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Armed Forces (n.

) Armed Forces of Uzbekistan is number one in

Central Asia.

Assignment (n.) The teacher gave us a lot of assignments.

Bar (n.) The insignia of captain has two bars.

Chance (n.) = opportunity

This is my last chance.

Duty (n.) My duty is to serve to my country.

Follow – on training (FOT) (n.) Where is your follow-on training?

Force (n.) I am a captain of special forces.

Grade (n.) = rank

Army General is the highest grade in Armed
Insignia (n.) He has three stars in his insignia.

Marine Corps (n.) I have retired from Marine Corps.

Opportunity (n.) = chance

You lost your last opportunity.
Personnel (n.) We have 25 military personnel.

Promotion (n.) My next promotion will be after three years.

Recruit (n.) The sergeant kicked the recruits.

Retirement (n.) What are you planning to do during your


Service (n.) Thank you for your service to our country.

Station (n.) = place of duty
My last station was in Jizzakh.
Training (n.) The recruits will have forty day training.

Assign (v.) The commander assigned the soldiers to kill the


To be assigned (v.) I was assigned to the commander of the group.

To be promoted (v.) Last week Mike was promoted to captain.

To be stationed (v.) John was stationed to Nukus base.

To be up for (v.) Tom is working hard. He is up for higher rank.

Enlist (v.) = to enter to Armed forces

I decided to enlist to Marine Corps.
Promote (v.) The boss promoted me to the department

Serve (v.) I have been serving to my country for 12 years.

Station (v.) The general stationed me to Khanabad base.

Train (v.) The sergeants train the recruits.

Advanced (adj.) You cannot answer to these questions. They are

for advanced level.
Basic (adj.) #advanced
Do you know the basic rules of mathematics?

Enlisted Sara is an enlisted in the Army.

Retired (adj.) I don`t work. I`m retired.

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