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“But that’s the thing, Lucas.

They are, and they have been for

a long time. Oskavia has been at war for decades, way before
we were born. Our buildings are collapsing on themselves with
the people who live in them still inside. People are being killed
1 from getting caught in the crossfire of this nuclear war. But
“In the past decade the depression rate in Oskavia has that’s nothing new, this is all we’ve known, all we’ve seen. And
increased by 64% and suicides have been at their highest the government isn’t doing anything to help us in the real
since the Nuclear War of 58, hitting 55 out of every 250 world, they’re just allowing people to put happy chips in us and
Oskavians. This has risen large concern for the potential play pretend in the made-up world we want to live in. We can’t
wipeout of our own generation due to suicide and our future just escape our reality.”
generations of Oskavians going down our same path. But fear
not fellow citizens, here at StemCorp we offer new beginnings Lucas pauses for a moment processing what Elliot said.
with an added installment in your daily life The “blithe” can give “You’re right, you’re right. Besides they’re optional. We don’t
you everything you could ever wish for. We can guide you have to escape anything anytime soon.”
through the right path… We offer you eternal and absolute
happiness.” “I hope so.” Elliot walked to the small window of the apartment
and looked outside of it. All of Oskavia can be seen this far up.
“You see this, Lucas? It’s bullshit.” He says staring at The buildings tall and slim covered in the black residue of the
the box filled with static. war with deep cracks going up and down the cement blocks
making them unstable and on the brink of collapsing. The
“Yeah, I see it. It’s played on the TV every 30 minutes, skies permanently colored red and black from the fires that
you know?” can’t be put out from the missiles. And most if not all greenery
has gone up in flames.
He ignores his snarky remark. “I still can’t believe they’re
claiming to give ‘eternal happiness’. I mean depression isn’t “It’s been quiet. Not a single missile dropped today,” said
simply cured, especially not with one of those small chips.” Elliot.

“I don’t know, Elliot. What if they do give us this ́ eternal “Thank god, my ears started bleeding from the sound
happiness ́ ? Wouldn’t that be nice? To not feel like our minds yesterday.”
and our world are collapsing for once?”
It became quiet for a moment, only the faint sound of the
woman on the TV was heard. “Lucas, you can’t do this!” begged Elliot.

“Elliot?” “I’m tired, Elliot. I’m done praying the building doesn’t
collapse every time a missile drops. I’m tired of breathing
“Yeah Lucas?” air-filled of black smoke. I’m tired of seeing my friends die!”

“Do you really not want eternal happiness?” “For Christ's sake, Lucas. All of that will still be
happening, you’d just be in a happy high that isn’t even real.
“No. Not like this.” Have you seen Castiel? He isn’t him anymore. He is in a
trance 24/7. He doesn’t laugh, he doesn’t make stupid jokes
2 anymore. Cas isn’t Cas.”

Months passed. Oskavia was 50 50. Half of the population “But he’s happy. He told me all about his new world.
obtained “eternal happiness”, the Blithes, and the other half He lives in a cottage in the mountains and there’s a lake right
who did not want anything to do with it, the Fireflies. A few in front of it. The sky is bright blue with clouds all over. There
months back, it became clear to the civilians that the blithe are bright green trees that are so tall they can touch the sky,
was no longer optional. Speculation arose when Oskavia lost just like the ones we read about in history. And while his mind
most of its soldiers in an attack of the Institute. Because of the is in a happy place, his body simply follows his daily routine. I
Blithe now being mandatory, the Fireflies were formed and want that Elliot. I want that so bad.”
they suspected the government of being involved in this more
than they let on. Eventually people came to the conclusion that “Don’t do it, please. I can’t lose my best friend.”
the government needed soldiers after the last attack and
chipping everyone was necessary. But they didn't know how “I’m doing it. You better leave before they get here and
that would help. The Blithes who crossed over willingly had chip you too.”
grown tired of the war, death, and the crippling feeling that
they will never reach any type of enjoyment in this life; so they The door was busted down and 3 federal officers wearing
took the only option given to them. all-black combat gear walked through. Elliot quickly ran to the
closet behind him before he could get spotted. He covered his
“I already called them!” shouted Lucas with anger in his mouth and nose to not make a sound. The men grabbed
voice. Lucas by the arms and dragged him to the table next to him.
One of the men pushed his head against the table and took 3
out a syringe-like gun. He put it against his skull and pulled the It had been 3 weeks since Lucas turned and Elliot was on the
trigger. The gun made a hiss and blood spued from Lucas’ run. The government was after him. They were now hunting
head. The chip was in. The officer held Lucas up and grabbed down everyone until all of Oskavia was implanted with the
his face by the cheeks. Lucas’ body was limp and there was Blithe. The Blithes began to be the ones who hunted the
no trace of consciousness. The officer looked at Lucas as the Fireflies and they showed no mercy. They were being
blood spilled from his skull and whispered to his face with a big controlled by the people in the Institute. Elliot had been on the
smile on his face, “Welcome to the Blithe.” run for weeks and he became tired of hiding. He decided to go
to his favorite place to clear his mind even though it might be
Elliot waited until the officers left and slowly walked out of the risky. He traveled all the way back home to his apartment and
closet. His body was shaking. He had tears running down his climbed to the top of his building and sat there. He looked at
face. He couldn’t let a single word out but his breaths were fast his home and saw that it was no different than the day that he
and short. He tried catching his breath but he couldn’t. Tears saw that woman on TV talking about “eternal happiness”. He
kept falling from his eyes. He saw his best friend still on the sat in the silence of Oskavia and in the distance, he heard very
floor, unconscious with his eyes completely open. They were faint screams of men and women and could only assume that
bloodshot red. He kneeled down on the ground filled with they were found and turned. The silence was broken when
Lucas’ blood and held his body close to him. He had never around 10 Blithes and 3 officers climbed to the top of the
seen someone chipped before. building behind him.

“Lucas. Lucas. Please wake up buddy.” he said with a “It’s time.” whispered a Blithe.
shivering voice still trying to catch his breath.
“You're not taking me. I won’t let you,” said Elliot
He didn’t wake up. He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. That’s all calmly.
that went through his head. The sound of officers boots
creeped through the hallways. Elliot needed to go. He hugged Out of the crowd of Blithes, Lucas walked out and stood in
Lucas one last time and gently put his body back down. Elliot front of Elliot with a knife in his hand.
ran out the apartment door to the fire escape and promised
himself to never go back there again. “Do it.” said the Blithe.

Lucas held the knife to the inside of his arm and pressed until
he sliced his arm and blood fell to the floor.
The Blithes pinned Elliot down to the ground and held the
“Turn. Become a Blithe. Or they’ll tell him to keep syringe-like gun to his head. The gun hissed and he felt a
going.” sharp pain in the back of his head and felt the blood spue
quickly from it going down his face and back. He couldn’t
“Who will tell him?” asked Elliot. move his body and he was quickly losing consciousness.
Before he could lose complete conscious, a Blithe grabbed his
“Our makers. The Institute.” head as they did to Lucas and whispered to him.

Lucas continued to run the knife down his arm and blood fell “Your body is now a soldier who will fight for Oskavia in
profusely. this war. Your consciousness will be at peace, while your body
will be controlled and used for our needs. You will now fight for
“Okay stop! Stop! Don’t kill him. I’ll turn.” yelled Elliot. your country. We hope you enjoy your stay. Welcome to the

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