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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


Succession sequence of lactic acid bacteria driven by environmental

factors and substrates throughout the brewing process of Shanxi
aged vinegar
Yu Zheng 1 & Jun Mou 1 & Jiwei Niu 1 & Shuai Yang 1 & Lin Chen 1 & Menglei Xia 1 & Min Wang 1

Received: 10 August 2017 / Revised: 2 December 2017 / Accepted: 11 December 2017

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are essential microbiota for the fermentation and flavor formation of Shanxi aged vinegar, a famous
Chinese traditional cereal vinegar that is manufactured using open solid-state fermentation (SSF) technology. However, the dy-
namics of LAB in this SSF process and the underlying mechanism remain poorly understood. Here, the diversity of LAB and the
potential driving factors of the entire process were analyzed by combining culture-independent and culture-dependent methods.
Canonical correlation analysis indicated that ethanol, acetic acid, and temperature that result from the metabolism of microorgan-
isms serve as potential driving factors for LAB succession. LAB strains were periodically isolated, and the characteristics of 57
isolates on environmental factor tolerance and substrate utilization were analyzed to understand the succession sequence. The
environmental tolerance of LAB from different stages was in accordance with their fermentation conditions. Remarkable correla-
tions were identified between LAB growth and environmental factors with 0.866 of ethanol (70 g/L), 0.756 of acetic acid (10 g/L),
and 0.803 of temperature (47 °C). More gentle or harsh environments (less or more than 60 or 80 g/L of ethanol, 5 or 20 g/L of acetic
acid, and 30 or 55 °C temperature) did not affect the LAB succession. The utilization capability evaluation of the 57 isolates for 95
compounds proved that strains from different fermentation stages exhibited different predilections on substrates to contribute to the
fermentation at different stages. Results demonstrated that LAB succession in the SSF process was driven by the capabilities of
environmental tolerance and substrate utilization.

Keywords Lactic acid bacteria . Succession sequence . Shanxi aged vinegar . Environmental tolerance . Substrate utilization

Introduction fermented foods, such as vinegars (Li et al. 2016b) and cheese
(Wolfe et al. 2014), are driven by multispecies microbial com-
Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is one of the oldest and most munities. In an open work environment, succession of micro-
economical ways of producing and preserving foods; more- bial communities is always consecutive and can affect the char-
over, SSF may improve the nutritional values, sensory proper- acteristics and quality of the final fermented food (Li et al.
ties, and functional qualities of raw materials (Lu et al. 2016). 2016b). Many microbiological studies have been conducted
The SSF processes of most known natural and industrial to reveal the diversity and succession of microbial communities
during these open-SSF processes (Nie et al. 2015; Wu et al.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
2012); however, gaps remain between the community forma-
( contains supplementary tion and function of these complex microbial communities dur-
material, which is available to authorized users. ing the open-SSF processes.
Vinegars have been used worldwide as acerbic table condi-
* Min Wang ments, preservatives, health products, and medicine for thou- sands of years. In China, vinegars are traditionally made from
1 cereals, such as sorghum, sticky rice, and wheat bran (Wu et al.
State Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety. Key Laboratory
of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology, Ministry of Education. 2010; Li et al. 2016b). Shanxi aged vinegar (SAV) is one of the
College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science & famous Chinese vinegars, which is produced with a typical SSF
Technology, Tianjin 300457, People’s Republic of China technology involving Daqu, alcohol fermentation (AF), acetic
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

acid fermentation (AAF), smoking pei, and aging stages (Liu analysis (CCA) methods. LAB strains were periodically iso-
et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2012). Various microorganisms, including lated according to the brewing process to understand the suc-
molds, yeasts, and bacteria, are spontaneously enriched and cession sequence of LAB. Characteristics of LAB strains on
disappeared in the SSF process (Nie et al. 2015; Solieri and environmental adaption and substrate utilization were ex-
Giudici 2009) (Fig. 1). Such microorganisms are significant plored to reveal the succession sequence of LAB throughout
in the production and characteristics of SAV. Smoking the fermentation process. To our knowledge, this is the first
pei, in which microorganisms scarcely remain due to the report to perform comparative studies to investigate the suc-
high-temperature environment (80 to 90 °C), is a special tech- cession sequence of the LAB community by combining
nique for SAV that is performed after AAF stage. Daqu, a type culture-independent and culture-dependent methods. The re-
of mixed-culture starter, is used as inoculum for the SSF, and sults will greatly increase the scientific understanding of the
the dominant beneficial microorganisms in Daqu are molds, of brewing mechanism in the open-SSF process and may render
the genera Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Mucor, and yeasts of the rational strategies for regulating the SSF process.
genus Saccharomyces (Nie et al. 2013). Yeasts of the genera
Saccharomyces and Saccharomycopsis typically dominate the
AF stage because they can rapidly consume low-molecular- Materials and methods
weight sugar and thus increase ethanol concentration (Li et al.
2015b). Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) and lactic acid bacteria Samples
(LAB) are crucial to the success of SAV. AAB, especially
Acetobacter, dominate the AAF stage because of their excel- Samples of Daqu, Jiulao (samples from AF stage with mi-
lent capability of rapid conversion of ethanol into acetic acid, crobes and substrates), Cupei (samples from AAF stage with
which is the major source of total acid and dominant flavor microbes and substrates), and aging stages were collected
components of vinegars (Nie et al. 2017; Solieri and Giudici from a SAV factory (Shanxi Zilin Vinegar Industry Co.,
2009). LAB, particularly Lactobacillus, are the most relevant Ltd., Qingxu, China) according to the production process.
bacteria throughout the SSF process of SAV and greatly con- Daqu was collected from a mature Daqu storage room. Four
tribute to the production of organic acids, which are the main Jiulao samples were collected at different times (1st, 4th, 7th,
flavor substances of SAV and contribute a soft taste (Li et al. and 10th day), along with the AF stage. Five Cupei samples
2016b; Nie et al. 2015, 2017), as well as other flavor sub- were collected at the 0th, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th day, along with
stances. The composition of LAB constantly changes during the AAF stage. Aging samples were collected at the aging
the fermentation process, from Daqu to AF, AAF, and aging stage of SAV. Parts of these samples were used to determine
stages due to the open-SSF technology and varied conditions physicochemical indictors and were dealt with as follows:
(Nie et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2012). Thus, studies on how highly Samples of Jiulao were centrifuged at 4629×g for
variable environmental conditions affect LAB succession in 10 min after homogenization, and the supernatant was
the SSF process of SAV are becoming increasingly important. used for detection. For Cupei pretreatment, 5 g of samples was
Recent studies have suggested that bacterial communi- diluted into 45 mL of distilled water, shaken for 30 min
ties are often formed under controlled conditions in dis- completely at room temperature, and centrifuged. The super-
crete units, which allow the measurement and manipula- natant was collected for analysis.
tion of migration into the community, environmental con-
ditions, and growth substrates (Li et al. 2015a, 2016a; Analyses of the diversity and succession of LAB
Wang and Xu 2015; Wolfe et al. 2014; Zheng et al. community
2014). Others have argued that bacterial dynamics is large-
ly driven by individual traits (Nemergut et al. 2016). These The succession of LAB along with the entire fermentation
studies generally have implied a degree of mathematical process was analyzed using high-throughput sequencing. For
analysis in the driving factors of bacterial community suc- DNA extraction, each sample was homogenized using liquid
cession. However, knowledge on how environmental con- nitrogen (flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and then rapidly
ditions, substrates, and individual traits affect the microbial thawed in a water bath at 65 °C for 2 min, these procedures
community structure has not been identified yet. The suc- were repeated three times), and approximately 500 mg of each
cessional trajectory of LAB communities and the mecha- sample was used for genomic DNA extraction which was
nism controlling the dynamics at a scale that is relevant for performed according to a previous method (Nie et al. 2015).
these organisms are significant to understand considering Bacterial 16S rDNA genes (V3–V5 variable regions) were
the importance of LAB for the SAV SSF process. amplified from the total genomic DNA by using primers 341
In this work, the succession of LAB and its potential driv- F and 926 R, which incorporated 454 FLX titanium adapters
ing factors in the open-SSF process of SAV were revealed by and a sample barcode sequence (Nie et al. 2015). Sequencing
using high-throughput sequencing and canonical correlation was performed using a 454 GS FLX titanium system (Roche,
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

America) at The Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI, Shenzhen, metadata obtained by high-throughput sequencing (relative
China). 16S rDNA gene sequences were processed and mod- abundance), main fermentation parameters (pH, total acid,
ified following previously described methods (Jeong et al. reducing sugar, and temperature), and metabolites (ethanol,
2013; Kostic et al. 2012). Pyrosequencing data were proc- lactic acid, and acetic acid) were taken. The analysis
essed using a data curation pipeline implemented in Mothur was conducted using Canoco for Windows v4.51 and
(Schloss et al. 2009). Sequencing reads were sorted to specific Canodraw (Wageningen UR, Netherlands) (Nie et al. 2017).
samples on the basis of unique barcodes, and the barcodes Data standardization was performed using IBM SPSS 19.0
were subsequently trimmed. Sequencing reads were removed (
if the reads were < 200 or > 1000 bp, had a non-exact barcode
match, exceeded two ambiguous bases (N), exceeded eight Isolation of LAB
consecutive identical bases, or had average quality scores <
25. A nearest-alignment space termination-based sequence A total of 5 g of each sample was added to 45 mL of physio-
aligner was used to align sequences to a custom reference on logic saline solution and homogenized in an incubator with
the basis of SILVA alignment (Kostic et al. 2012; Schloss et al. shaking at 200 rpm for 5 min. The blending suspensions were
2009). Chimeric sequences were identified and filtered by serially diluted with a sterilized physiologic saline solution,
quality. Chimera-free sequences were clustered in operational and 150 μL of appropriate diluted solution was spread onto
taxonomic units (OTUs) defined by 97% similarity using a Man–Rogosa–Sharpe (MRS) plates (Beijing land and
complete-linkage clustering tool. Representative sequences bridge, China) with 0.1% (w/v) nystatin dihydrate for
per OTU were classified according to previously described inhibiting fungus. Plates were incubated at 37 °C for 2
methods (Kostic et al. 2012). Ribosomal Database Project to 3 days, and colonies with different phenotypes were select-
naïve Bayesian rDNA classifier was used to hierarchically ed and purified. All isolates were submitted to Gram staining,
classify high-quality sequencing reads at the genus level with spore staining, catalase activity testing, and acid production
a confidence threshold of 80% (Wang et al. 2007). The OTUs testing according to LAB definition (Waters et al. 2015) and
that belonged to LAB were selected for the biodiversity anal- were stored at 4 °C. Sequence accession numbers for the iso-
ysis of LAB in the SAV-brewing process. LAB biodiversity lates used in the following experiments are provided in
indices, including Berger–Parker (d), Margalef (d Ma ), Supplemental Table S1.
Simpson index (D), Shannon index (H′), and Pielou evenness
index (Je), which represent species dominance, richness, di- Genotype comparison
versity probability, diversity level, and uniformity, respective-
ly, were calculated from data of relative quantities of OTUs The LAB isolates were cultured in MRS media for 12 to 18 h.
that belong to LAB (Nie et al. 2015). Genome was extracted with MiniBEST Bacterial Genomic
CCA was performed to determine the relationship between DNA Extraction Kit (Takara, Dalian, China) according to
LAB community and fermentation parameters. Nest to the instruction manual.

Fig. 1 Fermentation process of SAV

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

All LAB isolates in this study were subjected to enterobac- growth in different stresses of acetic acid, ethanol, and tem-
terial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)–polymerase perature. Correlation analysis between cell growth of LAB
chain reaction (PCR) to dislodge the potentially same strain from each stage under environmental stress and the environ-
by comparing the fingerprints. Amplifications were conducted mental parameters that varied along with fermentation was
in 25 μL of reaction mixture containing 0.6 μL of Premix Ex performed using SPSS.
Taq (Takara, Dalian, China) and 1 μM of each primer of
ERIC1 (5′-ATGTAAGCTCCTGGGGATTCAC-3′) and Characteristics of LAB regarding substrate
et al. 2011). PCR was performed as follows: an initial dena- The capability of LAB to utilize substrates was assessed with a
turation at 94 °C for 5 min; 35 cycles consisting of denatur- Gram-positive (GP) plate (GEN III Microstation, Biology,
ation at 94 °C for 30 s; annealing at 52 °C for 90 s, with Hayward CA) that contained 95 carbon sources, among which
extension at 72 °C for 3 min; and a final extension at 72 °C nearly 60 were detected in SAV fermentation in a pre-
for 10 min. PCR products were examined by 1.5% agarose gel vious study (Li et al. 2016b). The capability of LAB to
electrophoresis, and the amplicon fingerprint was analyzed decompose a particular substrate was evaluated accord-
using Quantity One 4.6.2 (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). ing to the color of the GP plate. Data standardization
Cluster analysis was performed with Minitab 16 software was performed using SPSS. PCA was used to evaluate
( (Minitab, America) using the metabolic characteristics of 57 isolates. The hierarchical
the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic means, cluster analysis (HCA) managed by software HCE3 (http://
and a dendrogram was produced on the basis of each simple was performed to explore
matching matrix. various LAB catabolism capabilities. A heat map was drawn
according to HCA data.
Identification of isolates

All LAB isolates with different ERIC-PCR fingerprints were Results

identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. Amplification of 16S
rDNA genes was assessed from the protocol using universal Fermentation process of SAV
primers 27 F and 1492 R (Oguntoyinbo and Narbad 2012).
Samples were submitted to GENEWIZ Company (Suzhou, Dynamics of physicochemical parameters throughout the fer-
China) for sequencing after purification. The obtained nearly mentation are shown in Fig. 2a. Ethanol, total acid, and tem-
full-length 16S rDNA sequences were compared with those perature were the universal indicators used to monitor the SSF
deposited in GenBank using BLAST search. Sequences process of SAV. Ethanol accumulated up to 6.9 g/100 mL in
that showed more than 98% similarity were considered the AF stage, which was then constantly consumed in the
to belong to the same OTU (Altschul et al. 1997). Consensus AAF stage. Total acid, which mainly resulted from acetic acid,
sequences were imported into MEGA 5.1 (http://www. and lactic acid increased to a non-significant level at the AF, where a similarity matrix and a stage but rapidly increased to 5.7 g/100 mL in the AAF stage.
dendrogram were created on the basis of maximum Lactic acid was mainly converted from glucose by LAB (Wu
composite likelihood method. et al. 2011). Lactic acid constantly accumulated from AF1d to
AAF5d but decreased from AAF5d to AAF7d, which was
Characteristics of LAB regarding environment probably consumed by microorganisms. AAB could convert
lactic acid to generate acetone, which is a flavor compound
Ethanol and acetic acid tolerance assays were conducted in- (Moens et al. 2014). Acetic acid was mainly converted from
dependently in fresh MRS media that contained 10 g/L of ethanol, through AAB constantly accumulating from AF1d to
acetic acid or 70 g/L of ethanol. All LAB isolates were culti- AAF5d, and then stabilized from AAF5d to AAF7d.
vated to mid-logarithmic phase and inoculated into fresh MRS Reducing sugar content decreased continuously, especially
media that contained acetic acid or ethanol with 5% (v/v) in the process of AF4d to AF7d. The content modestly
inoculum volume. Cells were incubated statically at 37 °C increased in the AFF stage, which suggested that part of
for 24 h and shaken for 20 s with an interval of 4 h. Cell the macromolecules (e.g., starch) were degraded to pro-
growth was monitored by measuring optical density at duce small-molecule reducing sugar (Cocchi et al.
600 nm (OD600). In temperature tolerance assays, all trans- 2006). Fermentation temperature remained at approxi-
ferred LAB were cultured at 47 °C for 24 h, and cell growth mately 30 °C in the AF stage, whereas it rapidly increased to
was detected. 47 °C in the AAF stage. The temperature increase mainly
Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to ex- resulted from the exothermic reaction of microorganism
plore the correlation between environmental tolerance and cell metabolism.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Composition and succession of LAB communities higher than those of the Daqu and AAF stages. OTU 6, OTU
9, OTU 11, and OTU 12, which belonged to Lactobacillus,
High-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the com- existed in the AF and AAF stages. Relative abundances of
position and succession of bacterial communities during SAV OTU 9 and OTU 12 constantly increased from the AF to the
fermentation. At least 12 OTUs in 4 genera, including AAF stages. OTUs of LAB decreased from 11 to 5 with fer-
Lactobacillus, Weissella, Pediococcus, and others, were iden- mentation from the AF stage to the AAF stage, which indicat-
tified as LAB (shown in Fig. 2b). The relative abundance of ed the vanishing of LAB species during SAV fermentation.
Lactobacillus reached 98.7%, in addition to small amounts of However, the succession sequence of LAB remained unclear.
Weissella (0.8%), Pediococcus (0.4%), and others (0.1%) of
LAB. OTUs of LAB in the AF stage (11 OTUs) were richer Relationships between environmental factors
than those in Daqu (3 OTUs) and AAF (5 OTUs) stages, and LAB community succession
which conformed to the results of LAB diversity indices
(shown in Table 1). Species dominance (d), richness (dMa), LAB existing in the brewing process of SAV spontaneously
Simpson (D), and Shannon (H′) indices of the AF stage were propagated to form a particular LAB community under the

Fig. 2 Dynamics of physicochemical indicator and LAB in SAV community structure with environmental factors. Arrows indicate the
fermentation and their correlation analysis. a Time curves of SAV direction and magnitude of environmental factors associated with LAB
fermentation. b Dynamics of relative abundance of LAB analyzed by community structure
high-throughput sequencing. c CCA analysis of the correlation of LAB
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

effects of nutrition and environmental factor changes, espe- (Nie et al. 2015, 2017). In the present study, LAB strains were
cially temperature, pH, total acid, and reducing sugar (Li et al. isolated according to the brewing process to determine the real
2017). Effects of these environmental factors and dominant characteristics of LAB from different stages. LAB are a group
metabolites (ethanol, lactic acid, and acetic acid) on the LAB of GP, catalase-negative, non-motile, non-respiring, and non-
community succession were evaluated using the CCA meth- spore bacteria that can make bromocresol turn green yellow
od, as shown in Fig. 2c. The two axes explained 86.4% of the (Wu et al. 2011; Waters et al. 2015). A total of 85 strains of
variation in LAB community differentiation, which suggested LAB were isolated from different brewing stages of SAV ac-
a remarkable correlation between LAB structure and these cording to their morphology on plates and under an optical
factors. Reducing sugar, ethanol, pH, and lactic acid showed microscope. All isolates were screened using the ERIC-PCR
strongly positive correlation with LAB distribution in the AF method, which has been proven to be an effective method for
stage but showed negative correlation in the AAF stage. differentiating LAB at the species, subspecies, and strain
Ethanol showed a stronger correlation than those of reducing levels because of its high repeatability and accuracy to char-
sugar, pH, and lactic acid. The remarkable correlation of eth- acterize and differentiate each strain (Gevers et al. 2001;
anol with LAB community indicated that ethanol, as the main Masco et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2012). The ERIC-PCR molecular
product in the AF stage, potentially played a major role in the fingerprint clustering of all strains to reflect microbial diver-
diversity and succession of LAB and corresponded to a pre- sity is shown in Fig. 3 (Yuan et al. 2010). Strains isolated from
vious report (Li et al. 2015b). Total acid and temperature, as the same sample with an identical genotype were considered
the most important physiochemical indicators for AAF, the same strain, and only one was selected for further study.
showed positive correlation with LAB composition in the For instance, among the AAF3-2, AAF3-4, AAF3-6, AAF3-
AAF stage (Li et al. 2016b). By contrast, they were negatively 7, and AAF3-8 that were isolated from sample AAF3d, only
correlated with LAB in the AF stage. The same result was AAF3-2 was selected. However, AAF7-4, AAF3-2, AAF1-4,
observed for the correlation of acetic acid with LAB compo- and AAF0-4 that were identified as Lactobacillus casei in
sition. Acetic acid and temperature showed an almost equal different samples were selected. A total of 57 isolates (listed
correlation with LAB distribution in the AAF stage, which in Supplemental Table S1) were accordingly selected and
indicated that acetic acid and temperature might play impor- identified by 16S rDNA combined with morphological phys-
tant roles in LAB structure in the AAF stage. Thus, exploring iological analysis. A phylogenetic tree was constructed on the
the environmental factor tolerance of LAB, including ethanol, basis of 16S rDNA sequences (Supplemental Fig. S1).
temperature, and acetic acid, would be a rational direction to ERIC-PCR fingerprints demonstrated the diversity of LAB
reveal the succession sequence of LAB throughout the strains throughout the fermentation process. The LAB com-
brewing process of SAV. position changed along with the fermentation process due to
distinct predilections to circumstance. Ethanol concentration
Isolation and identification of LAB increased in the AF stage, and ethanol concentration de-
along with fermentation process creased and acidity and temperature became the main envi-
ronmental stressors in the AAF stage according to the CCA
In previous reports, the succession of microbial community result (Fig. 2c). Thus, some LAB could exist continuously
was mainly analyzed using a culture-independent method throughout the fermentation process; for example,
Lactobacillus helveticus appeared almost in the entire fermen-
tation process. By contrast, Pediococcus acidilactici was iso-
Table 1 Microbial diversity indices of LAB communities. d: Berger-
Parker index, dMa: Margalef index, D: Simpson index, H′: Shannon lated only from samples of Daqu and AAF stages, and
index, Je: Pielou index Lactobacillus fermentum was isolated from the AF stage.
This result might be due to their different adaptability to en-
Sample number d dMa D H′ Je
vironmental stresses that were detected. Furthermore,
Daqu 2.45 0.43 0.66 1.55 0.98 Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus coryniformis were
AF1d 3.91 1.95 0.85 2.93 0.88 only detected only in AF1d, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus
AF4d 4.34 2.17 0.86 2.97 0.86 was detected only in the aging sample due to its extremely
AF7d 4.45 2.17 0.85 2.89 0.84 acidic and irradiant environment.
AF10d 4.10 1.52 0.82 2.59 0.86
AAF0d 2.87 0.87 0.74 2.06 0.89 Characteristics of LAB regarding environment
AAF1d 2.02 0.87 0.65 1.75 0.75
AAF3d 1.84 0.65 0.61 1.54 0.77 Ethanol and acetic acid, as the most significant products of AF
AAF5d 1.62 0.65 0.52 1.27 0.63
and AAF stages, respectively, were mainly converted by
AAF7d 1.54 0.43 0.47 1.00 0.63
yeasts from sugars and by AAB from ethanol (Nie et al.
2015). In addition to ethanol and acidity, high temperature
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

also affected the LAB distribution, which was mainly due to correlations were determined between the LAB growth at
microorganism metabolism. The most adaptive temperatures each stage and environmental factors that varied with fermen-
of LAB were 30 to 40 °C (Waters et al. 2015), and the peak tation. These findings agreed with CCA results. The correla-
temperature of AAF reached 47 °C (Fig. 2a). Therefore, the tion coefficients between cell growth and ethanol, acetic acid,
characters of LAB on environmental tolerance were studied and temperature were 0.866, 0.756, and 0.803, respectively.
with acetic acid, ethanol, and temperature as indicators to Results demonstrated that ethanol, acetic acid, and tempera-
reveal the succession sequence of LAB throughout the ture are important environmental factors that drive the succes-
brewing process of SAV. sion of the LAB community and other microorganisms. The
As shown in Fig. 4a–c, cell growth under environmental growth of some LAB strains with a low tolerance against
stress was distinguished along with the fermentation process. environmental factors was inhibited, whereas LAB strains
The growth capacity of LAB from different stages against with a high environmental tolerance grew properly and be-
environmental stress was in accordance with the trend of en- came the predominant LAB community for respective stages.
vironmental factors throughout the fermentation. Remarkable LAB from AAF grew better than those from AF stages under

Fig. 3 ERIC-PCR clustering

analysis of LAB strains
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

10 g/L of acetic acid or 47 °C stress, whereas LAB from AF influenced by acetic acid and temperature. LAB in AAF0d
grew better than those from AAF stages under 70 g/L of eth- were influenced by ethanol, acetic acid, and temperature.
anol stress. Moreover, we compared the growths of LAB un- Acetic acid showed almost the same inhibition effect com-
der gentle and harsh environments, including acidity stress of pared with that of temperature, which agreed with the CCA
5 or 20 g/L, ethanol stress of 60 or 80 g/L, and thermal stress results.
of 30 or 55 °C. However, no distinct differences in growths
were observed among the LAB strains from different stages Characteristics of LAB regarding substrate
due to low inhibition conditions (5 g/L of acetic acid, 60 g/L of
ethanol, and 30 °C) or excessive inhibition conditions (20 g/L Nutrition was another factor that affected the succession of
of acetic acid, 80 g/L of ethanol, and 55 °C) (data not shown). LAB community in addition to other environmental factors.
Tolerance variations of LAB against environmental factors For SAV fermentation, Jiulao and Cupei samples contained
were roughly matched with the variations in physiochemical abundant sugars, alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, and
indicators (Fig. 4a–c). other materials (Li et al. 2016b). Their changes in composition
PCA was used to evaluate LAB tolerance against environ- were closely related to microbial metabolism. A GP plate was
mental stresses. In Fig. 4d, the two axes explain 88.5% of the used to analyze the diversity of LAB in substrate metabolism,
overall environmental effect on LAB growth. LAB in AF1d, which could indicate the substrate utilization capabilities of
AF4d, AF7d, and AF10d were greatly influenced by ethanol. LAB strains. Figure 5 describes the heat map of the
LAB in AAF1d, AAF3d, AAF5d, and AAF7d were greatly substrate-decomposing capability of LAB strains. More

Fig. 4 Characteristics of LAB tolerance against environmental factors. a fermentation process; solid curves indicate the average growth of LAB
Environmental tolerance of LAB against acetic acid (10 g/L) throughout under different environmental stresses; dashed curves indicate the
the fermentation process. b Environmental tolerance of LAB against parameter change throughout the fermentation process. d PCA of LAB
ethanol (70 g/L) throughout the fermentation process. c Environmental tolerance on environmental factors; arrows indicate the direction and
tolerance of LAB against temperature (47 °C) throughout the magnitude of environmental factors associated with the LAB tolerance
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

substrates could be catalyzed by the strains from the AAF substrate catalytic activity. Substrates in group A showed
stage than those from AF, which indicated higher substrate high-catalysis activities by LAB from AF4d and AAF7d.
utilization by LAB in AAF than that in the AF stage. Moreover, lactic acid could be utilized by most LAB. This
Substrates were clustered into four groups on the basis of result was consistent with the concentration change of lactic

Fig. 5 Heat map analysis for LAB characteristic on substrate metabolism

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

acid in the fermentation process, which first increased and A scatter plot was created with the PCA results (Fig. 6a),
then decreased (as shown in Fig. 2a). The concentration of stating that 72.0% (18 over 25) of LAB in the first group were
acetic acid continuously increased; therefore, the total acid mainly isolated from AF, and 59.3% (16 over 27) of LAB in
consistently increased (Li et al. 2016b). Sugars, lactulose, ino- the second group were mainly isolated from AAF stages. The
sine, uridine, and D-galactose exhibited strong positive reac- plot suggested similar metabolic characteristics of LAB from
tions in AF4d. In the AF stage, sugars were metabolized into each fermentation stage. Particularly, group 3 was isolated
ethanol by yeasts, but they could also be metabolized by LAB from AAF7d, the later period of AAF with high acidity.
into multiple organic acids and other metabolites (Nie et al. Calculation of the average overall metabolism of LAB for
2015). Substrates in group B were mainly catalyzed by LAB each day indicted that PCA could explain 73.9% of the infor-
from AAF7d and the aging stage, including lactulose that was mation, as shown in Fig. 6b. LAB from AF and AAF stages
utilized by many LAB (Devos and Vaughan 1994). For group were divided into two groups, except LAB from AAF7d that
C, LAB from AAF5d could metabolize most substrates. L- were far from others due to the high acidity and low sugar
Arabinose, glycerin, pyruvic acid, and α-methyl-D-galactose concentration at the seventh day of AAF (as shown in Fig. 2a).
glucoside showed strongly positive reactions from LAB in
AF10d. D-Cellobiose, 5′-uridine phosphate, and D-sorbitol
showed strongly positive reactions from LAB in AAF7d. Discussion
Substrates in group D exhibited strongly positive reac-
tions from LAB in Daqu, AAF7d, and the aging stages. The importance of microbial communities for the fermenta-
Similar reaction profiles between LAB in AAF7d and tion and flavor formation of SAV SSF process is becoming
the aging stage were mainly because AAF7d was affected increasingly clear (Li et al. 2016b); however, dissecting the
by the aging process. formation mechanisms of these communities remains poorly
Principal component comprehensive score was used to identified due to their high species diversity, low cultivability,
evaluate the substrate utilization capability of LAB according and incapability to easily simulate their natural environment
to Biology system data (GEN III Microstatian, Biolog, (Wolfe et al. 2014). Recent studies have applied culture-
Hayward CA). Table 2 shows that the scores of the first 18 independent methods, including denaturing gradient gel elec-
compounds are mainly influenced by sugars, in addition to D- trophoresis and high-throughput sequencing, to evaluate the
lactic acid methyl ester, lactic acid, and pyruvic acid, which microbial ecology of traditional fermented food, including
indicated that those compounds could be utilized by most vinegars, with advantages of high speed, accuracy, and ability
isolates. Sugars, including glucose, mannose, melibiose, su- to determine uncultured microorganisms (Li et al. 2015a, b).
crose, and maltose, are considered important factors that affect However, results of such culture-independent methods are
LAB succession and are the predominant in carbon nutrition sometimes influenced by some strains that are inactivated or
in SAV fermentation for cell growth and metabolism (Vos even dead. Therefore, in addition to advances in the direct
et al. 1998). Dextrin is a polycarbohydrate, is detected in study of complex microbial communities, culture-dependent
SAV fermentation, and is the product of starch hydrolyses methods can help in the identification and characterization of
from raw materials, sorghum, and bran (Bernal et al. 2002). functional strains and further facilitate works toward under-
L-Lactic acid is a common metabolic product of LAB, but it standing the succession mechanism (Wolfe et al. 2014; Wu
could also be utilized by LAB under the catalysis of lactate et al. 2011). This research revealed the diversity and succes-
dehydrogenase (Koo et al. 2005). D-Lactic acid methyl ester sion sequence by combining culture-dependent and culture-
could be hydrolyzed by methyl lactate hydrolase to produce independent methods.
lactate and methyl groups (Murphy et al. 2016) and then be High-throughput sequencing described the succession of
utilized by LAB. Pyruvic acid is an important intermediate LAB community. CCA indicated that ethanol, acidity, and
metabolite, which has been proven important for LAB acidity temperature, which are natural products from microorganism
resistance (Viana et al. 2005). 2,3-Butanediol could be cata- metabolism accumulated from the fermentation process, are
lyzed by some LAB strains, especially from AAF7d, which potential important factors that influence the succession
could be catalyzed into acetoin, a flavor compound in SAV of LAB community, as shown in Fig. 2c. Our findings
fermentation, by dehydrogenation of LAB (Moens et al. are consistent with those of recent studies that indicated
2014). Acetoin could then react with amino compounds to that microbial communities are largely affected by envi-
form tetramethylpyrazine (Lu et al. 2016), a physiological ronmental variables and substrates (i.e., moisture is the best
activity ingredient. predictor of cheese rind community composition) (Li et al.
PCA was employed to assess the metabolic characteristics 2016a; Wolfe et al. 2014).
of 57 isolates (Fig. 6a) and LAB from different fermentation LAB strains were isolated periodically according to the
stages (Fig. 6b). Figure 6a shows that the PCA for the propor- fermentation process to reveal the real diversity of LAB in
tion of total variance could explain 63.7% of the information. different fermentation stages. After repeated strains were
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Table 2 Principal component

comprehensive score Rank Substrate Scores Rank Substrate Scores

1 D-Lactic acid methyl ester 8.027 49 Thymidine − 0.572

2 Dextrin 7.806 50 Water − 0.608
3 α-D-Glucose 7.161 51 L-Fucose − 0.616
4 L-Lactic acid 6.719 52 Succinic acid − 0.620
5 D-Mannose 4.381 53 Mannan − 0.637
6 D-Melibiose 4.204 54 Acetic acid − 0.676
7 D-Ribose 3.649 55 p-Hydroxy-phenylacetic acid − 0.682
8 Sucrose 2.796 56 L-Serine − 0.692
9 Maltose 2.349 57 Turanose − 0.709
10 D-Galactose 1.977 58 Palatinose − 0.724
11 Adenosine 1.963 59 Glycerol − 0.725
12 Maltotriose 1.960 60 D-Cellobiose − 0.734
13 L-Arabinose 1.727 61 D-Mannitol − 0.737
14 Pyruvic acid 1.708 62 Lactamide − 0.739
15 D-Xylose 1.523 63 Salicin − 0.744
16 Amygdalin 1.115 64 D-Fructose-6-phosphate − 0.842
17 D-Raffinose 0.820 65 β-Methyl-D-glucoside − 0.852
18 D-Tagatose 0.804 66 D-Psicose − 0.854
19 N-Acetyl-L-glutamic acid 0.533 67 D-Arabitol − 0.854
20 α-Hydroxybutyric acid 0.384 68 γ-Hydroxybutyric acid − 0.881
21 D-Gluconic acid 0.380 69 Propionic acid − 0.896
22 β-Cyclodextrin 0.330 70 2′-Deoxy adenosine − 0.917
23 α-Methyl-D-glucoside 0.310 71 Stachyose − 0.962
24 α-D-Lactose 0.233 72 3-Methyl-D-glucose − 0.970
25 Xylitol 0.140 73 α-Ketoglutaric acid − 1.006
26 M-Inositol 0.093 74 Tween 40 − 1.084
27 β-Methyl-D-galactoside 0.091 75 α-Methyl-D-glucoside − 1.143
28 D-Melezitose 0.091 76 L-Pyroglutamic acid − 1.161
29 D-Malic acid 0.065 77 L-Glutamic acid − 1.168
30 β-Hydroxybutyric acid 0.040 78 N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine − 1.215
31 D-Trehalose − 0.064 79 N-Acetyl-β-D-mannosamine − 1.295
32 Succinamic acid − 0.068 80 Thymidine-5′-monophosphate − 1.325
33 D-Sorbitol − 0.142 81 Inosine − 1.347
34 Pyruvic acid methyl ester − 0.155 82 α-Cyclodextrin − 1.483
35 D-Fructose − 0.156 83 Succinic acid mono-methyl ester − 1.518
36 D-Galacturonic acid − 0.178 84 L-Asparagine − 1.521
37 L-Alaninamide − 0.240 85 D-Glucose-6-phosphate − 1.542
38 Sedoheptulosan − 0.243 86 Uridine − 1.628
39 Lactulose − 0.244 87 Uridine-5′-monophosphate − 1.649
40 2,3-Butanediol − 0.244 88 α-D-glucose-1-phosphate − 1.760
41 Putrescine − 0.274 89 D-L-α-glycerol phosphate − 1.841
42 L-Malic acid − 0.310 90 Glycyl-L-glutamic acid − 1.931
43 Gentiobiose − 0.329 91 L-Alanyl-glycine − 2.001
44 α-Ketovaleric acid − 0.329 92 Adenosine-5′-monophosphate − 2.385
45 Glycogen − 0.355 93 L-Alanine − 2.392
46 α-Methyl-D-galactoside − 0.369 94 D-Alanine − 2.397
47 L-Rhamnose − 0.371 95 Arbutin − 2.559
48 Tween 80 − 0.434 96 Inulin − 3.281
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

in Fig. 7. Substrates promoted the succession at the initial AF

stage, and then, substrates and ethanol drove the succession at
the stages of later AF and initial AAF. At the middle and later
stages of AAF, moreover, acetic acid and temperature drove
the succession.
The results on substrate utilization demonstrated that most
sugars, including glucose, lactose, and mannose, could be
consumed by LAB for growth and for producing organic
acids. As in the study of Li et al. (2015b), the current research
determined that microorganisms could decompose starch, pro-
tein, cellulose, and other macromolecules from raw materials
and could produce rich sugars, alcohols, organic acids, and
amino acids that are the main compositions and flavor
sources of SAV. Moreover, we also found that lactic
acid and lactic acid methyl ester could be utilized by many
LAB strains. This finding could explain the decrease in lactic
acid at the later period of AAF, considering LAB are the
prominent bacteria in AAF.
L. rhamnosus and L. coryniformis were isolated from SAV
for the first time (Wu et al. 2011). Several strains could resist
environmental stresses and catalyze different substances,
which have potential applications in many ways (Li et al.
2017). Aging or maturation is an important step in the tech-
nique for vinegar production to improve the quality and could
last from 1 to 10 years (Liang et al. 2016; Solieri and Giudici
Fig. 6 PCA of the metabolic characteristic of LAB. a PCA metabolic
2009). During the aging stage, some complex physical and
characteristics of 57 isolates. b PCA of the metabolic characteristic of chemical reactions occur, and the amounts of aromatic and
every fermentation stage function compounds, such as esters, Maillard reaction prod-
ucts, and polyphenol compounds, and pyrazizes (e.g.,
removed, 57 strains that belonged to 10 genera were obtained, tetramethylpyzazine), greatly increase (Liang et al. 2016; Li
which presented 83.3% (10 over 12) of the information on et al. 2015b). Most researchers paid considerable attention to
LAB in the SAV-brewing process. LAB from different stages changes in physicochemical indexes and flavor substances but
were divided and grouped depending on their environmental rarely considered the presence of microorganisms in the aging
tolerance (Fig. 4) and substrate utilization characteristics stage in view of the extremely acidic environment (Liang et al.
(Figs. 5 and 6). Composition and diversity of LAB demon- 2016; Li et al. 2015b; Wu et al. 2011; Solieri and Giudici
strated a succession along with the brewing process of SAV. 2009). This study for the first time isolated LAB strains, such
The succession schematic according to these results is shown as Staphylococcus capitis, L. rhamnosus, P. acidilactici, and

Fig. 7 Succession schematic

of LAB in the brewing
process of SAV
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Pediccoccus pentosaceus, from aging SAV samples with ap- Compliance with ethical standards
proximately 8% (w/v) acidity (Wu et al. 2011). Therefore, the
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
action of microbial metabolism on SAV aging should be fur-
ther studied.
Moreover, we focused on the LAB community succession Ethical statement This article does not contain any studies with human
sequence driven by environmental variables. The environ- participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
mental tolerance experiment proved that strains from the AF
stage showed better tolerance against ethanol, which was the
main product in AF (Solieri and Giudici 2009), and LAB from References
the AAF stage showed better tolerance against acetic acid and
temperature, which are the main products in AAF. These re- Altschul SF, Madden TL, Schäffer AA, Zhang JH, Zhang Z, Miller W,
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Acknowledgments We appreciate the Shanxi Zilin Vinegar Industry Co. Li P, Lin W, Liu X, Wang X, Luo L (2016a) Environmental factors
for providing samples. affecting microbiota dynamics during traditional solid-state fermen-
tation of Chinese Daqu starter. Front Microbiol 7(253):1237. https://
Funding information This work was supported by the National Key
R&D Program of China (2016YFD0400505), the National Natural Li S, Li P, Feng F, Luo LX (2015b) Microbial diversity and their roles in
Science Foundation of China (31671722), the Tianjin Municipal the vinegar fermentation process. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
Science and Technology Commission (16YFZCNC00650), and the 99(12):4997–5024.
Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in Li S, Li P, Liu X, Luo L, Lin W (2016b) Bacterial dynamics and metab-
University (IRT15R49). olite changes in solid-state acetic acid fermentation of Shanxi aged
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