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Scientific investigation to see which different intensities of exercise routines will

burn the most calories, affect pH of co2.


The purpose of this investigation is to find the best exercise routine that burns the most

​Background information:

oxygen is carried to muscle by blood stream. the oxygen is stored by a myoglobin.

myoglobin is used to break down glucose into ATP which is energy to move our muscles.

It has many different kinds of exercise routine, it has 1 routine that many people
know it is a cardio workout that you use a lot of energy to the exercise every time. Cardio
can separate to be 2 different types there are HIIT(High intensity ​interval training) that you
use a lot of energy in a short period of time and LISS =(Low Intensity Steady State) you
need to use little energy in a long time.

Research question:

- “How do the intensity of exercise routines affect beat rate considering same person


The high intensity exercise routine cause more beat rate than low intensity exercise routine
because high intensity routine has more difficult exercise than low intensity routine. people
will use more energy to move the muscles in a short time, so our body needs more oxygen.
Therefore, our beat rate will increase to move more oxygen in our blood to each part of our
body when we do high intensity exercise routine.


1) Materials

- 1 exercise mat per person.

- 4m by 4m space.
- Timer to count down the time.
- heart rate checking by wrist or neck.

2) Variables:

Independent Variable: The intensity of the exercise routine.

Dependent Variable: beat rate, breathing rate, burning calories.

Control Variable:

- Heart beat rate while resting

- Time of each exercise routine
- Time of measuring dependent variable after exercise
- Time to measure every exercise routine.

Table showing the variables and the method to control them.


The intensity of the Independent Choose different intensity to do
exercise routine. Variable for the routine.
beat rate bpm Dependent Checking our heart is working
Variable during experiment.
Time of each Min Control Doing exercise routine at the
exercise routine variable same time

Time to measure Min Control Each person does same length

every exercise variable of exercise

Time of measuring Sec Control measure dependent variable

dependent variables variable (beat rate) in 15 seconds right
after exercise after exercise.

Beat rate while bpm control Take enough rest to make beat
resting variable rate same as before the

3) Diagram

High intensity routine: ​

Low intensity routine: ​

4) Procedure:

1. record beat rate of each person before exercise.

2. Exercise low intensity routine
3. Check heart rate of each person by heart rate checking band, or counting how many
times heart work in 15 seconds.
4. write each person’s heart rate on the notebook
5. Take a rest for 30 to 45 seconds
6. Exercise high intensity routine
7. Check heart rate of each person by heart rate checking band, or counting how many
times heart works in 15 seconds
8. write each person’s heart rate on the notebook
9. multiply 4 on each person’s heart rate in 15 seconds to estimate heart rate in a
10. compare beat rates between low intensity exercise routine and high intensity routine.

5) Safety, Ethical and Environmental Considerations

- Be Careful when we do exercise routine not to hit each other.

- Do stretch before starting an exercise routine in case we could have cramps.
- Beware of the environment in case there's any safety hazards around the exercise
zone eg. exercising near the pool.

- We will not be using any chemicals from the laboratory.
- We will not be using any animal substances.
- This will not produce any waste.
- We will not be going to any field sites.
- These exercises are not recommended for injured person.

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