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Elite Ball Handling System- Month 1

Dual Brain Training: Phase 1

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Plan Recommendations

Today's workout is focused on dual brain training. Our ability to have a "subconscious handle" is
crucial so that we can focus on other areas of the game (our teams plays, where teammates are
on the court, where the gap is in the defense, etc.). Today's workout will improve your ability to
subconsciously handle the ball by adding a variety of challenges such as 2 ball dribbling, cone
grabs and tennis ball drills. When you master this workout you will begin to notice changes on
the court in your ability to focus on external aspects of the game instead of thinking out dribbling
the ball.

Complete all core exercises as a circuit. This means you will complete 1 set of an exercise, rest
20 seconds and move onto the next exercise. After you complete all core exercises, rest 1
minute, then repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

Around Back/Dribble Behind Back

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40

-Complete a quick around the back, the dribble behind the back in the same direction. Complete
this cycle as fast as possible.

-This drill is designed to improve your feel for the ball, enhance your rhythm and hand speed.

-Complete one set going to the right, then one set going to the left.
2 Ball Alternating Pound Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40
Set #4 00:00:40

-Pound the balls as hard as possible in an alternating manner. Throughout this drill think "pop the
ball" or "dent the floor".

-Complete 2 sets at hip height, then 2 sets at knee height. Aim to build rhythm/speed, then once
you're comfortable you can bring your head up and look straight forward.

2 Ball Pound w/ Front/Side Step

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Pound the balls simultaneously. Every 5 pounds we will take a step before coming back to

-After 5 dribbles perform a lateral jab to your right, come back to neutral and perform 5 more
dribble then jab forward with your right foot. Complete the same cycle on your left and repeat
this cycle throughout the set.

-This drill is designed to introduce movement with the 2 ball dribbling. Focus on keeping the jabs
quick and pounding the ball as hard as possible.

2 Ball Pound Kill- One High/One Low

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Pound the balls simultaneously 5 times, then kill one ball with a low dribble while maintaining the
high pound of the other ball. Come back to neutral for 5 pound dribbles and repeat on the other

-This drill is a great way to improve your dual brain capabilities. Try your hardest to kill the low
ball very close to the floor while maintaining a high/hard pound with the other ball.
2 Ball Synchronized Cuff
Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Perform simultaneous in-n-out cuff dribbles. Aim to push the dribble speed and exaggerate the
in-n-out WITHOUT carrying the basketball.

-The drill should be performed at hip height.

-This drill is fundamental for developing elite cuffing ability, which will lead to better performance
in the in-n-out dribble, spin move and all other moves that require a cuff dribble.

2 Ball In-N-Out Taps

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Perform simultaneous in-n-out taps as low as you can. Only use your fingertips on this drill. Your
palms should NOT touch the ball.

-Start around knee level and gradually bring the dribble lower and lower until the ball is only a
few inches off the floor.

-This drill will enhance hand speed and finger tip control.

2 Ball Pound w/ 1 Ball Cross

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Pound the balls simultaneously. Rapidly crossover with one ball and quickly get back to your
pounds. Alternate the crossover dribble after every 5 pounds.

-Aim to crossover fast and below the knees. Don't allow the other ball to bounce more than once
before getting back to your pound.
-This drill is good for developing dual brain abilities while enhancing crossover speed.

Cone Grab Cross

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40
Set #4 00:00:40

-Crossover between the legs from left to right as you drop LOW into a split stance with your right
foot forward. Take a rhythm dribble with your right hand, bring your feet back together to the
neutral position. Cross the ball back over to the left hand and transfer the cone from left to right
hand. Take 3 rhythm dribbles and repeat.

-Complete 2 sets to one side, then 2 sets to the other side.

-This drill will force us to dynamically work on our "move specific" hip mobility. In order to be low
enough to grab the cone, we must be in a low split stance, which mimics the exact same stance
we should be in while blowing by a defender.

Tennis Ball Drop/Cross

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:00:40
Set #2 00:00:40
Set #3 00:00:40

-Drop the tennis ball and quickly crossover. Catch the tennis ball with the other hand before it
bounces twice.

-Switch hands on each rep and aim to crossover low. This drill is great for dual brain training and
also puts pressure on you to crossover quickly in order to catch the tennis ball before it bounces

Spider Touch
Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Reps Notes

Set #1 8
Set #2 8
Set #3 8

Right Side/Left Side = 1 rep

Come to a push-up position, brace your core and touch your right hand to your left foot. Repeat
on the other side.

The slower you can complete this exercise the better. Focus on keeping your torso neutral
without rotating as you continue through the set.

Complete your set, rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next exercise

Side Plank
Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:20:00
Set #2 00:20:00
Set #3 00:20:00

Focus on keeping your hips high and your whole body in a straight line. Squeeze your core and
you should feel the side of your core (obliques) contracting.

Complete your set, rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next exercise

Elbow to Knee Cross Touch

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Reps Notes

Set #1 8
Set #2 8
Set #3 8

Lie on your back, keep your left leg on the floor and bring your right knee to meet your left
elbow. Squeeze your core, especially the abdominals for a 3 second hold before releasing.
Complete all 8 repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

Complete your set, rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

PJF Anti-Rotation Hold

Rest: 20 seconds

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:20:00
Set #2 00:20:00
Set #3 00:20:00

For this exercise you can use a cable weighted machine OR a resistance band w/ adequate
tension. If you don't have either of these, hold a basketball in front of your chest with straight
arms and have a partner push the basketball while you push against their force.
If using a cable weighted machine choose a weight that will challenge you. Interlock your fingers
over the cable attachment handle and hold DIRECTLY in front of your chest. The cable or band
will pull you laterally but you need to contract your core to keep your hands in front of your chest.

Squeeze your glutes and core to maintain position on this exercise. You should feel your
obliques working to resist the pull of the cable or band.

Hold for 20 seconds on one side, then switch and face the other way for another 20 seconds.
This completes your first set. Rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

Bird Dog
Rest: 1:00 minutes

Sets Reps Notes

Set #1 8
Set #2 8
Set #3 8

Come down to your hands and knees (quadruped position). Keeping your back in a neutral
position raise your left arm and your right leg until they are parallel to the floor. This exercise
won't provide an intense burn, however, it is very good for teaching the core to remain neutral
during limb movements which is important for jumping.

Complete 8 repetitions on one side before switching to the other side. This completes 1 set.
Because this is the last exercise of your core circuit, REST 1 FULL MINUTE and begin your
second round of the circuit starting with the first exercise
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