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Software Requirements


<AMC Hospital Management>

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by

Abubakar Nadeem(SP16-BCS-025)

Ihtisham Hamza(SP16-BCS-039)

<Comsats Vehari>


Copyright © 2018 by Comsats. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page ii

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................i

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions ........................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ......................................................................1
1.4 Product Scope ......................................................................................................................1
1.5 References ............................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description ............................................................................................. 2
2.1 Product Perspective ..............................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Functions ................................................................................................................2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.4 Operating Environment ........................................................................................................2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints ..............................................................................3
2.6 User Documentation ............................................................................................................3
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ..........................................................................................3
3. External Interface Requirements ...................................................................... 3
3.1 User Interfaces .....................................................................................................................3
3.2 Hardware Interfaces .............................................................................................................3
3.3 Software Interfaces ..............................................................................................................3
4. Functional Requirements ................................................................................... 3
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .................................................................. 4
5.1 Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................4
5.2 Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................4
5.3 Security Requirements .........................................................................................................4
5.4 Software Quality Attributes .................................................................................................4
5.5 Business Rules .....................................................................................................................4
Appendix A: Glossary.............................................................................................. 5
Appendix B: Analysis Models ................................................................................. 6
Appendix C: To Be Determined List.................................................................... 16
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose for this software is to records the information of the patients and to save his/her
Treatment History so that it may be used in Future. It also generate bills of patients regarding the
Services, Medicines and Lab Tests.

1.2 Document Conventions

In this Documents Size of Heading are 14 and Bold and all other Information is of size 12,Spacing
is 1.15 and Font Style used is Times New Roman. Requirement like Patient registration, IPD, OPD
and Pathology lab have its own Priority.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for developers, project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and
documentation writers. It Contains Product Scope, user classes, Functional and Non Functional
Requirements, Software features, Interfaces , Appendix A included Glossary and Analysis Models
are included in Appendix B and References are also Present in this Document for Better

1.4 Product Scope

The objective of developing this Software is to record the information of the patients and to save
his/her Treatment History so that it may be used in Future regardless of that he/she is admitted in
Hospital or not. It also generates and Records bills of patients keeping in regard the Services,
Medicines and Lab Tests he/she has used. It will help in getting the record of Patients and Accounts
in Future by referring to their Registration ID in case of any Misfortune. It will help in Better and
Safe Treatment of Patients and Good Management of the Hospital.

1.5 References
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page 2

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

This product is developed for AMC hospital by Abubakar Nadeem and Ihtisham Hamza Student of
BSCS in Comsats Vehari on demand of the Hospital Management. This Product is New and a Self
Contained Product. This version is 1.0 and new Functionalities may be added in future on the
demand of management. The main Systems in this Software are Patient registration, IPD, OPD and
Pathology lab and they are related with Each Other and all the record is Saved for Future Reference
and Help.

2.2 Product Functions

Patient is registers when he enters the Hospital for First time.
Registration ID is generated.
Patient’s admission details such as reason for admission, ward details, operation details (if any), etc.
are recorded.
Consulting details of the patient are recorded and Discharge Slip is Generated when Patient is
Bill is prepared (including the services such as pathology lab availed by the patient).

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics


Admin has the full access to the system which means he is able to manage anyactivity with regard
to the system..


Interacts with the systems most often to supply service to customers

2.4 Operating Environment

This software will operate on Microsoft windows 7,8 and 8.1 and its Size is 1.3 GB and Minimum
Ram Size should be 2 GB or higher. Pentium Core 2 Duo or higher

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

The Data is also backed up so in case of any misfortune the record may remain safe. The language
used is English. It can also perform parallel processing and it will need to provide password when
accessing the patient record and will generate a prompt message in case of accidentally deleting a
data. In case of entering three Wrong Pass word it will block the access for 10 Minutes.
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page 3

2.5 User Documentation

In case of any Difficulty or Problem you may Concern Product Manual delivered along with this
Software and Tutorials are also present at

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

The Staff should be Trained and Should be Deployed Equally the Deployment of one Employee at
all systems may affect the Processing Speed for Example Registration and Billing Should be Done
by two Persons. If system Requirements are not fulfilled software will not work properly and some
Components may not work.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

Details may be entered by using keyboards and on Screen Keyboard may be used in Case of a fault
in a mouse. Clicks should be done by Mouse. To perform a particular functionality icons may be
Help may be taken by clicking a Star icon on the Left Side of the Icon. Appropriate Screen
resolution should be 1366 * 768. The Shortcut keys Details are Present in Manuals

3.2 Hardware Interfaces


3.3 Software Interfaces

JRE 1.8
My SQL Server
OS Microsoft Window 7, 8 or 8.1

4. Functional Requirements
Patient Registration
Every patient will be registered when he enters the hospital investigations done) Information such
as personal details, family details, etc. is recorded and a registration id is issued. Every time a
patient is treated at the hospital he/she will be referred by this number. Patient’s admission details
such as reason for admission, ward details, operation details (if any), etc. are recorded whenever
he/she is admitted
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page 4

A bill is prepared against the various services availed by the patient. Consulting details of the
patient are recorded and a bill is prepared (including the services such as pathology lab availed by
the patient.

Report Generation
Reports will be of Patient Information and Bed Availability will be also recorded and Reports will
be Generated. Reports about Bed number occupied or free are generated.

Data of all patients who visit the hospital will store in the database and a ID will be assigned to each
patients.ID should be unique so that it may be used in future use. The treatment history and billing
Details are also stored in databases and Backed up. And when the patients visit the hospital again
then its treatment details are updated in the database.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

Response time of the system will give responses within 1 second after checking the patient n
formation and other information. The system must support 1000 people at a time. Screen will
response within 5 seconds.

5.2 Safety Requirements

If there is damage to a database or Software or deletion of data Accidentally then data can be
backed up using recovery. The recovery method restores a past copy of the database that was
backed up to storage.

5.3 Security Requirements

Login will be done after proving password when accessing the Software and it will generate a
prompt message in case of accidentally deleting a data. In case of entering three Wrong passwords it
will block the access for 10 Minutes.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

It should have following attributes Availability, Correctness, Maintainability, Usability and

5.5 Business Rules

The business rules are given below
Software Requirements Specification for AMC Hospital Management Page 5

Our organization will take the responsibility of failures due to hardware malfunctioning. Warranty
period of maintaining the software would be one year.
Additional payments will be analyzed and charged for further maintenance. If any error occur due
to a user’s improper use. Warranty will not be allocated to it.
Appendix A: Glossary
IPD Stands for Inpatient Department
OPD Stands for outpatient Department
Appendix B: Analysis Models



Level 0
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Level 1

Level 2
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For Better Understanding Attributes are Drawn Separate

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Appendix C: To Be Determined List

Use Cases
Activity Diagram

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