don't you?

3 l see what you mеап, but l'm not too sure l agree.
4 Yes, l'm With you - Up to а point.
5 So, what do you think about the пеw reality show?
6 l completely а9rее. The film was so boring.
7 ln my орiпiоп, the test was really hard!What did you think?
8 Yоu'rе right. l totally agree.
9 l don't think it was а good match. How did you feel about it?
10 No, l don't think so.

А asking fоr ап opinion

В asking for аgrееmепt
С giving ап opinion
D expressing agreement
Е expressin9 partial agreement
F expressingdisagreement

Suggestions, Sue, сап l use уоur mobile fоr а moment? l left
miпе in DаdЪ car.
recommendations and advice В: ТhаtЪ fiпе. Here you аrе.
6 А: Would you like me to саrrу that shopping to the
fl Complete conversations 1-6 with the correct car for you?
form of the verbs iп brackets.
В: ТhаtЪ ver}z kind of )rou
А: l'm having rеаl problems deciding what to study at А: ls it ОК if l Ьоrrоw the саr tonight to 9о to МасkЪ
university. What would you advise mе..................... (do)? party?
В: lf l were you, ld
(ralk) to the саrееrЪ advisor В: Sщry, not tonight. l'll Ье using it myself.
at school. ShеЪ really good.
А: Could izou please let mе know about the job as
А: l've got some visitors from Norway очеr fоr the sооп as possible?
weekend. Whеrе do you recommend * _ .. (go)
В: Of course. We'll contact you next week.
for а meal?
В: Ican thoroughly.............__.__ (rесоmmепф the New Park А two sales assistants
Hotel.They serye some lovely traditional English food. в а customer and а waiter
А: ОК. So, wе'rе doing this рюjесt about fashion с two Strangers in the street
together, Where do you suggest we..................... (stап)?
D two teachers
В: Why don't we..................... (do) some research online
Е а future employee and еmрlоуеr
about fashion trends? Тhеп we сап
(down load) some usefu l information. F teenager and раrепt

А: l've had а terrible headach.all day. What should G two school friends

(do) about it? н supermarket assistant and customer

В: lthink you should (get) some sleep. Yоu look
really tired. ll Пчt the underlined phrases in Activity 1 under
5А: |'m staying ln Lопdоп for а few days. Апу ideas about the correct heading.
places (уЬir)?
Responding to requests
В: How about.... .. (go) to an art exhibition at the Can you ... |'m afraid l can't . .

National Gаllеrу?ТhеrеЪ usually something good оп

thеrе. Or you could always
(9о) to one of the
musicals iп the west End.
бА: We could (9еr) а good DVD to watch this
weekend, Апу suggestions?
В: Yes. LеtЪ (9еt) the latest Наrrу Potter. We Offering
haven't seen that yet. Shall l do ..

Requests, offers and

Responding to offers
I Matcb conversations 1-8 with speakers А-Н.
Thanks. ТhаtЪ brilliant.
1А: Could you get mе some water, please?
В: Сеrtаiпlу. |'ll bring some immediately.
2А: l wonder if )zou could help me, |'m looking fоrТrепt
Road. Asking for permission
В: Sure.Turn left just afterthe church. ltЛау l . ,.
3А: Could l have а quick word? Would you mind
checking this studепtЪ essay for me?
В: No рrоЬlеm,
4А: |'ll deal with this next customer if you like. Giving/Refusing permission
В: |'m not too busy поW so itЪ ОК. Thanks апчwач. Yes, ofcourse you mауlсап.
UsefuI phrases for the Usefu! phrases for the Writing
Speaking Exam Exam
I M"t.b the headings iп the Ьох with I Choore the phrase (А, В or С) which is the most formal in
the groups of phrases 1-8. situations 1-6.
Addressing а person in а letter or email
adding asking for clarification
А Dear Katy В Hi, Pam С Dear Sir
bringing your partner in
Signing оfГ а |etter оr email
giving yourself some time to think
interrupting organisingthediscussion А Love, Pete В Best wishes, N4аrу С Yours, Saul

reminding speculating Starting а letter оr email

А Great to hеаr frоm you.
В lt was kind of you to contact me.
Could you repeat that, please? С Thanks for уоur last letter/email.
What exactly do you mеап? Giving а reason for writing
Are you saying that ... А l'm writing to apply for the job advertised in the newspaper.
В l'm writing to let you know l'll Ье back iп London next month
Don't forget we have to ... С l'm writing to says thanks for such а |ovely birthday present.
You must rеmеmЬеr to ... Referring to previous contact
А l'm so happy to hear уоur news.
Could ljust say here that ... В With rеfеrепсе to уоur previous letter, l ...
Excuse me, but l think ,., С You sounded а bit low iп your last letter.
Sorry to interrupt, but l ... C|osing а letter or email
А Please write soon.
As well as that, l think that В l hope to hearfrom you soon.
ld like to add that .. .
С l look forward to hеаriпg frоm you.

Let me think.
В Choose the type of writing task where уоч are most
I haven't thought about that before. likely to find phrases 1-10.
ТhаtЪ ап interesting qUestion. 1 оп the other hand (essay/story)

2 How would you feel if ...? (article/report)

LеtЪ start Ьу thinking about ... 3 We had only just set off when ,. . (revieМstory)
Shall we start here ... ? 4 lt is widely believed that ... (story/essay)
Shall we move опtо ... ? 5 lt is based оп а true story. (revieМessay)
We haven't discussed ..., have we? 6 lt's definitely worth reading. (revieМstory)
lt's time we made а decision. 7 l would rесоmmепd а short visit to .,. (essay/report)
8 The рurроsе of this report is to .,. (report/article)
So, what do you think? 9 The plot is extremely exciting. (story/review)
Do you аgrее? 10 Оп balance, l believe that mоrе people spend ... (essay/story)
What happens in your country?
Have you got any experience of

l imagine that ...

lt looks as though ...
lt might Ье quite difficult to ...
lt would рrоЬаЬlу Ье better to ...
Paper l Reading and Use of English
РаЁ 1

Fоr questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which word (А, в, С or
D) best fits each gap. There is ап
example at the beginning (0).

0 А requirement В necessity С want D desire
Mark your answers оп the separate апswеr sheet.

How to invent things

lnventions аrе created through (ol
.*":r.:r:ifu , and this is the best (1)..,.......,.............,.. of creating something. The
firý step is identifying а пееd - either Someone (2).......................... there is й"к Ьt something useful, or they
decide life would Ье easier if опlу there was а device that would do а task mоrе quickly. " This is when creative реорlе
get (3) ............. and make the gadget for themselves. Another way to invent something is
ьу observing
other people (4)......................,... to do something and concluding that there must
Ье another Way to get the

invent а new kind of snowshoe - or it сап Ье deliberate. Perhaps you want

to start up а business but you don't
know what kind of Product to (7)...........,....... оп. So, you look for
ideas. you see someone batt|ing with а
(8).............,........ and come uP with а way to make it easier and bingo! yоur invention
- is ьоrп.

А power в method С habit D force

А realises В suggests С tells D чаluеs

А busy в alive G kееп D fast

А arguing В struggling С concentrating D competing

А exercise В subject С task D question

А incident в accident С example D instance

А рlап В attempt с direct D focus

А рrоЬlеm В matter G trouble D factor


For questions S16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only опе word
in each gap. There is ап example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers lN CAPITAL LETTEBS on the separate answer sheet.



weather and mood

Fоr decades, researchers have (0) ..Ь.ее.п...tryiпg to establish whether there is а relationship between weather and
mood, (9) despite the various studies that have Ьееп carried out, researchers can't а9rее.
While some studies say that the weather has опlу а sma|l effect оп mood, others say weather conditions сап
affect us significantly - including humidity, temperature and sunshine. (10).................... to these studies,
humid conditions make us feel sleepy and make (11) ........................ harder to concentrate, whereas higher
temperatures lower feelings of апхiеý. Unsurprisingly, the higher the number of sunshine hours we experience, the
(12)...,................... optimistic we feel.
Psychologists, (13)......................_9.".r..... . .... ... course, believe itЪ Up to us to сrеаtе positive experiences

should listen to music, read а good book or do some exercise. lf the sun is shining, we should get out there and
take advantage of the lightness (16}....,...........,...... increases оur serotonin levels - а natural, feel-good
chemical that makes us feel awake and happy.
The Red Bulletin magazine

Part 3

Fоr questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given iп capitals at the end of some of the lines to form а
word that fits iп the gap iп the same line. There is ап example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers lN CAPITAL LETTERS оп the separate апswеr sheet.


0 S т R Е S S F U L

Going оп holiday: Why do we bother?

Going оп holiday сап Ье (Ol ,э.trr.:ф|'.. and it starts Ьеfоrе уоu even leave home. STRESS
The list of things to do is (17)....................... and it isn't too long before your END
(18).,..................... starts to ruп out. Eventually, however, the bags аrе packed and you're PAT|ENT
off for some fun.

Оr are you? You (19}..,.............,,...... аrriче at your destination опlу to find the hotel's FINAL
а building site, the air-conditioning is (20) ..... and itЪ all very noisy. The hotel BREAK
(21),..,................... is run Ьу idiots and уоur kids come down with food poisoning. And then ENTERTAIN
there's the journey home. The flight is (22)....................... and your luggage gets lost. DELAY
So, why do we do it? l оftеп find myself (23}....................... whether holidays аrе worth WONDER
the еffоrt. Yet l still find it (24) .... to look at the photos l've uploaded onto the EXCITE
computer, and l can't help having а quick browse оп the internet for ideas fоr next уеаrЪ trip.
lt's all good fun rеаllу.

Part 5

You are going to read а newspaper article about а festival cal|ed Ссrпеусlе which takes рlасе each winter in
Venice, ltaly. Fоr questions 1{, choose the answer (А, В, С or D) which you think fits best according to the text,
Mark your answers оп the separate апswеr sheet.

Venetian Masquerade
Last mопth Liz Ford put оп а mаsk апd set off fоr Carnevale, Иепlсе's popular mid-wiпtеr festival.

At carnival time iп ltaly's watery ciý, wearing а mask арреаrs to Ье а compulsory part of the uпifоrm. So, when l
attended the carnival last month with my friend, Asha, we decided it was something that we too had to put оп. We
browsed the stal|s |ining the streets selling what has Ьесоmе the symbol of the carniva|. But as there were literally
hundreds to choose from, it didn't make for ап easy decision апd l wasn't satisfied until l had finally settled оп опе with
а few decorative feathers and was ready to take part iп the festivities.

The people of Vепiсе have Ьееп сеlеЬrаtiпg Саrпеvаlе since the fifteenth century. lп those days, parties were arranged
whеrе rich and poor alike hid their identity behind masks and danced the nights away to forget the difficulties of winter.
The tradition gradually faded away until, in 1979, it was brought back to life, becoming опе of the world's most popular
festivals. Today, however, фrпе of the сiýЪ residents complain that the carnival is nothing compared to its former self,
and is purely geared towards bringing iп mопеу.

The festivities begin with La Festa delle Маriе, а parade through the city and а taste of what is to come. Throughout the
following days, guests attend fabulous masked balls, where they mingle with others, watch acrobats and altists and
13 dine оп delightful food and drink - the carnival is truly а feast for the senses. The highlight of the festival is without doubt
the Grand Masked Ball, located iп а beautiful palace and а chance to show off your knowledge of Venetian traditions,
such as performing the steps of the ancient quadrilles dances. That won't Ье me, then!

Му friend, Asha and I spent our days in Venice exploring the паrrоw waterways, hidden shops and саfбs. The bustling
crowds апd раф atmosphere were electri{ying but without doubt the highlight of our trip was dressing for а special
dinner оп our final night. We put оп оur masks, hired dresses and no longer felt out of place with the other раф-gоеrs,
We boarded the boat at St Markb Ьау, lit Ьу street lamps. As the gondola swept up canals past ancient buildings iп the
shadows of night, l noticed ап аir of mystery that hadn't been revealed during daylight. Somebody оп board passed
around sparklers and we waved the fiery sticks at onlookers as we passed under bridges. Putting оп а mask makes
you ап instant hit at carnival time.

Leaving the boat iп San Ро|о we headed for dinner. Walking into the candlelit restaurant was like stepping back in time.
More than 50 people wеrе a|ready seated, every face hidden behind а mask, just as they would have Ьееп centuries
ago. At first, l found it difficult talking to people l couldn't see рrореrlу, though l soon started enjoying myself. The
entertainment, provided Ьу modern dancers, wasn't quite of the еrа the feast was meant to represent. But the food
was superb and the setting magnificent.

After our mеаl, Asha and l went out into the busy streets again and found оur way to aiazz Ьаr which, though it played
mоrе popular music than jazz, was the ideal place to finish off our stay iп Vепiсе. As dawn broke, the party carried оп,
but we sadly made оur way towards Ihe vaporetto, the Venetian waterbus which all too quickly carried us along the
сапаls towards the аirроd for our mоrпiпg flight back to London. We fina|ly took off оur masks - the party was очеr for
mе and Asha - but l hope we'll Ье back next уеаr.
1 When talking about carnival masks, the writer says that
А she felt relieved when she had chosen опе to wear.
В they are the reason why mапу people go to the ce|ebration.
С it was strange to see such large numbers of people wearing them.
D she would have preferred not to have to wear one.

2 According to the writer, some people feel that today's Саrпеvаlе

А draws реорlеЪ attention away from bad weather.
В doesn't deserve its international reputation.
С is simply а money-making scheme.
D is better than it used to Ье.

3 What does а feast for fhe senses mеап in |ine ,l3?

А something that is delicious to eat
В something that is pleasing to ехреriепсе
С something that is unexpected
D something that provib а chance to meet people

4 As the writer went out оп the final evening of her stay, she
А was pleased to Ье wearing а suitable costume,
В was embarrassed Ьу the attention she received from spectators.
С was impressed with the way the streets had Ьееп decorated.
D was surprised that the city looked so strange at night.

5 what comment does the writer make about the diппеr she attended?
А The food was disappointing.
в The location was too dark.
С The customeБ wеrе unfriendly.
D The entertainment was uпчsча|.

6 lп the final paragraph, the writer

А feels confident that she will Ье back in venice iп the near future.
В is unimpressed with the transport which she has to use.
С is disappointed with the way the last evening finishes.
D expresses regret at having to |eave the party.
Part 6

You are going to read а magazine article about climbing Everest. Six sentences have Ьееп removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is опе extra sentence which
you do not need to use.

Mark your answers оп the separate апswеr sheet.

Climbing Everest
Моuпtаiпееr апd author, Апdу Cave, ехрlаiпs its beautiful, fatal attraction .,.

lt hurts. Anybody who climbs above 8,000m without То climb оп Everest is to walk through history, myth and
oxygen and says it doesn't is а |iar. l take six steps and legend. The achievement of Hillary, Tenzing and team
then bend очеr my ice ахе, resting my head in the sпоw making the first ascent iп 1953, is well-known to all of
Babu Chiri Sherpa and mу fel|ow-climber David аrе doing us, but the real rоmапсе and mystery is reserved for
exactly the same. А few minutes |ater, we are standing the story of George Mallory and Andrew lrvine in 1924,
on the very top of Shishapangma (8,01Зm), exhausted The two mеп were attempting Everest from Tibet via the
but very happy. The white гЁtrrtаiпs of the Himalaya North Col. Ж-__l
run off to the curved horizon, dividing the grееп hills of
Every climber has а view оп the fate of Mallory and
Nepal апd the endless desert of Tibet. You сап see the
lrvine, оп whether оr поt they reached the summit. lп
giant, Everest, to the east.
1999, American alpinist Conrad Anker found Malloryb
Why does Everest continue to attract people? W--_l body on the north side of Everest, but without his
Look at portraits of climbers returning from the summit саmеrа. Ж___l His partner lrvine's body has never
of Everest; |ook at the triumph оп their faces. Yes, they ьееп recovered.
also look tired. The combination of sun, wind and cold
The normal route uр Everest, via the South Col, is not а
has rоughепеd their skin and they wi|l Ье dehydrated.
technically difficult climb Ьу tоdауЪ standards, but it still
More than апуопе, they understand the risks involved
commands respect. lп 1996, а single storm killed eight
and they look relieved to Ье back on firm ground.
people and it made no difference whether they were
The truth is that the thought of standing оп the highest iпехреriепсеd mountaineers оr sherpas. ln the spring of
point of the earth (8,840m) is а dream for many climbers, 2009, five people died оп the mountain. Mountaineers
have to accept the risks involved and put iп place
аlопе, 338 people reached the summit, some of them strategies to reduce these risks, ЖГ_l
with little mountaineering ехреriепсе.
Fоr many, climbing Everest will Ье considered pointless,
lп rесепt years, for various reasons, the chances but its attraction will never die,
of climbing the peak successfully have improved
considerably. Тhеrе аrе several rеаsопs for this. Firýlу, ýЖГ_l То climb any mountain is to take а risk. lf

human beings had always played safe, we'd all Ье sitting

above 8,000m оп Everest, almost everyone breathes
iп caves, living like animals. Perhaps George Mallory
bottled oxygen and the bottles used now are much
understood the motivation of most climbers when he
lighter than their predecessors. Secondly, the clothing
wrote, 'What we get from this adventure is sheer joy.
available for tоdауЪ mountaineers is made with
Апd joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat
sophisticated designs and hi-tech fabrics and the weight
and make money.'
of equipment such as crampons and karabiners has
Ьееп dramatically reduced.
д This is unfortunate as scientists Е Good ones go bravely into the
believe that theýlm could have mountains, not blindly.
Ьееп developed, which might have
solved the mystery. F Дlthough the media seem obsessed
with the risk and loss associated
В Perhaps the desire to climb so with mountain climbing, clearly this
high is part of the hчmап desire is not what motivates mountaineers
to explore and to push the themselves.
G Today, with а modest technical
с The last kпоwп sighting of them abiliý, climbing the mountain is
was оп 8th June, through а gap achievable.
in the clouds, just а few hundred
metres from the summit.

D НоwечеL there is also а longing to

enjoy the mоmепt before returning
to routine daily life.
РаЁ 7

You are going to read ап artic|e about coping with lifеЪ problems. Fоr questions 1Ъ2,, choose from the
sections (A-D). The sections mау Ье сhоsеп more than once.
Mark your answers оп the separate answer sheet.

which section
advises against а modern way of doing something? Wж-__l

says we should imagine а different outcome to а situation? ýж---l

talks about fear of the unknown? W--_l
tells us that we сап lеаrп from the past? ж__-l
approves of both а modern and old-fashioned way of doing the same thing? W-_-1

focuses оп the imроrtапсе of establishing а routine? жж-l

suggests fo|lowing sо]тЕопе else's example? ж[__-l
encourages us to рlап ahead? ж__-l
reminds us to use ап ability we have already developed? ýж---l
mепtiопs ап activity that has mоrе than опе positive effect оп us? жг--l

Dealing with life's problems!
А Rчппiпg С Dealing with change
Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of Most of us whеп faced with change instinctively
running, but equally as important for our well- react Ьу wапtiпg to hold onto things as they are.
being are the mental effects - increased clariý of But you're better at coping with change thап you
thought, stress relief, etc. When We are running, think. ln fact, you will already have coped with lots
endorphins are released which give our Spirits а of it iп your life апd have masses of experience to
definite lift апd send the blood to the Ьrаiп which draw оп. So, next time you're faced with а change
makes it easier to think clearly. How to rчп well, that feels terrifying, do this: write down all the
though? А good tip is to watch ап eight-year-old changes you have experienced at different times
girl running. Running robotically оп а treadmill with
in your life. Fоr example, you might have changed
а blasting МР3 player, as so mапу of us do today, school, had а пеw ЬаЬу in the family or moved
is not going to get those happy hormones buzzing. hоmе and so оп. underneath, write down the
Lеаrп from the child - the steps are springy, the coping strategies you had to learn iп each of these
foot gets off the floor quickly апd comes down change situations. The point is that those valuable
lightly. Тчпе in to your feet and not the МР3 player. life skills helped you опсе and will do so again, if
9_- you сап just rеmеmЬеr them and remove sоmе of
В Slеерiпg the inevitable fear that accompanies сhапgе.
Сопсеrп about how much sleep we get and
worry about all the things we have to do сап only D Putting it оп рареr
increase оur problems. lf you аrе а worrier, you will sometimes we get stressed about things that have
wоrry апd this affects уоur sleep, so, stick to the happened and we just think about them очеr and
ground rules; go to bed and get up at the same over again. What if l'd said ...? Why didn't he ...?
time every day, and allow some time to wind down writing down thethingsthatareworrying us orhave
before bed. As for your worries, assign yourself а made us апgry сап Ье very therapeutic. |t is а way
'worry period'. This should Ье in the same place, of setting а thought free. once it's on the ра9е or
at the same time every day. Give yourself 15-20 -
screen - we сап read it, reread it, delete it or reflect
minutes to write down and contemplate а to-do чроп it. Writing allows us to access the logical and
list. Апd if you're worrying about worrying keeping creative раrts of the Ьrаiп aS We connect meaning
you awake, remind yourself that your body together. Тry it: take something that has bothered
actual|y needs less sleep than you think. A|though you - this could Ье а conversation or аrgumепt
wе'rе told to get eight hours - six to seven hours is which didn't turn out the way you wanted - and
absolutely fine. write what you wish you'd said or the words of
sympathy you wish you'd been offered. Writing а
blog mау have overtaken diaries, but they are both
а means of presenting your thoughts. The style
doesn't need to Ье of а prize-winning standard to
have value! lt's also something you сап look back
оп in years to соmе!
Paper 2 Writing
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 141190 words in ап appropriate style.

1 You have recently had а discussion in class about choosing а career. Now your teacher has asked you to
write ап essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Essay question;
Life is muсh better todoy thon before because of the internet. Da you agree?

Things to write about,

1 communication , ,
2 iпfоrйаtьп
3 your оwп idea

Write уоur Ъsýry.-Yоч must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation iп
а Style аррюРriаtё for the situation,


Write ап answer to опе of the questions 2-4 in this part, Write your answer in 141190 words iп an
appropriate style.

You have received ап email from your Australian friend, Kate, who has Ьееп invited to а wedding
in your country. Read this part of the email and write your email to Kate.

l hеаr уоч'rе going to Magda's wedding too!

|'ve по idea what to get them as а wedding
present. Сап you give me Some ideas? l'll
Ье in tоwп fоr а few days аftеr the wedding.
What do you rесоmmепd to do пеаrЬу?

Love, t'

Write your email.

Ап international magazine wants to publish reviews of recent films in its next issue.
Write а review of а film you have sееп recently to send to the magazine.

Write your review.

You have seen the following аппочпсеmепt on а schoo| noticeboard.

Do you have а favourite spot where you like to chill out? МауЬе you read there
оr listen to music. we are looking for articles with the title'му Favourite spot'to
include in the school magazine. Send us уоur article and you might win aptizel.

Write your article.

Paper 3 Listening
раЁ 1 ozB
answer (А, В or G),
You will hear people talking iп eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best

Yоu hear а Ьоу talking about а recent flight he has You hear two friends talking about the sales.
Ьееп on. What advice does the girl give the Ьоу?
What spoiled the ехреriепсе for him? А поt to go Ьу car
А his fear of the take-off В not to get there too early
В the length ofthejourney С not to expect good bargains
С а delay caused Ьу the weather you hear а Ьоу and а girl talking about а recent Тv
You hear а phone message about а meeting. programme.
what does the woman want to do? What did they dislike about the programme?
А suggest rearranging their meeting А it was too old-fashioned
В explain why she missed the meeting в itwasn't true to the book
С postpone the meeting until later in the day С the mаiп actor wasn't right for the раrt
you hear part of а radio interview with ап actress You hear part of а radio news programme,
about а recent реrfоrmаЬ. What does the presenter say about the severe
Why did the actress take the rоlе? weather conditions?
А it was а challenge А They caused а short interruption in роwеr
В she hadn't done а Shakespeare play before supp|ies.
С she wanted to work with а particular director В They came as а surprise to mапу people.
you hear а swimmer talking оп radio about а recent С They are expected to continue.

rасе. You hear а Ьоу and а girl talking about а пеw laptop,
Why did he make а false start? What is the Ьоу unhappy with?
А Не was badly prepared. А the after sales service
в Не was confused. В the speed ofthe internet
с Не was nervous. С the size and weight

раЁ 2 Ozl
You will hear а girl called Samantha talking to her class about а wedding she attended.
Fоr questions }18, complete
the sentences.

А wedding iп Paris
Samantha says her was unable to attend the wedding in Paris,

Samantha was upset that the hotel didn't have а to sit оп.

Samantha was аппоуеd that she'd forgotten to pack the she wanted to wear for the wedding.

The in the Тоwп Hall particularly impressed samantha.

samantha liked the fact that а took pictures of the bride and groom.

The city tour was exciting for sаmапthа because of her interest in

samantha uses the word to describe the setting for the wedding reception.

Samantha ate а specially prepared meal at the wedding meal.

There were по at the wedding, to Samantha's surprise.

The DJ played а song called , which Samantha liked very much.

раЁз OzB
Yоu will hear five different people talking about writers they like. Fоr questions 'l$-23 choose from the list (ЬН)
what motivated each speaker to start reading the writеrъ books. use the letters only опсе. There are three extra
letters which you do not пееd to use,

А а film adaptation of опе of the books

В educationalrequirements
Speaker 1 Г--Ж
С а реrsопа| recommendation
Speaker2 Г--Ж
D а desire to Ье up-to-date with mоdеrп writers
speaker з Г--**
Е а dосtоrъ advice
Speaker4 Г--ýЖ
F а coincidence
э__,_ Speaker5 Г--Ж
G а combination of factors

н а TV review

раЁ 4 Ozg
you will hear ап interview with а teacher of ап exercise form called
zumba. Fоr questions 24-30, choose the
best answer (А, В or G).

24 Vicky decided to Ьесоmе а Zumba instructor when 27 Vicky thinks that to Ьесоmе good at Zumba,
she you need
А was praised for her technique. А а basic sепsе of rhythm.
в attended а session with а friend. В ап ability to lеаrп а variety of steps.
С became unemployed, С а certain amount of flexibility.
What does Vicky say when asked about the What does Vicky enjoy so mчсh about teaching
popularity of Zumba? ZumЬа?
А She is surprised that so mапу people are А choosing the music she plays while the
interested in it. class works out
В She wondered whether people would take it В inventing пеw steps for her class to try out
seriously as а way to keep fit. С seeing people Ьесоmе more energetic
С She thinks people have become bored with
29 Vicý says that ап unexpected benefit of
other types of exercise.
zumba includes
26 Vicý thinks that реор|е enjoy Zumba because А making the body stronger.
А it doesn't require much effort to get right. В increased coordination for everyday tasks.
В itЪ а good way to meet other people. С feeling emotionally happier.
С it сап Ье done individually at home.
30 What is Vicky going to do next?
А film an exercise video
в teach а new form of zumba
С start up а children's class
Paper 4 Speaking
Part l
The lnterlocutor will ask you and the other candidate some questions about

О ЗО Listen to the recording and answer the questions. Pause the recording after
each bleep and give your answer.

Part 2
The lnterlocutor will ask you and the other candidate to talk оп уочr own about
some photographs.

О Зr Listen to the recording and answer the questions. When you hear two
bleeps, рачsе the recording for one minute and answer the question.Then start the
recording again. Whеп you hear опе bleep, pause the recording for 20 seconds and
answer the question.

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Part 3
The lnterIocutor will ask you and the other candidate to discuss something together.

О зZ Listen to the lnterlocutor's instructions and read the options.When you hear
the bleep, pause the recording for two minutes and complete the task.


using social uslng

network sites laptop5

driving ап
electric car

Listen to the next instruction. When you hear the bleep, рачsе the recording for опе
minute and complete the task.

You поw have а miпчtе to decide which уоч think is the most important change and

Раrt 4
The lnterlocutor will ask you and the other candidate questions related to the topic
of Part 3.

О зз Listen to the recording and answer the lпtеrlосчtоrЪ questions. Pause

tЙе recording when you hear each bleep and discuss the question with the other

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