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I. Why Toys Are Important ‘Toys, games, ad puzzes include a wide range of materials that children can explore, put together, push and pal, stack and cresto—somerimes fr long periods of tne. Appropri- ‘ae toys give chldren opportuniies to practice new sis such as puting pegs ito small, holes, an to develop new sis such 2 matching pictures hat re the same. ‘Toys are almost basic requirement of family child cae. I's hard wo imagine a provider without such material. A good ty is one that can be used in more then ope wat. En fac, tne more ways in which such objects canbe used, the longer they will old a chil’ inter- ‘it and the mor valne you get from your investment. Ts is why constuction ny, col- ‘red pair blk, doll hous, and sets of people or animals ae so popula. Children tie most quick) of gimmicky toys sich as wind-up toys tha can be weed in caly One > way and fal to challenge ter imaginations. “A good toy canbe used by children at ifferent stages of development children vill sim- _ py se them In dierent ways, For example, one-year olds and four year-olds bom enjoy _tesing ites. Cae year ot ply put tae si hee mca, dup ten wo see 106 “Here are some ways in which children grow and develop by playing wth toys. (Chitéen develop thinking sls by: ‘+ using their senses to explore a toy chewing ona plas rng). + entiying colors and shapes (playing with colored toys oF using & game with geo- metic shapes) ‘seaming detionality (taming purl pieces so that they ft together). + clasiying objets according to size, shape, or function (playing wih a bution box snd grouping buttons in amufin tin). ‘+ being creative and solving a problem (xying to create spaceship witha seo pick- upstiis). (Children develop socially by: ‘+ sharing materials that interest them (ating toys, games, and pure together ding ‘oe ply). + playing cooperatively (laying a Loco game with anoter child). * aking pont ing ais afl and esi them i ope (Charen develop emotionally by: “rinsing town power Gongs with asic nme ad sng sing ttn by comping mi (cnt compl wooden pe + extending thir imaginations and creativgy (sing pargueny blocks wo create nique sesigns). (Chitren develop physically by: * ig so mec ls ting pelea and ping hen plac + practicing visual sills (laying with a set of stacking rings). + coordinating eye and hand movements (stinging wooden beads) ‘When chikren have time 10 play with tos, they manipulate, explore and experiment. ‘They lean many concepts and develop important sls whe having fn. In the next seo tion we provide suggestions for creating an environment hat encourages chirea’s ear- ing they play with toys.

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